Bible Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Phrase lists
appeal unto caesar 44_ACT_25_11

appeal unto caesar 44_ACT_28_19

appear before 05_DEU_31_11

appear before 02_EXO_34_24

appear before god 19_PSA_42_02

appear before me 23_ISA_01_12

appear from gilead 22_SON_06_05

appear from mount gilead 22_SON_04_01

appeared unto abraham 02_EXO_06_03

appeared unto david his father 14_2CH_03_01

appeared unto many 40_MAT_27_53

appeared unto me 02_EXO_03_16

appeared unto thee 44_ACT_09_17

appeared unto thee when thou fleddest from 01_GEN_35_01

appeareth for 59_JAM_04_14

appetite is not filled 21_ECC_07_07

carpenter encouraged 23_ISA_41_07

carpenter stretcheth out 23_ISA_44_13

compelled him 09_1SA_28_23

compelled judah 14_2CH_21_11

creepeth on 05_DEU_04_18

creepeth on 03_LEV_20_25

creepeth upon 01_GEN_01_25

creepeth upon 01_GEN_01_26

creepeth upon 01_GEN_01_30

creepeth upon 01_GEN_07_14

creepeth upon 01_GEN_07_21

creepeth upon 01_GEN_07_08

creepeth upon 01_GEN_08_17

creepeth upon 03_LEV_11_41

creepeth upon 03_LEV_11_44

creepeth upon 03_LEV_11_46

deeper speech than thou canst perceive 23_ISA_33_19

deeper than 03_LEV_13_03

deeper than hell 18_JOB_11_08

desperate sorrow 23_ISA_17_11

dipped himself seven times 12_2KI_05_14

dipped it 09_1SA_14_27

dippeth with me 41_MAR_14_20

disperse thee 26_EZE_22_15

disperse them 26_EZE_12_15

disperse them among 26_EZE_30_26

disperse them through 26_EZE_20_23

disperse yourselves among 09_1SA_14_34

dispersed among 17_EST_03_08

dispersed among 43_JOH_07_35

encamped against 14_2CH_32_01

encamped against gibbethon 11_1KI_16_15

encamped against gibeah 07_JUD_20_19

encamped against it 06_JOS_10_31

encamped against jabeshgilead 09_1SA_11_01

encamped against thebez 07_JUD_09_50

encamped at ebronah 04_NUM_33_34

encamped at eziongaber 04_NUM_33_35

encamped at hazeroth 04_NUM_33_17

encamped at horhagidgad 04_NUM_33_32

encamped at moseroth 04_NUM_33_30

encamped at rephidim 04_NUM_33_14

encamped at tahath 04_NUM_33_26

encamped before gibeon 06_JOS_10_05

encamped by 04_NUM_33_10

encamped heard say 11_1KI_16_16

escape all these things 42_LUK_21_36

escape for thy life 01_GEN_19_17

escape from absalom 10_2SA_15_14

escape out 12_2KI_19_31

escape out 12_2KI_09_15

escape out 23_ISA_37_32

escape out 24_JER_50_28

escape thither 01_GEN_19_22

escape us 10_2SA_20_06

escaped alone 18_JOB_01_15

escaped alone 18_JOB_01_16

escaped alone 18_JOB_01_17

escaped alone 18_JOB_01_19

escaped his hands 47_2CO_11_33

escaped unto seirath 07_JUD_03_26

escaped with 18_JOB_19_20

escapeth from 11_1KI_19_17

expel me out 07_JUD_11_07

expelled them out 44_ACT_13_50

expenses be given out 15_EZR_06_04

firstripe figs 34_NAH_03_12

firstripe fruit 33_MIC_07_01

firstripe grapes 04_NUM_13_20

gospel according 55_2TI_01_08

gospel from 50_PHP_01_05

gospel is preached 42_LUK_07_22

gospel is preached unto you 60_1PE_01_25

gospel might continue with you 48_GAL_02_05

gospel must first be published among all nations 41_MAR_13_10

gospel preached 58_HEB_04_02

gospel preached 40_MAT_11_05

gospel preached also 60_1PE_04_06

gospel should live 46_1CO_09_14

gospel throughout all 47_2CO_08_18

gospel unto abraham 48_GAL_03_08

gospel unto them 44_ACT_16_10

gospel unto you at 48_GAL_04_13

gospel unto you with 60_1PE_01_12

gospel which 48_GAL_02_02

gospel which was preached 48_GAL_01_11

gospel's sake 46_1CO_09_23

grapes him 30_AMO_09_13

grapes thereof 05_DEU_28_30

grapes which 04_NUM_13_24

happened by chance upon mount gilboa 10_2SA_01_06

harpers harping with their harps 66_REV_14_02

heaped up silver as 38_ZEC_09_03

heapeth unto him all people 35_HAB_02_05

helped him 11_1KI_20_16

helped thee 23_ISA_49_08

helped them 02_EXO_02_17

helped them much which had believed through grace 44_ACT_18_27

helpeth shall fall 23_ISA_31_03

helpeth with 46_1CO_16_16

hope deferred maketh 20_PRO_13_12

hope fill you with all joy 45_ROM_15_13

hope firm unto 58_HEB_03_06

hope maketh not ashamed 45_ROM_05_05

hope might be 60_1PE_01_21

hope set before us 58_HEB_06_18

hope should be partaker 46_1CO_09_10

hope thou 19_PSA_42_11

hope thou 19_PSA_42_05

hope unto 58_HEB_06_11

hope which is laid up for you 51_COL_01_05

hopeth all things 46_1CO_13_07

jasper stone 66_REV_21_11

juniper roots 18_JOB_30_04

juniper tree 11_1KI_19_04

juniper tree 11_1KI_19_05

keeper maketh 18_JOB_27_18

keepers at home 56_TIT_02_05

keepers before 44_ACT_12_06

keepers did shake 40_MAT_28_04

keepers standing without before 44_ACT_05_23

keepeth back his sword from blood 24_JER_48_10

keepeth company with harlots spendeth 20_PRO_29_03

keepeth covenant 16_NEH_01_05

keepeth his commandments dwelleth 62_1JO_03_24

keepeth his garments 66_REV_16_15

keepeth his hand from doing any evil 23_ISA_56_02

keepeth his mouth keepeth his life 20_PRO_13_03

keepeth his way preserveth his soul 20_PRO_16_17

keepeth instruction 20_PRO_10_17

keepeth israel shall neither slumber nor sleep 19_PSA_121_04

keepeth it 20_PRO_29_11

keepeth my works unto 66_REV_02_26

keepeth not his commandments 62_1JO_02_04

keepeth silence 25_LAM_03_28

keepeth thee will not slumber 19_PSA_121_03

keepeth them 43_JOH_14_21

keepeth thy soul 20_PRO_24_12

keepeth understanding shall find good 20_PRO_19_08

lapped will 07_JUD_07_07

leaped over 10_2SA_22_30

leaped over 19_PSA_18_29

leper unto 14_2CH_26_21

leper unto 12_2KI_15_05

lepers are cleansed 42_LUK_07_22

lepers are cleansed 40_MAT_11_05

machpelah before mamre 01_GEN_23_19

mizpeh eastward 06_JOS_11_08

mizpeh unto his house 07_JUD_11_34

open before him 23_ISA_45_01

open field 26_EZE_16_05

open field 26_EZE_32_04

open field 26_EZE_39_05

open field 24_JER_09_22

open field 03_LEV_14_07

open field 03_LEV_17_05

open field will 26_EZE_33_27

open fields 10_2SA_11_11

open fields 26_EZE_29_05

open fields 03_LEV_14_53

open fields 04_NUM_19_16

open firmament 01_GEN_01_20

open flowers 11_1KI_06_18

open flowers 11_1KI_06_29

open flowers 11_1KI_06_32

open flowers 11_1KI_06_35

open her storehouses 24_JER_50_26

open his eyes 12_2KI_06_17

open his lips against thee 18_JOB_11_05

open his mouth 18_JOB_35_16

open rebuke 20_PRO_27_05

open sight 18_JOB_34_26

open their eyes 44_ACT_26_18

open thine eyes 27_DAN_09_18

open thine eyes 23_ISA_37_17

open thine eyes 20_PRO_20_13

open thou mine eyes PSA119 -:18

open thou my lips 19_PSA_51_15

open thy doors 38_ZEC_11_01

open thy mouth 26_EZE_02_08

open thy mouth 20_PRO_31_09

open thy mouth for 20_PRO_31_08

open thy mouth wide 19_PSA_81_10

open unto thee 05_DEU_20_11

open unto us 42_LUK_13_25

open upon all 24_JER_32_19

open valley 26_EZE_37_02

open ye 23_ISA_26_02

opened every man his sack 01_GEN_44_11

opened her mouth without measure 23_ISA_05_14

opened her womb 01_GEN_30_22

opened his eyes 43_JOH_09_14

opened my cause 24_JER_20_12

opened my doors 18_JOB_31_32

opened my mouth 27_DAN_10_16

opened my mouth 26_EZE_03_02

opened my mouth 19_PSA_119_131

opened not 23_ISA_14_17

opened not my mouth 19_PSA_39_09

opened unto 58_HEB_04_13

openeth not his mouth 19_PSA_38_13

openeth their ears 18_JOB_36_15

openeth wide his lips shall have destruction 20_PRO_13_03

opening thereof every morning 13_1CH_09_27

openly by 01_GEN_38_21

paper reeds by 23_ISA_19_07

peace be multiplied unto you 27_DAN_04_01

peace be multiplied unto you 27_DAN_06_25

peace be multiplied unto you through 61_2PE_01_02

peace be there 42_LUK_10_06

peace be within thy walls 19_PSA_122_07

peace between jabin 07_JUD_04_17

peace for her 26_EZE_13_16

peace from 44_ACT_15_33

peace from 07_JUD_11_31

peace from 19_PSA_55_18

peace from god 48_GAL_01_03

peace from god our father 47_2CO_01_02

peace from god our father 45_ROM_01_07

peace have kissed 19_PSA_85_10

peace have they not known 45_ROM_03_17

peace himself give you peace always by all means 53_2TH_03_16

peace offering 03_LEV_03_01

peace offering an offering made by fire unto 03_LEV_03_03

peace offering an offering made by fire unto 03_LEV_03_09

peace offering unto 03_LEV_03_06

peace offerings 13_1CH_16_02

peace offerings 13_1CH_21_26

peace offerings 11_1KI_08_63

peace offerings 11_1KI_08_64

peace offerings 09_1SA_10_08

peace offerings 09_1SA_13_09

peace offerings 14_2CH_29_35

peace offerings 14_2CH_07_07

peace offerings 10_2SA_24_25

peace offerings 10_2SA_06_18

peace offerings 30_AMO_05_22

peace offerings 07_JUD_21_04

peace offerings 03_LEV_10_14

peace offerings 03_LEV_23_19

peace offerings 03_LEV_04_10

peace offerings 03_LEV_04_26

peace offerings 03_LEV_04_31

peace offerings 03_LEV_04_35

peace offerings 03_LEV_06_12

peace offerings 03_LEV_07_11

peace offerings 03_LEV_07_14

peace offerings 03_LEV_07_20

peace offerings 03_LEV_07_21

peace offerings 03_LEV_07_33

peace offerings 03_LEV_07_37

peace offerings 03_LEV_09_18

peace offerings 03_LEV_09_22

peace offerings 04_NUM_06_18

peace offerings 04_NUM_07_17

peace offerings 04_NUM_07_23

peace offerings 04_NUM_07_29

peace offerings 04_NUM_07_35

peace offerings 04_NUM_07_41

peace offerings 04_NUM_07_47

peace offerings 04_NUM_07_53

peace offerings 04_NUM_07_59

peace offerings 04_NUM_07_65

peace offerings 04_NUM_07_71

peace offerings 04_NUM_07_77

peace offerings 04_NUM_07_83

peace offerings 04_NUM_07_88

peace offerings before 09_1SA_11_15

peace offerings before 10_2SA_06_17

peace offerings before 07_JUD_20_26

peace offerings before god 13_1CH_16_01

peace offerings unto 03_LEV_19_05

peace offerings unto 03_LEV_22_21

peace offerings unto 04_NUM_06_17

peace offerings upon 11_1KI_09_25

peace offerings with me 20_PRO_07_14

peace sanctify you wholly 52_1TH_05_23

peace shall be between them both 38_ZEC_06_13

peace shall be with you 47_2CO_13_11

peace shall be with you PHP1 -:90

peace shall bruise satan under your feet shortly 45_ROM_16_20

peace shall weep bitterly 23_ISA_33_07

peace so long as 19_PSA_72_07

peace thereof shall ye have peace 24_JER_29_07

peace they know not 23_ISA_59_08

peace unto his own house 10_2SA_19_30

peace unto your father 01_GEN_44_17

peace upon israel 19_PSA_128_06

peace with them 26_EZE_37_26

peaceable fruit 58_HEB_12_11

peaceable habitation 23_ISA_32_18

peaceable habitations are cut down because 24_JER_25_37

peaceable life 54_1TI_02_02

peaceable with us 01_GEN_34_21

peculiar people 60_1PE_02_09

peculiar people 56_TIT_02_14

peculiar people unto himself 05_DEU_14_02

peculiar treasure 21_ECC_03_08

peculiar treasure unto me above all people 02_EXO_19_05

pekah king 12_2KI_15_29

pekah son 12_2KI_16_05

pekahiah his son reigned 12_2KI_15_22

peleg lived after he begat reu two hundred 01_GEN_11_19

peleg lived thirty years 01_GEN_11_18

pen write unto thee 64_3JO_01_13

peninnah had children 09_1SA_01_02

peninnah his wife 09_1SA_01_04

pentecost was fully come 44_ACT_02_01

penuel answered him as 07_JUD_08_08

peopl exo 02_EXO_08_29

people able men 02_EXO_18_21

people abode 04_NUM_20_01

people about 02_EXO_13_18

people about three thousand men 06_JOS_07_04

people according 05_DEU_32_08

people according 58_HEB_07_05

people according 58_HEB_09_19

people after him 10_2SA_15_17

people after their families with their swords 16_NEH_04_13

people against whom 39_MAL_01_04

people all 02_EXO_24_03

people all 24_JER_43_01

people also 17_EST_03_11

people also are fallen 10_2SA_01_04

people also cast lots 16_NEH_11_01

people also met him 43_JOH_12_18

people among which thou 02_EXO_34_10

people among whom they are scattered 26_EZE_28_25

people answered 11_1KI_12_16

people answered 11_1KI_18_24

people answered 14_2CH_10_16

people answered 10_2SA_18_03

people answered 43_JOH_07_20

people answered 06_JOS_24_16

people answered 16_NEH_08_06

people answered him 43_JOH_12_34

people answered him after this manner 09_1SA_17_27

people answered him again after 09_1SA_17_30

people answered him not 11_1KI_18_21

people answered together 02_EXO_19_08

people answered with one voice 02_EXO_24_03

people any more 26_EZE_36_15

people are fled from 10_2SA_01_04

people are gathered together 19_PSA_102_22

people are gathered together 19_PSA_47_09

people arose as one man 07_JUD_20_08

people as 09_1SA_13_05

people as they shouted 02_EXO_32_17

people asked him 42_LUK_03_10

people at all seasons 02_EXO_18_22

people at all seasons 02_EXO_18_26

people away 11_1KI_08_66

people away 09_1SA_10_25

people away into babylon 15_EZR_05_12

people away into their tents 14_2CH_07_10

people be assembled 23_ISA_43_09

people be ensnared 18_JOB_34_30

people be not warned 26_EZE_33_06

people because 43_JOH_07_43

people before moses 04_NUM_13_30

people began 04_NUM_25_01

people believed 02_EXO_04_31

people believed on him 43_JOH_07_31

people blessed all 16_NEH_11_02

people bowed 02_EXO_12_27

people bowed down upon their knees 07_JUD_07_06

people brake off 02_EXO_32_03

people break through 02_EXO_19_24

people bring much more than enough for 02_EXO_36_05

people brought 09_1SA_14_34

people by night 09_1SA_26_07

people came 11_1KI_12_12

people came 14_2CH_10_12

people came 10_2SA_03_35

people came 07_JUD_21_02

people came 04_NUM_21_07

people came before 10_2SA_19_08

people came early 42_LUK_21_38

people came near unto him 11_1KI_18_30

people came out by hundreds 10_2SA_18_04

people came running together 41_MAR_09_25

people came unto him 43_JOH_08_02

people came unto him as he was teaching 40_MAT_21_23

people came up after him 11_1KI_01_40

people came up out 06_JOS_04_19

people cannot come up 02_EXO_19_23

people cast money into 41_MAR_12_41

people chided with moses 04_NUM_20_03

people come out 04_NUM_22_11

people come out from egypt 04_NUM_22_05

people come unto me 02_EXO_18_15

people cometh 26_EZE_33_31

people cometh from 24_JER_06_22

people compass thee about 19_PSA_07_07

people complained 04_NUM_11_01

people concerning him 43_JOH_07_12

people concerning john 42_LUK_07_24

people could not discern 15_EZR_03_13

people cried 01_GEN_41_55

people cried unto moses 04_NUM_11_02

people curse 20_PRO_24_24

people dedicated 14_2CH_07_05

people depart 06_JOS_24_28

people departed 11_1KI_12_05

people departed 14_2CH_10_05

people departed every man 13_1CH_16_43

people departed every one 10_2SA_06_19

people di 16_NEH_05_13

people did 10_2SA_11_07

people did chide with moses 02_EXO_17_02

people did eat 09_1SA_14_32

people did eat 04_NUM_25_02

people did hide themselves 09_1SA_13_06

people did sacrifice 12_2KI_14_04

people did sacrifice still 14_2CH_33_17

people did yet corruptly 14_2CH_27_02

people digged it 04_NUM_21_18

people dwelt at jerusalem 16_NEH_11_01

people escaped 09_1SA_14_41

people fall 20_PRO_11_14

people fall under thee 19_PSA_45_05

people far off 29_JOE_03_08

people favour 02_EXO_11_03

people favour 02_EXO_12_36

people feared 09_1SA_14_26

people feared 02_EXO_14_31

people fifty thousand 09_1SA_06_19

people fled 02_EXO_14_05

people fled 23_ISA_33_03

people fled from 10_2SA_23_11

people fled from before 13_1CH_11_13

people fled into their tents 12_2KI_08_21

people flew upon 09_1SA_14_32

people followed after 44_ACT_21_36

people followed him trembling 09_1SA_13_07

people followed tibni 11_1KI_16_21

people for his name 44_ACT_15_14

people for many isles 26_EZE_27_03

people for thy life 23_ISA_43_04

people for what cause she had touched him 42_LUK_08_47

people from 24_JER_42_01

people from 24_JER_42_08

people from among 14_2CH_24_23

people from beersheba 14_2CH_19_04

people from dan even 10_2SA_24_15

people from every quarter 01_GEN_19_04

people from galilee 40_MAT_04_25

people from his shoulders 09_1SA_10_23

people from their works 02_EXO_05_04

people from under 02_EXO_18_10

people gat them by stealth 10_2SA_19_03

people gathered themselves together 14_2CH_30_03

people gathered themselves together as one man 15_EZR_03_01

people gathered themselves together as one man into 16_NEH_08_01

people gathered themselves together unto aaron 02_EXO_32_01

people gave 44_ACT_12_22

people gave 16_NEH_07_72

people go 09_1SA_06_06

people go 02_EXO_13_17

people go 02_EXO_04_21

people go 02_EXO_07_14

people go 02_EXO_08_32

people go 02_EXO_08_08

people go 02_EXO_09_07

people go 07_JUD_02_06

people go every man unto his place 07_JUD_07_07

people go up 06_JOS_07_03

people go up with him 02_EXO_24_02

people great 05_DEU_02_10

people great 05_DEU_02_21

people great 05_DEU_09_02

people greatly feared 09_1SA_12_18

people grew 44_ACT_07_17

people had 16_NEH_04_06

people had avenged themselves upon their enemies 06_JOS_10_13

people had done passing out 10_2SA_15_24

people had eaten freely 09_1SA_14_30

people had gone up every one from following his brother 10_2SA_02_27

people had heard 40_MAT_14_13

people had not prepared their hearts unto 14_2CH_20_33

people hasted 06_JOS_04_10

people have made me afraid 10_2SA_14_15

people he delivered into 10_2SA_10_10

people he delivered unto 13_1CH_19_11

people he said unto his disciples 42_LUK_20_45

people he sent every man 09_1SA_13_02

people hear 05_DEU_04_33

people heard 27_DAN_03_07

people heard 06_JOS_06_20

people heard jeremiah speaking these words 24_JER_26_07

people heard say 10_2SA_19_02

people heard these evil tidings 02_EXO_33_04

people heard when 10_2SA_18_05

people held their peace 12_2KI_18_36

people his doings 19_PSA_09_11

people imagine 19_PSA_02_01

people imagine vain things 44_ACT_04_25

people increased continually with absalom 10_2SA_15_12

people inhabiting 19_PSA_74_14

people into 14_2CH_23_12

people into 12_2KI_11_13

people journeyed from kibrothhattaavah unto hazeroth 04_NUM_11_35

people journeyed not till miriam was brought 04_NUM_12_15

people knew not 09_1SA_14_03

people knowledge ECC13 -:9

people laden with iniquity 23_ISA_01_04

people lamented 09_1SA_06_19

people lay round about him 09_1SA_26_07

people lifted up their voice 07_JUD_02_04

people lifted up their voices 09_1SA_11_04

people like 14_2CH_01_09

people likewise cut down every man his bough 07_JUD_09_49

people looked 12_2KI_06_30

people made him head 07_JUD_11_11

people magnified them 44_ACT_05_13

people making 40_MAT_09_23

people may drink 02_EXO_17_06

people may hear when 02_EXO_19_09

people melt 06_JOS_14_08

people melted 06_JOS_07_05

people might lightly have lien with thy wife 01_GEN_26_10

people more than thou 05_DEU_20_01

people mourn 20_PRO_29_02

people mourned greatly 04_NUM_14_39

people multiplied 02_EXO_01_20

people murmured against moses 02_EXO_15_24

people murmured against moses 02_EXO_17_03

people murmured such things concerning him 43_JOH_07_32

people near unto him 19_PSA_148_14

people not be afraid 30_AMO_03_06

people not strong 20_PRO_30_25

people offered 11_1KI_22_43

people offered sacrifices before 14_2CH_07_04

people on 02_EXO_16_27

people out 02_EXO_19_17

people out 02_EXO_03_12

people out 65_JDE_01_05

people out 42_LUK_05_03

people out 42_LUK_06_17

people pass over 02_EXO_15_16

people passed over 10_2SA_15_23

people passed over 10_2SA_15_23

people perish 20_PRO_29_18

people piped with pipes 11_1KI_01_40

people pitched round about him 09_1SA_26_05

people praise thee 19_PSA_67_03

people praise thee 19_PSA_67_03

people praise thee 19_PSA_67_05

people praise thee 19_PSA_67_05

people praise thee for ever 19_PSA_45_17

people prepared for 42_LUK_01_17

people pressed upon him 42_LUK_05_01

people priests 11_1KI_13_33

people ran together 44_ACT_21_30

people ran together unto them 44_ACT_03_11

people received 58_HEB_07_11

people refused 09_1SA_08_19

people rejoice 20_PRO_29_02

people rejoiced 13_1CH_29_09

people rejoiced 14_2CH_24_10

people rejoiced for all 42_LUK_13_17

people removed from hazeroth 04_NUM_12_16

people removed from their tents 06_JOS_03_14

people renew 23_ISA_41_01

people repent when they see war 02_EXO_13_17

people repented them for benjamin 07_JUD_21_15

people resort unto him again 41_MAR_10_01

people rested on 02_EXO_16_30

people rested themselves upon 14_2CH_32_08

people return from following their brethren 10_2SA_02_26

people returned 13_1CH_20_03

people returned 06_JOS_10_21

people returned after him only 10_2SA_23_10

people returned from pursuing after israel 10_2SA_18_16

people righteously 19_PSA_67_04

people righteously 19_PSA_96_10

people robbed 23_ISA_42_22

people rose early 07_JUD_21_04

people rose up 02_EXO_33_10

people rose up 02_EXO_33_08

people roughly 11_1KI_12_13

people round about 02_EXO_19_12

people round about 38_ZEC_12_02

people round about 38_ZEC_12_06

people running 14_2CH_23_12

people sacrificed 11_1KI_03_02

people sacrificed 12_2KI_15_35

people sacrificed 12_2KI_15_04

people said 13_1CH_16_36

people said 11_1KI_01_39

people said one 09_1SA_10_11

people said unto him 11_1KI_20_08

people said unto joshua 06_JOS_24_21

people said unto joshua 06_JOS_24_24

people said unto me 26_EZE_24_19

people said unto samuel 09_1SA_11_12

people said unto samuel 09_1SA_12_19

people said unto saul 09_1SA_14_40

people said unto saul 09_1SA_14_45

people sat 15_EZR_10_09

people sat down 46_1CO_10_07

people sat down 02_EXO_32_06

people saw 02_EXO_20_18

people saw 02_EXO_20_18

people saw 02_EXO_32_01

people saw 02_EXO_33_10

people saw 03_LEV_09_24

people saw him 07_JUD_16_24

people saw him walking 44_ACT_03_09

people saw them departing 41_MAR_06_33

people saw what paul had done 44_ACT_14_11

people say 19_PSA_106_48

people scattered 23_ISA_18_07

people secure 07_JUD_18_10

people see his glory 19_PSA_97_06

people seek unto their god 23_ISA_08_19

people sent 09_1SA_04_04

people served 07_JUD_02_07

people shall answer 05_DEU_27_15

people shall asc 06_JOS_06_05

people shall be 10_2SA_17_03

people shall be 01_GEN_17_16

people shall be 23_ISA_33_12

people shall be as 23_ISA_09_19

people shall be astonished at thee 26_EZE_28_19

people shall be gathered against them 28_HOS_10_10

people shall be much pained 29_JOE_02_06

people shall be oppressed 23_ISA_03_05

people shall be separated from thy bowels 01_GEN_25_23

people shall be stronger than 01_GEN_25_23

people shall be troubled at midnight 18_JOB_34_20

people shall come from 24_JER_50_41

people shall curse him 20_PRO_11_26

people shall dwell 23_ISA_30_19

people shall dwell alone 04_NUM_23_09

people shall entreat thy favour 19_PSA_45_12

people shall flow unto it 33_MIC_04_01

people shall go out 02_EXO_16_04

people shall hear 05_DEU_17_13

people shall hear 02_EXO_15_14

people shall hiss at thee 26_EZE_27_36

people shall instruct many 27_DAN_11_33

people shall keep 14_2CH_23_06

people shall know 23_ISA_09_09

people shall labour 35_HAB_02_13

people shall labour 24_JER_51_58

people shall not be cut off from th 38_ZEC_14_02

people shall rise up as 04_NUM_23_24

people shall say 05_DEU_27_16

people shall say 05_DEU_27_17

people shall say 05_DEU_27_18

people shall say 05_DEU_27_19

people shall say 05_DEU_27_20

people shall say 05_DEU_27_21

people shall say 05_DEU_27_22

people shall say 05_DEU_27_23

people shall say 05_DEU_27_24

people shall say 05_DEU_27_25

people shall say 05_DEU_27_26

people shall shout with 06_JOS_06_05

people shall spoil thee 35_HAB_02_08

people shall take them 23_ISA_14_02

people shall weary themselves for very vanity 35_HAB_02_13

people shouted 09_1SA_10_24

people shouted when 06_JOS_06_20

people shouted with 15_EZR_03_11

people shouted with 15_EZR_03_13

people shouted with 06_JOS_06_20

people sin against 09_1SA_14_33

people sought 42_LUK_19_47

people sought him 42_LUK_04_42

people spake 09_1SA_30_06

people spake against god 04_NUM_21_05

people spared 09_1SA_15_15

people spared agag 09_1SA_15_09

people stand by thee from morning unto even 02_EXO_18_14

people still sacrificed 12_2KI_12_03

people stood afar off 02_EXO_20_21

people stood beholding 42_LUK_23_35

people stood by moses from 02_EXO_18_13

people stood still 10_2SA_02_28

people stood still 10_2SA_20_12

people stood up 16_NEH_08_05

people stood up all 04_NUM_11_32

people straw 02_EXO_05_07

people tasted 09_1SA_14_24

people terrible from their beginning hitherto 23_ISA_18_02

people terrible from their beginning hitherto 23_ISA_18_07

people therefore 43_JOH_12_17

people therefore 43_JOH_12_29

people therefore 43_JOH_07_40

people therefore saw 43_JOH_06_24

people thereof shall mourn over it 28_HOS_10_05

people thirsted there for water 02_EXO_17_03

people this parable 42_LUK_20_09

people thr 06_JOS_24_17

people thronged him 42_LUK_08_42

people together 09_1SA_15_04

people together 09_1SA_23_08

people together 12_2KI_10_18

people together 10_2SA_12_28

people together 10_2SA_12_29

people together 10_2SA_02_30

people together 05_DEU_31_12

people together 05_DEU_33_17

people together 05_DEU_04_10

people together 40_MAT_02_04

people together 04_NUM_21_16

people together unto 09_1SA_10_17

people took 09_1SA_15_21

people took counsel against jesus 40_MAT_27_01

people took him 24_JER_26_08

people took notice 10_2SA_03_36

people took their dough before it was leavened 02_EXO_12_34

people took victuals 07_JUD_07_08

people tremble 19_PSA_99_01

people trode upon him 12_2KI_07_17

people trode upon him 12_2KI_07_20

people turneth not unto him 23_ISA_09_13

people twenty 07_JUD_07_03

people under 10_2SA_18_02

people under me 10_2SA_22_48

people under me 19_PSA_18_47

people under us 19_PSA_47_03

people unto 10_2SA_24_09

people unto 05_DEU_33_19

people unto 02_EXO_19_08

people unto 02_EXO_19_09

people unto 02_EXO_32_34

people unto 24_JER_26_16

people unto 07_JUD_07_05

people unto 04_NUM_25_02

people unto david 13_1CH_21_05

people unto himself 05_DEU_29_13

people unto thee 10_2SA_17_03

people unto thee for ever 10_2SA_07_24

people upon 16_NEH_12_38

people upon it 23_ISA_42_05

people upon mount sinai 02_EXO_19_11

people waited for zacharias 42_LUK_01_21

people was astonished at his doctrine 41_MAR_11_18

people was grieved 09_1SA_30_06

people was much discouraged because 04_NUM_21_04

people weep throughout their families 04_NUM_11_10

people went 11_1KI_12_30

people went 09_1SA_11_15

people went 14_2CH_23_17

people went about 04_NUM_11_08

people went forth 16_NEH_08_16

people went on after joab 10_2SA_20_13

people went out 12_2KI_07_16

people went out 02_EXO_05_10

people went out into 10_2SA_18_06

people went out into 07_JUD_09_42

people went over jordan 10_2SA_19_39

people went their way 16_NEH_08_12

people went up into 06_JOS_06_20

people wept 16_NEH_08_09

people wept 04_NUM_14_01

people wept again over him 10_2SA_03_34

people wept very sore 15_EZR_10_01

people were 42_LUK_03_15

people were amazed 40_MAT_12_23

people were astonished at his doctrine 40_MAT_07_28

people were at strife throughout all 10_2SA_19_09

people were baptized 42_LUK_03_21

people were called together after saul 09_1SA_13_04

people were clean passed over 06_JOS_04_11

people were clean passed over jordan 06_JOS_04_01

people were come into 09_1SA_14_26

people were come into 09_1SA_04_03

people were distressed 09_1SA_13_06

people were faint 09_1SA_14_28

people were gathered against jeremiah 24_JER_26_09

people were gathered thick together 42_LUK_11_29

people were numbered 07_JUD_21_09

people were passed clean over jordan 06_JOS_03_17

people were praying without at 42_LUK_01_10

people were put forth 40_MAT_09_25

people were restrained from bringing 02_EXO_36_06

people were scattered abroad throughout all 02_EXO_05_12

people were scattered from him 09_1SA_13_08

people were scattered from me 09_1SA_13_11

people were very attentive 42_LUK_19_48

people were very faint 09_1SA_14_31

people when they dwelt as strangers 44_ACT_13_17

people which 05_DEU_13_07

people which 05_DEU_06_14

people which 05_DEU_07_16

people which 24_JER_34_08

people which 24_JER_41_13

people which had given him 24_JER_44_20

people which sat 40_MAT_04_16

people which shall be created shall praise 19_PSA_102_18

people which stand by 43_JOH_11_42

people which stood on 43_JOH_06_22

people which thou hast brought up out 02_EXO_33_01

people whither they were scattered 26_EZE_29_13

people whom he had recovered from ishmael 24_JER_41_16

people whom nebuchadnezzar had carrie 24_JER_29_01

people whom nebuchadrezzar carried away captive 24_JER_52_28

people will not eat until he come 09_1SA_09_13

people will stone us 42_LUK_20_06

people willingly offered themselves 07_JUD_05_02

people with 09_1SA_14_27

people with 09_1SA_15_08

people with 09_1SA_06_19

people with 04_NUM_11_33

people with an oath 09_1SA_14_28

people with blindness 38_ZEC_12_04

people with equity 19_PSA_98_09

people with his own blood 58_HEB_13_12

people with his truth 19_PSA_96_13

people with just judgment 05_DEU_16_18

people with one accord gave heed unto those things which philip spake 44_ACT_08_06

people with thee 04_NUM_11_17

people wondered 42_LUK_11_14

people's inheritance by oppression 26_EZE_46_18

people's offering 03_LEV_09_15

peor too little for us 06_JOS_22_17

perceive him not 18_JOB_09_11

perceive ye how ye prevail nothing 43_JOH_12_19

perceive ye not yet 41_MAR_08_17

perfect beauty 26_EZE_27_03

perfect day 20_PRO_04_18

perfect gold 14_2CH_04_21

perfect heart 13_1CH_12_38

perfect heart 13_1CH_28_09

perfect heart 13_1CH_29_19

perfect heart 14_2CH_19_09

perfect heart 14_2CH_25_02

perfect heart 12_2KI_20_03

perfect heart 23_ISA_38_03

perfect heart 19_PSA_101_02

perfect law 59_JAM_01_25

perfect man 49_EPH_04_13

perfect man 59_JAM_03_02

perfect manner 44_ACT_22_03

perfect peace 23_ISA_26_03

perfect shall direct his way 20_PRO_11_05

perfect shall remain 20_PRO_02_21

perfect through my comeliness 26_EZE_16_14

perfect toward him 14_2CH_16_09

perfect way 19_PSA_101_02

perfect way 19_PSA_101_06

perfect work 59_JAM_01_04

perform it 24_JER_01_12

perform it thyself alone 02_EXO_18_18

perform my good word toward you 24_JER_29_10

perform my request 17_EST_05_08

perform my word with thee 11_1KI_06_12

perform thy statutes alway 19_PSA_119_112

perform thy vows 34_NAH_01_15

perfume rejoice 20_PRO_27_09

perfume which thou shalt make 02_EXO_30_37

perfumed with myrrh 22_SON_03_06

pergamos write 66_REV_02_12

perils among false bre 47_2CO_11_26

perils by 47_2CO_11_26

perils by 47_2CO_11_26

perish at thy presence 19_PSA_09_03

perish came upon me 18_JOB_29_13

perish foolishness 46_1CO_01_18

perish for ever 19_PSA_09_18

perish out 26_EZE_25_07

perish with 51_COL_02_22

perish with hunger 42_LUK_15_17

perished at endor 19_PSA_83_10

perizzite dwelled then 01_GEN_13_07

perpetual backsliding 24_JER_08_05

perpetual covenant 02_EXO_31_16

perpetual covenant 24_JER_50_05

perpetual decree 24_JER_05_22

perpetual desolation 36_ZEP_02_09

perpetual desolations 19_PSA_74_03

perpetual end 19_PSA_09_06

perpetual hatred 26_EZE_35_05

perpetual hills did bow 35_HAB_03_06

perpetual hissing 24_JER_18_16

perpetual incense before 02_EXO_30_08

perpetual ordinance unto 26_EZE_46_14

perpetual reproach 19_PSA_78_66

perpetual shame 24_JER_23_40

perpetual sleep 24_JER_51_39

perpetual sleep 24_JER_51_57

perpetual statute 02_EXO_29_09

perpetual statute 03_LEV_24_09

perpetual statute for your generations throughout all your dwellings 03_LEV_03_17

perpetual statute unto them 04_NUM_19_21

persecute me 24_JER_17_18

persecute me PSA119 -:84

persecute me 19_PSA_31_15

persecute me 19_PSA_35_03

persecute me 19_PSA_07_01

persecute you 40_MAT_05_44

persia bring forth by 15_EZR_01_08

persia withstood me one 27_DAN_10_13

person at unawares might flee thither 06_JOS_20_09

person be guilty 04_NUM_05_06

person from among them 26_EZE_33_06

person shall eat it 05_DEU_15_22

person shall flee 20_PRO_28_17

person unawares 06_JOS_20_03

persons is 20_PRO_12_11

persons judgeth according 60_1PE_01_17

persons with god 45_ROM_02_11

persons with him 49_EPH_06_09

persuaded by 45_ROM_14_14

persuaded him 14_2CH_18_02

persuaded them 44_ACT_13_43

pertained unto 04_NUM_31_43

perverse disputings 54_1TI_06_05

perverse generation 42_LUK_09_41

perverse generation 40_MAT_17_17

perverse heart shall be despised 20_PRO_12_08

perverse lips put far from thee 20_PRO_04_24

perverse nation PHP1 -:45

perverse rebellious 09_1SA_20_30

perverse spirit 23_ISA_19_14

perverse tongue falleth into mischief 20_PRO_17_20

pervert all equity 33_MIC_03_09

perverted judgment 09_1SA_08_03

peter answered 41_MAR_09_05

peter answered 40_MAT_26_33

peter answered him 40_MAT_14_28

peter answered unto her 44_ACT_05_08

peter answereth 41_MAR_08_29

peter answering said 42_LUK_09_20

peter called 41_MAR_14_72

peter calling 41_MAR_11_21

peter followed afar off 42_LUK_22_54

peter followed him afar off 41_MAR_14_54

peter passing by might overshadow some 44_ACT_05_15

peter remembered 42_LUK_22_61

peter remembered 40_MAT_26_75

peter rose up 44_ACT_15_07

peter said 42_LUK_22_58

peter said 42_LUK_22_60

peter said unto him 44_ACT_09_34

peter said unto him 43_JOH_13_37

peter said unto him 40_MAT_26_35

peter said unto jesus 42_LUK_09_33

peter saith unto him 43_JOH_13_06

peter saith unto him 43_JOH_13_08

peter saith unto him 40_MAT_17_26

peter sat down among them 42_LUK_22_55

peter seeing him saith 43_JOH_21_21

peter stood with them 43_JOH_18_18

peter then denied again 43_JOH_18_27

peter therefore was kept 44_ACT_12_05

peter therefore went forth 43_JOH_20_03

peter took him 41_MAR_08_32

peter was grieved because he said unto him 43_JOH_21_17

peter was there 44_ACT_09_38

peter went out 42_LUK_22_62

peter went up upon 44_ACT_10_09

proper child 58_HEB_11_23

prospect toward 26_EZE_40_44

prosper thou 13_1CH_22_11

prosper thy way 01_GEN_24_40

reapers among 08_RUT_02_07

reapers answered 08_RUT_02_06

reapers are 40_MAT_13_39

reapeth may rejoice together 43_JOH_04_36

reapeth receiveth wages 43_JOH_04_36

repent himself for his servants 05_DEU_32_36

repent me 24_JER_42_10

repent therefore 44_ACT_08_22

repent ye 41_MAR_01_15

repent ye 40_MAT_03_02

repent ye therefore 44_ACT_03_19

repented according 19_PSA_106_45

repented himself 40_MAT_27_03

repented not 24_JER_20_16

repented not 66_REV_16_11

repented not 38_ZEC_08_14

repented not afterward 40_MAT_21_32

repenteth him 29_JOE_02_13

respect not thou their offering 04_NUM_16_15

ropes on their heads 11_1KI_20_32

ropes upon our heads 11_1KI_20_31

scapegoat into 03_LEV_16_10

scapegoat shall wash his clothes 03_LEV_16_26

scrape himself withal 18_JOB_02_08

serpent beguiled eve through his subtlety 47_2CO_11_03

serpent beguiled me 01_GEN_03_13

serpent bit him 30_AMO_05_19

serpent by 01_GEN_49_17

serpent cast out 66_REV_12_15

serpent had bitten any man 04_NUM_21_09

serpent said unto 01_GEN_03_04

serpent shall bite him 21_ECC_11_08

serpent shalt thou take 02_EXO_07_15

serpent upon 20_PRO_30_19

serpent was more subtle than any beast 01_GEN_03_01

serpent will bite without enchantment ECC11 -:11

serpent's meat 23_ISA_65_25

serpent's root shall come forth 23_ISA_14_29

serpents from us 04_NUM_21_07

sharpen every man his share 09_1SA_13_20

sharper than any twoedged sword 58_HEB_04_12

sleepest thou 41_MAR_14_37

slippery places 19_PSA_73_18

speak after 48_GAL_03_15

speak after 45_ROM_06_19

speak against him 14_2CH_32_17

speak against me PSA119 -:23

speak against my servant moses 04_NUM_12_08

speak all these words 24_JER_26_15

speak any thing 52_1TH_01_08

speak as 46_1CO_10_15

speak as 47_2CO_11_23

speak as 45_ROM_03_05

speak as concerning reproach 47_2CO_11_21

speak as unto 47_2CO_06_13

speak at all nor teach 44_ACT_04_18

speak before me 27_DAN_02_09

speak blasphemous words against this holy place 44_ACT_06_13

speak boldly 44_ACT_18_26

speak comfortably unto her 28_HOS_02_14

speak comfortably unto thy servants 10_2SA_19_07

speak concerning christ 49_EPH_05_32

speak every man truth with his neighbour 49_EPH_04_25

speak evil 61_2PE_02_10

speak evil 61_2PE_02_12

speak evil 65_JDE_01_08

speak evil 56_TIT_03_02

speak evil against my soul 19_PSA_109_20

speak face 63_2JO_01_12

speak foolishly 47_2CO_11_21

speak for thyself 44_ACT_26_01

speak for your own profit 46_1CO_07_35

speak freely 44_ACT_26_26

speak friendly unto her 07_JUD_19_03

speak good for them 24_JER_18_20

speak good things 40_MAT_12_34

speak good words 11_1KI_12_07

speak good words 14_2CH_10_07

speak hard things 19_PSA_94_04

speak leasing 19_PSA_05_06

speak lies 23_ISA_59_04

speak lies 24_JER_09_05

speak lies shall be stopped 19_PSA_63_11

speak mouth 04_NUM_12_08

speak no more unto me 05_DEU_03_26

speak not 47_2CO_07_03

speak not 23_ISA_36_11

speak not 43_JOH_13_18

speak not 43_JOH_14_10

speak not 20_PRO_23_09

speak not by commandment 47_2CO_08_08

speak not evil one 59_JAM_04_11

speak not thou 05_DEU_09_04

speak now 02_EXO_11_02

speak now 37_HAG_02_02

speak on 01_GEN_24_33

speak on god's behalf 18_JOB_36_02

speak on this manner unto him 10_2SA_14_03

speak one 26_EZE_33_30

speak plainly 23_ISA_32_04

speak reproachfully 54_1TI_05_14

speak righteousness 19_PSA_52_03

speak there this word 24_JER_22_01

speak there unto thee 02_EXO_29_42

speak therefore 43_JOH_12_50

speak these things 43_JOH_08_28

speak these words 12_2KI_18_27

speak these words 23_ISA_36_12

speak this by permission 46_1CO_07_06

speak thou 10_2SA_17_06

speak thou also unto 02_EXO_31_13

speak thou good 14_2CH_18_12

speak thou unto pharaoh king 02_EXO_06_29

speak thou unto us all 05_DEU_05_27

speak thou with us 02_EXO_20_19

speak unto 10_2SA_13_13

speak unto 10_2SA_19_11

speak unto 44_ACT_21_39

speak unto 17_EST_06_04

speak unto 02_EXO_14_15

speak unto 02_EXO_14_02

speak unto 02_EXO_25_02

speak unto 26_EZE_20_27

speak unto 26_EZE_20_03

speak unto 26_EZE_24_21

speak unto 26_EZE_33_10

speak unto 01_GEN_18_27

speak unto 01_GEN_18_31

speak unto 24_JER_11_02

speak unto 06_JOS_04_10

speak unto 03_LEV_01_02

speak unto 03_LEV_11_02

speak unto 03_LEV_12_02

speak unto 03_LEV_15_02

speak unto 03_LEV_18_02

speak unto 03_LEV_21_01

speak unto 03_LEV_23_10

speak unto 03_LEV_23_02

speak unto 03_LEV_23_24

speak unto 03_LEV_23_34

speak unto 03_LEV_25_02

speak unto 03_LEV_27_02

speak unto 03_LEV_04_02

speak unto 03_LEV_07_23

speak unto 03_LEV_07_29

speak unto 42_LUK_07_24

speak unto 04_NUM_15_18

speak unto 04_NUM_15_02

speak unto 04_NUM_15_38

speak unto 04_NUM_16_24

speak unto 04_NUM_17_02

speak unto 04_NUM_19_02

speak unto 04_NUM_33_51

speak unto 04_NUM_35_10

speak unto 04_NUM_05_12

speak unto 04_NUM_05_06

speak unto 04_NUM_06_02

speak unto 04_NUM_09_10

speak unto 38_ZEC_07_03

speak unto aaron 03_LEV_17_02

speak unto aaron 03_LEV_21_17

speak unto aaron 03_LEV_22_18

speak unto aaron 03_LEV_22_02

speak unto aaron 03_LEV_06_25

speak unto aaron 04_NUM_06_23

speak unto aaron 04_NUM_08_02

speak unto aaron thy brother 03_LEV_16_02

speak unto all 24_JER_26_02

speak unto all 24_JER_26_08

speak unto all 03_LEV_19_02

speak unto all 38_ZEC_07_05

speak unto eleazar 04_NUM_16_37

speak unto every feathered fowl 26_EZE_39_17

speak unto him 05_DEU_25_08

speak unto him 38_ZEC_06_12

speak unto him for adonijah 11_1KI_02_19

speak unto pharaoh king 02_EXO_06_11

speak unto pharaoh king 26_EZE_31_02

speak unto rehoboam 11_1KI_12_23

speak unto rehoboam 14_2CH_11_03

speak unto thee 11_1KI_22_24

speak unto thee 14_2CH_18_23

speak unto thee 44_ACT_21_37

speak unto thee 27_DAN_10_11

speak unto thee 24_JER_38_20

speak unto thee 43_JOH_04_26

speak unto thee 42_LUK_01_19

speak unto them 02_EXO_16_12

speak unto them 26_EZE_03_11

speak unto them 24_JER_26_02

speak unto them 24_JER_35_02

speak unto them all 24_JER_01_17

speak unto them by parables 41_MAR_12_01

speak unto this people 46_1CO_14_21

speak unto us smooth things 23_ISA_30_10

speak unto you 52_1TH_02_02

speak unto you 24_JER_27_14

speak unto you 43_JOH_14_10

speak unto you 43_JOH_06_63

speak wickedly 19_PSA_73_08

speak with 46_1CO_13_01

speak with him 02_EXO_34_34

speak with him 02_EXO_34_35

speak with him 40_MAT_12_46

speak with him 04_NUM_07_89

speak with him quietly 10_2SA_03_27

speak with my words unto them 26_EZE_03_04

speak with other tongues 44_ACT_02_04

speak with thee 02_EXO_19_09

speak with thee 26_EZE_03_27

speak with thee 40_MAT_12_47

speak with tongues 46_1CO_14_39

speak with tongues more than ye all 46_1CO_14_18

speak ye 41_MAR_13_11

speak ye 40_MAT_10_27

speak ye comfortably 23_ISA_40_02

speak ye every man 38_ZEC_08_16

speak ye now 12_2KI_18_19

speak ye unto 04_NUM_20_08

speak ye unto all 02_EXO_12_03

speakest against thy brother 19_PSA_50_20

speakest no proverb 43_JOH_16_29

speakest thou not unto me 43_JOH_19_10

speakest thou this parable unto us 42_LUK_12_41

speaketh better things than 58_HEB_12_24

speaketh evil 59_JAM_04_11

speaketh evil 59_JAM_04_11

speaketh flattery 18_JOB_17_05

speaketh froward things 20_PRO_02_12

speaketh lies 20_PRO_14_25

speaketh lies 20_PRO_06_19

speaketh lies shall not escape 20_PRO_19_05

speaketh lies shall perish 20_PRO_19_09

speaketh like 20_PRO_12_18

speaketh peaceably 24_JER_09_08

speaketh proud things 19_PSA_12_03

speaketh right 20_PRO_16_13

speaketh truth showeth forth righteousness 20_PRO_12_17

speaketh unto you 01_GEN_45_12

speaketh uprightly 30_AMO_05_10

speaketh uprightly 23_ISA_33_15

speaketh with tongues 46_1CO_14_05

speaking all 24_JER_26_08

speaking all these words 05_DEU_32_45

speaking all these words 04_NUM_16_31

speaking evil 60_1PE_04_04

speaking lies 54_1TI_04_02

speaking lies 19_PSA_58_03

speaking oppression 23_ISA_59_13

speaking peace 17_EST_10_03

speaking perverse things 44_ACT_20_30

speaking such words unto them 24_JER_38_04

speaking these words unto saul 09_1SA_24_16

speaking things which they ought not 54_1TI_05_13

speaking unto 05_DEU_20_09

speaking unto all 24_JER_43_01

speaking unto me out 26_EZE_43_06

speaking unto moses 44_ACT_07_44

speaking unto saul 09_1SA_18_01

speaking vanity 23_ISA_58_09

spear came out behind him 10_2SA_02_23

spear even 09_1SA_26_08

spear like 13_1CH_11_23

spear out 13_1CH_11_23

spear out 10_2SA_23_21

spear pierced his side 43_JOH_19_34

spear smote him under 10_2SA_02_23

spear thirty 13_1CH_12_34

spearmen two hundred 44_ACT_23_23

spears from 16_NEH_04_21

special people unto himself 05_DEU_07_06

specially before thee 44_ACT_25_26

specially for those 54_1TI_05_08

specially they 56_TIT_01_10

speckled among 01_GEN_30_32

speckled bird 24_JER_12_09

speckled shall be thy wages 01_GEN_31_08

spectacle unto 46_1CO_04_09

speech against her 05_DEU_22_14

speech contemptible 47_2CO_10_10

speech hath thy servant joab done this thing 10_2SA_14_20

speech pleased 11_1KI_03_10

speech toward you 47_2CO_07_04

speedily among all 14_2CH_35_13

speedily will 29_JOE_03_04

speedy riddance 36_ZEP_01_18

stamped it 05_DEU_09_21

stamped upon him 27_DAN_08_07

stamped upon them 27_DAN_08_10

stamped with 26_EZE_25_06

stooped for age 14_2CH_36_17

stopped their ears 44_ACT_07_57

stopped their ears 38_ZEC_07_11

stoppeth her ear 19_PSA_58_04

stoppeth his ears from hearing 23_ISA_33_15

stripe for stripe 02_EXO_21_25

stripes above measure 47_2CO_11_23

stripes for 20_PRO_19_29

stripped off his armour 09_1SA_31_09

supper being ended 43_JOH_13_02

tahpenes bare him genubath his son 11_1KI_11_20

temper with 26_EZE_46_14

tempered together 02_EXO_30_35

tempest stealeth him away 18_JOB_27_20

trumpet among 24_JER_51_27

trumpet be blown 30_AMO_03_06

trumpet before thee 40_MAT_06_02

trumpet exceeding loud 02_EXO_19_16

trumpet give an uncertain sound 46_1CO_14_08

trumpet shall sound 46_1CO_15_52

trumpet sound throughout all your land 03_LEV_25_09

trumpet sounded long 02_EXO_19_19

trumpet soundeth long 02_EXO_19_13

trumpet talking with me 66_REV_04_01

trumpet throughout all 09_1SA_13_03

trumpets also on every side 07_JUD_07_18

trumpets before 13_1CH_15_24

trumpets by 14_2CH_23_13

trumpets over your burnt offerings 04_NUM_10_10

trumpets unto 14_2CH_20_28

trumpets unto you 04_NUM_29_01

upper chamber 12_2KI_23_12

upper chamber 44_ACT_20_08

upper chamber 44_ACT_09_39

upper chambers 26_EZE_42_05

upper chambers thereof 13_1CH_28_11

upper chambers with gold 14_2CH_03_09

upper coasts came 44_ACT_19_01

upper door post 02_EXO_12_07

upper lintels 36_ZEP_02_14

upper millstone 05_DEU_24_06

upper pool 23_ISA_36_02

upper pool 23_ISA_07_03

upper springs 06_JOS_15_19

upper springs 07_JUD_01_15

upper watercourse 14_2CH_32_30

uppermost basket 01_GEN_40_17

uppermost bough 23_ISA_17_06

uppermost rooms at feasts 41_MAR_12_39

uppermost rooms at feasts 40_MAT_23_06

uppermost seats 42_LUK_11_43

viper out 44_ACT_28_03

viper's tongue shall slay him 18_JOB_20_16

whisperer separateth chief friends 20_PRO_16_28

wipe not out my good deeds 16_NEH_13_14

wiped his feet with her hair 43_JOH_11_02

wiped his feet with her hair 43_JOH_12_03

wipeth her mouth 20_PRO_30_20

wrapped herself 01_GEN_38_14

wrapped him 42_LUK_02_07

wrapped him 41_MAR_15_46

wrapped it 42_LUK_23_53

wrapped up for 26_EZE_21_15