adam after he had begotten seth were eight hundred years after we were gotten from them all thy lovers have forgotten thee as their fathers have forgotten my name for baal be forgotten because mine enemies have forgotten thy words because mine hand had gotten much because my people hath forgotten me because thou hast forgotten because thou hast forgotten me because thou hast forgotten me begotten thee begotten thee begotten thee begotten thee begotten them for israel hath forgotten his maker for it shall not be forgotten out for they have begotten strange children forgotten as god sent his only begotten son into <1JO4 -:9 > gotten hastily at hand hath gotten me this wealth hast forgotten god hast forgotten me hast gotten gold hast gotten thee renown hath gotten him have begotten you through <1CO4 -:15 > have gotten me honour upon pharaoh have gotten more wisdom than all have not forgotten thy law he gave his only begotten son he hath gotten are perished his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto <1PE1 -:3 > if he be gotten into <2SA17 -:13 > it cannot be gotten for gold my familiar friends have forgotten me my lord hath forgotten me only begotten son only begotten son our father's hath he gotten all this glory them is forgotten them is forgotten before god therefore have they forgotten me they had forgotten they had gotten they have forgotten they have forgotten their restingplace they were forgotten thing which he hath deceitfully gotten thou shalt not be forgotten tyre shall be forgotten seventy years what every man hath gotten which have gotten cattle which he had gotten which shall not be forgotten which they had gotten who hath begotten me these why hast thou forgotten me with thine understanding thou hast gotten thee riches yet have we not forgotten thee yet my people have forgotten me days without number