answer 5274 # hupolambano {hoop-ol-am-ban'-o}; from 5259 and 2983; to take from below, i.e. carry upward; figuratively, to take up, i.e. continue a discourse or topic; mentally, to assume (presume): -- {answer}, receive, suppose.[ql by 3881 # paralegomai {par-al-eg'-om-ahee}; from 3844 and the middle voice of 3004 (in its original sense); (specifically) to lay one's course near, i.e. sail past: -- pass, sail {by}.[ql cometh 1999 # episustasis {ep-ee-soo'-stas-is}; from the middle voice of a compound of 1909 and 4921; a conspiraicy, i.e. concourse (riotous or friendly): -- that which {cometh} upon, + raising up.[ql concourse 4963 # sustrophe {soos-trof-ay'}; from 4962; a twisting together, i.e. (figuratively) a secret coalition, riotous crowd: -- + band together, {concourse}.[ql course 4144 # ploos {plo'-os}; from 4126; a sail, i.e. navigation: -- {course}, sailing, voyage.[ql course 1408 # dromos {drom'-os}; from the alternate of 5143; a race, i.e. (figuratively) career: -- {course}.[ql course 5164 # trochos {trokh-os'}; from 5143; a wheel (as a runner), i.e. (figuratively) a circuit of physical effects: -- {course}.[ql course 2113 # euthudromeo {yoo-thoo-drom-eh'-o}; from 2117 and 1408; to lay a straight course, i.e. sail direct: -- (come) with a straight {course}.[ql course 2183 # ephemeria {ef-ay-mer-ee'-ah}; from 2184; diurnality, i.e. (specially) the quotidian rotation or class of the Jewish priests' service at the Temple, as distributed by families: -- {course}.[ql course 5143 # trecho {trekh'-o}; apparently a primary verb (properly, threcho; compare 2359); which uses dremo {drem'-o} (the base of 1408) as alternate in certain tenses; to run or walk hastily (literally or figuratively): -- have {course}, run. [ql course 3313 # meros {mer'-os}; from an obsolete but more primary form of meiromai (to get as a section or allotment); a division or share (literally or figuratively, in a wide application): -- behalf, {course}, coast, craft, particular (+ - ly), part (+ -ly), piece, portion, respect, side, some sort(- what).[ql course 0165 # aion {ahee-ohn'}; from the same as 104; properly, an age; by extension, perpetuity (also past); by implication, the world; specially (Jewish) a Messianic period (present or future): -- age, {course}, eternal, (for) ever(-more), [n-]ever, (beginning of the , while the) world (began, without end). Compare 5550.[ql dealings 4798 # sugchraomai {soong-khrah'-om-ahee}; from 4862 and 5530; to use jointly, i.e. (by implication) to hold intercourse in common: -- have {dealings} with.[ql have 4798 # sugchraomai {soong-khrah'-om-ahee}; from 4862 and 5530; to use jointly, i.e. (by implication) to hold intercourse in common: -- {have} dealings with.[ql pass 3881 # paralegomai {par-al-eg'-om-ahee}; from 3844 and the middle voice of 3004 (in its original sense); (specifically) to lay one's course near, i.e. sail past: -- {pass}, sail by.[ql path 5163 # trochia {trokh-ee-ah'}; from 5164; a track (as a wheel-rut), i.e. (figuratively) a course of conduct: -- {path}. [ql raising 1999 # episustasis {ep-ee-soo'-stas-is}; from the middle voice of a compound of 1909 and 4921; a conspiraicy, i.e. concourse (riotous or friendly): -- that which cometh upon, + {raising} up.[ql receive 5274 # hupolambano {hoop-ol-am-ban'-o}; from 5259 and 2983; to take from below, i.e. carry upward; figuratively, to take up, i.e. continue a discourse or topic; mentally, to assume (presume): -- answer, {receive}, suppose.[ql sail 3881 # paralegomai {par-al-eg'-om-ahee}; from 3844 and the middle voice of 3004 (in its original sense); (specifically) to lay one's course near, i.e. sail past: -- pass, {sail} by.[ql suppose 5274 # hupolambano {hoop-ol-am-ban'-o}; from 5259 and 2983; to take from below, i.e. carry upward; figuratively, to take up, i.e. continue a discourse or topic; mentally, to assume (presume): -- answer, receive, {suppose}.[ql that 1999 # episustasis {ep-ee-soo'-stas-is}; from the middle voice of a compound of 1909 and 4921; a conspiraicy, i.e. concourse (riotous or friendly): -- {that} which cometh upon, + raising up.[ql up 1999 # episustasis {ep-ee-soo'-stas-is}; from the middle voice of a compound of 1909 and 4921; a conspiraicy, i.e. concourse (riotous or friendly): -- that which cometh upon, + raising {up}.[ql upon 1999 # episustasis {ep-ee-soo'-stas-is}; from the middle voice of a compound of 1909 and 4921; a conspiraicy, i.e. concourse (riotous or friendly): -- that which cometh {upon}, + raising up.[ql use 5540 # chresis {khray'-sis}; from 5530; employment, i.e. (specifically) sexual intercourse (as an occupation of the body): -- {use}.[ql which 1999 # episustasis {ep-ee-soo'-stas-is}; from the middle voice of a compound of 1909 and 4921; a conspiraicy, i.e. concourse (riotous or friendly): -- that {which} cometh upon, + raising up.[ql with 4798 # sugchraomai {soong-khrah'-om-ahee}; from 4862 and 5530; to use jointly, i.e. (by implication) to hold intercourse in common: -- have dealings {with}.[ql