Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

achar 00309 ## {'achar} {aw-khar'} ; a primitive root ; to loiter (i . e . be behind) ; by implication to procrastinate : -- continue , defer , delay , hinder , be late (slack) , stay (there) , tarry (longer) .

achar 00310 ## {'achar} {akh-ar'} ; from 00309 ; properly , the hind part ; generally used as an adverb or conjunction , after (in various senses) : -- after (that ,-ward) , again , at , away from , back (from ,-side) , behind , beside , by , follow (after ,-ing) , forasmuch , from , hereafter , hinder end , + out (over) live , + persecute , posterity , pursuing , remnant , seeing , since , thence [-forth ] , when , with .

achar 00311 ## {'achar} (Aramaic) {akh-ar'} ; corresponding to 00310 ; after : -- [here-] after .

Achar 05917 ## ` Akar {aw-kawr'} ; from 05916 ; troublesome ; Akar , an Israelite : -- {Achar} . Compare 05912 .

Acharchel 00316 ## 'Acharchel {akh-ar-kale'} ; from 00310 and 02426 ; behind (the) intrenchment (i . e . safe) ; {Acharchel} , an Israelite : -- Aharhel ,

Acharchel 00316 ## {'Acharchel} {akh-ar-kale'} ; from 00310 and 02426 ; behind (the) intrenchment (i . e . safe) ; Acharchel , an Israelite : -- Aharhel ,

acharistos 0884 - {acharistos} {ach-ar'-is-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 5483; thankless, i.e. ungrateful: -- unthankful.

achariyth 00319 ## {'achariyth} {akh-ar-eeth'} ; from 00310 ; the last or end , hence , the future ; also posterity : -- (last , latter) end (time) , hinder (utter)-most , length , posterity , remnant , residue , reward .

achariyth 00320 ## {'achariyth} (Aramaic) {akh-ar-eeth'} ; from 00311 ; the same as 00319 ; later : -- latter .

acharown 00314 ## {'acharown} {akh-ar-one'} ; or (shortened)'acharon {akh-ar-one'} ; from 00309 ; hinder ; generally , late or last ; specifically (as facing the east) western : -- after (- ward) , to come , following , hind (- er ,-ermost ,-most) , last , latter , rereward , ut (ter) most .

Achishachar 00300 ## 'Achiyshachar {akh-ee-shakh'- ar} ; from 00251 and 07837 ; brother of (the) dawn ; {Achishachar} , an Israelite : -- Ahishar .

Achiyshachar 00300 ## {'Achiyshachar} {akh-ee-shakh'- ar} ; from 00251 and 07837 ; brother of (the) dawn ; Achishachar , an Israelite : -- Ahishar .

Anacharath 00588 ## 'Anacharath {an-aw-kha-rawth'} ; probably from the same root as 05170 ; a gorge or narrow pass ; {Anacharath} , a place in Palestine : -- Anaharath .

Anacharath 00588 ## {'Anacharath} {an-aw-kha-rawth'} ; probably from the same root as 05170 ; a gorge or narrow pass ; Anacharath , a place in Palestine : -- Anaharath .

bachar 00977 ## {bachar} {baw-khar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to try , i . e . (by implication) select : -- acceptable , appoint , choose (choice) , excellent , join , be rather , require .

Bacharumite 00978 ## Bacharuwmiy {bakh-ar-oo-mee'} ; patrial from 00980 (by transposition) ; a {Bacharumite} or inhabitant of Bachurim : -- Baharumite .

Bacharuwmiy 00978 ## {Bacharuwmiy} {bakh-ar-oo-mee'} ; patrial from 00980 (by transposition) ; a Bacharumite or inhabitant of Bachurim : -- Baharumite .

cachar 05503 ## {cachar} {saw-khar'} ; a primitive root ; to travel round (specifically as a pedlar) ; intensively , to palpitate : -- go about , merchant (- man) , occupy with , pant , trade , traffick .

cachar 05504 ## {cachar} {sakh'- ar} ; from 05503 ; profit (from trade) : -- merchandise .

cachar 05505 ## {cachar} {saw-khar'} ; from 05503 ; an emporium ; abstractly , profit (from trade) : -- mart , merchandise .

Gachar 01515 ## Gachar {gah'- khar} ; from an unused root meaning to hide ; lurker ; {Gachar} , one of the Nethinim : -- Gahar .

Gachar 01515 ## {Gachar} {gah'- khar} ; from an unused root meaning to hide ; lurker ; Gachar , one of the Nethinim : -- Gahar .

hash-Shachar 06890 ## Tsereth {hash-Shachar} {tseh'- reth hash-shakh'- ar} ; from the same as 06889 and 07837 with the article interposed ; splendor of the dawn ; Tsereth-hash-Shachar , a place in Palestine : -- Zareth-shahar .

Isachar 2466 - Isachar {ee-sakh-ar'}; of Hebrew origin [3485]; {Isachar} (i.e. Jissaskar), a son of Jacob (figuratively, his descendant): -- Issachar.

Isachar 2466 - {Isachar} {ee-sakh-ar'}; of Hebrew origin [3485]; Isachar (i.e. Jissaskar), a son of Jacob (figuratively, his descendant): -- Issachar.

Issachar 03485 ## Yissaskar {yis-saw-kawr'} ; (strictly yis-saws-kawr') ; from 05375 and 07939 ; he will bring a reward ; Jissaskar , a son of Jacob : -- {Issachar} .

Issachar 2466 - Isachar {ee-sakh-ar'}; of Hebrew origin [3485]; Isachar (i.e. Jissaskar), a son of Jacob (figuratively, his descendant): -- {Issachar}.

Jozachar 03108 ## Yowzakar {yo-zaw-kawr'} ; from 03068 and 02142 ; Jehovah-remembered ; Jozacar , an Israelite : -- {Jozachar} .

machar 04279 ## {machar} {maw-khar'} ; probably from 00309 ; properly , deferred , i . e . the morrow ; usually (adverbially) tomorrow ; indefinitely , hereafter : -- time to come , tomorrow .

machara'ah 04280 ## {machara'ah} {makh-ar-aw-aw'} ; from the same as 02716 ; a sink : -- draught house .

machareshah 04281 ## {machareshah} {makh-ar-ay-shaw'} ; from 02790 ; probably a pick-axe : -- mattock .

macharesheth 04282 ## {macharesheth} {makh-ar-eh'- sheth} ; from 02790 ; probably a hoe : -- share .

nachar 05170 ## {nachar} {nakh'- ar} ; and (feminine) nacharah {nakh-ar-aw'} ; from an unused root meaning to snort or snore ; a snorting : -- nostrils , snorting .

nacharah 05170 ## nachar {nakh'- ar} ; and (feminine) {nacharah} {nakh-ar-aw'} ; from an unused root meaning to snort or snore ; a snorting : -- nostrils , snorting .

Nacharai 05171 ## Nacharay {nakh-ar-ah'- ee} ; or Nachray {nakh-rah'- ee} ; from the same as 05170 ; snorer ; {Nacharai} or Nachrai , an Israelite : -- Naharai , Nahari .

Nacharay 05171 ## {Nacharay} {nakh-ar-ah'- ee} ; or Nachray {nakh-rah'- ee} ; from the same as 05170 ; snorer ; Nacharai or Nachrai , an Israelite : -- Naharai , Nahari .

shachar 07835 ## {shachar} {shaw-khar'} ; a primitive root [identical with 07836 through the idea of the duskiness of early dawn ] ; to be dim or dark (in color) : -- be black .

shachar 07836 ## {shachar} {shaw-khar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to dawn , i . e . (figuratively) be (up) early at any task (with the implication of earnestness) ; by extension , to search for (with painstaking) : -- [do something ] betimes , enquire early , rise (seek) betimes , seek diligently) early , in the morning) .

shachar 07837 ## {shachar} {shakh'- ar} ; from 07836 ; dawn (literal , figurative or adverbial) : -- day (- spring) , early , light , morning , whence riseth .

Shacharajim 07842 ## Shacharayim {shakh-ar-ah'- yim} ; dual of 07837 ; double dawn ; {Shacharajim} , an Israelite : -- Shaharaim .

Shacharayim 07842 ## {Shacharayim} {shakh-ar-ah'- yim} ; dual of 07837 ; double dawn ; Shacharajim , an Israelite : -- Shaharaim .

shacharuwth 07839 ## {shacharuwth} {shakh-ar-ooth'} ; from 07836 ; a dawning , i . e . (figuratively) juvenescence : -- youth .

shortened)'acharon 00314 ## 'acharown {akh-ar-one'} ; or ({shortened)'acharon} {akh-ar-one'} ; from 00309 ; hinder ; generally , late or last ; specifically (as facing the east) western : -- after (- ward) , to come , following , hind (- er ,-ermost ,-most) , last , latter , rereward , ut (ter) most .

tachara'{takh-ar-aw'} 08473 ## {tachara'{takh-ar-aw'}} ; from 02734 in the original sense of 02352 or 02353 ; a linen corslet (as white or hollow) : -- habergeon .

tacharah 08474 ## {tacharah} {takh-aw-raw'} ; a facitious root from 02734 through the idea of the heat of jealousy ; to vie with a rival : -- close , contend .

tsachar 06713 ## {tsachar} {tsakh'- ar} ; from an unused root meaning to dazzle ; sheen , i . e . whiteness : -- white .

Tsereth-hash-Shachar 06890 ## Tsereth hash-Shachar {tseh'- reth hash-shakh'- ar} ; from the same as 06889 and 07837 with the article interposed ; splendor of the dawn ; {Tsereth-hash-Shachar} , a place in Palestine : -- Zareth-shahar .

yachar 03186 ## {yachar} {yaw-khar'} ; a primitive root ; to delay : -- tarry longer .

Zachariah 02148 ## Z@karyah {zek-ar-yaw'} ; or Z@karyahuw {zek-ar-yaw'- hoo} ; from 02142 and 03050 ; Jah has remembered ; Zecarjah , the name of twenty-nine Israelites : -- {Zachariah} , Zechariah .

Zacharias 2197 - Zacharias {dzakh-ar-ee'-as}; of Hebrew origin [2148]; Zacharias (i.e. Zechariah), the name of two Israelites: -- {Zacharias}.

Zacharias 2197 - Zacharias {dzakh-ar-ee'-as}; of Hebrew origin [2148]; {Zacharias} (i.e. Zechariah), the name of two Israelites: -- Zacharias.

Zacharias 2197 - {Zacharias} {dzakh-ar-ee'-as}; of Hebrew origin [2148]; Zacharias (i.e. Zechariah), the name of two Israelites: -- Zacharias.