Bible Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Phrase lists
but aaron 1Ch_06_49

but aaron's rod swallowed up their rods Exo_07_12

but abide here fast by my maidens Rut_02_08

but abijah waxed mighty 2Ch_13_21

but abimelech had not come near her Gen_20_04

but abishai 2Sa_19_21

but abishai 2Sa_21_17

but abner 1Sa_26_07

but abner 2Sa_02_08

but abner 2Sa_03_22

but above Phm_01_16

but above all things Jam_05_12

but abraham said Luk_16_25

but abraham stood yet before Gen_18_22

but abram said unto sarai Gen_16_06

but absalom fled 2Sa_13_34

but absalom fled 2Sa_13_37

but absalom pressed him 2Sa_13_27

but absalom sent spies throughout all 2Sa_15_10

but according 1Ki_17_01

but according 2Co_10_13

but according 2Ti_01_09

but according Neh_13_24

but according Tit_03_05

but admonish 2Th_03_15

but adonibezek fled Jud_01_06

but after Ezr_05_12

but after Gal_03_25

but after Heb_07_16

but after Mar_14_28

but after Mat_26_32

but after Num_35_28

but after Rom_08_01

but after Rom_08_04

but after Tit_03_04

but after long abstinence paul stood forth Act_27_21

but after their own lusts shall they heap 2Ti_04_03

but after they had looked Act_28_06

but after they had rest Neh_09_28

but after this Heb_09_27

but after thy hardness Rom_02_05

but after two years porcius festus came into felix' room Act_24_27

but afterward he repented Mat_21_29

but afterward he said within himself Luk_18_04

but afterward they turned Jer_34_11

but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel Pro_20_17

but against 2Ch_35_21

but against any Exo_11_07

but against principalities Eph_06_12

but ahaz said Isa_07_12

but ahijah could not see 1Ki_14_04

but alive unto god through jesus christ our lord Rom_06_11

but all 1Sa_13_20

but all 2Ch_23_06

but all 2Ti_04_16

but all Act_09_21

but all Deu_03_07

but all Exo_10_23

but all Jos_05_05

but all Jos_06_19

but all Jos_09_19

but all Jud_07_06

but all Lev_11_23

but all Num_14_10

but all Num_31_18

but all Psa_145_20

but all israel 1Sa_18_16

but all their works they do for Mat_23_05

but all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake Joh_15_21

but all these worketh 1Co_12_11

but all things 1Co_11_12

but all things Eph_05_13

but all things Heb_04_13

but all things Joh_10_41

but all things are not expedient 1Co_10_23

but all things are not expedient 1Co_06_12

but all things edify not 1Co_10_23

but all this was done Mat_26_56

but all your days ye shall dwell Jer_35_07

but almost throughout all asia Act_19_26

but also 1Pe_02_18

but also 1Th_01_05

but also 1Th_01_08

but also 2Co_08_10

but also 2Co_08_21

but also 2Ti_02_20

but also Act_19_27

but also Act_21_13

but also Act_27_10

but also Eph_01_21

but also Est_01_16

but also Joh_13_09

but also Php_01_29

but also Rom_09_24

but also all Act_26_29

but also all Rom_16_04

but also all they 2Jo_01_01

but also for 1Jo_02_02

but also for conscience sake Rom_13_05

but also heaven Heb_12_26

but also if ye shall say unto this mountain Mat_21_21

but also our own souls 1Th_02_08

but always evil 2Ch_18_07

but amasa took no heed 2Sa_20_10

but amaziah would not hear 2Ch_25_20

but amaziah would not hear 2Ki_14_11

but amnon had 2Sa_13_03

but amon trespassed more 2Ch_33_23

but among Pro_14_09

but among these there was not Num_26_64

but an handful 1Ki_17_12

but an hundred foreskins 1Sa_18_25

but an old commandment which ye had from 1Jo_02_07

but are as Mar_12_25

but are as Mat_22_30

but are busybodies 2Th_03_11

but are gone Job_24_24

but are helpers 2Co_01_24

but are not able Mat_10_28

but are now returned unto 1Pe_02_25

but are there 2Ch_28_10

but are within full Mat_23_27

but as 1Jo_02_27

but as 1Pe_02_16

but as 2Co_02_17

but as 2Co_02_17

but as Eph_06_06

but as Eze_16_32

but as Gal_03_16

but as Mat_24_37

but as for me Dan_02_30

but as for me Psa_26_11

but as for me Psa_35_13

but as for me Psa_05_07

but as for me Psa_69_13

but as for me Psa_73_02

but as for me an Jos_24_15

but as for thee Deu_18_14

but as for thee Deu_05_31

but as for thee Exo_09_30

but as for them Eze_33_17

but as for us 2Ch_13_10

but as for you Gen_50_20

but as for you all Job_17_10

but as god hath distributed 1Co_07_17

but as he went Luk_08_42

but as he which hath called you is holy 1Pe_01_15

but as his part 1Sa_30_24

but as it is 1Th_02_13

but as it is written 1Co_02_09

but as it is written Rom_15_21

but as it were Joh_07_10

but as it were by Rom_09_32

but as it were foolishly 2Co_11_17

but as it were two hundred cubits Joh_21_08

but as many as received him Joh_01_12

but as my beloved sons 1Co_04_14

but as my father hath taught me Joh_08_28

but as one was felling 2Ki_06_05

but as soon as she is delivered Joh_16_21

but as soon as this thy son was come Luk_15_30

but as then he Gal_04_29

but as they sailed he fell asleep Luk_08_23

but as thou Mat_26_39

but as touching Mat_22_31

but as touching Rom_11_28

but as touching brotherly love ye need not 1Th_04_09

but as unto carnal 1Co_03_01

but as we spake all things 2Co_07_14

but as we were allowed 1Th_02_04

but as wise Eph_05_15

but asahel would not turn aside from following 2Sa_02_21

but asaph made 1Ch_16_05

but ask now Job_12_07

but at 2Co_04_18

but at Dan_04_08

but at Deu_16_06

but at Hab_02_03

but attained not 1Ch_11_25

but avoid foolish questions Tit_03_09

but baal's prophets 1Ki_18_22

but bade them farewell Act_18_21

but balaam answered Num_23_26

but barabbas Joh_18_40

but barak pursued after Jud_04_16

but bare grain 1Co_15_37

but barnabas took him Act_09_27

but baruch Jer_43_03

but be Joh_16_33

but be as 2Sa_14_02

but be clean Num_05_28

but be filled with Eph_05_18

but be gentle unto all 2Ti_02_24

but be it so 2Co_12_16

but be not thou far from me Psa_22_19

but be not ye called rabbi Mat_23_08

but be thou an example 1Ti_04_12

but be thou partaker 2Ti_01_08

but be ye all ready Jos_08_04

but be ye doers Jam_01_22

but be ye glad Isa_65_18

but be ye transformed by Rom_12_02

but be ye with 2Ch_23_07

but became vain Rom_01_21

but because Deu_07_08

but because Joh_11_42

but because Joh_12_42

but because Joh_16_06

but because he was Joh_12_06

but because ye are not Joh_15_19

but because ye did eat Joh_06_26

but because ye know it 1Jo_02_21

but before all these Luk_21_12

but before faith came Gal_03_23

but before they lay down Gen_19_04

but before two or three witnesses 1Ti_05_19

but behold Isa_05_07

but behold obscurity Isa_59_09

but behold oppression Isa_05_07

but behold thy servant chimham 2Sa_19_37

but being absent 2Co_10_01

but being ensamples 1Pe_05_03

but being high priest Joh_11_51

but being more forward 2Co_08_17

but believeth on him Rom_04_05

but believing Joh_20_27

but benhadad 1Ki_20_16

but benjamin Gen_42_04

but benjamin's mess was five times so much as any Gen_43_34

but beware Mat_10_17

but bless thou Psa_109_28

but blessed Mat_13_16

but blessed him 2Sa_13_25

but blessing Pro_11_26

but bring them up Eph_06_04

but bring your youngest brother unto me Gen_42_20

but brother goeth 1Co_06_06

but by 1Co_12_03

but by 1Co_15_10

but by 2Co_01_12

but by 2Co_07_07

but by Gal_01_12

but by Gal_02_16

but by Num_35_33

but by Pro_28_02

but by Rom_03_27

but by Rom_07_07

but by an equality 2Co_08_14

but by beelzebub Mat_12_24

but by every Deu_08_03

but by every word Luk_04_04

but by every word Mat_04_04

but by his own blood he entered Heb_09_12

but by jesus christ Gal_01_01

but by love serve one another Gal_05_13

but by manifestation 2Co_04_02

but by me Joh_14_06

but by my name jehovah was Exo_06_03

but by my spirit Zec_04_06

but by occasion 2Co_08_08

but by prayer Mar_09_29

but by reason Rom_08_20

but by sorrow Pro_15_13

but by water 1Jo_05_06

but by what means he now seeth Joh_09_21

but cain was Gen_04_02

but call Heb_10_32

but came not within Jud_11_18

but camest back 1Ki_13_22

but can ye not Mat_16_03

but canst not tell whence it cometh Joh_03_08

but carried 1Sa_30_02

but carried it aside into 1Ch_13_13

but cast 2Pe_02_04

but cast Mat_13_48

but cast lots for it Joh_19_24

but charge joshua Deu_03_28

but charity edifieth 1Co_08_01

but chiefly them 2Pe_02_10

but chose Psa_78_68

but chosen 1Pe_02_04

but christ Col_03_11

but christ as Heb_03_06

but christ being come an high priest Heb_09_11

but christ jesus 2Co_04_05

but christ liveth Gal_02_20

but cleave unto Jos_23_08

but climbeth up some other way Joh_10_01

but clothed upon 2Co_05_04

but come Mat_09_18

but come not near any man upon whom Eze_09_06

but comely Son_01_05

but cometh out 1Ki_08_41

but committed 1Pe_02_23

but condescend Rom_12_16

but conduct him forth 1Co_16_11

but confessed Joh_01_20

but considerest not Mat_07_03

but continue thou 2Ti_03_14

but contrariwise Gal_02_07

but contrariwise blessing 1Pe_03_09

but correct thee Jer_46_28

but could not drive out Jud_01_19

but could not overcome 2Ki_16_05

but could not prevail against Isa_07_01

but covet earnestly 1Co_12_31

but crispus 1Co_01_14

but cursed Mal_01_14

but daniel Dan_02_49

but daniel purposed Dan_01_08

but daughters 1Ch_02_34

but daughters 1Ch_23_22

but daughters Jos_17_03

but daughters Num_26_33

but david 1Sa_23_24

but david 1Sa_24_22

but david 1Sa_29_02

but david abode 1Sa_26_03

but david carried it aside into 2Sa_06_10

but david could not go before it 1Ch_21_30

but david encouraged himself 1Sa_30_06

but david knew 2Sa_03_26

but david pursued 1Sa_30_10

but david tarried at jerusalem 1Ch_20_01

but david tarried stil 2Sa_11_01

but david took not 1Ch_27_23

but david waxed stronger 2Sa_03_01

but david went 1Sa_17_15

but david would not drink 1Ch_11_18

but dead 1Ki_21_15

but death part thee Rut_01_17

but deborah rebekah's nurse died Gen_35_08

but deceiveth his own heart Jam_01_26

but deliver it for 2Ki_12_07

but deliver us from evil Luk_11_04

but deliver us from evil Mat_06_13

but delivered him up for us all Rom_08_32

but denying 2Ti_03_05

but desire Gal_06_13

but destroy them Jer_13_14

but destroyed it utterly Jos_10_37

but destruction Pro_10_29

but destruction Pro_21_15

but did 2Ch_33_02

but did evil before mine eyes Isa_65_12

but did not utterly drive them out Jos_17_13

but did unto Jos_10_30

but didst fly upon 1Sa_15_19

but died Num_27_03

but diotrephes 3Jo_01_09

but disguised himself 2Ch_35_22

but divide not Deu_14_07

but divideth not Lev_11_04

but divideth not Lev_11_05

but divideth not Lev_11_06

but do lie Rev_03_09

but do not thou yield unto them Act_23_21

but do not ye after their works Mat_23_03

but do thou for me Psa_109_21

but do unto him even as he shall say unto thee Jer_39_12

but doting about questions 1Ti_06_04

but draw near hither Isa_57_03

but dureth for Mat_13_21

but eat bread with unwashen hands Mar_07_05

but ehud made him Jud_03_16

but either Act_17_21

but elisha 2Ki_06_12

but elisha sat 2Ki_06_32

but elymas Act_13_08

but envy Pro_14_30

but ephraim shall bring forth his children Hos_09_13

but ephraim shall return Hos_09_03

but er Gen_46_12

but ere 2Ki_06_32

but esaias is very bold Rom_10_20

but esau have Rom_09_13

but especially among my neighbours Psa_31_11

but establish Psa_07_09

but even Luk_12_07

but even after 1Th_02_02

but even hath eaten upon Eze_18_11

but even their mind Tit_01_15

but even unto this day 2Co_03_15

but ever follow 1Th_05_15

but every fool will be meddling Pro_20_03

but every man 1Co_15_23

but every man Rom_03_04

but every man also on PHP1 -:34

but every man another's 1Co_10_24

but every man hath his proper gift 1Co_07_07

but every man is tempted Jam_01_14

but every man shall die f 2Ch_25_04

but every man they smote with Jos_11_14

but every man's servant Exo_12_44

but every one Luk_06_40

but every one Num_36_09

but every one shall die for his own iniquity Jer_31_30

but every small matter they judged themselves Exo_18_26

but every small matter they shall judge Exo_18_22

but every thing 1Sa_15_09

but every vow Num_30_09

but every woman 1Co_11_05

but every woman shall borrow Exo_03_22

but evil 1Ki_22_18

but evil 1Ki_22_08

but evil 2Ch_18_17

but evil came down from Mic_01_12

but evil men 2Ti_03_13

but exhort one another daily Heb_03_13

but exhorting Heb_10_25

but faith which worketh by love Gal_05_06

but fear Rom_11_20

but fear not thou Jer_46_27

but fear thou god Ecc_06_07

but fear thy god Lev_25_36

but feared Mar_12_12

but feignedly Jer_03_10

but fellowcitizens with Eph_02_19

but festus Act_25_09

but festus answered Act_25_04

but few Mat_22_14

but few chosen Mat_20_16

but filleth me with bitterness Job_09_18

but first gave their own selves 2Co_08_05

but first must he suffer many things Luk_17_25

but flesh with Gen_09_04

but follow righteousness 2Ti_02_22

but followers Heb_06_12

but foolish 2Ti_02_23

but fools die for want Pro_10_21

but for 1Ch_29_01

but for 1Co_11_17

but for 1Co_06_13

but for 1Co_07_35

but for 1Ti_01_08

but for 2Ch_19_06

but for 2Co_13_08

but for 2Co_07_08

but for Dan_02_30

but for Deu_09_04

but for Ecc_04_12

but for Isa_08_14

but for Joh_10_10

but for Joh_11_04

but for Joh_06_27

but for Lev_22_23

but for Mar_13_20

but for Mat_24_22

but for Pro_12_19

but for adam there was not found an help meet for him Gen_02_20

but for blasphemy Joh_10_33

but for father Eze_44_25

but for his iniquity Eze_33_13

but for his kin Lev_21_02

but for mine holy name's sake Eze_36_22

but for them also which shall believe on me through their word Joh_17_20

but for them which believe 1Co_14_22

but for them which thou hast given me Joh_17_09

but for this cause came Joh_12_27

but for thy great mercies Dan_09_18

but for us also Rom_04_24

but for you PHP1 -:61

but for your sakes Joh_12_30

but forasmuch as he had not Mat_18_25

but forgat him Gen_40_23

but fornication Eph_05_03

but found Gen_31_34

but found Jos_02_22

but found him not 2Ki_02_17

but found none Mat_26_60

but found not Gen_31_35

but from Mar_10_06

but from Mat_19_08

but from Num_35_08

but from him Mat_25_29

but gather Mat_13_30

but gathereth unto him all nations Hab_02_05

but gave their life over Psa_78_50

but gedaliah Jer_40_14

but gedaliah Jer_40_16

but gehazi 2Ki_05_20

but gehazi came near 2Ki_04_27

but give me Gen_34_12

but give you occasion 2Co_05_12

but giveth grace unto Jam_04_06

but giveth right Job_36_06

but glory Rom_02_10

but go 1Ki_09_06

but go Joh_20_17

but go Luk_05_14

but go rather Mat_10_06

but go thou Luk_09_60

but go thou thy way till Dan_12_13

but go thy way Mar_01_44

but go thy way Mat_08_04

but go ye Mat_09_13

but go ye now unto my place which Jer_07_12

but go ye rather Mat_25_09

but go your way Mar_16_07

but god 1Co_10_13

but god 1Co_03_07

but god 1Th_02_04

but god 1Th_04_08

but god Eph_02_04

but god Gen_45_08

but god Pro_21_12

but god Psa_75_07

but god alone Luk_05_21

but god be thanked Rom_06_17

but god came Gen_20_03

but god clave an hollow place Jud_15_19

but god commendeth his love toward us Rom_05_08

but god deliver Exo_21_13

but god delivered him not into his hand 1Sa_23_14

but god forbid Gal_06_14

but god gave 1Co_03_06

but god gave Gal_03_18

but god giveth it 1Co_15_38

but god had mercy on him PHP1 -:57

but god hath called us 1Co_07_15

but god hath chosen 1Co_01_27

but god hath revealed 1Co_02_10

but god hath showed me Act_10_28

but god hath tempered 1Co_12_24

but god is one Gal_03_20

but god knoweth your hearts Luk_16_15

but god led Exo_13_18

but god prepared Jon_04_07

but god raised him from Act_13_30

but god said unto him Luk_12_20

but god said unto me 1Ch_28_03

but god shall be with you Gen_48_21

but god shall destroy both it 1Co_06_13

but god shall shoot at them Psa_64_07

but god shall wound Psa_68_21

but god suffered him not Gen_31_07

but god was with him Act_07_09

but god will redeem my soul from Psa_49_15

but god's 2Ch_20_15

but godliness is profitable unto all things 1Ti_04_08

but godliness with contentment is great gain 1Ti_06_06

but great vexations 2Ch_15_05

but grievous Heb_12_11

but grievous words stir up anger Pro_15_01

but grow 2Pe_03_18

but had certain questions against him Act_25_19

but had despised my statutes Eze_20_24

but had not pillars as Eze_42_06

but had pleasure 2Th_02_12

but hallow Jer_17_24

but hallow ye Jer_17_22

but haman hasted Est_06_12

but hannah had no children 1Sa_01_02

but hannah went not up 1Sa_01_22

but hardened their neck Jer_07_26

but hardened their necks 2Ki_17_14

but hardened their necks Neh_09_17

but hast asked for thyself understanding 1Ki_03_11

but hast asked wisdom 2Ch_01_11

but hast done evil above all 1Ki_14_09

but hast fretted me Eze_16_43

but hast lifted up thyself against Dan_05_23

but hast walked 2Ch_21_13

but hath Tit_01_03

but hath an end Mar_03_26

but hath committed all judgment unto Joh_05_22

but hath extended mercy unto us Ezr_09_09

but hath power over his own will 1Co_07_37

but have been partial Mal_02_09

but have done after Eze_11_12

but have done unto him whatsoever they listed Mat_17_12

but have eternal life Joh_03_15

but have everlasting life Joh_03_16

but have gone from tent 1Ch_17_05

but have kept Jos_22_03

but have pleasure Rom_01_32

but have poured out my soul before 1Sa_01_15

but have removed their heart far from me Isa_29_13

but have renounced 2Co_04_02

but have seen for thee false burdens Lam_02_14

but have showed you Act_20_20

but have walked 2Sa_07_06

but have walked after Jer_09_14

but having his eyes open Num_24_16

but having his eyes open Num_24_04

but having hope 2Co_10_15

but having seen them afar off Heb_11_13

but hazael king 2Ki_13_22

but he 1Co_14_03

but he 1Co_14_04

but he 1Co_02_15

but he 1Co_04_04

but he 1Co_06_17

but he 1Co_06_18

but he 1Co_07_33

but he 1Co_07_38

but he 1Jo_02_11

but he 1Jo_02_17

but he 1Jo_05_18

but he 1Jo_05_05

but he 1Ki_20_28

but he 2Ch_32_09

but he 2Co_10_17

but he 2Pe_01_09

but he 3Jo_01_11

but he Act_12_17

but he Act_13_37

but he Act_07_27

but he Act_07_55

but he Col_03_25

but he Eze_33_05

but he Gal_04_23

but he Gal_04_23

but he Gal_05_10

but he Gal_06_08

but he Gen_15_04

but he Heb_03_04

but he Heb_05_04

but he Heb_05_05

but he Isa_53_05

but he Isa_57_13

but he Jer_21_09

but he Jer_38_02

but he Job_23_13

but he Job_23_08

but he Joh_01_33

but he Joh_10_12

but he Joh_10_02

but he Joh_03_13

but he Joh_03_18

but he Joh_03_21

but he Joh_07_18

but he Joh_07_28

but he Joh_08_26

but he Luk_10_29

but he Luk_11_17

but he Luk_12_48

but he Luk_12_09

but he Luk_22_26

but he Luk_06_49

but he Luk_07_28

but he Mar_12_15

but he Mar_13_13

but he Mar_16_16

but he Mar_03_29

but he Mat_10_22

but he Mat_13_20

but he Mat_13_23

but he Mat_23_11

but he Mat_24_13

but he Mat_25_18

but he Mat_03_11

but he Mat_07_21

but he Pro_10_17

but he Pro_10_19

but he Pro_10_09

but he Pro_11_13

but he Pro_11_27

but he Pro_12_01

but he Pro_12_11

but he Pro_12_15

but he Pro_12_08

but he Pro_13_11

but he Pro_13_13

but he Pro_13_18

but he Pro_13_24

but he Pro_14_21

but he Pro_14_31

but he Pro_15_15

but he Pro_15_27

but he Pro_15_32

but he Pro_15_05

but he Pro_17_09

but he Pro_28_14

but he Pro_28_19

but he Pro_28_20

but he Pro_28_25

but he Pro_28_27

but he Pro_28_07

but he Pro_29_18

but he Pro_29_03

but he Pro_29_04

but he Pro_08_36

but he Psa_32_10

but he Psa_78_38

but he Rom_02_29

but he Zec_09_07

but he answered Mat_12_39

but he answered Mat_12_48

but he answered Mat_15_13

but he answered Mat_15_24

but he answered Mat_15_26

but he answered Mat_15_03

but he answered Mat_25_12

but he answered Mat_04_04

but he answered her not Mat_15_23

but he answered him not 1Sa_14_37

but he answered him nothing Luk_23_09

but he answered nothing Mar_15_03

but he answered one Mat_20_13

but he answered them not 2Sa_22_42

but he answered them not Psa_18_41

but he attained not 2Sa_23_23

but he awaketh Isa_29_08

but he awaketh Isa_29_08

but he began Mar_14_71

but he blesseth Pro_03_33

but he came down 1Ki_02_08

but he cast him down Dan_08_07

but he casteth away Pro_10_03

but he charged them Luk_08_56

but he cometh not again 2Ki_09_18

but he could not be found Psa_37_36

but he could not be hid Mar_07_24

but he cried Mar_10_48

but he cried so much Luk_18_39

but he deceiveth Joh_07_12

but he delivered jesus Luk_23_25

but he denied Mar_14_68

but he denied before Mat_26_70

but he did 2Ch_33_22

but he did according Dan_08_04

but he did not 2Ch_28_01

but he dwelt among Jud_01_33

but he escaped out Joh_10_39

but he finished not 1Ch_27_24

but he for Heb_12_10

but he forsaketh Job_06_14

but he forsook 1Ki_12_08

but he forsook 2Ch_10_08

but he found Gen_31_33

but he found her not Gen_38_20

but he gat no heat 1Ki_01_01

but he gave me no answer Son_05_06

but he giveth grace unto Pro_03_34

but he giveth more grace Jam_04_06

but he hanged Gen_40_22

but he hath broken me asunder Job_16_12

but he hath not given me over unto death Psa_118_18

but he heareth Pro_15_29

but he heareth not Isa_42_20

but he hearkened not Jer_37_14

but he held his peace 1Sa_10_27

but he held his peace Mar_14_61

but he helped him not 2Ch_28_21

but he himself Rev_19_12

but he himself entered into Act_18_19

but he himself shall be saved 1Co_03_15

but he himself stayed Act_19_22

but he himself turned again from Jud_03_19

but he himself went 1Ki_19_04

but he honoureth them Psa_15_04

but he kept not 1Ki_11_10

but he knew their thoughts Luk_06_08

but he knoweth Job_23_10

but he knoweth not Pro_09_18

but he led them 2Ki_06_19

but he loveth him Pro_15_09

but he passing through Luk_04_30

but he perceived their craftiness Luk_20_23

but he perceiveth Job_14_21

but he put his armour 1Sa_17_54

but he rebelled against him Eze_17_15

but he received Est_04_04

but he received Mar_15_23

but he refused 1Sa_28_23

but he refused 2Ki_05_16

but he refused 2Sa_13_09

but he refused Gen_37_35

but he refused Gen_39_08

but he revealeth his secret unto his servants Amo_03_07

but he rose up Jud_19_10

but he said 2Ki_04_41

but he said 2Ki_05_16

but he said Act_26_25

but he said Exo_05_17

but he said Gen_24_33

but he said Luk_11_28

but he said Luk_08_52

but he said Luk_09_59

but he said Mat_13_29

but he said unto her Job_02_10

but he said unto me Dan_08_17

but he said unto me Jud_13_07

but he said unto them Joh_20_25

but he said unto them Joh_04_32

but he said unto them Luk_09_13

but he said unto them Mat_12_03

but he said unto them Mat_19_11

but he saith himself Act_02_34

but he saith unto them Joh_06_20

but he saved them by 2Ki_14_27

but he saveth Job_05_15

but he seemed as one Gen_19_14

but he sent ambassadors 2Ch_35_21

but he sent me Joh_08_42

but he set his face toward Num_24_01

but he shall acknowledge Deu_21_17

but he shall appear Isa_66_05

but he shall baptize you with Mar_01_08

but he shall be broken without hand Dan_08_25

but he shall be called john Luk_01_60

but he shall be saved out Jer_30_07

but he shall be surely put Num_35_31

but he shall come Dan_11_21

but he shall die Jer_22_12

but he shall eat Zec_11_16

but he shall flee from Isa_31_08

but he shall have one tribe for my servant david's sake 1Ki_11_32

but he shall have power over Dan_11_43

but he shall let go Lev_14_53

but he shall not be gathered Job_27_19

but he shall not be strengthened Dan_11_12

but he shall not multiply horses Deu_17_16

but he shall not prevail Isa_16_12

but he shall not return 2Sa_12_23

but he shall not stand Dan_11_25

but he shall overcome at Gen_49_19

but he shall receive an hundredfold now Mar_10_30

but he shall say Luk_13_27

but he shall say Zec_13_05

but he shall stumble Dan_11_19

but he shall surely be stoned Exo_19_13

but he shall take Lev_21_14

but he shall wash Lev_01_13

but he slew not their children 2Ch_25_04

but he slipped away out 1Sa_19_10

but he spake Joh_02_21

but he spake Mar_14_31

but he stiffened his neck 2Ch_36_13

but he stood 2Sa_23_12

but he tarried longer than 2Sa_20_05

but he taxed 2Ki_23_35

but he told not his father 1Sa_14_01

but he told not his father or his mother what he had done Jud_14_06

but he told not them Jud_14_09

but he took on Heb_02_16

but he touched me Dan_08_18

but he turned Luk_09_55

but he turned Mat_16_23

but he walked 2Ki_16_03

but he was asleep Mat_08_24

but he went 2Ki_05_25

but he went down 2Sa_23_21

but he went out Mar_01_45

but he whose descent is not counted from them received tithes Heb_07_06

but he will burn up Mat_03_12

but he will call Eze_21_23

but he will come when he shall have convenient time 1Co_16_12

but he will establish Pro_15_25

but he will not hear them Mic_03_04

but he wist not Jos_08_14

but he would not 2Sa_12_17

but he would not Jud_11_17

but he would not come 2Sa_14_29

but he would not hear them Jer_36_25

but he would not hearken unto her 2Sa_13_16

but he would put Job_23_06

but her end is bitter as wormwood Pro_05_04

but her father would not suffer him Jud_15_01

but her leaf shall be green Jer_17_08

but her voice was not heard 1Sa_01_13

but herod Luk_03_19

but hezekiah prayed for them 2Ch_30_18

but hezekiah rendered not again according 2Ch_32_25

but him Mar_09_37

but him they saw not Luk_24_24

but hired balaam against them Neh_13_02

but his Isa_09_17

but his Joh_07_16

but his armourbearer would not 1Ch_10_04

but his armourbearer would not 1Sa_31_04

but his blood will Eze_03_18

but his blood will Eze_33_06

but his blood will Eze_33_08

but his bow abode Gen_49_24

but his brethren had not many children 1Ch_04_27

but his citizens hated him Luk_19_14

but his delight Psa_01_02

but his disciples Joh_04_02

but his father Act_16_01

but his father Jud_14_04

but his father called him benjamin Gen_35_18

but his father observed Gen_37_11

but his favour Pro_19_12

but his flesh upon him shall have pain Job_14_22

but his hand Isa_10_04

but his hand Isa_09_12

but his hand Isa_09_21

but his heart Pro_23_07

but his hoar head bring thou down 1Ki_02_09

but his inheritance shall be his sons' for them Eze_46_17

but his inwards Lev_01_09

but his latter end Num_24_20

but his mother kept all these sayings Luk_02_51

but his neighbour cometh Pro_18_17

but his power Ezr_08_22

but his secret Pro_03_32

but his servant joshua Exo_33_11

but his servants 1Sa_28_23

but his sons shall be stirred up Dan_11_10

but his wife looked back from behind him Gen_19_26

but his wife said unto him Jud_13_23

but his will was not at all 1Co_16_12

but his wrath is Pro_14_35

but hold now thy peace 2Sa_13_20

but holy men 2Pe_01_21

but honour shall uphold Pro_29_23

but hope Rom_08_24

but horses tied 2Ki_07_10

but how can one be warm Ecc_05_11

but how is it Luk_12_56

but how little Job_26_14

but how much more unto thee Phm_01_16

but how should man be just with god Job_09_02

but how then shall Mat_26_54

but howsoever 2Sa_18_22

but howsoever 2Sa_18_23

but if 1Ch_12_17

but if 1Ch_19_12

but if 1Co_11_15

but if 1Co_07_15

but if 1Pe_02_20

but if 1Sa_17_09

but if 1Sa_02_25

but if 1Sa_20_22

but if 1Sa_26_19

but if 1Ti_03_15

but if 2Co_03_07

but if 2Sa_10_11

but if Act_23_09

but if Deu_22_25

but if Ecc_12_08

but if Exo_21_14

but if Exo_21_29

but if Exo_40_37

but if Eze_18_21

but if Eze_18_05

but if Eze_33_19

but if Eze_33_06

but if Gal_02_17

but if Heb_10_38

but if Jer_38_25

but if Joh_10_38

but if Joh_11_10

but if Joh_16_07

but if Lev_11_38

but if Lev_13_21

but if Lev_13_23

but if Lev_13_26

but if Lev_13_35

but if Lev_13_37

but if Lev_13_07

but if Lev_22_11

but if Lev_22_13

but if Lev_07_16

but if Luk_11_20

but if Luk_14_34

but if Mar_09_50

but if Mat_12_28

but if Mat_05_13

but if Num_16_30

but if Num_35_26

but if Num_05_08

but if Php_01_22

but if Rom_11_06

but if Rom_07_02

but if Rom_08_11

but if against my will 1Co_09_17

but if all prophesy 1Co_14_24

but if any have caused grief 2Co_02_05

but if any man be Joh_09_31

but if any man be ignorant 1Co_14_38

but if any man hate his neighbour Deu_19_11

but if any man love god 1Co_08_03

but if any man say unto you 1Co_10_28

but if any man seem 1Co_11_16

but if any man think 1Co_07_36

but if any provide not for his own 1Ti_05_08

but if any widow have children or nephews 1Ti_05_04

but if baal 1Ki_18_21

but if from thence thou shalt seek Deu_04_29

but if he be not able Lev_25_28

but if he be not able Lev_05_11

but if he be poorer than thy estimation Lev_27_08

but if he be very wroth 1Sa_20_07

but if he give Eze_46_17

but if he neglect Mat_18_17

but if he purify not himself Num_19_12

but if he sanctify his field after Lev_27_18

but if he shall any ways make them void after Num_30_15

but if he thrust him Num_35_20

but if he thrust him suddenly without enmity Num_35_22

but if he thus say 2Sa_15_26

but if he wash Lev_17_16

but if he will at all redeem it Lev_27_13

but if he will not do Rut_03_13

but if he will not hear Mat_18_16

but if her father disallow her Num_30_05

but if her husband altogether hold his peace at her from day Num_30_14

but if her husband be dead 1Co_07_39

but if her husband be dead Rom_07_03

but if her husband disallowed her on Num_30_08

but if her husband hath utterly made them void on Num_30_12

but if it Exo_01_16

but if it be 1Co_11_06

but if it be Act_18_15

but if it be Act_05_39

but if it be not worthy Mat_10_13

but if it die Joh_12_24

but if it please my father 1Sa_20_13

but if it seem ill unto thee Jer_40_04

but if not 1Sa_06_09

but if not 2Ki_02_10

but if not Dan_03_18

but if not Jud_09_20

but if one went unto them from Luk_16_30

but if our gospel be hid 2Co_04_03

but if our unrighteousness commend Rom_03_05

but if she be cleansed Lev_15_28

but if she bear Lev_12_05

but if there be no interpreter 1Co_14_28

but if there be no resurrection 1Co_15_13

but if there be none Act_25_11

but if they Jer_27_18

but if they cannot contain 1Co_07_09

but if they had stood Jer_23_22

but if they obey not Job_36_12

but if they say thus 1Sa_14_10

but if they will not obey Jer_12_17

but if they will not pass over with you armed Num_32_30

but if thine eye be evil Mat_06_23

but if thine heart turn away Deu_30_17

but if this thing be true Deu_22_20

but if thou Gen_23_13

but if thou be Rom_02_25

but if thou boast Rom_11_18

but if thou canst do any thing Mar_09_22

but if thou do Rom_13_04

but if thou fear Jud_07_10

but if thou hast gone aside Num_05_20

but if thou judge Jam_04_11

but if thou mayest be made free 1Co_07_21

but if thou refuse Jer_38_21

but if thou return 2Sa_15_34

but if thou say Isa_36_07

but if thou shalt forbear Deu_23_22

but if thou shalt indeed obey his voice Exo_23_22

but if thou wilt enter into life Mat_19_17

but if thou wilt go 2Ch_25_08

but if thou wilt not go forth Jer_38_18

but if thou wilt not go with me Jud_04_08

but if thou wilt not redeem Rut_04_04

but if thou wilt not send Gen_43_05

but if thy brother be grieved with Rom_14_15

but if we had been sold for bondmen Est_07_04

but if we hope for Rom_08_25

but if we shall say Mar_11_32

but if we shall say Mat_21_26

but if we walk 1Jo_01_07

but if well Joh_18_23

but if wickedness shall be found 1Ki_01_52

but if ye be led Gal_05_18

but if ye be without chastisement Heb_12_08

but if ye believe not his writings Joh_05_47

but if ye bite Gal_05_15

but if ye cannot declare Jud_14_13

but if ye do not forgive Mar_11_26

but if ye forgive not men their trespasses Mat_06_15

but if ye forsake him 2Ch_15_02

but if ye had known what Mat_12_07

but if ye have bitter envying Jam_03_14

but if ye have respect Jam_02_09

but if ye inquire any thing concerning other matters Act_19_39

but if ye refuse Isa_01_20

but if ye say Jer_42_13

but if ye say unto me 2Ki_18_22

but if ye shall still do wickedly 1Sa_12_25

but if ye show Dan_02_06

but if ye through Rom_08_13

but if ye turn away 2Ch_07_19

but if ye will not do so Num_32_23

but if ye will not drive out Num_33_55

but if ye will not hear it Jer_13_17

but if ye will not hear these words Jer_22_05

but if ye will not hearken unto me Jer_17_27

but if ye will not hearken unto me Lev_26_14

but if ye will not hearken unto us Gen_34_17

but if ye will not make known unto me Dan_02_09

but if ye will not obey 1Sa_12_15

but if ye worship not Dan_03_15

but into Heb_09_07

but into Mar_07_19

but into heaven itself Heb_09_24

but into whatsoever city ye enter Luk_10_10

but inwardly they are ravening wolves Mat_07_15

but is 1Jo_02_16

but is Mar_03_29

but is abundant also by many thanksgivings unto god 2Co_09_12

but is clean every whit Joh_13_10

but is come from 2Ch_06_32

but is longsuffering 2Pe_03_09

but is mighty 2Co_13_03

but is now made manifest by 2Ti_01_10

but is passed from death unto life Joh_05_24

but is risen Luk_24_06

but is under tutors Gal_04_02

but ishmael Jer_41_15

but israel Gen_32_28

but israel Rom_09_31

but israel shall be thy name Gen_35_10

but it ECC8 -:23

but it Isa_35_08

but it Job_03_21

but it Lev_13_28

but it came 1Sa_18_19

but it came 1Sa_25_37

but it came 2Ki_25_25

but it came Jer_35_11

but it came Jud_15_01

but it came Neh_04_01

but it came Neh_04_07

but it displeased jonah exceedingly Jon_04_01

but it gave light by night Exo_14_20

but it is 1Co_12_06

but it is brough Eze_38_08

but it is happened unto them according 2Pe_02_22

but it is overthrown by Pro_11_11

but it shall accomplish Isa_55_11

but it shall be Deu_23_11

but it shall be Rev_10_09

but it shall be for Isa_07_25

but it shall be more tolerable for tyre Luk_10_14

but it shall be on Lev_14_09

but it shall be one day which shall be known Zec_14_07

but it shall be wholly desolate Jer_50_13

but it shall come Deu_28_15

but it shall come Jer_49_39

but it shall come Zec_14_07

but it shall not be as Dan_11_29

but it shall not be so among you Mat_20_26

but it shall not be well with Ecc_09_13

but it shall not endure Job_08_15

but it shall not prosper Dan_11_27

but it shall not prosper Num_14_41

but it shall not stand Job_08_15

but it was 2Ki_12_06

but it was not found Neh_07_64

but it withereth Jam_01_11

but jacob Jos_24_04

but jacob called it galeed Gen_31_47

but jehoiada 2Ki_11_15

but jehoiada 2Ki_12_09

but jehoiada waxed old 2Ch_24_15

but jehoshabeath 2Ch_22_11

but jehoshaphat cried out 2Ch_18_31

but jehoshaphat said 2Ch_18_06

but jehoshaphat said 2Ki_03_11

but jehoshaphat would not 1Ki_22_49

but jehosheba 2Ki_11_02

but jehu did 2Ki_10_19

but jehu took no heed 2Ki_10_31

but jeremiah said Jer_38_20

but jeroboam caused an ambushment 2Ch_13_13

but jerusalem shall be safely inhabited Zec_14_11

but jerusalem which is above is free Gal_04_26

but jeshurun waxed fat Deu_32_15

but jesus answered Mat_20_22

but jesus answered them Joh_05_17

but jesus answereth again Mar_10_24

but jesus beheld Mat_19_26

but jesus called them Luk_18_16

but jesus called them Mar_10_42

but jesus called them Mat_20_25

but jesus did not commit himself unto them Joh_02_24

but jesus gave him no answer Joh_19_09

but jesus held his peace Mat_26_63

but jesus hid himself Joh_08_59

but jesus perceived their wickedness Mat_22_18

but jesus said Mar_09_39

but jesus said Mat_19_14

but jesus said unto her Mar_07_27

but jesus said unto him Luk_22_48

but jesus said unto him Mat_08_22

but jesus said unto them Mar_10_38

but jesus said unto them Mar_06_04

but jesus said unto them Mat_13_57

but jesus said unto them Mat_14_16

but jesus sent him away Luk_08_38

but jesus stooped down Joh_08_06

but jesus took him by Mar_09_27

but jesus turned him about Mat_09_22

but jesus turning unto them said Luk_23_28

but jesus withdrew himself with his disciples Mar_03_07

but jesus yet answered nothing Mar_15_05

but jeush 1Ch_23_11

but jezebel his wife came 1Ki_21_05

but johanan Jer_43_05

but john forbad him Mat_03_14

but jonah rose up Jon_01_03

but jonah was gone down into Jon_01_05

but jonathan heard not when his father charged 1Sa_14_27

but jonathan saul's son delighted much 1Sa_19_02

but joshua Num_14_38

but joshua had said unto Jos_06_22

but joshua lodged Jos_08_09

but joy Psa_30_05

but judah shall dwell for ever Joe_03_20

but judah yet ruleth with god Hos_11_12

but judge righteous judgment Joh_07_24

but judge this rather Rom_14_13

but judgment shall return unto righteousness Psa_94_15

but keep his commandments Psa_78_07

but keep it still within his mouth Job_20_13

but keepeth Exo_21_18

but kept his commandments 2Ki_18_06

but king joram was returned 2Ki_09_15

but king rehoboam made speed 2Ch_10_18

but king solomon loved many strange women 1Ki_11_01

but know Psa_04_03

but know this Mat_24_43

but know thou Ecc_12_09

but know ye for certain Jer_26_15

but knowledge Pro_14_06

but last Mat_21_37

but lay up for yourselves treasures Mat_06_20

but lazarus was one Joh_12_02

but leaves only Mat_21_19

but left their own habitation Jde_01_06

but let 1Co_11_28

but let 1Sa_18_17

but let 2Ki_20_10

but let Psa_68_03

but let about two or three thousand men go up Jos_07_03

but let all those Psa_05_11

but let every man prove his own work Gal_06_04

but let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon 1Co_03_10

but let him Jer_09_24

but let him ask Jam_01_06

but let him glorify god on this behalf 1Pe_04_16

but let it rather be healed Heb_12_13

but let judgment run down as waters Amo_05_24

but let man Jon_03_08

but let me first go bid them farewell Luk_09_61

but let me go 1Sa_20_05

but let me not fall into 1Ch_21_13

but let none 1Pe_04_15

but let none come into 2Ch_23_06

but let not Exo_19_24

but let not god speak with us Exo_20_19

but let not me be confounded Jer_17_18

but let not me be dismayed Jer_17_18

but let not pharaoh deal deceitfully any more Exo_08_29

but let patience have Jam_01_04

but let them be hewers Jos_09_21

but let them be overthrown before thee Jer_18_23

but let them come themselves Act_16_37

but let them not turn again Psa_85_08

but let thine heart keep my commandments Pro_03_01

but let thy servant rejoice Psa_109_28

but let us 1Th_05_08

but let us fight against them 1Ki_20_23

but let us watch 1Th_05_06

but let your brethren Lev_10_06

but let your communication be Mat_05_37

but let your yea be yea Jam_05_12

but levi 1Ch_21_06

but life 2Co_04_12

but life from Rom_11_15

but lift thou up thy rod Exo_14_16

but live Psa_118_17

but live according 1Pe_04_06

but love covereth all sins Pro_10_12

but love ye your enemies Luk_06_35

but lusted exceedingly Psa_106_14

but made again 1Ki_13_33

but made himself PHP1 -:37

but made himself strange unto them Gen_42_07

but made his own people Psa_78_52

but made like unto Heb_07_03

but made their neck stiff Jer_17_23

but magormissabib Jer_20_03

but make me thereof 1Ki_17_13

but make not Jer_05_10

but make thou 1Ki_12_10

but make thou 2Ch_10_10

but maketh his petition three times Dan_06_13

but man dieth Job_14_10

but manoah her husband Jud_13_09

but many 1Co_12_14

but many Ezr_03_12

but many Mar_10_31

but many Mat_19_30

but many shall cleave Dan_11_34

but martha was cumbered about much serving Luk_10_40

but mary kept all these things Luk_02_19

but mary sat Joh_11_20

but mary stood without at Joh_20_11

but me 1Ki_01_26

but me it hateth Joh_07_07

but me ye have not always Joh_12_08

but me ye have not always Mar_14_07

but me ye have not always Mat_26_11

but meat commendeth us not 1Co_08_08

but mephibosheth thy master's son shall eat bread alway at my table 2Sa_09_10

but mercy Pro_14_22

but michael your prince Dan_10_21

but mighty through god 2Co_10_04

but mine enemies Psa_38_19

but mine eyes Psa_141_08

but mine hand shall not be upon thee 1Sa_24_12

but mine hand shall not be upon thee 1Sa_24_13

but ministers by whom ye believed 1Co_03_05

but mire Jer_38_06

but mischief Psa_28_03

but money answereth all ECC11 -:19

but mordecai bowed not Est_03_02

but moses fled from Exo_02_15

but moses stood up Exo_02_17

but moses' hands Exo_17_12

but much increase Pro_14_04

but murmured Psa_106_25

but my beloved had withdrawn himself Son_05_06

but my covenant will Gen_17_21

but my face shall not be seen Exo_33_23

but my faithfulness Psa_89_24

but my father giveth you Joh_06_32

but my father only Mat_24_36

but my father which is Mat_16_17

but my god shall supply all your need according PHP1 -:100

but my heart standeth Psa_119_161

but my heart waketh Son_05_02

but my horn shalt thou exalt like Psa_92_10

but my kindness shall not depart from thee Isa_54_10

but my lord 2Sa_19_27

but my mercy shall not depart away from him 2Sa_07_15

but my people have changed their glory for Jer_02_11

but my people know not Jer_08_07

but my people would not hearken Psa_81_11

but my righteousness shall be for ever Isa_51_08

but my salvation shall be for ever Isa_51_06

but my servant Isa_42_19

but my servant caleb Num_14_24

but my understanding is unfruitful 1Co_14_14

but my words Zec_01_06

but my words shall not pass away Luk_21_33

but my words shall not pass away Mar_13_31

but my words shall not pass away Mat_24_35

but naaman was wroth 2Ki_05_11

but nadab 1Ch_24_02

but nathan 1Ki_01_10

but nebuzaradan Jer_39_10

but nebuzaradan Jer_52_16

but neither he Jer_37_02

but neither so did their witness agree together Mar_14_59

but neither titus Gal_02_03

but new wine must be put into new bottles Luk_05_38

but new wine must be put into new bottles Mar_02_22

but nineveh Nah_02_08

but no further Job_38_11

but no good Jer_08_15

but no man knoweth Deu_34_06

but no man laid hands on him Joh_07_30

but no man laid hands on him Joh_07_44

but no man put his hand 1Sa_14_26

but noah found grace Gen_06_08

but none Act_20_24

but none Isa_34_12

but none answered Jud_19_28

but none giveth answer Job_35_12

but none goeth Eze_07_14

but none saith Job_35_10

but none shall look back Nah_02_08

but none understood Dan_08_27

but not 2Ch_21_20

but not 2Co_04_08

but not Gen_20_12

but not Isa_30_01

but not Isa_30_01

but not Lam_03_02

but not according Rom_10_02

but not all Joh_13_10

but not as 2Ki_17_02

but not as Rom_05_15

but not be satisfied Mic_06_14

but not before god Rom_04_02

but not by his own power Dan_08_24

but not by me Hos_08_04

but not by thy covenant Eze_16_61

but not destroyed 2Co_04_09

but not drink Zep_01_13

but not for ever 1Ki_11_39

but not for himself Dan_09_26

but not forsaken 2Co_04_09

but not inhabit Zep_01_13

but not like his father 2Ki_03_02

but not long after there arose against it Act_27_14

but not nigh Num_24_17

but not now Num_24_17

but not with 2Ch_25_02

but not with god Mar_10_27

but not with silver Isa_48_10

but not with strong drink Isa_29_09

but not with wine Isa_29_09

but not with wine Isa_51_21

but nourisheth Eph_05_29

but now 1Ch_21_08

but now 1Co_12_20

but now 1Co_05_11

but now 1Ki_05_04

but now 1Sa_02_30

but now Eph_02_13

but now Eph_05_08

but now Gal_04_09

but now Isa_16_14

but now Isa_64_08

but now Job_30_01

but now Job_35_15

but now Joh_16_05

but now Jos_09_12

but now Jud_06_13

but now Luk_22_36

but now Rom_15_25

but now Rom_03_21

but now Zec_08_11

but now are they holy 1Co_07_14

but now being made free from sin Rom_06_22

but now bring me 2Ki_03_15

but now commandeth all men every where Act_17_30

but now deliver us out 1Sa_12_10

but now hath god set 1Co_12_18

but now hath he obtained Heb_08_06

but now have PSA119 -:67

but now have obtained mercy 1Pe_02_10

but now have they both seen Joh_15_24

but now having no more place Rom_15_23

but now he hath made me weary Job_16_07

but now he hath promised Heb_12_26

but now he is comforted Luk_16_25

but now he is dead 2Sa_12_23

but now is christ risen from 1Co_15_20

but now is made manifest Col_01_26

but now is made manifest Rom_16_26

but now is my kingdom not from hence Joh_18_36

but now it is come upon thee Job_04_05

but now mine eye seeth thee Job_42_05

but now much more PHP1 -:42

but now much more diligent 2Co_08_22

but now murderers Isa_01_21

but now once Heb_09_26

but now our soul Num_11_06

but now profitable Phm_01_11

but now they are hid from thine eyes Luk_19_42

but now they break down Psa_74_06

but now they desire Heb_11_16

but now they have no cloak for their sin Joh_15_22

but now this Jud_20_09

but now thus saith Isa_43_01

but now thy kingdom shall not continue 1Sa_13_14

but now we are delivered from Rom_07_06

but now we see not yet all things put under him Heb_02_08

but now when timotheus came from you unto us 1Th_03_06

but now ye also put off all these Col_03_08

but now ye rejoice Jam_04_16

but now ye say Joh_09_41

but now ye seek Joh_08_40

but obey their father's commandment Jer_35_14

but obey unrighteousness Rom_02_08

but oh Job_11_05

but omri wrought evil 1Ki_16_25

but on Est_09_10

but on Est_09_15

but on Exo_16_26

but on Exo_34_21

but on Exo_35_02

but on Eze_46_01

but on Luk_11_33

but on Mat_05_15

but on Num_16_41

but on him Joh_12_44

but on me also PHP1 -:57

but on whomsoever it shall fall Luk_20_18

but on whomsoever it shall fall Mat_21_44

but on your part he is glorified 1Pe_04_14

but one 1Sa_25_14

but one Dan_08_03

but one Heb_02_06

but one Joh_19_34

but one flesh Mar_10_08

but one flesh Mat_19_06

but one mightier than Luk_03_16

but one receiveth 1Co_09_24

but one sinner destroyeth much good Ecc_10_18

but one thing 2Sa_03_13

but one thing is needful Luk_10_42

but one witness shall not testify against any person Num_35_30

but only Num_22_35

but only for Mat_12_04

but only those men which have not Rev_09_04

but other Gal_01_19

but other fell into good ground Mat_13_08

but our bo gen Gen_47_18

but our eyes 2Ch_20_12

but our god Psa_115_03

but our sufficiency 2Co_03_05

but ourselves also Rom_08_23

but out 2Ti_03_11

but out Dan_11_07

but over your brethren Lev_25_46

but overcome evil with good Rom_12_21

but overthrew pharaoh Psa_136_15

but patient 1Ti_03_03

but paul Act_16_18

but paul cried with Act_16_28

but paul said Act_21_39

but paul said unto them Act_16_37

but paul thought not good Act_15_38

but paul was suffered Act_28_16

but pekah 2Ki_15_25

but perceive not Isa_06_09

but perceivest not Luk_06_41

but perfect love casteth out fear 1Jo_04_18

but persecuted Psa_109_16

but perverseness therein Pro_15_04

but peter Act_02_14

but peter Act_04_19

but peter Luk_09_32

but peter continued knocking Act_12_16

but peter followed him afar off unto Mat_26_58

but peter put them all forth Act_09_40

but peter rehearsed Act_11_04

but peter said Act_10_14

but peter said Act_05_03

but peter said unto him Act_08_20

but peter said unto him Mar_14_29

but peter stood at Joh_18_16

but peter took him up Act_10_26

but pharaoh shall not hearken unto you Exo_07_04

but pharaoh's daughter came up out 1Ki_09_24

but philip was found at azotus Act_08_40

but pilate answered them Mar_15_09

but pollute ye my holy name no more with your gifts Eze_20_39

but polluted my sabbaths Eze_20_16

but poured it out 1Ch_11_18

but poured it out unto t 2Sa_23_16

but pray ye Mat_24_20

but prayer was made without ceasing Act_12_05

but present 1Co_05_03

but privately Gal_02_02

but prophesy not again any more at bethel Amo_07_13

but prophesying 1Co_14_22

but provoked Psa_106_07

but put forth thine hand now Job_01_11

but put forth thine hand now Job_02_05

but put no fire 1Ki_18_25

but put thou on thy robes 1Ki_22_30

but put thou on thy robes 2Ch_18_29

but put ye on Rom_13_14

but quickened by 1Pe_03_18

but rabshakeh said Isa_36_12

but rabshakeh said unto them 2Ki_18_27

but rachel Gen_29_31

but rachel was beautiful Gen_29_17

but ran Act_12_14

but rather 1Co_14_01

but rather division Luk_12_51

but rather do 1Ti_06_02

but rather fear him which is able Mat_10_28

but rather give alms Luk_11_41

but rather giving Eph_05_04

but rather grew worse Mar_05_26

but rather let him labour Eph_04_28

but rather rejoice Luk_10_20

but rather reprove Eph_05_11

but rather seek ye Luk_12_31

but raw 1Sa_02_15

but rebekah loved jacob Gen_25_28

but rebel against 1Sa_12_15

but rebel not against Jos_22_19

but rebelled against Deu_01_26

but rebelled against Deu_01_43

but receive power as kings one hour with Rev_17_12

but received me as an angel Gal_04_14

but refuse profane 1Ti_04_07

but rejected it Jer_06_19

but rejoice 1Pe_04_13

but rejoiceth 1Co_13_06

but reserved 1Ch_18_04

but reserved 2Sa_08_04

but return not thou unto Jer_15_19

but righteousness Rom_14_17

but righteousness delivereth from death Pro_10_02

but righteousness delivereth from death Pro_11_04

but rise Act_26_16

but roast Exo_12_09

but ruth clave unto her Rut_01_14

but safety Pro_21_31

but said Jde_01_09

but said also Joh_05_18

but saith unto him Mar_05_19

but samson's wife was Jud_14_20

but samuel came not 1Sa_13_08

but samuel ministered before 1Sa_02_18

but sanctify 1Pe_03_15

but sarah Gen_17_15

but sarai was barren Gen_11_30

but satan hindered us 1Th_02_18

but saul 1Sa_15_09

but saul had given michal his daughter 1Sa_25_44

but saul increased Act_09_22

but saul rose up out 1Sa_24_07

but saul thought 1Sa_18_25

but save his life Job_02_06

but saved Exo_01_17

but saved noah 2Pe_02_05

but saw no similitude Deu_04_12

but say Luk_07_07

but say unto them Eze_12_23

but secretly for fear Joh_19_38

but seeing no man Act_09_07

but seeing ye put it from you Act_13_46

but seek not bethel Amo_05_05

but seek ye first Mat_06_33

but seled died without children 1Ch_02_30

but sent leanness into their soul Psa_106_15

but serve 1Sa_12_20

but served Luk_02_37

but set 1Sa_10_19

but setteth Luk_08_16

but sh Dan_11_06

but shall believe Mar_11_23

but shall have Joh_08_12

but shall inhabit Jer_17_06

but shall minister with their brethren Num_08_26

but shall not be heard Pro_21_13

but shall not divide Lev_05_08

but shall not find Hos_02_07

but shall reap thorns Jer_12_13

but shall stay upon Isa_10_20

but shall surely be delivered into Jer_32_04

but shall utterly be destroyed Deu_04_26

but shalt be drawn away Deu_30_17

but shalt be taken by Jer_38_23

but shalt fear thy god Lev_19_14

but shalt fear thy god Lev_25_43

but shalt neither drink Deu_28_39

but shalt not deliver Mic_06_14

but shalt not drink wine Mic_06_15

but shalt not eat thereof 2Ki_07_19

but shalt not eat thereof 2Ki_07_02

but shalt perform unto Mat_05_33

but shalt surely be taken Jer_34_03

but shalt surely die 2Ki_01_04

but shame shall be Pro_03_35

but she 1Co_07_34

but she 1Ti_05_06

but she Luk_21_04

but she Mar_12_44

but she Pro_12_04

but she answered not 1Sa_04_20

but she came not Est_01_17

but she constantly affirmed Act_12_15

but she could not Mar_06_19

but she had brought them up Jos_02_06

but she hath washed my feet with tears Luk_07_44

but she is happier if she so abide 1Co_07_40

but she is not healed Jer_51_09

but she returned not Jer_03_07

but she shall not overtake them Hos_02_07

but she shall not retain Dan_11_06

but she shall not stand Dan_11_17

but she told not her husband nabal 1Sa_25_19

but she was plucked up Eze_19_12

but should raise it up again at Joh_06_39

but show kindness unto 1Ki_02_07

but showed first unto them Act_26_20

but showing all good fidelity Tit_02_10

but shun profane 2Ti_02_16

but sihon gathered all his people together Jud_11_20

but sihon gathered all his people together Num_21_23

but sihon king Deu_02_30

but sihon trusted not israel Jud_11_20

but silas Act_17_14

but simon's wife's mother lay sick Mar_01_30

but sin Pro_14_34

but sin Rom_07_13

but sin Rom_07_17

but sin Rom_07_20

but sin Rom_07_08

but sin is not imputed when there is no law Rom_05_13

but since we left off Jer_44_18

but since ye say Jer_23_38

but sinned against thy judgments Neh_09_29

but sinners Luk_05_32

but sinners Mar_02_17

but sinners Mat_09_13

but six hundred men turned Jud_20_47

but slay both man 1Sa_15_03

but sleepeth Luk_08_52

but sleepeth Mar_05_39

but sleepeth Mat_09_24

but slew his son 2Ch_24_22

but smote upon his breast Luk_18_13

but so did not Neh_05_15

but so much Luk_05_15

but so shall it not be among you Mar_10_43

but solomon built him an house Act_07_47

but solomon thy servant hath he not called 1Ki_01_19

but solomon was building his own house thirteen years 1Ki_07_01

but some 1Co_15_35

but some Exo_16_20

but some Joh_11_46

but some Luk_11_15

but some Luk_09_19

but some Mar_08_28

but some are fallen asleep 1Co_15_06

but some doubted Mat_28_17

but some said Joh_07_41

but sorrow Neh_02_02

but sought 2Ch_17_04

but spake evil Act_19_09

but speak Act_18_09

but speak Mat_08_08

but speak forth Act_26_25

but speak not Jer_10_05

but speak thou Tit_02_01

but speaking Eph_04_15

but speedily pass over 2Sa_17_16

but stand thou still 1Sa_09_27

but stood still Job_32_16

but straightway jesus spake unto them Mat_14_27

but strengthened him not 2Ch_28_20

but strong meat belongeth Heb_05_14

but such as Act_03_06

but such as keep Pro_28_04

but suddenly Job_05_03

but suffer all things 1Co_09_12

but surely we will not kill thee Jud_15_13

but take diligent heed Jos_22_05

but take heed Mar_13_09

but take heed lest by any means this liberty 1Co_08_09

but take ye heed Mar_13_23

but taking my leave 2Co_02_13

but tappuah on Jos_17_08

but tarry ye Luk_24_49

but tattlers also 1Ti_05_13

but teach them thy sons Deu_04_09

but teachest Luk_20_21

but teachest Mar_12_14

but ten men were found among them Jer_41_08

but thanks 1Co_15_57

but thanks 2Co_08_16

but thee Psa_73_25

but their eyes were holden Luk_24_16

but their five sockets Exo_36_38

but their heart is far from me Mar_07_06

but their heart is far from me Mat_15_08

but their iniquities shall be upon their bones Eze_32_27

but their laying await was known Act_09_24

but their minds were blinded 2Co_03_14

but their nobles put not their necks Neh_03_05

but their own belly Rom_16_18

but their scribes Luk_05_30

but their strength Psa_73_04

but their time should have endured for ever Psa_81_15

but their witness agreed not together Mar_14_56

but them 1Co_05_13

but themselves are gone into captivity Isa_46_02

but then Deu_29_20

but then face 1Co_13_12

but then shall 1Co_13_12

but there Isa_33_21

but there are some Joh_06_64

but there be some Gal_01_07

but there came 1Sa_23_27

but there came 2Ch_25_07

but there he Heb_07_08

but there is Dan_02_28

but there is Pro_13_23

but there is hallowed bread 1Sa_21_04

but there is none warm Hag_01_06

but there remained two Num_11_26

but there rose up certain Act_15_05

but there shall be Dan_02_41

but there shall come up briers Isa_05_06

but there shall no stranger eat thereof Lev_22_13

but there shall not an hair Luk_21_18

but there standeth one among you Joh_01_26

but there they shall lay their garments wherein they minister Eze_42_14

but there was Act_08_09

but there was Jud_09_51

but there was none like unto ahab 1Ki_21_25

but there went up Gen_02_06

but there were certain Mar_02_06

but there were false prophets also among 2Pe_02_01

but these 2Pe_02_12

but these Deu_14_12

but these are Joh_17_11

but these are come Zec_01_21

but these are written Joh_20_31

but these five kings fled Jos_10_16

but these have altogether broken Jer_05_05

but these shall escape out Dan_11_41

but these sheep 2Sa_24_17

but these speak evil Jde_01_10

but these things Joh_05_34

but these things have Joh_16_04

but these two Isa_47_09

but they 1Ki_09_22

but they 1Ti_06_09

but they 2Ch_08_09

but they Eze_07_16

but they Gen_41_21

but they Isa_40_31

but they Isa_62_09

but they Luk_02_44

but they Luk_05_31

but they Mar_02_17

but they Mat_23_04

but they Mat_09_12

but they Mat_09_31

but they Neh_09_16

but they Pro_12_22

but they Pro_28_05

but they Pro_30_24

but they Psa_34_10

but they Rom_08_05

but they also have erred through wine Isa_28_07

but they are altogether brutish Jer_10_08

but they are not grieved for Amo_06_06

but they are not valiant for Jer_09_03

but they brought him not into 2Ch_28_27

but they came with one accord Act_12_20

but they constrained him Luk_24_29

but they could find none occasion nor fault Dan_06_04

but they could not 2Ki_03_26

but they could not Exo_08_18

but they could not Jon_01_13

but they could not read Dan_05_08

but they could not show Dan_05_15

but they could not show their father's house Ezr_02_59

but they could not show their father's house Neh_07_61

but they cried Luk_23_21

but they cried Mat_20_31

but they cried out Joh_19_15

but they cried out Mat_27_23

but they curse inwardly Psa_62_04

but they devise deceitful matters against Psa_35_20

but they did Jer_11_08

but they did after their former manner 2Ki_17_40

but they did eat 2Ki_23_09

but they did eat Jos_05_12

but they did evil before mine eyes Isa_66_04

but they did not hear Zec_01_04

but they did not make known unto me Dan_04_07

but they discovered Act_27_39

but they do them not Eze_33_32

but they found 1Sa_09_04

but they found 1Sa_09_04

but they found no more 2Ki_09_35

but they gave 2Ki_12_14

but they had all things common Act_04_32

but they had heard only Gal_01_23

but they had no comforter Ecc_05_01

but they had not hold Eze_41_06

but they handle not Psa_115_07

but they have not all obeyed Rom_10_16

but they have not grieved Jer_05_03

but they have not heard Jer_35_17

but they have rejected me 1Sa_08_07

but they have sought out many inventions ECC8 -:29

but they hear not Psa_115_06

but they hear not Psa_135_17

but they heard not Act_22_09

but they hearkened not 2Ki_21_09

but they hearkened not Jer_36_31

but they hearkened not Jer_44_05

but they hearkened not Jer_07_24

but they hearkened not unto moses for anguish Exo_06_09

but they held their peace Isa_36_21

but they held their peace Mar_03_04

but they held their peace Mar_09_34

but they helped them not 1Ch_12_19

but they knew not Hos_11_03

but they knew not Jud_20_34

but they knew not him Gen_42_08

but they know not Mic_04_12

but they laid not their hands on Est_09_16

but they laid up Jer_36_20

but they laughed them 2Ch_30_10

but they led him by Act_09_08

but they let go Jud_01_25

but they like men have transgressed Hos_06_07

but they look not unto Isa_31_01

but they made Eze_07_20

but they made light Mat_22_05

but they measuring themselves by themselves 2Co_10_12

but they mocked 2Ch_36_16

but they obeyed not Jer_17_23

but they obeyed not thy voice Jer_32_23

but they only shall be delivered themselves Eze_14_18

but they presumed Num_14_44

but they provoked Psa_106_43

but they put new wine into new bottles Mat_09_17

but they rebelled Isa_63_10

but they rebelled against me Eze_20_08

but they refused Zec_07_11

but they regard not Isa_05_12

but they rose early Zep_03_07

but they said Jer_35_06

but they said Jer_06_16

but they said Jer_06_17

but they said Mar_14_02

but they said Mat_26_05

but they see not Psa_115_05

but they see not Psa_135_16

but they sent 2Ch_25_27

but they sent after him 2Ki_14_19

but they set their abominations Jer_32_34

but they shall be Jud_02_03

but they shall be priests Rev_20_06

but they shall be snares Jos_23_13

but they shall bear their shame Eze_44_13

but they shall dwell safely Eze_34_28

but they shall fall Dan_11_14

but they shall fly upon Isa_11_14

but they shall know Eze_29_16

but they shall not be burnt on Lev_02_12

but they shall not cleave one Dan_02_43

but they shall not come nigh Exo_24_02

but they shall not find Hos_05_06

but they shall not find me Pro_01_28

but they shall not go Num_04_20

but they shall not prevail against thee Jer_01_19

but they shall not prevail against thee Jer_15_20

but they shall not reign over thee Deu_15_06

but they shall not save them at all Jer_11_12

but they shall not touch Num_04_15

but they shall proceed no further 2Ti_03_09

but they shall serve Jer_30_09

but they shall sit every man under his vine Mic_04_04

but they shall speak with Psa_127_05

but they shall take maidens Eze_44_22

but they shook off Act_13_51

but they smell not Psa_115_06

but they speak not Psa_115_05

but they speak not Psa_135_16

but they thought Joh_11_13

but they thought Neh_06_02

but they took 2Sa_04_12

but they turned from them 2Ch_20_10

but they understood not Act_07_25

but they understood not Mar_09_32

but they understood not this saying Luk_09_45

but they understood not what things they were which he spake unto them Joh_10_06

but they walk not Psa_115_07

but they went Jud_02_17

but they went about Act_09_29

but they went both 2Sa_17_18

but they went forward smiting 2Ki_03_24

but they went not 1Ki_22_48

but they were 2Ch_28_23

but they were all afraid Act_09_26

but they were exceedingly afraid 2Ki_10_04

but they were not 1Jo_02_19

but they were not found Ezr_02_62

but they were not satisfied Amo_04_08

but they were not seen without 2Ch_05_09

but they were terrified Luk_24_37

but they which are written Rev_21_27

but they which shall be accounted worthy Luk_20_35

but they which were bidden were not worthy Mat_22_08

but they will not answer thee Jer_07_27

but they will not do them Eze_33_31

but they will not hearken Jer_07_27

but they will save thee alive Gen_12_12

but they would not give ear 2Ch_24_19

but they would not hearken 2Ch_33_10

but thine Luk_22_42

but thine eat Luk_05_33

but thine eyes 2Sa_22_28

but thine eyes Jer_22_17

but thine eyes shall see thy teachers Isa_30_20

but think on me when it shall be well with thee Gen_40_14

but this 1Co_07_29

but this 2Co_09_06

but this Act_24_14

but this Heb_07_24

but this Isa_42_22

but this Jer_31_33

but this day thou shalt bear no tidings 2Sa_18_20

but this is Act_02_16

but this is your hour Luk_22_53

but this man Heb_10_12

but this man hath done nothing amiss Luk_23_41

but this once with Jud_06_39

but this people hath Jer_05_23

but this people hath not hearkened unto me Jer_35_16

but this people who knoweth not Joh_07_49

but this spake he Joh_07_39

but this thing 1Ki_20_09

but this thing commanded Jer_07_23

but this thou hast Rev_02_06

but this we believe Joh_16_30

but this with an oath by him Heb_07_21

but this woman hath anointed my feet with ointment Luk_07_46

but this woman since Luk_07_45

but thomas Joh_20_24

but those Deu_29_29

but those Mat_16_23

but those Num_03_38

but those Psa_37_09

but those Psa_63_09

but those husbandmen said among themselves Mar_12_07

but those mine enemies Luk_19_27

but those riches perish by evil travail ECC6 -:14

but those things Act_03_18

but those things which proceed out Mat_15_18

but thou 1Ki_18_18

but thou 1Ti_06_11

but thou Dan_12_04

but thou Dan_04_18

but thou Est_04_14

but thou Eze_02_08

but thou Eze_28_09

but thou Eze_03_25

but thou Isa_41_08

but thou Jer_12_03

but thou Mat_06_17

but thou Mat_06_06

but thou Mic_05_02

but thou Neh_09_17

but thou Num_18_02

but thou Psa_102_12

but thou Psa_102_27

but thou Psa_22_03

but thou Psa_22_09

but thou Psa_03_03

but thou Psa_41_10

but thou Psa_55_23

but thou Psa_59_08

but thou Psa_06_03

but thou Psa_71_07

but thou Psa_86_15

but thou Psa_92_08

but thou art Heb_01_12

but thou art cast out Isa_14_19

but thou art rich Rev_02_09

but thou broughtest us out into Psa_66_12

but thou didst laugh Gen_18_15

but thou didst trust Eze_16_15

but thou doest me wrong Jud_11_27

but thou excellest them all Pro_31_29

but thou feignest them out Neh_06_08

but thou givest thy gifts Eze_16_33

but thou hast Isa_38_17

but thou hast been weary Isa_43_22

but thou hast cast off Psa_44_09

but thou hast cast off Psa_89_38

but thou hast delivered thy soul Eze_03_19

but thou hast delivered thy soul Eze_33_09

but thou hast fulfilled Job_36_17

but thou hast fully known my doctrine 2Ti_03_10

but thou hast made me Isa_43_24

but thou hast multiplied thine abominations more than they Eze_16_51

but thou hast not called upon me Isa_43_22

but thou hast played Jer_03_01

but thou hast saved us from our enemies Psa_44_07

but thou hast spoken also 2Sa_07_19

but thou hast utterly rejected us Lam_05_22

but thou hearest not Psa_22_02

but thou makest this people Jer_28_15

but thou must eat them before Deu_12_18

but thou observest not Isa_42_20

but thou remainest Heb_01_11

but thou saidst Jer_02_25

but thou shalt Deu_21_23

but thou shalt appoint Num_01_50

but thou shalt be called hephzibah Isa_62_04

but thou shalt be desolate for ever Jer_51_26

but thou shalt bear tidings another day 2Sa_18_20

but thou shalt call thy walls salvation Isa_60_18

but thou shalt conceive Jud_13_03

but thou shalt endure Psa_102_26

but thou shalt fear thy god Lev_25_17

but thou shalt follow me afterwards Joh_13_36

but thou shalt give 1Sa_02_16

but thou shalt go unto my country Gen_24_04

but thou shalt go unto my father's house Gen_24_38

but thou shalt know hereafter Joh_13_07

but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself Lev_19_18

but thou shalt make for them yokes Jer_28_13

but thou shalt meditate therein day Jos_01_08

but thou shalt not anoint Deu_28_40

but thou shalt not anoint thee with oil Mic_06_15

but thou shalt not borrow Deu_15_06

but thou shalt not enjoy them Deu_28_41

but thou shalt not go over thither Deu_34_04

but thou shalt not go thither unto Deu_32_52

but thou shalt not move Deu_23_25

but thou shalt not put Deu_23_24

but thou shalt not reap Mic_06_15

but thou shalt not sell her at all for money Deu_21_14

but thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him Deu_15_08

but thou shalt put away Deu_19_13

but thou shalt remember Deu_24_18

but thou shalt remember Deu_08_18

but thou shalt say unto them Jer_07_28

but thou shalt surely drink Jer_49_12

but thou shalt surely kill him Deu_13_09

but thou shalt utterly destroy them Deu_20_17

but thou shalt utterly overthrow them Exo_23_24

but thou shouldest not have looked on Oba_01_12

but thou wast cast out Eze_16_05

but though 2Co_11_06

but though he cause grief Lam_03_32

but though he had done so many miracles before them Joh_12_37

but though our outward man perish 2Co_04_16

but though we Gal_01_08

but thought he saw Act_12_09

but through Rom_04_13

but through knowledge shall Pro_11_09

but thrust Act_07_39

but thus do unto them Num_04_19

but thus saith Isa_49_25

but thus shall ye deal with them Deu_07_05

but thy disciples fast not Mar_02_18

but thy disciples fast not Mat_09_14

but thy law do Psa_119_113

but thy life shall be for Jer_39_18

but thy life will Jer_45_05

but thy name shall be abraham Gen_17_05

but thy right hand Psa_44_03

but thy servants will pass over Num_32_27

but thy son 1Ki_03_23

but thy son 1Ki_08_19

but thy son which shall come forth out 2Ch_06_09

but tidings out Dan_11_44

but time Ecc_10_11

but took 2Sa_12_04

but toward thee Rom_11_22

but transgressed his covenant 2Ki_18_12

but transgressors shall be taken Pro_11_06

but trophimus have 2Ti_04_20

but truly 1Sa_20_03

but truly Mic_03_08

but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he Gen_48_19

but trusted Psa_52_07

but turn aside out Deu_11_28

but turn thee yet again Eze_08_06

but turned aside after lucre 1Sa_08_03

but turned back Psa_78_57

but under 1Co_09_21

but under grace Rom_06_14

but under grace Rom_06_15

but understand not Isa_06_09

but understanding what Eph_05_17

but unto 2Ki_05_17

but unto Deu_12_05

but unto Deu_22_26

but unto Gen_25_06

but unto Heb_01_08

but unto Jos_13_33

but unto Jos_14_03

but unto Jos_22_07

but unto Num_07_09

but unto Psa_50_16

but unto all them also 2Ti_04_08

but unto cain Gen_04_05

but unto every one Eph_04_07

but unto god 1Co_14_02

but unto god Act_05_04

but unto hannah he gave 1Sa_01_05

but unto him Luk_12_10

but unto him which died for them 2Co_05_15

but unto holiness 1Th_04_07

but unto none Luk_04_26

but unto thee have Psa_88_13

but unto them Mar_04_11

but unto them Rom_02_08

but unto them Tit_01_15

but unto them which are called 1Co_01_24

but unto them which be disobedient 1Pe_02_07

but unto this man do not so vile Jud_19_24

but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury Deu_23_20

but unto thy father which is Mat_06_18

but unto thy name give glory Psa_115_01

but unto us confusion Dan_09_07

but unto us they did minister 1Pe_01_12

but unto us which are saved it is 1Co_01_18

but unto witnesses chosen before Act_10_41

but unto you Mal_04_02

but unto you Rev_02_24

but upon all these Jer_02_34

but upon david 1Ki_02_33

but upon himself shall his crown flourish Psa_132_18

but upon mount zion shall be deliverance Oba_01_17

but uriah slept at 2Sa_11_09

but use 1Ti_05_23

but utterly destroyed all Jos_10_40

but violence covereth Pro_10_11

but violence covereth Pro_10_06

but wait for Act_01_04

but walk contrary unto me Lev_26_27

but walked 2Ki_17_19

but walked Jer_07_24

but walked every one Jer_11_08

but war Psa_55_21

but was Heb_04_15

but was Joh_11_30

but was let hitherto Rom_01_13

but was manifest 1Pe_01_20

but was rebuked for his iniquity 2Pe_02_16

but was strong Rom_04_20

but was without Mar_01_45

but watch thou 2Ti_04_05

but watereth Isa_55_10

but we 1Co_04_10

but we 1Th_02_17

but we Eze_33_24

but we all 2Co_03_18

but we also joy Rom_05_11

but we an incorruptible 1Co_09_25

but we are all as an unclean Isa_64_06

but we are bound 2Th_02_13

but we are made manifest unto god 2Co_05_11

but we are moses' disciples Joh_09_28

but we are not Heb_10_39

but we are risen Psa_20_08

but we are sure Rom_02_02

but we believe Act_15_11

but we beseech you 1Th_04_10

but we desire Act_28_22

but we glory Rom_05_03

but we had 2Co_01_09

but we have 1Co_02_16

but we have been thoroughly made manifest among you 2Co_11_06

but we have done wickedly Neh_09_33

but we have dwelt Jer_35_10

but we have this treasure 2Co_04_07

but we know 1Jo_03_02

but we know 1Ti_01_07

but we ourselves together will build unto Ezr_04_03

but we ourselves will go ready armed before Num_32_17

but we preach christ crucified 1Co_01_23

but we see jesus Heb_02_09

but we seek one Heb_13_14

but we shall all be changed 1Co_15_51

but we shall live with him by 2Co_13_04

but we speak 1Co_02_07

but we trusted Luk_24_21

but we were gentle among you 1Th_02_07

but we were troubled on every side 2Co_07_05

but we will abide Gen_19_02

but we will bind thee fast Jud_15_13

but we will bless Psa_115_18

but we will build with hewn stones Isa_09_10

but we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out Jer_44_17

but we will change Isa_09_10

but we will give ourselves continually Act_06_04

but we will go into Jer_42_14

but we will have 1Sa_08_19

but we will not boast 2Co_10_13

but we will remember Psa_20_07

but we will return Mal_01_04

but we will serve Jos_24_21

but we will walk after our own devices Jer_18_12

but weep for yourselves Luk_23_28

but well favoured Dan_01_04

but went Jer_03_08

but went Mat_18_30

but went not 2Sa_20_03

but went not down 2Sa_11_13

but went not out unto Num_11_26

but went thence unto Joh_11_54

but were eyewitnesses 2Pe_01_16

but were mingled among Psa_106_35

but what 1Ki_14_14

but what 2Co_11_12

but what 2Ki_08_13

but what Rom_07_15

but what are they among so many Joh_06_09

but what doth your arguing reprove Job_06_25

but what hast thou lacked with me 1Ki_11_22

but what have 1Sa_29_08

but what he seeth Joh_05_19

but what saith Rom_11_04

but what saith it Rom_10_08

but what sayest thou Joh_08_05

but what shall we do for 2Ch_25_09

but what they know naturally Jde_01_10

but what things were gain PHP1 -:67

but what think ye Mat_21_28

but what thou wilt Mar_14_36

but what went ye out for Luk_07_25

but what went ye out for Luk_07_26

but what went ye out for Mat_11_08

but what went ye out for Mat_11_09

but whatsoever he shall hear Joh_16_13

but whatsoever shall be given you Mar_13_11

but when 1Co_13_10

but when 1Co_13_11

but when 1Ki_03_21

but when 1Sa_25_31

but when 2Sa_12_21

but when 2Sa_05_17

but when Act_13_45

but when Act_17_13

but when Act_25_25

but when Act_27_27

but when Act_28_19

but when Act_05_22

but when Act_07_17

but when Est_09_25

but when Eze_18_24

but when Eze_03_27

but when Eze_46_09

but when Gal_02_14

but when Gal_04_04

but when Gen_30_42

but when Joh_15_26

but when Joh_21_04

but when Jud_20_40

but when Jud_03_15

but when Luk_11_22

but when Luk_11_34

but when Luk_18_15

but when Luk_20_14

but when Mar_04_29

but when Mar_04_06

but when Mat_12_02

but when Mat_12_24

but when Mat_13_26

but when Mat_19_22

but when Mat_20_10

but when Mat_21_38

but when Mat_22_34

but when Mat_22_07

but when Mat_09_25

but when Mat_09_08

but when Num_10_07

but when Pro_28_12

but when Pro_29_02

but when Psa_120_07

but when Rom_07_09

but when ahaziah 2Ki_09_27

but when athaliah 2Ch_22_10

but when christ cometh Joh_07_27

but when david saw 2Sa_12_19

but when divers were hardened Act_19_09

but when haman saw mordecai Est_05_09

but when he cried unto him Psa_22_24

but when he defied israel 1Ch_20_07

but when he had put them all out Mar_05_40

but when he had turned about Mar_08_33

but when he heard Mat_02_22

but when he is gone his way Pro_20_14

but when he offended Hos_13_01

but when he saith all things are put under 1Co_15_27

but when he saw Mat_14_30

but when he saw Mat_09_36

but when he saw jesus afar off Mar_05_06

but when he saw many Mat_03_07

but when he seeth his children Isa_29_23

but when he was strong 2Ch_26_16

but when he was yet Luk_15_20

but when herod heard Mar_06_16

but when herod was dead Mat_02_19

but when herod's birthday was kept Mat_14_06

but when his brethren were gone up Joh_07_10

but when his disciples saw Mat_26_08

but when his heart was lifted up Dan_05_20

but when israel came up from egypt Jud_11_16

but when it is grown Mat_13_32

but when it is sown Mar_04_32

but when it pleased god Gal_01_15

but when it was taken up Num_09_22

but when jacob heard Act_07_12

but when jesus heard Luk_08_50

but when jesus heard Mat_09_12

but when jesus knew Mat_12_15

but when jesus perceived their thoughts Luk_05_22

but when jesus saw Mar_10_14

but when jesus was glorified Joh_12_16

but when johanan Jer_41_11

but when king david heard 2Sa_13_21

but when moses went Exo_34_34

but when paul had appealed Act_25_21

but when paul perceived Act_23_06

but when peter was come Gal_02_11

but when pharaoh saw Exo_08_15

but when raw flesh appeareth Lev_13_14

but when rebecca also had conceived by one Rom_09_10

but when sanballat Neh_02_19

but when shall these things be Luk_21_07

but when they 2Ch_15_04

but when they believed philip preaching Act_08_12

but when they came Joh_19_33

but when they deliver you up Mat_10_19

but when they departed from perga Act_13_14

but when they had commanded them Act_04_15

but when they have heard Mar_04_15

but when they knew Act_19_34

but when they perish Pro_28_28

but when they persecute you Mat_10_23

but when they saw him walking upon Mar_06_49

but when they shall lead Mar_13_11

but when they sought Mat_21_46

but when they were come Gal_02_12

but when thou art bidden Luk_14_10

but when thou doest alms Mat_06_03

but when thou makest Luk_14_13

but when thou shalt be old Joh_21_18

but when urijah heard it Jer_26_21

but when we are judged 1Co_11_32

but when we had opened Act_05_23

but when ye entered Jer_02_07

but when ye pray Mat_06_07

but when ye shall hear Luk_21_09

but when ye shall see Mar_13_14

but when ye sin so against 1Co_08_12

but where Gen_22_07

but where Jer_02_28

but where Luk_17_17

but where shall wisdom be found Job_28_12

but where sin abounded Rom_05_20

but whereunto shall Mat_11_16

but whether 1Co_13_08

but which 1Co_02_13

but which Luk_17_07

but while Joh_05_07

but while he thought on these things Mat_01_20

but while men slept Mat_13_25

but while their meat Psa_78_30

but while they made ready Act_10_10

but while they wondered every one at all things which jesus did Luk_09_43

but who 1Ch_29_14

but who 1Sa_10_12

but who Pro_27_04

but who also walk Rom_04_12

but who are ye Act_19_15

but who can withhold himself from speaking Job_04_02

but who is able 2Ch_02_06

but who is this Luk_09_09

but who may abide Mal_03_02

but who slew all these 2Ki_10_09

but who was also chosen 2Co_08_19

but whom 2Co_10_18

but whom 2Sa_16_18

but whom say ye Luk_09_20

but whom say ye Mar_08_29

but whom say ye Mat_16_15

but whoremongers Heb_13_04

but whoso confesseth Pro_28_13

but whoso hath this world's good 1Jo_03_17

but whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely Pro_01_33

but whoso keepeth his word 1Jo_02_05

but whoso looketh into Jam_01_25

but whoso putteth his trust Pro_29_25

but whoso shall offend one Mat_18_06

but whoso walketh wisely Pro_28_26

but whosoever drinketh Joh_04_14

but whosoever hath not Mat_13_12

but whosoever shall deny me before men Mat_10_33

but whosoever shall do Mat_05_19

but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake Mar_08_35

but whosoever shall say Mat_05_22

but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek Mat_05_39

but whosoever shall swear by Mat_23_16

but whosoever speaketh against Mat_12_32

but whosoever sweareth by Mat_23_18

but whosoever will be great among you Mar_10_43

but whosoever will be great among you Mat_20_26

but whosoever will lose his life for my sake Luk_09_24

but why dost thou judge thy brother Rom_14_10

but why doth my lord 2Sa_24_03

but wickedness overthroweth Pro_13_06

but wild beasts Isa_13_21

but will arise against Isa_31_02

but will flee from him Joh_10_05

but will god 2Ch_06_18

but will god indeed dwell on 1Ki_08_27

but will lay them upon all Deu_07_15

but will make war against thee Deu_20_12

but will recompense Isa_65_06

but will walk contrary unto me Lev_26_23

but will with 1Co_10_13

but will ye weary my god also Isa_07_13

but willingly 1Pe_05_02

but willingly Phm_01_14

but wilt bring down high looks Psa_18_27

but wilt give unto thine handmaid 1Sa_01_11

but wilt thou know Jam_02_20

but wisdom Ecc_11_10

but wisdom is justified Luk_07_35

but wisdom is justified Mat_11_19

but wise Pro_29_08

but with 1Co_05_08

but with 1Pe_01_19

but with 2Co_03_03

but with Deu_29_15

but with Pro_11_02

but with Pro_13_10

but with Rom_07_25

but with an overrunning flood he will make an utter end Nah_01_08

but with everlasting kindness will Isa_54_08

but with f Eze_34_04

but with god all things are possible Mat_19_26

but with great mercies will Isa_54_07

but with judgment Jer_10_24

but with kings Job_36_07

but with many 1Co_10_05

but with me it is 1Co_04_03

but with me thou 1Sa_22_23

but with righteousness shall he judge Isa_11_04

but with saul 1Sa_13_22

but with thee will Gen_06_18

but with us 2Ch_32_08

but with us Deu_05_03

but with whom was he grieved forty years Heb_03_17

but withal prepare me also Phm_01_22

but within few days he shall be destroyed Dan_11_20

but within they are full Mat_23_25

but within ye are full Mat_23_28

but without Mar_04_34

but without faith Heb_11_06

but without thy mind would Phm_01_14

but woe Ecc_05_10

but woe Luk_17_01

but woe Mar_13_17

but woe Mar_14_21

but woe Mat_18_07

but woe unto Luk_22_22

but woe unto Mat_26_24

but woe unto them Luk_21_23

but woe unto you Luk_11_42

but woe unto you Luk_06_24

but woe unto you Mat_23_13

but wrapped together Joh_20_07

but wrought with labour 2Th_03_08

but ye 1Co_04_10

but ye 1Co_04_10

but ye 1Pe_02_09

but ye 1Th_05_04

but ye 2Th_03_13

but ye Deu_04_04

but ye Eze_36_08

but ye Isa_65_11

but ye Jer_40_10

but ye Job_13_04

but ye Jde_01_20

but ye Luk_22_26

but ye answered not Jer_07_13

but ye are come unto mount sion Heb_12_22

but ye are departed out Mal_02_08

but ye are justified 1Co_06_11

but ye are not Rom_08_09

but ye are not filled with drink Hag_01_06

but ye are sanctified 1Co_06_11

but ye are straitened 2Co_06_12

but ye are washed 1Co_06_11

but ye believe not Joh_10_26

but ye cannot bear them now Joh_16_12

but ye cannot tell whence Joh_08_14

but ye denied Act_03_14

but ye gave Amo_02_12

but ye have Joh_18_39

but ye have an unction from 1Jo_02_20

but ye have borne Amo_05_26

but ye have despised Jam_02_06

but ye have made it Luk_19_46

but ye have made it Mar_11_17

but ye have made it Mat_21_13

but ye have no portion Neh_02_20

but ye have not enough Hag_01_06

but ye have not hearkene Jer_25_03

but ye have not hearkened Jer_25_04

but ye have not hearkened Jer_26_05

but ye have not looked unto Isa_22_11

but ye have not obeyed Jer_42_21

but ye have not obeyed my voice Jud_02_02

but ye have not obeyed my voice Jud_06_10

but ye have not so learned christ Eph_04_20

but ye have obeyed from Rom_06_17

but ye have profaned it Mal_01_12

but ye have received Rom_08_15

but ye have set at nought all my counsel Pro_01_25

but ye have set keepers Eze_44_08

but ye heard not Jer_07_13

but ye know PHP1 -:52

but ye know him Joh_14_17

but ye lacked opportunity PHP1 -:91

but ye must foul Eze_34_18

but ye must tread down with your feet Eze_34_18

but ye only PHP1 -:96

but ye said Isa_30_16

but ye said Mal_03_07

but ye say Mal_03_08

but ye say Mar_07_11

but ye say Mat_15_05

but ye see me Joh_14_19

but ye seek Joh_08_37

but ye shall Lev_07_24

but ye shall be ashamed Isa_65_13

but ye shall be baptized with Act_01_05

but ye shall be baptized with Act_11_16

but ye shall be hungry Isa_65_13

but ye shall be named Isa_61_06

but ye shall be thirsty Isa_65_13

but ye shall cry for sorrow Isa_65_14

but ye shall destroy their altars Exo_34_13

but ye shall die like men Psa_82_07

but ye shall go over Deu_04_22

but ye shall have their carcases Lev_11_11

but ye shall not drink wine Amo_05_11

but ye shall not dwell Amo_05_11

but ye shall not sound an alarm Num_10_07

but ye shall offer Num_28_19

but ye shall offer Num_28_27

but ye shall offer Num_29_36

but ye shall offer Num_29_08

but ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto Lev_23_25

but ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto Lev_23_08

but ye shall pass before your brethren armed Jos_01_14

but ye shall pine away for your iniquities Eze_24_23

but ye shall receive power Act_01_08

but ye should say Job_19_28

but ye turned Jer_34_16

but ye would not hear Jer_29_19

but yet Isa_06_13

but yet Num_22_20

but yet Rom_16_19

but yield yourselves unto god Rom_06_13

but you 2Co_12_14

but your eyes have seen all Deu_11_07

but your fathers hearkened not unto me Jer_34_14

but your iniquities have separated between you Isa_59_02

but your inward part is full Luk_11_39

but your little ones Num_14_31

but your messenger PHP1 -:55

but your sorrow shall be turned into joy Joh_16_20

but your time is alway ready Joh_07_06

but your wives Deu_03_19

but zadok 1Ki_01_08

but zedekiah 1Ki_22_24

but zelophehad Jos_17_03

but zerubbabel Ezr_04_03

but zion said Isa_49_14

buttocks uncovered Isa_20_04

tribute beyond Ezr_06_08

tribute money Mat_22_19

tribute silver 2Ch_17_11

tribute unto Num_31_28

tribute upon Est_10_01