bushy , SOS , 5:11 bushy Interlinear Index Study bushy SON 005 011 His head <07218 +ro>sh > [ is as ] the most <03800 +kethem > fine gold <06337 +paz > , his locks <06977 +q@vutstsah > [ are ] {bushy} <08534 +taltal > , [ and ] black <07838 +shachor > as a raven <06158 + . - bushy , 8534 , bushy -8534 {bushy} , bushy 8534 -- taltal -- {bushy}. bushy 8534 ## taltal {tal-tal'}; by reduplication, from 8524 through the idea of vibration; a trailing bough (as pendulous): - - {bushy}.[ql bushy 005 011 Son /^{bushy /and black as a raven . bushy His head [is as] the most fine gold, his locks [are] {bushy}, [and] black as a raven.