burst 1234 ## baqa< {baw-kah'}; a primitive root; to cleave; generally, to rend, break, rip or open: -- make a breach, break forth (into, out, in pieces, through, up), be ready to {burst}, cleave (asunder), cut out, divide, hatch, rend (asunder), rip up, tear, win. [ql burst 5423 ## nathaq {naw-thak'}; a primitive root; to tear off: -- break (off), {burst}, draw (away), lift up, pluck (away, off), pull (out), root out.[ql burst 6555 ## parats {paw-rats'}; a primitive root; to break out (in many applications, direct and indirect, literal and figurative): -- X abroad, (make a) breach, break (away, down, - er, forth, in, up), {burst} out, come (spread) abroad, compel, disperse, grow, increase, open, press, scatter, urge.[ql burst 2997 # lascho {las'-kho}; a strengthened form of a primary verb, which only occurs in this and another prolonged form as alternate in certain tenses; to crack open (from a fall): -- {burst} asunder.[ql burst 4486 # rhegnumi {hrayg'-noo-mee}; or rhesso {hrace'-so}; both prolonged forms of rheko (which appears only in certain forms, and is itself probably a strengthened form of agnumi [see in 2608]); to "break", "wreck" or "crack", i.e. (especially)to sunder (by separation of the parts; 2608 being its intensive [with the preposition in composition], and 2352 a shattering to minute fragments; but not a reduction to the constituent particles, like 3089) or disrupt, lacerate; by implication, to convulse (wih spasms); figuratively, to give vent to joyful emotions: -- break (forth), {burst}, rend, tear.[ql bursting 4386 ## m@kittah {mek-it-taw'}; from 3807; a fracture: - - {bursting}.[ql