besought -0834 according , after , against , alike , among , and , because , {besought} , cause , god , how , if , judah , much , of , so , soever , soon , storehouses , such , the , though , what , whatsoever , when , where , whereabout , whereas , whereby , wherein , whereof , whereon , wheresoever , whereto , whereunto , wherewith , which , while , whilst , whither , whithersoever , who , whom , whomsoever , whose , whoso , whosoever , yea , besought -1245 ask , asked , begging , {besought} , desire , enquired , enquirest , get , inquisition , procureth , request , requested , require , required , requireth , seek , seekest , seeketh , sought , besought -2470 become , {besought} , carefully , diseased , grief , grieved , grievous , infirmity , intreat , intreated , laid , pain , pray , prayer , sick , sore , sorry , suit , travail , weak , when , wounded , besought -2603 {besought} , fair , favour , favourable , favoured , given , gracious , graciously , intreated , merciful , mercy , pity , pray , supplication ,