Bible Quick Find Phrase Concordance for fast finding of phrases

Bible Quick Find Phrase Concordance for fast finding of phrases
butler ^ Gen_40_13 / butler /^

butler ^ Gen_40_20 / butler /^and of the chief baker among his servants.

butler ^ Gen_40_05 / butler /^and the baker of the king of Egypt, which [were] bound in the prison.

butler ^ Gen_40_01 / butler /^of the king of Egypt and [his] baker had offended their lord the king of Egypt.

butler ^ Gen_40_23 / butler /^remember Joseph, but forgat him.

butler ^ Gen_40_09 / butler /^told his dream to Joseph, and said to him, In my dream, behold, a vine [was] before me;

butler ^ Gen_40_21 / butler /^unto his butlership again; and he gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand:

butler ^ Gen_41_09 / butler /^unto Pharaoh, saying, I do remember my faults this day:

butlers ^ Gen_40_02 / butlers /^and against the chief of the bakers.

butlership ^ Gen_40_21 / butlership /^again; and he gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand: