folk Mar_06_05 /${folk /and healed them. folk Jer_51_58 /^{folk /in the fire , and they shall be weary . folk Joh_05_03 /${folk /of blind , halt , withered , waiting for the moving of the water . folk Gen_33_15 /^{folk /that are with me. And he said , What needeth it? let me find grace in the sight of my lord . folk Pro_30_26 /^{folk /yet make they their houses in the rocks ; folks Act_05_16 /${folks /and them which were vexed with unclean spirits : and they were healed every one . kinsfolk Luk_02_44 /${kinsfolk /and acquaintance . kinsfolk Job_19_14 /^{kinsfolk /have failed , and my familiar friends have forgotten me. kinsfolks Luk_21_16 /${kinsfolks /and friends ; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death . kinsfolks 2Ki_10_11 /^{kinsfolks /and his priests , until he left him none remaining . kinsfolks 1Ki_16_11 /^{kinsfolks /nor of his friends .