abital -0037 {abital} , abitub -0036 {abitub} , arbite -0701 {arbite} , backbiteth -7270 {backbiteth} , espy , searched , slandered , spied , spies , spy , view , backbiting -5643 {backbiting} , covering , covert , disguiseth , hiding , privily , protection , secret , secretly , bit -4964 {bit} , bridle , bit -5391 {bit} , bite , biteth , bitten , lend , lent , usury , bite -5391 bit , {bite} , biteth , bitten , lend , lent , usury , biteth -5391 bit , bite , {biteth} , bitten , lend , lent , usury , bithiah -1332 {bithiah} , bithron -1338 {bithron} , bitten -5391 bit , bite , biteth , {bitten} , lend , lent , usury , bitter -4751 {bitter} , bitterly , bitterness , chafed , heavy , bitter -4784 {bitter} , disobedient , disobeyed , grieved , grievously , provocation , provoke , provoked , provoking , rebel , rebelled , rebellious , rebels , bitter -4805 {bitter} , rebellion , rebellious , rebels , bitter -4815 {bitter} , bitter -4843 {bitter} , bitterly , bitterness , choler , grieved , grieveth , provoke , sorely , vexed , bitter -4844 {bitter} , bitterness , bitter -4846 {bitter} , gall , bitter -8563 {bitter} , bitterly , most , bitterly -0779 {bitterly} , curse , cursed , cursest , curseth , bitterly -4751 bitter , {bitterly} , bitterness , chafed , heavy , bitterly -4843 bitter , {bitterly} , bitterness , choler , grieved , grieveth , provoke , sorely , vexed , bitterly -8563 bitter , {bitterly} , most , bittern -7090 {bittern} , bitterness -4470 {bitterness} , bitterness -4472 {bitterness} , bitterness -4751 bitter , bitterly , {bitterness} , chafed , heavy , bitterness -4814 {bitterness} , bitterness -4843 bitter , bitterly , {bitterness} , choler , grieved , grieveth , provoke , sorely , vexed , bitterness -4844 bitter , {bitterness} , cubit -0520 {cubit} , cubits , hundred , measure , posts , cubit -1574 {cubit} , cubits -0520 cubit , {cubits} , hundred , measure , posts , cubits -0521 {cubits} , habitable -8398 {habitable} , world , habitation -1628 {habitation} , habitation -2073 dwell , dwelling , {habitation} , habitation -2918 castles , {habitation} , palace , palaces , rows , habitation -3427 abide , abideth , abiding , abode , abodest , continue , continued , downsitting , dwell , dwelled , dwellest , dwelleth , dwelling , dwellingplace , dwelt , ease , endure , establish , {habitation} , haunt , inhabit , inhabitant , inhabitants , inhabited , inhabitest , inhabiteth , lurking , married , marrying , of , place , placed , remain , remained , remainest , remaineth , return , sat , satest , set , setteth , settle , sit , sittest , sitteth , sitting , situate , taken , tarried , tarrieth , tarry , habitation -4186 assembly , dwell , dwelling , dwellingplace , dwellingplaces , dwellings , dwelt , {habitation} , habitations , inhabited , seat , sitting , situation , sojourning , habitation -4349 dwelling , foundations , {habitation} , place , settled , habitation -4351 birth , {habitation} , nativity , habitation -4583 den , dwelling , {habitation} , habitations , habitation -4907 {habitation} , habitation -4908 dwelleth , dwelling , dwellingplaces , dwellings , {habitation} , habitations , tabernacle , tabernacles , tents , habitation -5115 {habitation} , home , habitation -5116 dwelling , dwellings , fold , folds , {habitation} , habitations , pleasant , sheepcote , stable , tarried , habitation -7931 abiding , abode , continue , dwell , dwellers , dwellest , dwelleth , dwelling , dwelt , {habitation} , inhabit , inhabited , inhabiteth , lay , place , placed , remain , remaineth , remaining , rest , rested , set , habitation -7932 dwell , {habitation} , habitation -7933 cast , {habitation} , habitations -4186 assembly , dwell , dwelling , dwellingplace , dwellingplaces , dwellings , dwelt , habitation , {habitations} , inhabited , seat , sitting , situation , sojourning , habitations -4380 {habitations} , habitations -4583 den , dwelling , habitation , {habitations} , habitations -4585 den , dens , dwelling , {habitations} , places , refuge , habitations -4908 dwelleth , dwelling , dwellingplaces , dwellings , habitation , {habitations} , tabernacle , tabernacles , tents , habitations -4999 {habitations} , houses , pastures , pleasant , habitations -5116 dwelling , dwellings , fold , folds , habitation , {habitations} , pleasant , sheepcote , stable , tarried , hungerbitten -7457 hunger , {hungerbitten} , inhabit -3427 abide , abideth , abiding , abode , abodest , continue , continued , downsitting , dwell , dwelled , dwellest , dwelleth , dwelling , dwellingplace , dwelt , ease , endure , establish , habitation , haunt , {inhabit} , inhabitant , inhabitants , inhabited , inhabitest , inhabiteth , lurking , married , marrying , of , place , placed , remain , remained , remainest , remaineth , return , sat , satest , set , setteth , settle , sit , sittest , sitteth , sitting , situate , taken , tarried , tarrieth , tarry , inhabit -7931 abiding , abode , continue , dwell , dwellers , dwellest , dwelleth , dwelling , dwelt , habitation , {inhabit} , inhabited , inhabiteth , lay , place , placed , remain , remaineth , remaining , rest , rested , set , inhabitant -1481 abide , afraid , assemble , awe , dwell , dwelleth , fear , feared , fearest , gather , gathered , {inhabitant} , remain , sojourn , sojourned , sojourners , sojourneth , sojourning , stand , strangers , inhabitant -3427 abide , abideth , abiding , abode , abodest , continue , continued , downsitting , dwell , dwelled , dwellest , dwelleth , dwelling , dwellingplace , dwelt , ease , endure , establish , habitation , haunt , inhabit , {inhabitant} , inhabitants , inhabited , inhabitest , inhabiteth , lurking , married , marrying , of , place , placed , remain , remained , remainest , remaineth , return , sat , satest , set , setteth , settle , sit , sittest , sitteth , sitting , situate , taken , tarried , tarrieth , tarry , inhabitant -7934 {inhabitant} , inhabitants , neighbour , neighbours , nigh , inhabitants -1753 dwell , dwelt , {inhabitants} , inhabited , wife , inhabitants -3427 abide , abideth , abiding , abode , abodest , continue , continued , downsitting , dwell , dwelled , dwellest , dwelleth , dwelling , dwellingplace , dwelt , ease , endure , establish , habitation , haunt , inhabit , inhabitant , {inhabitants} , inhabited , inhabitest , inhabiteth , lurking , married , marrying , of , place , placed , remain , remained , remainest , remaineth , return , sat , satest , set , setteth , settle , sit , sittest , sitteth , sitting , situate , taken , tarried , tarrieth , tarry , inhabitants -7934 inhabitant , {inhabitants} , neighbour , neighbours , nigh , inhabitants -8453 foreigner , {inhabitants} , sojourner , sojourners , stranger , strangers , inhabited -1509 {inhabited} , inhabited -1753 dwell , dwelt , inhabitants , {inhabited} , wife , inhabited -3427 abide , abideth , abiding , abode , abodest , continue , continued , downsitting , dwell , dwelled , dwellest , dwelleth , dwelling , dwellingplace , dwelt , ease , endure , establish , habitation , haunt , inhabit , inhabitant , inhabitants , {inhabited} , inhabitest , inhabiteth , lurking , married , marrying , of , place , placed , remain , remained , remainest , remaineth , return , sat , satest , set , setteth , settle , sit , sittest , sitteth , sitting , situate , taken , tarried , tarrieth , tarry , inhabited -4186 assembly , dwell , dwelling , dwellingplace , dwellingplaces , dwellings , dwelt , habitation , habitations , {inhabited} , seat , sitting , situation , sojourning , inhabited -7931 abiding , abode , continue , dwell , dwellers , dwellest , dwelleth , dwelling , dwelt , habitation , inhabit , {inhabited} , inhabiteth , lay , place , placed , remain , remaineth , remaining , rest , rested , set , inhabitest -3427 abide , abideth , abiding , abode , abodest , continue , continued , downsitting , dwell , dwelled , dwellest , dwelleth , dwelling , dwellingplace , dwelt , ease , endure , establish , habitation , haunt , inhabit , inhabitant , inhabitants , inhabited , {inhabitest} , inhabiteth , lurking , married , marrying , of , place , placed , remain , remained , remainest , remaineth , return , sat , satest , set , setteth , settle , sit , sittest , sitteth , sitting , situate , taken , tarried , tarrieth , tarry , inhabiteth -3427 abide , abideth , abiding , abode , abodest , continue , continued , downsitting , dwell , dwelled , dwellest , dwelleth , dwelling , dwellingplace , dwelt , ease , endure , establish , habitation , haunt , inhabit , inhabitant , inhabitants , inhabited , inhabitest , {inhabiteth} , lurking , married , marrying , of , place , placed , remain , remained , remainest , remaineth , return , sat , satest , set , setteth , settle , sit , sittest , sitteth , sitting , situate , taken , tarried , tarrieth , tarry , inhabiteth -7931 abiding , abode , continue , dwell , dwellers , dwellest , dwelleth , dwelling , dwelt , habitation , inhabit , inhabited , {inhabiteth} , lay , place , placed , remain , remaineth , remaining , rest , rested , set , inhabiting -6728 beasts , desert , {inhabiting} , wild , wilderness , jashubites -3432 {jashubites} , moabite -4125 moab , {moabite} , moabites , moabitess , moabitish , moabites -4124 moab , {moabites} , moabites -4125 moab , moabite , {moabites} , moabitess , moabitish , moabitess -4125 moab , moabite , moabites , {moabitess} , moabitish , moabitish -4125 moab , moabite , moabites , moabitess , {moabitish} , rabbith -7245 {rabbith} , rechabites -7397 {rechabites} , rechah , tishbite -8664 {tishbite} ,