English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew.

English Theasurus from the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary

abase 5013 ** tapeinoo ** {abase}, bring low, humble (self).

abase 6031 -- \anah -- {abase} self, afflict(-ion, self), answer, chasten self, dealhardly with, defile, exercise, force, gentleness, humble (self), hurt,ravish, sing, submit self, weaken, X in any wise.

abase 8213 -- shaphel -- {abase}, bring (cast, put) down, debase, humble (self), be(bring, lay, make, put) low(-er).

abase 8214 -- sh@phal -- {abase}, humble, put down, subdue.

base 0036 ** agenes ** {base} things.

base 3653 -- ken -- {base}, estate, foot, office, place, well.

base 4350 -- m@kownah -- {base}.

base 4369 -- m@kunah -- {base}.

base 5011 ** tapeinos ** {base}, cast down, humble, of low degree (estate), lowly.

base 7034 qalah -- -- {base}, contemn, despise, lightly esteem, set light, seemvile.

base 8034 -- shem -- + {base}, [in-]fame[-ous], named(-d), renown, report.

base 8217 -- shaphal -- {base}(-st), humble, low(-er, -ly).

baser 0060 ** agoraios ** {baser} sort, low.

basest 8215 -- sh@phal -- {basest}.

debase 8213 -- shaphel -- abase, bring (cast, put) down, {debase}, humble (self), be(bring, lay, make, put) low(-er).