bow 0086 -- /abrek -- {bow} the knee. bow 3721 -- kaphaph -- {bow} down (self). bow 3766 -- kara\ -- {bow} (down, self), bring down (low), cast down, couch, fall,feeble, kneeling, sink, smite (stoop) down, subdue, X very. bow 5186 -- natah -- + afternoon, apply, {bow} (down, -ing), carry aside, decline,deliver, extend, go down, be gone, incline, intend, lay, let down, offer,outstretched, overthrown, pervert, pitch, prolong, put away, shew, spread(out), stretch (forth, out), take (aside), turn (aside, away), wrest, causeto yield. bow 5753 -- \avah -- do amiss, {bow} down, make crooked, commit iniquity, pervert,(do) perverse(-ly), trouble, X turn, do wickedly, do wrong. bow 5791 -- \avath -- {bow} self, (make) crooked., falsifying, overthrow, dealperversely, pervert, subvert, turn upside down. bow 6915 -- qadad -- {bow} (down) (the) head, stoop. bow 7198 qesheth -- -- X arch(-er), + arrow, {bow}([-man, - shot]). bow 7743 shuwach -- -- {bow} down, incline, humble. bow 7812 shachah -- -- {bow} (self) down, crouch, fall down (flat), humbly beseech, do(make) obeisance, do reverence, make to stoop, worship. bow 7817 shachach -- -- bend, {bow} (down), bring (cast) down, couch, humble self, be(bring) low, stoop. bow 1120 ** gonupeteo ** {bow} the knee, kneel down. bow 2578 ** kampto ** {bow}. bow 2827 ** klino ** {bow} (down), be far spent, lay, turn to flight, wear away. bow 4781 ** sugkampto ** {bow} down. bow 4794 ** sugkupto ** {bow} together. bow 5087 ** tithemi ** + advise, appoint, {bow}, commit, conceive, give, X kneel down,lay (aside, down, up), make, ordain, purpose, put, set (forth), settle,sink down. bow 5115 ** toxon ** {bow}. bow man 7411 ramah -- -- beguile, betray, [{bow-]man}, carry, deceive, throw. bow-]shot 2909 -- tachah -- [{bow-]shot}. bowels 4578 -- me\ah -- belly, {bowels}, X heart, womb. bowels 7130 qereb -- -- X among, X before, {bowels}, X unto charge, + eat (up), Xheart, X him, X in, inward (X -ly, part, -s, thought), midst, + out of,purtenance, X therein, X through, X within self. bowels 7356 racham -- -- {bowels}, compassion, damsel, tender love, (great, tender)mercy, pity, womb. bowels 4698 ** splagchnon ** {bowels}, inward affection, + tender mercy. bowl 1531 -- gol -- {bowl}. bowl 1543 -- gullah -- {bowl}, pommel, spring. bowl 4219 -- mizraq -- bason, {bowl}. bowl 4518 -- m@naqqiyth -- {bowl}. bowl 5592 -- caph -- bason, {bowl}, cup, door (post), gate, post, threshold. bowl 5602 -- cephel -- {bowl}, dish. rainbow 2463 ** iris ** {rainbow}.