fastest , MT , 6:17



fastest Interlinear Index Study

fastest MAT 006 017 But thou , when thou {fastest} <3522 -
nesteuo -> , anoint <0218 -aleipho -> thine <4675 -sou -> head
<2776 -kephale -> , and wash <3538 -nipto -> thy face <4383 -
prosopon -> ;


when thou fastest

* fastest , 2522 ,

* fastest , 2522 kathemerinos ,


fastest -2522 daily, {fastest},




fastest ......... But thou , when thou fastest 3522 -nesteuo->




fastest 006 017 Mat /${fastest /anoint thine
head , and wash thy face ;


fastest 1 -


fastest But thou, when thou {fastest}, anoint thine
head, and wash thy face;
