English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew.

English Theasurus from the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary

Abital 0037 -- /Abiytal -- {Abital}.

Abitub 0036 -- /Abiytuwb -- {Abitub}.

Arbite 0701 -- /Arbiy -- {Arbite}.

backbite 7270 ragal -- -- {backbite}, search, slander, (e-)spy (out), teach to go,view.

backbiter 2637 ** katalalos ** {backbiter}.

backbiting 2636 ** katalalia ** {backbiting}, evil speaking.

backbiting 5643 -- cether -- {backbiting}, covering, covert, X disguise[-th], hidingplace, privily, protection, secret(-ly, place).

bit 4964 -- metheg -- {bit}, bridle.

bit 5469 ** chalinos ** {bit}, bridle.

bite 1143 ** dakno ** {bite}.

bite 5391 -- nashak -- {bite}, lend upon usury.

Bithiah 1332 -- Bithyah -- {Bithiah}.

Bithron 1338 -- Bithrown -- {Bithron}.

Bithynia 0978 ** Bithunia ** {Bithynia}.

bitten 7457 ra\eb -- -- hunger {bitten}, hungry.

bitter 4087 ** pikraino ** be (make) {bitter}.

bitter 4089 ** pikros ** {bitter}.

bitter 4751 -- mar -- + angry, {bitter}(-ly, -ness), chafed, discontented, Xgreat, heavy.

bitter 4784 -- marah -- {bitter}, change, be disobedient, disobey, grievously,provocation, provoke(-ing), (be) rebel (against, -lious).

bitter 4805 -- m@riy -- {bitter}, (most) rebel(-lion, -lious).

bitter 4815 -- m@riyriy -- {bitter}.

bitter 4843 -- marar -- (be, be in, deal, have, make) {bitter}(-ly, -ness), be movedwith choler, (be, have sorely, it) grieved(-eth), provoke, vex.

bitter 4844 -- m@ror -- {bitter}(-ness).

bitter 4846 -- m@rorah -- {bitter} (thing), gall.

bitter 8563 -- tamruwr -- X most {bitter}(-ly).

bitterly 0779 -- /arar -- X {bitterly} curse.

bitterly 4090 ** pikros ** {bitterly}.

bittern 7090 qippowd -- -- {bittern}.

bitterness 4088 ** pikria ** {bitterness}.

bitterness 4470 -- memer -- {bitterness}.

bitterness 4472 -- mamror -- {bitterness}.

bitterness 4787 -- morrah -- {bitterness}.

bitterness 4814 -- m@riyruwth -- {bitterness}.

cubit 0520 -- /ammah -- {cubit}, + hundred, measure, post.

cubit 0521 -- /ammah -- {cubit}.

cubit 1574 -- gomed -- {cubit}.

cubit 4083 ** pechus ** {cubit}.

habitable 8398 -- tebel -- {habitable} part, world.

habitation 1628 -- geruwth -- {habitation}.

habitation 2073 -- z@buwl -- dwell in, dwelling, {habitation}.

habitation 2732 ** katoiketerion ** {habitation}.

habitation 2733 ** katoikia ** {habitation}.

habitation 2918 -- tiyrah -- (goodly) castle, {habitation}, palace, row.

habitation 3427 -- yashab -- (make to) abide(-ing), continue, (cause to, make to)dwell(-ing), ease self, endure, establish, X fail, {habitation}, haunt,(make to) inhabit(-ant), make to keep [house], lurking, X marry(-ing),(bring again to) place, remain, return, seat, set(- tle), (down-)sit(-down, still, -- ting down, -- ting [place] -- uate), take, tarry.

habitation 3613 ** oiketerion ** {habitation}, house.

habitation 4349 -- makown -- foundation, {habitation}, (dwelling-, settled) place.

habitation 4351 -- m@kuwrah -- birth, {habitation}, nativity.

habitation 4380 -- m@kerah -- {habitation}.

habitation 4583 -- ma\own -- den, dwelling([-]place), {habitation}.

habitation 4585 -- m@\ownah -- den, {habitation}, (dwelling) place, refuge.

habitation 4633 ** skene ** {habitation}, tabernacle.

habitation 4907 -- mishkan -- {habitation}.

habitation 4908 -- mishkan -- dwelleth, dwelling (place), {habitation}, tabernacle,tent.

habitation 4999 -- na/ah -- {habitation}, house, pasture, pleasant place.

habitation 5115 -- navah -- keept at home, prepare an {habitation}.

habitation 5116 -- naveh -- comely, dwelling (place), fold, {habitation}, pleasantplace, sheepcote, stable, tarried.

habitation 7931 shakan -- -- abide, continue, (cause to, make to) dwell(-er), have{habitation}, inhabit, lay, place, (cause to) remain, rest, set (up).

habitation 7932 sh@kan -- -- cause to dwell, have {habitation}.

habitation 7933 sheken -- -- {habitation}.

inhabit 3427 -- yashab -- (make to) abide(-ing), continue, (cause to, make to)dwell(-ing), ease self, endure, establish, X fail, habitation, haunt, (maketo) {inhabit}(-ant), make to keep [house], lurking, X marry(-ing), (bringagain to) place, remain, return, seat, set(- tle), (down-)sit(-down, still, -- ting down, -- ting [place] -- uate), take, tarry.

inhabit 7931 shakan -- -- abide, continue, (cause to, make to) dwell(-er), havehabitation, {inhabit}, lay, place, (cause to) remain, rest, set (up).

inhabitant 1481 -- guwr -- abide, assemble, be afraid, dwell, fear, gather(together), {inhabitant}, remain, sojourn, stand in awe, (be) stranger, Xsurely.

inhabitant 2730 ** katoikeo ** dwell(-er), {inhabitant}(-ter).

inhabitant 7934 shaken -- -- {inhabitant}, neighbour, nigh.

inhabitant 8453 -- towshab -- foreigner, {inhabitant}, sojourner, stranger.

inhabitants 3778 -- Kasdiy -- Chaldeans, Chaldees, {inhabitants} of Chaldea.

inhabited 1509 -- g@zerah -- not {inhabited}.

inhabited 4186 -- mowshab -- assembly, dwell in, dwelling(-place), wherein (that)dwelt (in), {inhabited} place, seat, sitting, situation, sojourning.

inhabiting 6728 -- tsiyiy -- wild beast of the desert, that dwell in ({inhabiting})the wilderness.

Jashubites 3432 -- Yashubiy -- {Jashubites}.

Moabite 4125 -- Mow/abiy -- (woman) of Moab, {Moabite}(-ish, -ss).

Rabbith 7245 Rabbiyth -- -- {Rabbith}.

Tabitha 5000 ** Tabitha ** {Tabitha}.

Tishbite 8664 -- Tishbiy -- {Tishbite}.