Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies

Genesis Chapter 1

be 1166 ## ba`al {baw-al'}; a primitive root; to be master; hence (as denominative from 1167) to marry: -- Beulah have dominion (over), {be} husband, marry (-ied, X wife).

Beulah 1166 ## ba`al {baw-al'}; a primitive root; to be master; hence (as denominative from 1167) to marry: -- {Beulah} have dominion (over), be husband, marry (-ied, X wife).

dominion 1166 ## ba`al {baw-al'}; a primitive root; to be master; hence (as denominative from 1167) to marry: -- Beulah have {dominion} (over), be husband, marry (-ied, X wife).

have 1166 ## ba`al {baw-al'}; a primitive root; to be master; hence (as denominative from 1167) to marry: -- Beulah {have} dominion (over), be husband, marry (-ied, X wife).

husband 1166 ## ba`al {baw-al'}; a primitive root; to be master; hence (as denominative from 1167) to marry: -- Beulah have dominion (over), be {husband}, marry (-ied, X wife).

marry 1166 ## ba`al {baw-al'}; a primitive root; to be master; hence (as denominative from 1167) to marry: -- Beulah have dominion (over), be husband, {marry} (-ied, X wife).

over 1166 ## ba`al {baw-al'}; a primitive root; to be master; hence (as denominative from 1167) to marry: -- Beulah have dominion ({over}), be husband, marry (-ied, X wife).

wife 1166 ## ba`al {baw-al'}; a primitive root; to be master; hence (as denominative from 1167) to marry: -- Beulah have dominion (over), be husband, marry (-ied, X {wife}).