Enflaming Interlinear Index Study

Enflaming ISA 057 005 {Enflaming} <02552 +chamam > yourselves
with idols <00410 +>el > under <08478 +tachath > every <03605
+kol > green <07488 +ra tree <06086 + , slaying
<07819 +shachat > the children <03206 +yeled > in the valleys
<05158 +nachal > under <08478 +tachath > the clifts <05585
+ca of the rocks <05553 +cela< > ?

flaming GEN 003 024 So he drove <01644 +garash > out the man
<00120 +>adam > ; and he placed <07931 +shakan > at the east
<06924 +qedem > of the garden <01588 +gan > of Eden <05731
+ Cherubims <03742 +k@ruwb > , and a {flaming} <03858
+lahat > sword <02719 +chereb > which turned <02015 +haphak >
every way , to keep <08104 +shamar > the way of the tree <06086
+ of life <02416 +chay > .

flaming PSA 104 004 Who maketh <06213 + his angels <04397
+mal>ak > spirits <07307 +ruwach > ; his ministers <08334
+sharath > a {flaming} <03857 +lahat > fire <00784 +>esh > :

flaming PSA 105 032 He gave <05414 +nathan > them hail <01259
+barad > for rain <01653 +geshem > , [ and ] {flaming} <03852
+lehabah > fire <00784 +>esh > in their land <00776 +>erets > .

flaming ISA 004 005 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > will create
<01254 +bara> > upon every <03605 +kol > dwelling <04349 +makown
> place of mount <02022 +har > Zion <06726 +Tsiyown > , and upon
her assemblies <04744 +miqra> > , a cloud <06051 + and
smoke <06227 + by day <03119 +yowmam > , and the shining
<05051 +nogahh > of a {flaming} <03852 +lehabah > fire <00784
+>esh > by night <03915 +layil > : for upon all <03605 +kol >
the glory <03519 +kabowd > [ shall be ] a defence <02646
+chuppah > .

flaming LAM 002 003 He hath cut <01438 +gada< > off in [ his ]
fierce <02750 +choriy > anger <00639 +>aph > all <03605 +kol >
the horn <07161 +qeren > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > : he hath
drawn <07725 +shuwb > back <00268 +>achowr > his right <03225
+yamiyn > hand <03225 +yamiyn > from before <06440 +paniym > the
enemy <00341 +>oyeb > , and he burned <01197 +ba against
Jacob <03290 +Ya like a {flaming} <03852 +lehabah > fire
<00784 +>esh > , [ which ] devoureth <00398 +>akal > round
<05439 +cabiyb > about .

flaming EZE 020 047 And say <00559 +>amar > to the forest <03293
+ya of the south <05045 +negeb > , Hear <08085 +shama< >
the word <01697 +dabar > of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > ; Thus
<03541 +koh > saith <00559 +>amar > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay >
GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > ; Behold <02005 +hen > , I will kindle
<03341 +yatsath > a fire <00784 +>esh > in thee , and it shall
devour <00398 +>akal > every <03605 +kol > green <03892 +lach >
tree <06086 + in thee , and every <03605 +kol > dry <03002
+yabesh > tree <06086 + : the {flaming} <03852 +lehabah >
flame <07957 +shalhebeth > shall not be quenched <03518 +kabah >
, and all <03605 +kol > faces <06440 +paniym > from the south
<05045 +negeb > to the north <06828 +tsaphown > shall be burned
<06866 +tsarab > therein .

flaming HOS 007 006 For they have made ready <07126 +qarab >
their heart <03820 +leb > like an oven <08574 +tannuwr > ,
whiles they lie in wait <00693 +>arab > : their baker <00644
+>aphah > sleepeth <03463 +yashen > all <03605 +kol > the night
<03915 +layil > ; in the morning <01242 +boqer > it burneth
<01197 +ba as a {flaming} <03852 +lehabah > fire <00784
+>esh > .

flaming NAH 002 003 The shield <04043 +magen > of his mighty
<01368 +gibbowr > men is made red <00119 +>adam > , the valiant
<02428 +chayil > men <00582 +>enowsh > [ are ] in scarlet <08529
+tala< > : the chariots <07393 +rekeb > [ shall be ] with
{flaming} <00784 +>esh > torches <06393 +p@ladah > in the day
<03117 +yowm > of his preparation <03559 +kuwn > , and the fir
<01265 +b@rowsh > trees shall be terribly shaken <07477 +ra

flaming 2TH 001 008 In {flaming} <5395 -phlox -> fire <4442 -pur
-> taking <1325 -didomi -> vengeance <1557 -ekdikesis -> on them
that know <1492 -eido -> not God <2316 -theos -> , and that obey
<5219 -hupakouo -> not the gospel <2098 -euaggelion -> of our
Lord <2962 -kurios -> Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> Christ <5547 -
Christos -> :
