English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew.

English Theasurus from the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary

Baalberith 1170 -- Ba\al B@riyth -- {Baal-berith}.

Beri 1275 -- Beriy -- {Beri}.

Beriah 1283 -- B@riy\ah -- {Beriah}.

Berites 1276 -- Beriy -- {Berites}.

Berith 1286 -- B@riyth -- {Berith}.

chambering 2845 ** koite ** bed, {chambering}, X conceive.

Heberites 2277 -- Chebriy -- {Heberites}.

numbering 5610 -- c@phar -- {numbering}.

Tiberias 5085 ** Tiberias ** {Tiberias}.

Tiberius 5086 ** Tiberios ** {Tiberius}.