Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

0445 . anthupateuo {anth-oo-pat-yoo'-o}; from 0446 + the deputy + was the deputy + was with the deputy + and there are deputies +/ ; to act as a proconsul: --be the deputy .

0446 + the deputy + was the deputy + was with the deputy + and there are deputies +/ . anthupatos {anth-oo'-pat-os}; from 0473 + in the room +/ and a superlative of 5228 + on + more + than + over + above + stead + behalf + is above + us is on + the very + exceeding + them very + I am more + but above + our behalf + concerning + of me above + mind toward + is not above + of men above + in the behalf + yea and beyond + with me that in thy stead +/ ; instead of the highest officer, i .e . (specially) a Roman proconsul: --deputy .