English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew.

English Theasurus from the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary

complain 0596 -- /anan -- {complain}.

complain 1058 -- bakah -- X at all, bewail, {complain}, make lamentation, X more,mourn, X sore, X with tears, weep.

complain 7378 riyb -- -- adversary, chide, {complain}, contend, debate, X ever, Xlay wait, plead, rebuke, strive, X thoroughly.

complain 7878 siyach -- -- commune, {complain}, declare, meditate, muse, pray, speak,talk (with).

complainer 3202 ** mempsimoiros ** {complainer}.

complaint 0157 ** aitiama ** {complaint}.

complaint 7879 siyach -- -- babbling, communication, {complaint}, meditation, prayer,talk.