bishop 1Ti_03_01 /${bishop /he desireth a good work . bishop Tit_01_07 /${bishop /must be blameless , as the steward of God ; not selfwilled , not soon angry , not given to wine , no striker , not given to filthy lucre ; bishop Tit_03_15 /${bishop /of the church of the Cretians , from Nicopolis of Macedonia .>> bishop 2Ti_04_22 /${bishop /of the church of the Ephesians , was written from Rome , when Paul was brought before Nero the second time .>> Bishop 1Pe_02_25 /${Bishop /of your souls . bishop 1Ti_03_02 /${bishop /then must be blameless , the husband of one wife , vigilant , sober , of good behaviour , given to hospitality , apt to teach ; bishoprick Act_01_20 /${bishoprick /let another take . bishops Php_01_01 /${bishops /and deacons :