English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number.

English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number
backbiters - 2637 {backbiters},

backbitings - 2636 {backbitings}, evil, speakings,

bite - 1143 {bite},

bithynia - 0978 {bithynia},

bits - 5469 {bits}, bridle, bridles,

bitter - 4087 {bitter}, made, make,

bitter - 4089 {bitter},

bitterly - 4090 {bitterly},

bitterness - 4088 {bitterness},

cubit - 4083 {cubit}, cubits,

cubits - 4083 cubit, {cubits},

habitation - 1886 {habitation},

habitation - 2732 {habitation},

habitation - 2733 {habitation},

habitation - 3613 {habitation}, house,

inhabitants - 2730 dwell, dwellers, dwellest, dwelleth, dwelling, dwelt, {inhabitants}, inhabiters,

inhabiters - 2730 dwell, dwellers, dwellest, dwelleth, dwelling, dwelt, inhabitants, {inhabiters},

tabitha - 5000 {tabitha},