-Lustra- ......... and Lystra 3082 -Lustra- >
-Lustra- ......... Lystra 3082 -Lustra- >
-Lustra- ......... to Lystra 3082 -Lustra- >
-Lustra- ......... unto Lystra 3082 -Lustra- >
clusters ......... the clusters 1009 -botrus->
lust ......... and the lust 1939 -epithumia->
lust ......... away , and the lust 1939 -epithumia->
lust ......... in the lust 1939 -epithumia->
lust ......... in their lust 3715 -orexis->
lust ......... lust 1939 -epithumia->
lust ......... Not in the lust 3806 -pathos->
lust ......... the lust 1939 -epithumia->
lust ......... to lust 1937 -epithumeo->
lust ......... to the intent we should not lust 1938 -
lust ......... when lust 1939 -epithumia->
lust ......... Ye lust 1937 -epithumeo->
lusted ......... lusted 1937 -epithumeo->
lusteth ......... in us lusteth 1971 -epipotheo->
lusteth ......... lusteth 1937 -epithumeo->
lusts ......... and lusts 1939 -epithumia->
lusts ......... and the lusts 1939 -epithumia->
lusts ......... it in the lusts 1939 -epithumia->
lusts ......... lusts 1939 -epithumia->
lusts ......... lusts 2237 -hedone->
lusts ......... past in the lusts 1939 -epithumia->
lusts ......... the lusts 1939 -epithumia->
lusts ......... to fulfil the lusts 1939 -epithumia->
lusts ......... to the lusts 1939 -epithumia->