abase 5013 # tapeinoo {tap-i-no'-o}; from 5011; to depress; figuratively, to humiliate (in condition or heart): -- {abase}, bring low, humble (self).[ql bring 5013 # tapeinoo {tap-i-no'-o}; from 5011; to depress; figuratively, to humiliate (in condition or heart): -- abase, {bring} low, humble (self).[ql humble 5013 # tapeinoo {tap-i-no'-o}; from 5011; to depress; figuratively, to humiliate (in condition or heart): -- abase, bring low, {humble} (self).[ql humble 5011 # tapeinos {tap-i-nos'}; of uncertain derivation; depressed, i.e. (figuratively) humiliated (in circumstances or disposition): -- base, cast down, {humble}, of low degree (estate), lowly.[ql low 5013 # tapeinoo {tap-i-no'-o}; from 5011; to depress; figuratively, to humiliate (in condition or heart): -- abase, bring {low}, humble (self).[ql self 5013 # tapeinoo {tap-i-no'-o}; from 5011; to depress; figuratively, to humiliate (in condition or heart): -- abase, bring low, humble ({self}).[ql