* contentious , 2052 eritheia , 5380 philoneikos , contentious -2052 contention, {contentious}, strife, strifes, contentious -5380 {contentious}, contentious -4066 contention , {contentious} , discord , strife , contentious 5380 ** philoneikos ** {contentious}. contentious ......... But unto them that are contentious 2052 - eritheia-> contentious ......... to be contentious 5380 -philoneikos-> contentious 5380 # philoneikos {fil-on'-i-kos}; from 5384 and neikos (a quarrel; probably akin to 3534); fond of strife, i.e. disputatious: -- {contentious}.[ql contentious 021 019 Pro /^{contentious /and an angry woman . contentious 002 008 Rom /${contentious /and do not obey the truth , but obey unrighteousness , indignation and wrath , contentious 026 021 Pro /^{contentious /man to kindle strife . contentious 011 016 ICo /${contentious /we have no such custom , neither the churches of God . contentious 027 015 Pro /^{contentious /woman are alike . contentious 5 -