Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

resting 04771 ## margowa` {mar-go'- ah} ; from 07280 ; a {resting} place : -- rest .

resting 07258 ## rebets {reh'- bets} ; from 07257 ; a couch or place of repose : -- where each lay , lie down in , {resting} place .

resting 07517 ## repheth {reh'- feth} ; probably from 07503 ; a stall for cattle (from their {resting} there) : -- stall .

resting-place 01295 ## b@rekah {ber-ay-kaw'} ; from 01288 ; a reservoir (at which camels kneel as a {resting-place}) : -- (fish-) pool .

resting-places 02679 ## Chatsiy ham-M@nuchowth {chat-tsee'ham-men-oo-khoth'} ; from 02677 and the plural of 04496 , with the article interposed ; midst of the {resting-places} ; Chatsi-ham-Menuchoth , an Israelite : -- half of the Manahethites .