English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew.

English Theasurus from the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary

blind 4456 ** poroo ** {blind}, harden.

blind 5185 ** tuphlos ** {blind}.

blind 5186 ** tuphloo ** {blind}.

blind 5786 -- \avar -- {blind}, put out.

blind 5787 -- \ivver -- {blind} (men, people).

blind 5788 -- \ivvarown -- {blind}(-ness).

blind 5956 -- \alam -- X any ways, {blind}, dissembler, hide (self), secret (thing).

blindfold 4028 ** perikalupto ** {blindfold}, cover, overlay.

blindness 4457 ** porosis ** {blindness}, hardness.

blindness 5575 -- canver -- {blindness}.