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Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

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-akribestatos Act_26_05 Which knew (4267 -proginosko -) me from the beginning (0509 -anothen -) , if (1437 -ean -) they would (2309 -thelo -) testify (3140 -martureo -) , that after (2596 -kata -) the most straitest (0196 {-akribestatos} -) sect (0139 -hairesis -) of our religion (2356 -threskeia -) I lived (2198 -zao -) a Pharisee (5330 -Pharisaios -) .

-akribesteron Act_18_26 And he began (0756 -archomai -) to speak boldly (3955 -parrhesiazomai -) in the synagogue (4864 -sunagoge -):whom (0846 -autos -) when Aquila (0207 -Akulas -) and Priscilla (4252 -Priscilla -) had heard (0191 -akouo -) , they took (4355 -proslambano -) him unto [ them ] , and expounded (1620 -ektithemi -) unto him the way (3598 -hodos -) of God (2316 -theos -) more (0197 -akribesteron -) perfectly (0197 {-akribesteron} -) .

-akribesteron Act_18_26 And he began (0756 -archomai -) to speak boldly (3955 -parrhesiazomai -) in the synagogue (4864 -sunagoge -):whom (0846 -autos -) when Aquila (0207 -Akulas -) and Priscilla (4252 -Priscilla -) had heard (0191 -akouo -) , they took (4355 -proslambano -) him unto [ them ] , and expounded (1620 -ektithemi -) unto him the way (3598 -hodos -) of God (2316 -theos -) more (0197 {-akribesteron} -) perfectly (0197 -akribesteron -) .

-akribesteron Act_23_15 Now (3568 -nun -) therefore (3767 -oun -) ye with the council (4892 -sunedrion -) signify (1718 -emphanizo -) to the chief (5506 -chiliarchos -) captain (5506 -chiliarchos -) that he bring (2609 -katago -) him down (2609 -katago -) unto you to morrow (0839 -aurion -) , as though ye would (3195 -mello -) enquire (1231 -diaginosko -) something more (0197 -akribesteron -) perfectly (0197 {-akribesteron} -) concerning (4012 -peri -) him:and we , or (4253 -pro -) ever (4253 -pro -) he come (1448 -eggizo -) near (1448 -eggizo -) , are ready (2092 -hetoimos -) to kill (0337 -anaireo -) him .

-akribesteron Act_23_15 Now (3568 -nun -) therefore (3767 -oun -) ye with the council (4892 -sunedrion -) signify (1718 -emphanizo -) to the chief (5506 -chiliarchos -) captain (5506 -chiliarchos -) that he bring (2609 -katago -) him down (2609 -katago -) unto you to morrow (0839 -aurion -) , as though ye would (3195 -mello -) enquire (1231 -diaginosko -) something more (0197 {-akribesteron} -) perfectly (0197 -akribesteron -) concerning (4012 -peri -) him:and we , or (4253 -pro -) ever (4253 -pro -) he come (1448 -eggizo -) near (1448 -eggizo -) , are ready (2092 -hetoimos -) to kill (0337 -anaireo -) him .

-akribesteron Act_23_20 And he said (2036 -epo -) , The Jews (2453 -Ioudaios -) have agreed (4934 -suntithemai -) to desire (2065 -erotao -) thee that thou wouldest bring (2609 -katago -) down (2609 -katago -) Paul (3972 -Paulos -) to morrow (0839 -aurion -) into (1519 -eis -) the council (4892 -sunedrion -) , as though they would (3195 -mello -) enquire (4441 -punthanomai -) somewhat (5100 -tis -) of him more (0197 -akribesteron -) perfectly (0197 {-akribesteron} -) .

-akribesteron Act_23_20 And he said (2036 -epo -) , The Jews (2453 -Ioudaios -) have agreed (4934 -suntithemai -) to desire (2065 -erotao -) thee that thou wouldest bring (2609 -katago -) down (2609 -katago -) Paul (3972 -Paulos -) to morrow (0839 -aurion -) into (1519 -eis -) the council (4892 -sunedrion -) , as though they would (3195 -mello -) enquire (4441 -punthanomai -) somewhat (5100 -tis -) of him more (0197 {-akribesteron} -) perfectly (0197 -akribesteron -) .

-akribesteron Act_24_22 . And when Felix (5344 -Phelix -) heard (0191 -akouo -) these (5023 -tauta -) things , having more (0197 -akribesteron -) perfect (0197 {-akribesteron} -) knowledge (1492 -eido -) of [ that ] way (3598 -hodos -) , he deferred (0306 -anaballomai -) them , and said (2036 -epo -) , When (3752 -hotan -) Lysias (3079 -Lusias -) the chief (5506 -chiliarchos -) captain (5506 -chiliarchos -) shall come (2597 -katabaino -) down (2597 -katabaino -) , I will know (1231 -diaginosko -) the uttermost (2556 -kakos -) of your (5209 -humas -) matter (2596 -kata -) .

-akribesteron Act_24_22 . And when Felix (5344 -Phelix -) heard (0191 -akouo -) these (5023 -tauta -) things , having more (0197 {-akribesteron} -) perfect (0197 -akribesteron -) knowledge (1492 -eido -) of [ that ] way (3598 -hodos -) , he deferred (0306 -anaballomai -) them , and said (2036 -epo -) , When (3752 -hotan -) Lysias (3079 -Lusias -) the chief (5506 -chiliarchos -) captain (5506 -chiliarchos -) shall come (2597 -katabaino -) down (2597 -katabaino -) , I will know (1231 -diaginosko -) the uttermost (2556 -kakos -) of your (5209 -humas -) matter (2596 -kata -) .

-asbestos Luk_03_17 Whose 3739 -hos - fan 4425 -ptuon - [ is ] in his hand 5495 -cheir - , and he will throughly 1245 -diakatharizo - purge 1245 -diakatharizo - his floor 0257 -halon - , and will gather 4863 -sunago - the wheat 4621 -sitos - into 1519 -eis - his garner 0596 -apotheke - ; but the chaff 0892 -achuron - he will burn 2618 -katakaio - with fire 4442 -pur - unquenchable 0762 {-asbestos} - .

-asbestos Mar_09_43 And if (1437 -ean -) thy hand (5495 -cheir -) offend (4624 -skandalizo -) thee , cut (0609 -apokopto -) it off (0609 -apokopto -):it is better (2570 -kalos -) for thee to enter (1525 -eiserchomai -) into (1519 -eis -) life (2222 -zoe -) maimed (2948 -kullos -) , than (2228 -e -) having (2192 -echo -) two (1417 -duo -) hands (5495 -cheir -) to go (0565 -aperchomai -) into (1519 -eis -) hell (1067 -geena -) , into (1519 -eis -) the fire (4442 -pur -) that never (3756 -ou -) shall be quenched (0762 {-asbestos} -) :

-asbestos Mar_09_45 And if (1437 -ean -) thy foot (4228 -pous -) offend (4624 -skandalizo -) thee , cut (0609 -apokopto -) it off (0609 -apokopto -):it is better (2570 -kalos -) for thee to enter (1525 -eiserchomai -) halt (5560 -cholos -) into (1519 -eis -) life (2222 -zoe -) , than (2228 -e -) having (2192 -echo -) two (1417 -duo -) feet (4228 -pous -) to be cast (0906 -ballo -) into (1519 -eis -) hell (1067 -geena -) , into (1519 -eis -) the fire (4442 -pur -) that never (3756 -ou -) shall be quenched (0762 {-asbestos} -) :

-asbestos Mat_03_12 Whose (3739 -hos -) fan (4425 -ptuon -) [ is ] in his hand (5495 -cheir -) , and he will (3195 -mello -) throughly (1245 -diakatharizo -) purge (1245 -diakatharizo -) his floor (0257 -halon -) , and gather (4863 -sunago -) his wheat (4621 -sitos -) into (1519 -eis -) the garner (0596 -apotheke -) ; but he will (3195 -mello -) burn (2618 -katakaio -) up the chaff (0892 -achuron -) with unquenchable (0762 {-asbestos} -) fire (4442 -pur -) .

best 1Co_12_31 But covet (2206 -zeloo -) earnestly (2206 -zeloo -) the {best} (2909 -kreitton -) gifts (5486 -charisma -):and yet (2089 -eti -) shew (1166 -deiknuo -) I unto you a more (5236 -huperbole -) excellent (5236 -huperbole -) way (3598 -hodos -) .

best 1Ki_10_18 Moreover the king (04428 +melek ) made (06213 +(asah ) a great (01419 +gadowl ) throne (03678 +kicce) ) of ivory (08127 +shen ) , and overlaid (06823 +tsaphah ) it with the {best} (06338 +pazaz ) gold (02091 +zahab ) .

best 1Sa_08_14 And he will take (03947 +laqach ) your fields (07704 +sadeh ) , and your vineyards (03754 +kerem ) , and your oliveyards (02132 +zayith ) , [ even ] the {best} (02896 +towb ) [ of them ] , and give (05414 +nathan ) [ them ] to his servants (05650 +(ebed ) .

best 1Sa_15_09 But Saul (07586 +Sha)uwl ) and the people (05971 +(am ) spared (02550 +chamal ) Agag (90) , and the {best} (04315 +meytab ) of the sheep (06629 +tso)n ) , and of the oxen (01241 +baqar ) , and of the fatlings (04932 +mishneh ) , and the lambs (03733 +kar ) , and all (03605 +kol ) [ that was ] good (02896 +towb ) , and would (14) not utterly destroy (02763 +charam ) them:but every (03605 +kol ) thing (04399 +m@la)kah ) [ that was ] vile (05240 +n@mibzeh ) and refuse (04549 +macac ) , that they destroyed (02763 +charam ) utterly .

best 1Sa_15_15 And Saul (07586 +Sha)uwl ) said (00559 +)amar ) , They have brought (00935 +bow) ) them from the Amalekites (06003 +(Amaleqiy ):for the people (05971 +(am ) spared (02550 +chamal ) the {best} (04315 +meytab ) of the sheep (06629 +tso)n ) and of the oxen (01241 +baqar ) , to sacrifice (02076 +zabach ) unto the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) thy God (00430 +)elohiym ) ; and the rest (03498 +yathar ) we have utterly destroyed (02763 +charam ) .

best 2Ki_10_03 Look (07200 +ra)ah ) even out the {best} (02896 +towb ) and meetest (03477 +yashar ) of your master s (00113 +)adown ) sons (01121 +ben ) , and set (07760 +suwm ) [ him ] on (05921 +(al ) his father s (1) throne (03678 +kicce) ) , and fight (03898 +lacham ) for your master s (00113 +)adown ) house (01004 +bayith ) .

best 2Sa_18_04 And the king (04428 +melek ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto them , What (00834 +)aher ) seemeth (05869 +(ayin ) you {best} (03190 +yatab ) I will do (06213 +(asah ) . And the king (04428 +melek ) stood (05975 +(amad ) by the gate (08179 +sha(ar ) side (03027 +yad ) , and all (03605 +kol ) the people (05971 +(am ) came (03318 +yatsa) ) out by hundreds (03967 +me)ah ) and by thousands (00505 +)eleph ) .

best Deu_23_16 He shall dwell (03427 +yashab ) with thee , [ even ] among (07130 +qereb ) you , in that place (04725 +maqowm ) which (00834 +)aher ) he shall choose (00977 +bachar ) in one (00259 +)echad ) of thy gates (08179 +sha(ar ) , where it liketh (02896 +towb ) him {best} (02896 +towb ):thou shalt not oppress (03238 +yanah ) him .

best Est_02_09 And the maiden (05291 +na(arah ) pleased him , and she obtained (05375 +nasa) ) kindness (02617 +checed ) of him ; and he speedily (00926 +bahal ) gave (05414 +nathan ) her her things for purification (08562 +tamruwq ) , with such things as belonged (04490 +manah ) to her , and seven (07651 +sheba( ) maidens (05291 +na(arah ) , [ which were ] meet (07200 +ra)ah ) to be given (05414 +nathan ) her , out of the king s (04428 +melek ) house (01004 +bayith ):and he preferred (08138 +shanah ) her and her maids (05291 +na(arah ) unto the {best} (02896 +towb ) [ place ] of the house (01004 +bayith ) of the women (00802 +)ishshah ) .

best Exo_22_05 If (00518 +)im ) a man (00376 +)iysh ) shall cause a field (07704 +sadeh ) or (00176 +)ow ) vineyard (03754 +kerem ) to be eaten (01197 +ba(ar ) , and shall put (07971 +shalach ) in his beast (01165 +b@(iyr ) , and shall feed (01197 +ba(ar ) in another (00312 +)acher ) man s (00312 +)acher ) field (07704 +sadeh ) ; of the best (04315 +meytab ) of his own field (07704 +sadeh ) , and of the {best} (04315 +meytab ) of his own vineyard (03754 +kerem ) , shall he make restitution (07999 +shalam ) .

best Exo_22_05 If (00518 +)im ) a man (00376 +)iysh ) shall cause a field (07704 +sadeh ) or (00176 +)ow ) vineyard (03754 +kerem ) to be eaten (01197 +ba(ar ) , and shall put (07971 +shalach ) in his beast (01165 +b@(iyr ) , and shall feed (01197 +ba(ar ) in another (00312 +)acher ) man s (00312 +)acher ) field (07704 +sadeh ) ; of the {best} (04315 +meytab ) of his own field (07704 +sadeh ) , and of the best (04315 +meytab ) of his own vineyard (03754 +kerem ) , shall he make restitution (07999 +shalam ) .

best Eze_31_16 I made the nations (01471 +gowy ) to shake (07493 +ra(ash ) at the sound (06963 +qowl ) of his fall (04658 +mappeleth ) , when I cast (03381 +yarad ) him down (03381 +yarad ) to hell (07585 +sh@)owl ) with them that descend (03381 +yarad ) into the pit (00953 +bowr ):and all (03605 +kol ) the trees (06086 +(ets ) of Eden (05731 +(Eden ) , the choice (04005 +mibchar ) and {best} (02896 +towb ) of Lebanon (03844 +L@banown ) , all (03605 +kol ) that drink (08354 +shathah ) water (04325 +mayim ) , shall be comforted (05162 +nacham ) in the nether (08482 +tachtiy ) parts of the earth (00776 +)erets ) .

best Gen_43_11 . And their father (1) Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto them , If (00518 +)im ) [ it must be ] so (03651 +ken ) now (00645 +)ephow ) , do (06213 +(asah ) this (02063 +zo)th ) ; take (03947 +laqach ) of the {best} (02173 +zimrah ) fruits (02173 +zimrah ) in the land (00776 +)erets ) in your vessels (03627 +k@liy ) , and carry (03381 +yarad ) down (03381 +yarad ) the man (00376 +)iysh ) a present (04503 +minchah ) , a little (04592 +m@(at ) balm (06875 +ts@riy ) , and a little (04592 +m@(at ) honey (01706 +d@bash ) , spices (05219 +n@ko)th ) , and myrrh (03910 +lot ) , nuts (00992 +boten ) , and almonds (08247 +shaqed ) :

best Gen_47_06 The land (00776 +)erets ) of Egypt (04714 +Mitsrayim ) [ is ] before (06440 +paniym ) thee ; in the {best} (04315 +meytab ) of the land (00776 +)erets ) make thy father (1) and brethren (00251 +)ach ) to dwell (03427 +yashab ) ; in the land (00776 +)erets ) of Goshen (01657 +Goshen ) let them dwell (03427 +yashab ):and if (00518 +)im ) thou knowest (03045 +yada( ) [ any ] men (00582 +)enowsh ) of activity (02428 +chayil ) among them , then make (07760 +suwm ) them rulers (08269 +sar ) over (05921 +(al ) my cattle (04735 +miqneh ) .

best Gen_47_11 And Joseph (03130 +Yowceph ) placed (03427 +yashab ) his father (1) and his brethren (00251 +)ach ) , and gave (05414 +nathan ) them a possession (00272 +)achuzzah ) in the land (00776 +)erets ) of Egypt (04714 +Mitsrayim ) , in the {best} (04315 +meytab ) of the land (00776 +)erets ) , in the land (00776 +)erets ) of Rameses (07486 +Ra(m@cec ) , as Pharaoh (06547 +Par(oh ) had commanded (06680 +tsavah ) .

best Luk_15_22 But the father 3962 -pater - said 2036 -epo - to his servants 1401 -doulos - , Bring 1627 -ekphero - forth 1627 -ekphero - the {best} 4413 -protos - robe 4749 -stole - , and put 1746 -enduo - [ it ] on 1746 -enduo - him ; and put 1325 -didomi - a ring 1146 -daktulios - on 1519 -eis - his hand 5495 -cheir - , and shoes 5266 -hupodema - on 1519 -eis - [ his ] feet 4228 -pous - :

best Mic_07_04 The {best} (02896 +towb ) of them [ is ] as a brier (02312 +chedeq ):the most upright (03477 +yashar ) [ is sharper ] than a thorn (04534 +m@cuwkah ) hedge (04534 +m@cuwkah ):the day (03117 +yowm ) of thy watchmen (06822 +tsaphah ) [ and ] thy visitation (06486 +p@quddah ) cometh (00935 +bow) ) ; now (06258 +(attah ) shall be their perplexity (03998 +m@buwkah ) .

best Num_18_12 All (03605 +kol ) the best (02459 +cheleb ) of the oil (08081 +shemen ) , and all (03605 +kol ) the {best} (02459 +cheleb ) of the wine (08492 +tiyrowsh ) , and of the wheat (01715 +dagan ) , the firstfruits (07225 +re)shiyth ) of them which (00834 +)aher ) they shall offer (05414 +nathan ) unto the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , them have I given (05414 +nathan ) thee .

best Num_18_12 All (03605 +kol ) the {best} (02459 +cheleb ) of the oil (08081 +shemen ) , and all (03605 +kol ) the best (02459 +cheleb ) of the wine (08492 +tiyrowsh ) , and of the wheat (01715 +dagan ) , the firstfruits (07225 +re)shiyth ) of them which (00834 +)aher ) they shall offer (05414 +nathan ) unto the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , them have I given (05414 +nathan ) thee .

best Num_18_29 Out of all (03605 +kol ) your gifts (04979 +mattanah ) ye shall offer (07311 +ruwm ) every (03605 +kol ) heave (08641 +t@ruwmah ) offering (08641 +t@ruwmah ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , of all (03605 +kol ) the {best} (02459 +cheleb ) thereof , [ even (00853 +)eth ) ] the hallowed (04720 +miqdash ) part thereof out of it .

best Num_18_30 Therefore thou shalt say (00559 +)amar ) unto them , When ye have heaved (07311 +ruwm ) the {best} (02459 +cheleb ) thereof from it , then it shall be counted (02803 +chashab ) unto the Levites (03881 +Leviyiy ) as the increase (08393 +t@buw)ah ) of the threshingfloor (01637 +goren ) , and as the increase (08393 +t@buw)ah ) of the winepress (03342 +yeqeb ) .

best Num_18_32 And ye shall bear (05375 +nasa) ) no (03808 +lo) ) sin (02399 +chet) ) by reason (05921 +(al ) of it , when ye have heaved (07311 +ruwm ) from it the {best} (02459 +cheleb ) of it:neither (03808 +lo) ) shall ye pollute (02490 +chalal ) the holy (06944 +qodesh ) things of the children (01121 +ben ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) , lest (03808 +lo) ) ye die (04191 +muwth ) .

best Num_36_06 This (02088 +zeh ) [ is ] the thing (01697 +dabar ) which (00834 +)aher ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) doth command (06680 +tsavah ) concerning the daughters (01121 +ben ) of Zelophehad (06765 +Ts@lophchad ) , saying (00559 +)amar ) , Let them marry (00802 +)ishshah ) to whom they think (05869 +(ayin ) {best} (02896 +towb ) ; only (00389 +)ak ) to the family (04940 +mishpachah ) of the tribe (04294 +matteh ) of their father (1) shall they marry (00802 +)ishshah ) .

best Psa_39_05 Behold (02009 +hinneh ) , thou hast made (05414 +nathan ) my days (03117 +yowm ) [ as ] an handbreadth (02947 +tephach ) ; and mine age (02465 +cheled ) [ is ] as nothing (00369 +)ayin ) before (05048 +neged ) thee:verily (00389 +)ak ) every (03605 +kol ) man (00120 +)adam ) at his {best} (05324 +natsab ) state (05324 +natsab ) [ is ] altogether (03605 +kol ) vanity (01892 +hebel ) . Selah (05542 +celah ) .

best Son_07_09 And the roof (02441 +chek ) of thy mouth (02441 +chek ) like the {best} (02896 +towb ) wine (03196 +yayin ) for my beloved (01730 +dowd ) , that goeth (01980 +halak ) [ down ] sweetly (04339 +meyshar ) , causing the lips (08193 +saphah ) of those that are asleep (03463 +yashen ) to speak (01680 +dabab ) .

bestead Isa_08_21 And they shall pass (05674 +(abar ) through it , hardly (07185 +qashah ) {bestead} and hungry (07456 +ra(eb ):and it shall come (01961 +hayah ) to pass , that when (03588 +kiy ) they shall be hungry (07456 +ra(eb ) , they shall fret (07107 +qatsaph ) themselves , and curse (07043 +qalal ) their king (04428 +melek ) and their God (00430 +)elohiym ) , and look (06437 +panah ) upward (04605 +ma(al ) .

bestir 2Sa_05_24 And let it be , when thou hearest (08085 +shama( ) the sound (06963 +qowl ) of a going (06807 +ts@(adah ) in the tops (07218 +ro)sh ) of the mulberry (01057 +baka) ) trees , that then (00227 +)az ) thou shalt {bestir} (02782 +charats ) thyself:for then (00227 +)az ) shall the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) go (03318 +yatsa) ) out before (06440 +paniym ) thee , to smite (05221 +nakah ) the host (04264 +machaneh ) of the Philistines (06430 +P@lishtiy ) .

bestow 1Co_12_23 And those [ members ] of the body (4983 -soma -) , which (3739 -hos -) we think (1380 -dokeo -) to be less (0820 -atimos -) honourable (0820 -atimos -) , upon these (5125 -toutois -) we {bestow} (4060 -peritithemi -) more (4055 -perissoteros -) abundant (4055 -perissoteros -) honour (5092 -time -) ; and our uncomely (0809 -askemon -) [ parts ] have (2192 -echo -) more (4055 -perissoteros -) abundant (4055 -perissoteros -) comeliness (2157 -eushemosune -) .

bestow 1Co_13_03 And though (1437 -ean -) I {bestow} (5595 -psomizo -) all (3956 -pas -) my goods (5224 -huparchonta -) to feed (5595 -psomizo -) [ the poor ] , and though (1437 -ean -) I give (3860 -paradidomi -) my body (4983 -soma -) to be burned (2545 -kaio -) , and have (2192 -echo -) not charity (0026 -agape -) , it profiteth (5623 -opheleo -) me nothing (3762 -oudeis -) .

bestow 2Ch_24_07 For the sons (01121 +ben ) of Athaliah (06271 +(Athalyah ) , that wicked (04849 +mirsha(ath ) woman , had broken (06555 +parats ) up the house (01004 +bayith ) of God (00430 +)elohiym ) ; and also (01571 +gam ) all (03605 +kol ) the dedicated (06944 +qodesh ) things of the house (01004 +bayith ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) did they {bestow} (06213 +(asah ) upon Baalim (01168 +Ba(al ) .

bestow Deu_14_26 And thou shalt {bestow} (05414 +nathan ) that money (03701 +keceph ) for whatsoever thy soul (05315 +nephesh ) lusteth (00183 +)avah ) after , for oxen (01241 +baqar ) , or for sheep (06629 +tso)n ) , or for wine (03196 +yayin ) , or for strong drink (07941 +shekar ) , or for whatsoever thy soul (05315 +nephesh ) desireth (07592 +sha)al ):and thou shalt eat (00398 +)akal ) there (08033 +sham ) before (06440 +paniym ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) thy God (00430 +)elohiym ) , and thou shalt rejoice (08055 +samach ) , thou , and thine household (01004 +bayith ) ,

bestow Exo_32_29 For Moses (04872 +Mosheh ) had said (00559 +)amar ) , Consecrate yourselves (03027 +yad ) to day to the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , even (03588 +kiy ) every man (00376 +)iysh ) upon his son (01121 +ben ) , and upon his brother (00251 +)ach ) ; that he may {bestow} (05414 +nathan ) upon you a blessing (01293 +B@rakah ) this day (03117 +yowm ) .

bestow Ezr_07_20 And whatsoever more (07608 +sha)arah ) shall be needful (02819 +chashchuwth ) for the house (01005 +bayith ) of thy God (00426 +)elahh ) , which (01768 +diy ) thou shalt have occasion (05308 +n@phal ) to bestow (05415 +n@than ) , {bestow} (05415 +n@than ) [ it ] out of the king s (04430 +melek ) treasure (01596 +g@naz ) house (01005 +bayith ) .

bestow Ezr_07_20 And whatsoever more (07608 +sha)arah ) shall be needful (02819 +chashchuwth ) for the house (01005 +bayith ) of thy God (00426 +)elahh ) , which (01768 +diy ) thou shalt have occasion (05308 +n@phal ) to {bestow} (05415 +n@than ) , bestow (05415 +n@than ) [ it ] out of the king s (04430 +melek ) treasure (01596 +g@naz ) house (01005 +bayith ) .

bestow Luk_12_17 And he thought 1260 -dialogizomai - within 1722 -en - himself 1438 -heautou - , saying 3004 -lego - , What 5101 -tis - shall I do 4160 -poieo - , because 3754 -hoti - I have 2192 -echo - no 3756 -ou - room where 4226 -pou - to {bestow} 4863 -sunago - my fruits 2590 -karpos - ?

bestow Luk_12_18 And he said 2036 -epo - , This 5124 -touto - will I do 4160 -poieo -:I will pull 2507 -kathaireo - down 2507 -kathaireo - my barns 0596 -apotheke - , and build 3618 -oikodomeo - greater 3187 -meizon - ; and there 1563 -ekei - will I {bestow} 4863 -sunago - all 3956 -pas - my fruits 1081 -gennema - and my goods 0018 -agathos - .

bestowed 1Ch_29_25 And the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) magnified (01431 +gadal ) Solomon (08010 +Sh@lomoh ) exceedingly (04605 +ma(al ) in the sight (05869 +(ayin ) of all (03605 +kol ) Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) , and {bestowed} (05414 +nathan ) upon him [ such ] royal (04438 +malkuwth ) majesty (01935 +howd ) as had (01961 +hayah ) not been (01961 +hayah ) on (05921 +(al ) any (03605 +kol ) king (04428 +melek ) before (06440 +paniym ) him in Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) .

bestowed 1Co_15_10 But by the grace (5485 -charis -) of God (2316 -theos -) I am (1510 -eimi -) what (3739 -hos -) I am (1510 -eimi -):and his grace (5485 -charis -) which [ was {bestowed} ] upon me was not in vain (2756 -kenos -) ; but I laboured (2872 -kopiao -) more (4055 -perissoteros -) abundantly (4054 -perissoteron -) than they all (3956 -pas -):yet (1161 -de -) not I , but the grace (5485 -charis -) of God (2316 -theos -) which (3588 -ho -) was with me .

bestowed 1Jo_03_01 . Behold (1492 -eido -) , what (4217 -potapos -) manner (4217 -potapos -) of love (0026 -agape -) the Father (3962 -pater -) hath {bestowed} (1325 -didomi -) upon us , that we should be called (2564 -kaleo -) the sons (5043 -teknon -) of God (2316 -theos -):therefore (5124 -touto -) the world (2889 -kosmos -) knoweth (1097 -ginosko -) us not , because (3754 -hoti -) it knew (1097 -ginosko -) him not .

bestowed 1Ki_10_26 And Solomon (08010 +Sh@lomoh ) gathered (00622 +)acaph ) together chariots (07393 +rekeb ) and horsemen (06571 +parash ):and he had a thousand (00505 +)eleph ) and four (00702 +)arba( ) hundred (03967 +me)ah ) chariots (07393 +rekeb ) , and twelve thousand (00505 +)eleph ) horsemen (06571 +parash ) , whom he {bestowed} (03240 +yanach ) in the cities (05892 +(iyr ) for chariots (07393 +rekeb ) , and with the king (04428 +melek ) at Jerusalem (03389 +Y@ruwshalaim ) .

bestowed 2Ch_09_25 And Solomon (08010 +Sh@lomoh ) had (01961 +hayah ) four (00702 +)arba( ) thousand (00505 +)eleph ) stalls (00723 +)urvah ) for horses (05483 +cuwc ) and chariots (04818 +merkabah ) , and twelve thousand (00505 +)eleph ) horsemen (06571 +parash ) ; whom he {bestowed} (03240 +yanach ) in the chariot (07393 +rekeb ) cities (05892 +(iyr ) , and with the king (04428 +melek ) at Jerusalem (03389 +Y@ruwshalaim ) .

bestowed 2Co_01_11 Ye also (2532 -kai -) helping (4943 -sunupourgeo -) together (4943 -sunupourgeo -) by prayer (1162 -deesis -) for us , that for the gift (5486 -charisma -) [ {bestowed} ] upon us by the means of many (4183 -polus -) persons (4383 -prosopon -) thanks (2168 -eucharisteo -) may be given by many (4183 -polus -) on (5228 -huper -) our behalf (5228 -huper -) .

bestowed 2Co_08_01 . Moreover (1161 -de -) , brethren (0080 -adephos -) , we do (1107 -gnorizo -) you to wit (1107 -gnorizo -) of the grace (5485 -charis -) of God (2316 -theos -) {bestowed} (1325 -didomi -) on (1722 -en -) the churches (1577 -ekklesia -) of Macedonia (3109 -Makedonia -) ;

bestowed 2Ki_05_24 And when he came (00935 +bow) ) to the tower (06076 +(ophel ) , he took (03947 +laqach ) [ them ] from their hand (03027 +yad ) , and {bestowed} (06485 +paqad ) [ them ] in the house (01004 +bayith ):and he let the men (00582 +)enowsh ) go (07971 +shalach ) , and they departed (03212 +yalak ) .

bestowed 2Ki_12_15 Moreover they reckoned (02803 +chashab ) not with the men (00582 +)enowsh ) , into (05921 +(al ) whose (00834 +)aher ) hand (03027 +yad ) they delivered (05414 +nathan ) the money (03701 +keceph ) to be {bestowed} (05414 +nathan ) on workmen:for they dealt (06213 +(asah ) faithfully (00530 +)emuwnah ) .

bestowed Gal_04_11 I am afraid (5399 -phobeo -) of you , lest (3381 -mepos -) I have {bestowed} (2872 -kopiao -) upon you labour (2872 -kopiao -) in vain (1500 -eike -) .

bestowed Isa_63_07 . I will mention (02142 +zakar ) the lovingkindnesses (02617 +checed ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , [ and ] the praises (08416 +t@hillah ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , according (05921 +(al ) to all (03605 +kol ) that the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) hath bestowed (01580 +gamal ) on us , and the great (07227 +rab ) goodness (02898 +tuwb ) toward the house (01004 +bayith ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) , which (00834 +)aher ) he hath {bestowed} (01580 +gamal ) on them according to his mercies (07356 +racham ) , and according to the multitude (07230 +rob ) of his lovingkindnesses (02617 +checed ) .

bestowed Isa_63_07 . I will mention (02142 +zakar ) the lovingkindnesses (02617 +checed ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , [ and ] the praises (08416 +t@hillah ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , according (05921 +(al ) to all (03605 +kol ) that the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) hath {bestowed} (01580 +gamal ) on us , and the great (07227 +rab ) goodness (02898 +tuwb ) toward the house (01004 +bayith ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) , which (00834 +)aher ) he hath bestowed (01580 +gamal ) on them according to his mercies (07356 +racham ) , and according to the multitude (07230 +rob ) of his lovingkindnesses (02617 +checed ) .

bestowed Joh_04_38 I sent (0649 -apostello -) you to reap (2325 -therizo -) that whereon (3739 -hos -) ye {bestowed} (2872 -kopiao -) no (3756 -ou -) labour (2872 -kopiao -):other (0243 -allos -) men laboured (2872 -kopiao -) , and ye are entered (1525 -eiserchomai -) into (1519 -eis -) their labours (2873 -kopos -) .

bestowed Rom_16_06 Greet (0782 -aspazomai -) Mary (3137 -Maria -) , who (3748 -hostis -) {bestowed} (2872 -kopiao -) much (4183 -polus -) labour (2872 -kopiao -) on (1519 -eis -) us .


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