Three Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible

Three Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible
correction for instruction 55_2TI_03_16 # All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

correction from the 20_PRO_23_13 # Withhold not correction from the child: for [if] thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.

Correction is grievous 20_PRO_15_10 # Correction [is] grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: [and] he that hateth reproof shall die.

correction of the 20_PRO_07_22 # He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks;

correction or for 18_JOB_37_13 # He causeth it to come, whether for correction, or for his land, or for mercy.

correction shall drive 20_PRO_22_15 # Foolishness [is] bound in the heart of a child; [but] the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.

correction she trusted 36_ZEP_03_02 # She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in the LORD; she drew not near to her God.

correction they have 24_JER_05_03 # O LORD, [are] not thine eyes upon the truth? thou hast stricken them, but they have not grieved; thou hast consumed them, [but] they have refused to receive correction: they have made their faces harder than a rock; they have refused to return.

correction truth is 24_JER_07_28 # But thou shalt say unto them, This [is] a nation that obeyeth not the voice of the LORD their God, nor receiveth correction: truth is perished, and is cut off from their mouth.

correction your own 24_JER_02_30 # In vain have I smitten your children; they received no correction: your own sword hath devoured your prophets, like a destroying lion.

correction 35_HAB_01_12 # [Art] thou not from everlasting, O LORD my God, mine Holy One? we shall not die. O LORD, thou hast ordained them for judgment; and, O mighty God, thou hast established them for correction.

correction 20_PRO_03_11 # My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction: