Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
book ^ Act_01_20 For <1063> it is written <1125> (5769) in <1722> the {book} <0976> of Psalms <5568>, Let <1096> <0> his <0846> habitation <1886> be <1096> (5676) desolate <2048>, and <2532> let <2077> (5749) no man <3361> dwell <2730> (5723) therein <1722> <0846>: and <2532> his <0846> bishoprick <1984> let <2983> <0> another <2087> take <2983> (5630).

book ^ Act_07_42 Then <1161> God <2316> turned <4762> (5656), and <2532> gave <3860> <0> them <0846> up <3860> (5656) to worship <3> (5721) the host <4756> of heaven <3772>; as it <2531> is written <1125> (5769) in <1722> the {book} <0976> of the prophets <4396>, O ye house <3624> of Israel <2474>, have ye offered <3361> <4374> (5656) to me <3427> slain beasts <4968> and <2532> sacrifices <2378> by the space of forty <5062> years <2094> in <1722> the wilderness <2048>?

book ^ Gal_03_10 For <1063> as many as <3745> are <1526> (5748) of <1537> the works <2041> of the law <3551> are <1526> (5748) under <5259> the curse <2671>: for <1063> it is written <1125> (5769), Cursed <1944> is every one <3956> that <3739> continueth <1696> (5719) not <3756> in <1722> all things <3956> which <3588> are written <1125> (5772) in <1722> the {book} <0975> of the law <3551> to do <4160> (5658) them <0846>.

book ^ Heb_09_19 For <1063> when <5259> Moses <3475> had spoken <2980> (5685) every <3956> precept <1785> to all <3956> the people <2992> according <2596> to the law <3551>, he took <2983> (5631) the blood <0129> of calves <3448> and <2532> of goats <5131>, with <3326> water <5204>, and <2532> scarlet <2847> wool <2053>, and <2532> hyssop <5301>, and sprinkled <4472> (5656) both <5037> the {book} <0975> <0846>, and <2532> all <3956> the people <2992>,

book ^ Heb_10_07 Then <5119> said I <2036> (5627), Lo <2400> (5628), I come <2240> (5719) (in <1722> the volume <2777> of the {book} <0975> it is written <1125> (5769) of <4012> me <1700>,) to do <4160> (5658) thy <4675> will <2307>, O God <2316>.

book ^ Joh_20_30 And <2532> many <4183> other <0243> signs <4592> truly <3303> <3767> did <4160> (5656) Jesus <2424> in the presence <1799> of his <0846> disciples <3101>, which <3739> are <2076> (5748) not <3756> written <1125> (5772) in <1722> this <5129> {book} <0975>:

book ^ Luk_03_04 As <5613> it is written <1125> (5769) in <1722> the {book} <0976> of the words <3056> of Esaias <2268> the prophet <4396>, saying <3004> (5723), The voice <5456> of one crying <0994> (5723) in <1722> the wilderness <2048>, Prepare ye <2090> (5657) the way <3598> of the Lord <2962>, make <4160> (5720) his <0846> paths <5147> straight <2117>.

book ^ Luk_04_17 And <2532> there was delivered <1929> (5681) unto him <0846> the book <0975> of the prophet <4396> Esaias <2268>. And <2532> when he had opened <0380> (5660) the {book} <0975>, he found <2147> (5627) the place <5117> where <3757> it was <2258> (5713) written <1125> (5772),

book ^ Luk_04_17 And <2532> there was delivered <1929> (5681) unto him <0846> the {book} <0975> of the prophet <4396> Esaias <2268>. And <2532> when he had opened <0380> (5660) the book <0975>, he found <2147> (5627) the place <5117> where <3757> it was <2258> (5713) written <1125> (5772),

book ^ Luk_04_20 And <2532> he closed <4428> (5660) the {book} <0975>, and he gave it again <0591> (5631) to the minister <5257>, and sat down <2523> (5656). And <2532> the eyes <3788> of all them <3956> that were <2258> (5713) in <1722> the synagogue <4864> were fastened <0816> (5723) on him <0846>.

book ^ Luk_20_42 And <2532> David <1138> himself <0846> saith <3004> (5719) in <1722> the {book} <0976> of Psalms <5568>, The LORD <2962> said <2036> (5627) unto my <3450> Lord <2962>, Sit thou <2521> (5737) on <1537> my <3450> right hand <1188>,

book ^ Mar_12_26 And <1161> as touching <4012> the dead <3498>, that <3754> they rise <1453> (5743): have ye <0314> <0> not <3756> read <0314> (5627) in <1722> the {book} <0976> of Moses <3475>, how <5613> in <1909> the bush <0942> God <2316> spake <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), I <1473> am the God <2316> of Abraham <0011>, and <2532> the God <2316> of Isaac <2464>, and <2532> the God <2316> of Jacob <2384>?

book ^ Mat_01_01 The {book} <0976> of the generation <1078> of Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>, the son <5207> of David <1138>, the son <5207> of Abraham <0011>.

book ^ Php_04_03 And <2532> I intreat <2065> (5719) thee <4571> also <2532>, true <1103> yokefellow <4805>, help <4815> (5732) those women <0846> which <3748> laboured <4866> (5656) with me <3427> in <1722> the gospel <2098>, with <3326> Clement <2815> also <2532>, and <2532> with other <3062> my <3450> fellowlabourers <4904>, whose <3739> names <3686> are in <1722> the {book} <0976> of life <2222>.

book ^ Rev_01_11 Saying <3004> (5723), I <1473> am <1510> (5748) Alpha <1> and <2532> Omega <5598>, the first <4413> and <2532> the last <2078>: and <2532>, What <3739> thou seest <0991> (5719), write <1125> (5657) in <1519> a {book} <0975>, and <2532> send <3992> (5657) it unto the seven <2033> churches <1577> which <3588> are in <1722> Asia <0773>; unto <1519> Ephesus <2181>, and <2532> unto <1519> Smyrna <4667>, and <2532> unto <1519> Pergamos <4010>, and <2532> unto <1519> Thyatira <2363>, and <2532> unto <1519> Sardis <4554>, and <2532> unto <1519> Philadelphia <5359>, and <2532> unto <1519> Laodicea <2993>.

book ^ Rev_03_05 He that overcometh <3528> (5723), the same <3778> shall be clothed <4016> (5698) in <1722> white <3022> raiment <2440>; and <2532> I will <1813> <0> not <3364> blot out <1813> (5692) his <0846> name <3686> out of <1537> the {book} <0976> of life <2222>, but <2532> I will confess <1843> (5698) his <0846> name <3686> before <1799> my <3450> Father <3962>, and <2532> before <1799> his <0846> angels <0032>.

book ^ Rev_05_01 And <2532> I saw <1492> (5627) in <1909> the right hand <1188> of him that sat <2521> (5740) on <1909> the throne <2362> a {book} <0975> written <1125> (5772) within <2081> and <2532> on the backside <3693>, sealed <2696> (5772) with seven <2033> seals <4973>.

book ^ Rev_05_02 And <2532> I saw <1492> (5627) a strong <2478> angel <0032> proclaiming <2784> (5723) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, Who <5101> is <2076> (5748) worthy <0514> to open <0455> (5658) the {book} <0975>, and <2532> to loose <3089> (5658) the seals <4973> thereof <0846>?

book ^ Rev_05_03 And <2532> no man <3762> in <1722> heaven <3772>, nor <3761> in <1909> earth <1093>, neither <3761> under <5270> the earth <1093>, was able <1410> (5711) to open <0455> (5658) the {book} <0975>, neither <3761> to look <0991> (5721) thereon <0846>.

book ^ Rev_05_04 And <2532> I <1473> wept <2799> (5707) much <4183>, because <3754> no man <3762> was found <2147> (5681) worthy <0514> to open <0455> (5658) and <2532> to read <0314> (5629) the {book} <0975>, neither <3777> to look <0991> (5721) thereon <0846>.

book ^ Rev_05_05 And <2532> one <1520> of <1537> the elders <4245> saith <3004> (5719) unto me <3427>, Weep <2799> (5720) not <3361>: behold <2400> (5628), the Lion <3023> of <5607> (5752) <1537> the tribe <5443> of Juda <2455>, the Root <4491> of David <1138>, hath prevailed <3528> (5656) to open <0455> (5658) the {book} <0975>, and <2532> to loose <3089> (5658) the seven <2033> seals <4973> thereof <0846>.

book ^ Rev_05_07 And <2532> he came <2064> (5627) and <2532> took <2983> (5758) the {book} <0975> out of <1537> the right hand <1188> of him that sat <2521> (5740) upon <1909> the throne <2362>.

book ^ Rev_05_08 And <2532> when <3753> he had taken <2983> (5627) the {book} <0975>, the four <5064> beasts <2226> and <2532> four <5064> and twenty <1501> elders <4245> fell down <4098> (5627) before <1799> the Lamb <0721>, having <2192> (5723) every one of them <1538> harps <2788>, and <2532> golden <5552> vials <5357> full <1073> (5723) of odours <2368>, which <3739> are <1526> (5748) the prayers <4335> of saints <0040>.

book ^ Rev_05_09 And <2532> they sung <0103> (5719) a new <2537> song <5603>, saying <3004> (5723), Thou art <1488> (5748) worthy <0514> to take <2983> (5629) the {book} <0975>, and <2532> to open <0455> (5658) the seals <4973> thereof <0846>: for <3754> thou wast slain <4969> (5648), and <2532> hast redeemed <0059> (5656) us <2248> to God <2316> by <1722> thy <4675> blood <0129> out of <1537> every <3956> kindred <5443>, and <2532> tongue <1100>, and <2532> people <2992>, and <2532> nation <1484>;

book ^ Rev_10_02 And <2532> he had <2192> (5707) in <1722> his <0846> hand <5495> a little {book} <0974> open <0455> (5772): and <2532> he set <5087> (5656) his <0846> right <1188> foot <4228> upon <1909> the sea <2281>, and <1161> his left <2176> foot on <1909> the earth <1093>,

book ^ Rev_10_08 And <2532> the voice <5456> which <3739> I heard <0191> (5656) from <1537> heaven <3772> spake <2980> (5723) unto <3326> me <1700> again <3825>, and <2532> said <3004> (5723), Go <5217> (5720) and take <2983> (5628) the little {book} <0974> which <3588> is open <0455> (5772) in <1722> the hand <5495> of the angel <0032> which <3588> standeth <2476> (5761) upon <1909> the sea <2281> and <2532> upon <1909> the earth <1093>.

book ^ Rev_10_09 And <2532> I went <0565> (5627) unto <4314> the angel <0032>, and said <3004> (5723) unto him <0846>, Give <1325> (5628) me <3427> the little {book} <0974>. And <2532> he said <3004> (5719) unto me <3427>, Take <2983> (5628) it, and <2532> eat <2719> <0> it <0846> up <2719> (5628); and it <2532> shall make <4087> <0> thy <4675> belly <2836> bitter <4087> (5692), but <0235> it shall be <2071> (5704) in <1722> thy <4675> mouth <4750> sweet <1099> as <5613> honey <3192>.

book ^ Rev_10_10 And <2532> I took <2983> (5627) the little {book} <0974> out of <1537> the angel's <0032> hand <5495>, and <2532> ate <2719> <0> it <0846> up <2719> (5627); and <2532> it was <2258> (5713) in <1722> my <3450> mouth <4750> sweet <1099> as <5613> honey <3192>: and <2532> as soon as <3753> I had eaten <5315> (5627) it <0846>, my <3450> belly <2836> was bitter <4087> (5681).

book ^ Rev_13_08 And <2532> all <3956> that dwell <2730> (5723) upon <1909> the earth <1093> shall worship <4352> (5692) him <0846>, whose <3739> names <3686> are <1125> <0> not <3756> written <1125> (5769) in <1722> the {book} <0976> of life <2222> of the Lamb <0721> slain <4969> (5772) from <0575> the foundation <2602> of the world <2889>.

book ^ Rev_17_08 The beast <2342> that <3739> thou sawest <1492> (5627) was <2258> (5713), and <2532> is <2076> (5748) not <3756>; and <2532> shall <3195> (5719) ascend <0305> (5721) out of <1537> the bottomless pit <0012>, and <2532> go <5217> (5721) into <1519> perdition <0684>: and <2532> they that dwell <2730> (5723) on <1909> the earth <1093> shall wonder <2296> (5695), whose <3739> names <3686> were <1125> <0> not <3756> written <1125> (5769) in <1909> the {book} <0975> of life <2222> from <0575> the foundation <2602> of the world <2889>, when they behold <0991> (5723) the beast <2342> that was <3748> <2258> (5713), and <2532> is <2076> (5748) not <3756>, and yet <2539> is <2076> (5748).

book ^ Rev_20_12 And <2532> I saw <1492> (5627) the dead <3498>, small <3398> and <2532> great <3173>, stand <2476> (5761) before <1799> God <2316>; and <2532> the books <0975> were opened <0455> (5681): and <2532> another <0243> book <0975> was opened <0455> (5681), which <3739> is <2076> (5748) the {book} of life <2222>: and <2532> the dead <3498> were judged <2919> (5681) out of <1537> those things which were written <1125> (5772) in <1722> the books <0975>, according to <2596> their <0846> works <2041>.

book ^ Rev_20_12 And <2532> I saw <1492> (5627) the dead <3498>, small <3398> and <2532> great <3173>, stand <2476> (5761) before <1799> God <2316>; and <2532> the books <0975> were opened <0455> (5681): and <2532> another <0243> {book} <0975> was opened <0455> (5681), which <3739> is <2076> (5748) the book of life <2222>: and <2532> the dead <3498> were judged <2919> (5681) out of <1537> those things which were written <1125> (5772) in <1722> the books <0975>, according to <2596> their <0846> works <2041>.

book ^ Rev_20_15 And <2532> whosoever <1536> was <2147> <0> not <3756> found <2147> (5681) written <1125> (5772) in <1722> the {book} <0976> of life <2222> was cast <0906> (5681) into <1519> the lake <3041> of fire <4442>.

book ^ Rev_21_27 And <2532> there shall <1525> <0> in no wise <3364> enter <1525> (5632) into <1519> it <0846> any thing <3956> that defileth <2840> (5723), neither <2532> whatsoever worketh <4160> (5723) abomination <0946>, or <2532> maketh a lie <5579>: but <1508> they which are written <1125> (5772) in <1722> the Lamb's <0721> {book} <0975> of life <2222>.

book ^ Rev_22_07 Behold <2400> (5628), I come <2064> (5736) quickly <5035>: blessed <3107> is he that keepeth <5083> (5723) the sayings <3056> of the prophecy <4394> of this <5127> {book} <0975>.

book ^ Rev_22_09 Then <2532> saith he <3004> (5719) unto me <3427>, See <3708> (5720) thou do it not <3361>: for <1063> I am <1510> (5748) thy <4675> fellowservant <4889>, and <2532> of thy <4675> brethren <0080> the prophets <4396>, and <2532> of them which keep <5083> (5723) the sayings <3056> of this <5127> {book} <0975>: worship <4352> (5657) God <2316>.

book ^ Rev_22_10 And <2532> he saith <3004> (5719) unto me <3427>, Seal <4972> (5661) not <3361> the sayings <3056> of the prophecy <4394> of this <5127> {book} <0975>: for <3754> the time <2540> is <2076> (5748) at hand <1451>.

book ^ Rev_22_18 For <1063> I testify <4828> (5736) unto every man <3956> that heareth <0191> (5723) the words <3056> of the prophecy <4394> of this <5127> book <0975>, If <1437> any man <5100> shall add <2007> (5725) unto <4314> these things <5023>, God <2316> shall add <2007> (5692) unto <1909> him <0846> the plagues <4127> that are written <1125> (5772) in <1722> this <5129> {book} <0975>:

book ^ Rev_22_18 For <1063> I testify <4828> (5736) unto every man <3956> that heareth <0191> (5723) the words <3056> of the prophecy <4394> of this <5127> {book} <0975>, If <1437> any man <5100> shall add <2007> (5725) unto <4314> these things <5023>, God <2316> shall add <2007> (5692) unto <1909> him <0846> the plagues <4127> that are written <1125> (5772) in <1722> this <5129> book <0975>:

book ^ Rev_22_19 And <2532> if <1437> any man <5100> shall take away <0851> (5725) from <0575> the words <3056> of the book <0976> of this <5129> prophecy <4394>, God <2316> shall take away <0851> (5692) his <0846> part <3313> out of <0575> the book <0976> of life <2222>, and <2532> out of <1537> the holy <0040> city <4172>, and <2532> from the things which are written <1125> (5772) in <1722> this <5026> {book} <0975>.

book ^ Rev_22_19 And <2532> if <1437> any man <5100> shall take away <0851> (5725) from <0575> the words <3056> of the book <0976> of this <5129> prophecy <4394>, God <2316> shall take away <0851> (5692) his <0846> part <3313> out of <0575> the {book} <0976> of life <2222>, and <2532> out of <1537> the holy <0040> city <4172>, and <2532> from the things which are written <1125> (5772) in <1722> this <5026> book <0975>.

book ^ Rev_22_19 And <2532> if <1437> any man <5100> shall take away <0851> (5725) from <0575> the words <3056> of the {book} <0976> of this <5129> prophecy <4394>, God <2316> shall take away <0851> (5692) his <0846> part <3313> out of <0575> the book <0976> of life <2222>, and <2532> out of <1537> the holy <0040> city <4172>, and <2532> from the things which are written <1125> (5772) in <1722> this <5026> book <0975>.

books ^ 2Ti_04_13 The cloke <5341> that <3739> I left <0620> (5627) at <1722> Troas <5174> with <3844> Carpus <2591>, when thou comest <2064> (5740), bring <5342> (5720) with thee, and <2532> the {books} <0975>, but especially <3122> the parchments <3200>.

books ^ Act_19_19 Many <2425> of them also <1161> which used <4238> (5660) curious arts <4021> brought <4851> <0> their {books} <0976> together <4851> (5631), and burned them <2618> (5707) before <1799> all <3956> men: and <2532> they counted <4860> (5656) the price <5092> of them <0846>, and <2532> found <2147> (5627) it fifty <4002> thousand <3461> pieces of silver <0694>.

books ^ Joh_21_25 And <1161> there are <2076> (5748) also <2532> many <4183> other things <0243> which <3745> Jesus <2424> did <4160> (5656), the which <3748>, if <1437> they should be written <1125> (5747) every <2596> one <1520>, I suppose <3633> (5736) that even <3761> <0> the world <2889> itself <0846> could not <3761> contain <5562> (5658) the {books} <0975> that should be written <1125> (5746). Amen <0281>.

books ^ Rev_20_12 And <2532> I saw <1492> (5627) the dead <3498>, small <3398> and <2532> great <3173>, stand <2476> (5761) before <1799> God <2316>; and <2532> the books <0975> were opened <0455> (5681): and <2532> another <0243> book <0975> was opened <0455> (5681), which <3739> is <2076> (5748) the book of life <2222>: and <2532> the dead <3498> were judged <2919> (5681) out of <1537> those things which were written <1125> (5772) in <1722> the {books} <0975>, according to <2596> their <0846> works <2041>.

books ^ Rev_20_12 And <2532> I saw <1492> (5627) the dead <3498>, small <3398> and <2532> great <3173>, stand <2476> (5761) before <1799> God <2316>; and <2532> the {books} <0975> were opened <0455> (5681): and <2532> another <0243> book <0975> was opened <0455> (5681), which <3739> is <2076> (5748) the book of life <2222>: and <2532> the dead <3498> were judged <2919> (5681) out of <1537> those things which were written <1125> (5772) in <1722> the books <0975>, according to <2596> their <0846> works <2041>.