escape ......... and they shall not escape 1628 -ekpheugo-> escape ......... can ye escape 0575 -apo-> escape ......... out , and escape 1309 -diapheugo-> escape ......... shall not we escape 5343 -pheugo-> escape ......... shall we escape 1628 -ekpheugo-> escape ......... that thou shalt escape 1628 -ekpheugo-> escape ......... to escape 1545 -ekbasis-> escape ......... to escape 1628 -ekpheugo-> escaped ......... after they have escaped 0668 -apopheugo-> escaped ......... and escaped 1628 -ekpheugo-> escaped ......... And when they were escaped 1295 -diasozo-> escaped ......... escaped 0668 -apopheugo-> escaped ......... escaped 5343 -pheugo-> escaped ......... having escaped 0668 -apopheugo-> escaped ......... him : but he escaped 1831 -exerchomai-> escaped ......... they escaped 5343 -pheugo-> escaped ......... though he hath escaped 1295 -diasozo-> escaped ......... to pass , that they escaped 1295 -diasozo->