Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
bold ^ 1Th_02_02 But <0235> even <2532> after that we had suffered before <4310> (5631), and <2532> were shamefully entreated <5195> (5685), as <2531> ye know <1492> (5758), at <1722> Philippi <5375>, we were {bold} <3955> (5662) in <1722> our <2257> God <2316> to speak <2980> (5658) unto <4314> you <5209> the gospel <2098> of God <2316> with <1722> much <4183> contention <0073>.

bold ^ 2Co_10_01 Now <1161> I <1473> Paul <3972> myself <0846> beseech <3870> (5719) you <5209> by <1223> the meekness <4236> and <2532> gentleness <1932> of Christ <5547>, who <3739> in <2596> presence <4383> am base <3303> <5011> among <1722> you <5213>, but <1161> being absent <0548> (5752) am {bold} <2292> (5719) toward <1519> you <5209>:

bold ^ 2Co_10_02 But <1161> I beseech <1189> (5736) you, that I may not <3361> be bold <2292> (5658) when I am present <3918> (5752) with that confidence <4006>, wherewith <3739> I think <3049> (5736) to be {bold} <5111> (5658) against <1909> some <5100>, which <3588> think <3049> (5740) of us <2248> as <5613> if we walked <4043> (5723) according <2596> to the flesh <4561>.

bold ^ 2Co_10_02 But <1161> I beseech <1189> (5736) you, that I may not <3361> be {bold} <2292> (5658) when I am present <3918> (5752) with that confidence <4006>, wherewith <3739> I think <3049> (5736) to be bold <5111> (5658) against <1909> some <5100>, which <3588> think <3049> (5740) of us <2248> as <5613> if we walked <4043> (5723) according <2596> to the flesh <4561>.

bold ^ 2Co_11_21 I speak <3004> (5719) as concerning <2596> reproach <0819>, as <5613> though <3754> we <2249> had been weak <0770> (5656). Howbeit <1161> whereinsoever <1722> <3739> <0302> any <5100> is bold <5111> (5725), (I speak <3004> (5719) foolishly <1722> <0877>,) I am {bold} <5111> (5719) also <2504>.

bold ^ 2Co_11_21 I speak <3004> (5719) as concerning <2596> reproach <0819>, as <5613> though <3754> we <2249> had been weak <0770> (5656). Howbeit <1161> whereinsoever <1722> <3739> <0302> any <5100> is {bold} <5111> (5725), (I speak <3004> (5719) foolishly <1722> <0877>,) I am bold <5111> (5719) also <2504>.

bold ^ Act_13_46 Then <1161> Paul <3972> and <2532> Barnabas <0921> waxed {bold} <3955> (5666), and said <2036> (5627), It was <2258> (5713) necessary <0316> that the word <3056> of God <2316> should <2980> <0> first <4412> have been spoken <2980> (5683) to you <5213>: but <1161> seeing <1894> ye put <0683> <0> it <0846> from you <0683> (5736), and <2532> judge <2919> (5719) yourselves <1438> unworthy <3756> <0514> of everlasting <0166> life <2222>, lo <2400> (5628), we turn <4762> (5743) to <1519> the Gentiles <1484>.

bold ^ Phm_01_08 Wherefore <1352>, though I might be <2192> (5723) much <4183> {bold} <3954> in <1722> Christ <5547> to enjoin <2004> (5721) thee <4671> that which is convenient <0433> (5723),

bold ^ Php_01_14 And <2532> many <4119> of the brethren <0080> in <1722> the Lord <2962>, waxing confident <3982> (5756) by my <3450> bonds <1199>, are much more <4056> {bold} <5111> (5721) to speak <2980> (5721) the word <3056> without fear <0870>.

bold ^ Rom_10_20 But <1161> Esaias <2268> is very {bold} <0662> (5719), and <2532> saith <3004> (5719), I was found <2147> (5681) of them that sought <2212> (5723) me <1691> not <3361>; I was made <1096> (5633) manifest <1717> unto them that asked <1905> <0> not <3361> after <1905> (5723) me <1691>.

boldly ^ Act_18_26 And <5037> he <3778> began <0756> (5662) to speak {boldly} <3955> (5738) in <1722> the synagogue <4864>: whom <0846> when <1161> Aquila <0207> and <2532> Priscilla <4252> had heard <0191> (5660), they took <4355> (5639) him <0846> unto them, and <2532> expounded <1620> (5639) unto him <0846> the way <3598> of God <2316> more perfectly <0197>.

boldly ^ Act_09_27 But <1161> Barnabas <0921> took <1949> (5637) him <0846>, and brought <0071> (5627) him to <4314> the apostles <0652>, and <2532> declared <1334> (5662) unto them <0846> how <4459> he had seen <1492> (5627) the Lord <2962> in <1722> the way <3598>, and <2532> that <3754> he had spoken <2980> (5656) to him <0846>, and <2532> how <4459> he had preached {boldly} <3955> (5662) at <1722> Damascus <1154> in <1722> the name <3686> of Jesus <2424>.

boldly ^ Act_09_29 And <2532> he spake <2980> (5707) {boldly} <3955> (5740) in <1722> the name <3686> of the Lord <2962> Jesus <2424>, and <5037> <2532> disputed <4802> (5707) against <4314> the Grecians <1675>: but <1161> they went about <2021> (5707) to slay <0337> (5629) him <0846>.

boldly ^ Act_14_03 Long <2425> time <5550> therefore <3303> <3767> abode they <1304> (5656) speaking {boldly} <3955> (5740) in <1909> the Lord <2962>, which <3588> gave testimony <3140> (5723) unto the word <3056> of his <0846> grace <5485>, and <2532> granted <1325> (5723) signs <4592> and <2532> wonders <5059> to be done <1096> (5738) by <1223> their <0846> hands <5495>.

boldly ^ Act_19_08 And <1161> he went <1525> (5631) into <1519> the synagogue <4864>, and spake {boldly} <3955> (5711) for the space <1909> of three <5140> months <3376>, disputing <1256> (5740) and <2532> persuading <3982> (5723) the things concerning <4012> the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>.

boldly ^ Eph_06_20 For <5228> which <3739> I am an ambassador <4243> (5719) in <1722> bonds <0254>: that <2443> therein <1722> <0846> I may speak {boldly} <3955> (5667), as <5613> I <3165> ought <1163> (5748) to speak <2980> (5658).

boldly ^ Eph_06_19 And <2532> for <5228> me <1700>, that <2443> utterance <3056> may be given <1325> (5684) unto me <3427>, that I may open <1722> <0457> my <3450> mouth <4750> {boldly} <1722> <3954>, to make known <1107> (5658) the mystery <3466> of the gospel <2098>,

boldly ^ Heb_13_06 So that <5620> we <2248> may {boldly} <2292> (5723) say <3004> (5721), The Lord <2962> is my <1698> helper <0998>, and <2532> I will <5399> <0> not <3756> fear <5399> (5700) what <5101> man <0444> shall do <4160> (5692) unto me <3427>.

boldly ^ Heb_04_16 Let us <4334> <0> therefore <3767> come <4334> (5741) {boldly} <3326> <3954> unto the throne <2362> of grace <5485>, that <2443> we may obtain <2983> (5632) mercy <1656>, and <2532> find <2147> (5632) grace <5485> to help <0996> in <1519> time of need <2121>.

boldly ^ Joh_07_26 But <2532>, lo <2396>, he speaketh <2980> (5719) {boldly} <3954>, and <2532> they say <3004> (5719) nothing <3762> unto him <0846>. Do <1097> <0> the rulers <0758> know <1097> (5627) indeed <3379> <0230> that <3754> this <3778> is <2076> (5748) the very <0230> Christ <5547>?

boldly ^ Mar_15_43 Joseph <2501> of <0575> Arimathaea <0707>, an honourable <2158> counsellor <1010>, which <3739> also <2532> <0846> waited <4327> (5740) for <2258> (5713) the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>, came <2064> (5627), and went in <1525> (5627) {boldly} <5111> (5660) unto <4314> Pilate <4091>, and <2532> craved <0154> (5668) the body <4983> of Jesus <2424>.

boldly ^ Rom_15_15 Nevertheless <1161>, brethren <0080>, I have written <1125> (5656) the more {boldly} <5112> unto you <5213> in <0575> some sort <3313>, as <5613> putting <1878> <0> you <5209> in mind <1878> (5723), because <1223> of the grace <5485> that is given <1325> (5685) to me <3427> of <5259> God <2316>,

boldness ^ Heb_10_19 Having <2192> (5723) therefore <3767>, brethren <0080>, {boldness} <3954> to <1519> enter <1529> into the holiest <0039> by <1722> the blood <0129> of Jesus <2424>,

boldness ^ Eph_03_12 In <1722> whom <3739> we have <2192> (5719) {boldness} <3954> and <2532> access <4318> with <1722> confidence <4006> by <1223> the faith <4102> of him <0846>.

boldness ^ Act_04_31 And <2532> when they <0846> had prayed <1189> (5679), the place <5117> was shaken <4531> (5681) where <1722> <3739> they were <2258> (5713) assembled together <4863> (5772); and <2532> they were <4130> <0> all <0537> filled <4130> (5681) with the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151>, and <2532> they spake <2980> (5707) the word <3056> of God <2316> with <3326> {boldness} <3954>.

boldness ^ 1Jo_04_17 Herein <1722> <5129> is our <3326> <2257> love <0026> made perfect <5048> (5769), that <2443> we may have <2192> (5725) {boldness} <3954> in <1722> the day <2250> of judgment <2920>: because <3754> as <2531> he <1565> is <2076> (5748), so <2532> are <2070> (5748) we <2249> in <1722> this <5129> world <2889>.

boldness ^ Php_01_20 According <2596> to my <3450> earnest expectation <0603> and <2532> my hope <1680>, that <3754> in <1722> nothing <3762> I shall be ashamed <0153> (5701), but <0235> that with <1722> all <3956> {boldness} <3954>, as <5613> always <3842>, so now <3568> also <2532> Christ <5547> shall be magnified <3170> (5701) in <1722> my <3450> body <4983>, whether <1535> it be by <1223> life <2222>, or <1535> by <1223> death <2288>.

boldness ^ 2Co_07_04 Great <4183> is my <3427> {boldness} of speech <3954> toward <4314> you <5209>, great <4183> is my <3427> glorying <2746> of <5228> you <5216>: I am filled <4137> (5769) with comfort <3874>, I am exceeding <5248> (5731) joyful <5479> in <1909> all <3956> our <2257> tribulation <2347>.

boldness ^ 1Ti_03_13 For <1063> they that have used the office of a deacon <1247> (5660) well <2573> purchase <4046> (5731) to themselves <1438> a good <2570> degree <0898>, and <2532> great <4183> {boldness} <3954> in <1722> the faith <4102> which <3588> is in <1722> Christ <5547> Jesus <2424>.

boldness ^ Act_04_29 And <2532> now <3569>, Lord <2962>, behold <1896> (5628) <1909> their <0846> threatenings <0547>: and <2532> grant unto <1325> (5628) thy <4675> servants <1401>, that with <3326> all <3956> {boldness} <3954> they may speak <2980> (5721) thy <4675> word <3056>,

boldness ^ Act_04_13 Now <1161> when they saw <2334> (5723) the {boldness} <3954> of Peter <4074> and <2532> John <2491>, and <2532> perceived <2638> (5642) that <3754> they were <1526> (5748) unlearned <0062> and <2532> ignorant <2399> men <0444>, they marvelled <2296> (5707); and <5037> they took knowledge <1921> (5707) of them <0846>, that <3754> they had been <2258> (5713) with <4862> Jesus <2424>.

emboldened ^ 1Co_08_10 For <1063> if <1437> any man <5100> see <1492> (5632) thee <4571> which <3588> hast <2192> (5723) knowledge <1108> sit at meat <2621> (5740) in <1722> the idol's temple <1493>, shall <3618> <0> not <3780> the conscience <4893> of him <0846> which is <5607> (5752) weak <0772> be {emboldened} <3618> (5701) <1519> to eat <2068> (5721) those things which are offered to idols <1494>;