eating 1035 # brosis {bro'-sis}; from the base of 977; (abstractly) eating (literally or figuratively); by extension (concretely) food (literally or figuratively): -- {eating}, food, meat.[ql food 1035 # brosis {bro'-sis}; from the base of 977; (abstractly) eating (literally or figuratively); by extension (concretely) food (literally or figuratively): -- eating, {food}, meat.[ql hard 1422 # duskolos {doo'-kol-os}; from 1418 and kolon (food); properly, fastidious about eating (peevish), i.e. (genitive case) impracticable: -- {hard}.[ql lamentation 2870 # kopetos {kop-et-os'}; from 2875; mourning (properly, by beating the breast): -- {lamentation}.[ql meat 1035 # brosis {bro'-sis}; from the base of 977; (abstractly) eating (literally or figuratively); by extension (concretely) food (literally or figuratively): -- eating, food, {meat}.[ql