English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew.

English Theasurus from the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary

covering 0168 -- /ohel -- {covering}, (dwelling)(place), home, tabernacle, tent.

covering 3681 -- kacuwy -- {covering}.

covering 3682 -- k@cuwth -- {covering}, raiment, vesture.

covering 3875 -- lowt -- {covering}.

covering 4018 ** peribolaion ** {covering}, vesture.

covering 4372 -- mikceh -- {covering}.

covering 4539 -- macak -- {covering}, curtain, hanging.

covering 4540 -- m@cukkah -- {covering}.

covering 4541 -- maccekah -- {covering}, molten (image), vail.

covering 4765 -- marbad -- {covering} of tapestry.

covering 4817 -- merkab -- chariot, {covering}, saddle.

covering 5643 -- cether -- backbiting, {covering}, covert, X disguise[-th], hidingplace, privily, protection, secret(-ly, place).

covering 6781 -- tsamiyd -- bracelet, {covering}.

covering 6826 -- tsippuwy -- {covering}, overlaying.