-dogma- ......... contained in ordinances 1378 -dogma- > -dogma- ......... of ordinances 1378 -dogma- > -dogma- ......... out a decree 1378 -dogma- > -dogma- ......... them the decrees 1378 -dogma- > -dogma- ......... to the decrees 1378 -dogma- > -dogmatizo- ......... are ye subject 1379 -dogmatizo- > -dogmatizo- ......... to ordinances 1379 -dogmatizo- > dog ......... The dog 2965 -kuon-> dogs ......... are dogs 2965 -kuon-> dogs ......... it to dogs 2952 -kunarion-> dogs ......... it unto the dogs 2952 -kunarion-> dogs ......... of dogs 2965 -kuon-> dogs ......... the dogs 2952 -kunarion-> dogs ......... the dogs 2965 -kuon-> dogs ......... unto the dogs 2965 -kuon->