Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies
Bible Translation Phrase lists
beautiful ......... beautiful 5611 -horaios->
Beautiful ......... Beautiful 5611 -horaios->
beautiful ......... How beautiful 5611 -horaios->
Beautiful ......... the Beautiful 5611 -horaios->
bountifully ......... bountifully 2129 -eulogia->
bountifulness ......... bountifulness 0572 -haplotes->
certify ......... But I certify 1107 -gnorizo->
crucified ......... and be crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... and have crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... and him crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... And they crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... and they crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... And they that were crucified 4957 -sustauroo->
crucified ......... And when they had crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... have crucified 4362 -prospegnumi->
crucified ......... have crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... he was crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... him , to be crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... him to be crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... I am crucified 4957 -sustauroo->
crucified ......... is crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... is crucified 4957 -sustauroo->
crucified ......... it , they would not have crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... Let him be crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... that he might be crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... they crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... they had crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... to be crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... unto him , Let him be crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... unto them to be crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... was crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... was crucified 4957 -sustauroo->
crucified ......... were crucified 4957 -sustauroo->
crucified ......... ye crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucified ......... ye have crucified 4717 -stauroo->
crucify ......... and crucify 4717 -stauroo->
crucify ......... and to crucify 4717 -stauroo->
crucify ......... And with him they crucify 4717 -stauroo->
Crucify ......... Crucify 4717 -stauroo->
crucify ......... him , crucify 4717 -stauroo->
crucify ......... him out to crucify 4717 -stauroo->
crucify ......... seeing they crucify 0388 -anastauroo->
crucify ......... to crucify 4717 -stauroo->
crucify ......... unto them , Shall I crucify 4717 -stauroo->
crucify ......... with him , crucify 4717 -stauroo->
crucify ......... ye him , and crucify 4717 -stauroo->
differ ......... thee to differ 1252 -diakrino->
difference ......... a difference 1252 -diakrino->
difference ......... difference 1252 -diakrino->
difference ......... difference 1293 -diastole->
difference ......... There is difference 3307 -merizo->
differences ......... And there are differences 1243 -diairesis->
differeth ......... differeth 1308 -diaphero->
differing ......... differing 1313 -diaphoros->
edification ......... me to edification 3619 -oikodome->
edification ......... to edification 3619 -oikodome->
edification ......... us for edification 3619 -oikodome->
edified ......... and were edified 3618 -oikodomeo->
edified ......... is not edified 3618 -oikodomeo->
edifieth ......... edifieth 3618 -oikodomeo->
edify ......... and edify 3618 -oikodomeo->
edify ......... may edify 3619 -oikodome->
edify ......... things edify 3618 -oikodomeo->
edifying ......... edifying 3618 -oikodomeo->
edifying ......... edifying 3619 -oikodome->
edifying ......... for the edifying 3619 -oikodome->
edifying ......... of edifying 3619 -oikodome->
edifying ......... to the edifying 3619 -oikodome->
edifying ......... unto edifying 3619 -oikodome->
edifying ......... unto the edifying 3619 -oikodome->
fifteen ......... and fifteen 4002 -pente->
fifteen ......... fifteen 1178 -dekapente->
fifteen ......... it fifteen 1178 -dekapente->
fifteen ......... with him fifteen 1178 -dekapente->
fifteenth ......... in the fifteenth 4003 -pentekaidekatos->
fifth ......... And the fifth 3991 -pemptos->
fifth ......... the fifth 3991 -pemptos->
fifth ......... The fifth 3991 -pemptos->
fifties ......... and by fifties 4004 -pentekonta->
fifties ......... by fifties 4004 -pentekonta->
fifty ......... and fifty 4004 -pentekonta->
fifty ......... fifty 4004 -pentekonta->
fifty ......... it fifty 3461 -murias->
gift ......... a gift 1390 -doma->
gift ......... and of the gift 1431 -dorea->
gift ......... and the gift 1431 -dorea->
gift ......... but the gift 5486 -charisma->
gift ......... by the gift 1435 -doron->
gift ......... for us , that for the gift 5486 -charisma->
gift ......... gift 1394 -dosis->
gift ......... gift 1431 -dorea->
gift ......... gift 5486 -charisma->
gift ......... It is a gift 1435 -doron->
gift ......... it is the gift 1435 -doron->
gift ......... not the gift 5486 -charisma->
gift ......... of the gift 1431 -dorea->
gift ......... out the gift 1431 -dorea->
gift ......... so is the gift 1434 -dorema->
gift ......... that is to say , a gift 1435 -doron->
gift ......... that the gift 1431 -dorea->
gift ......... the free gift came upon all 3956 -pas->
gift ......... the gift 1431 -dorea->
gift ......... the gift 1435 -doron->
gift ......... the gift 5485 -charis->
gift ......... the gift 5486 -charisma->
gift ......... the gift of prophecy 4394 -propheteia->
gift ......... thy gift 1435 -doron->
gift ......... to the gift 1431 -dorea->
gift ......... up the gift 5486 -charisma->
gifts ......... and gifts 0334 -anathema->
gifts ......... and gifts 3311 -merismos->
gifts ......... For the gifts 5486 -charisma->
gifts ......... gifts , brethren 0080 -adephos->
gifts ......... gifts , but rather 3123 -mallon->
gifts ......... gifts , seek 2212 -zeteo->
gifts ......... gifts 1390 -doma->
gifts ......... gifts 1435 -doron->
gifts ......... gifts 5486 -charisma->
gifts ......... of gifts 5486 -charisma->
gifts ......... of his gifts 1435 -doron->
gifts ......... the gifts 5486 -charisma->
gifts ......... their gifts 1435 -doron->
gifts ......... unto him gifts 1435 -doron->
glorified ......... and be glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorified ......... and glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorified ......... and I am glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorified ......... And they glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorified ......... and they glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorified ......... be glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorified ......... being glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorified ......... glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorified ......... glorified 4888 -sundoxazo->
glorified ......... hath glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorified ......... he glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorified ......... I have glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorified ......... is glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorified ......... it , they glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorified ......... may be glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorified ......... may be glorified 1740 -edoxazo->
glorified ......... men glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorified ......... might be glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorified ......... part he is glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorified ......... she hath glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorified ......... should be glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorified ......... they glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorified ......... things may be glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorified ......... to be glorified 1740 -edoxazo->
glorified ......... was glorified 1392 -doxazo->
glorify ......... and glorify 1392 -doxazo->
glorify ......... but let him glorify 1392 -doxazo->
glorify ......... glorify 1392 -doxazo->
glorify ......... He shall glorify 1392 -doxazo->
glorify ......... he should glorify 1392 -doxazo->
glorify ......... it , and will glorify 1392 -doxazo->
glorify ......... may glorify 1392 -doxazo->
glorify ......... might glorify 1392 -doxazo->
glorify ......... they glorify 1392 -doxazo->
glorifying ......... glorifying 1392 -doxazo->
glorifying ......... him , glorifying 1392 -doxazo->
heifer ......... of an heifer 1151 -damalis->
if ......... Abraham 11 : but if 1437 -ean->
if ......... after , if 1499 -ei kai->
If ......... again unto you . If 1487 -ei->
if ......... And I , if 1437 -ean->
if ......... and if 1437 -ean->
if ......... And if 1437 -ean->
if ......... And if 1487 -ei->
if ......... and if 1487 -ei->
if ......... and if 2579 -kan->
if ......... And if 2579 -kan->
if ......... And if any man will 2309 -thelo->
if ......... And if so much 2579 -kan->
if ......... And if thy right 1188 -dexios->
if ......... And yet if 1437 -ean->
if ......... are we , if 1437 -ean->
if ......... are ye if 1437 -ean->
if ......... as if 1487 -ei->
if ......... as if I would terrify 1629 -ekphobeo->
if ......... as if she were shaven 3587 -xurao->
if ......... as if they burned 4448 -puroo->
if ......... as if thou hadst not received 2983 -lambano->
if ......... be : if 1437 -ean->
If ......... but , If 1437 -ean->
if ......... But and if 1437 -ean->
if ......... But and if ye suffer 3958 -pascho->
if ......... but if 1437 -ean->
if ......... But if 1437 -ean->
if ......... but if 1487 -ei->
if ......... But if 1487 -ei->
if ......... But if 1499 -ei kai->
if ......... by me if 1437 -ean->
if ......... by you , if 1437 -ean->
if ......... For if 1437 -ean->
if ......... for if 1437 -ean->
if ......... For if 1477 -hedraioma->
if ......... For if 1487 -ei->
if ......... for if 1487 -ei->
if ......... For if there 1487 -ei->
if ......... For if these 5023 -tauta->
if ......... For if we sin 0264 -hamartano->
if ......... for if ye do 4160 -poieo->
if ......... for them if 1437 -ean->
if ......... he : if 1487 -ei->
if ......... him , if 1437 -ean->
If ......... him , If 1437 -ean->
If ......... him , If 1487 -ei->
if ......... him : and if 1437 -ean->
if ......... him : but if thou canst 1410 -dunamai->
if ......... him ; and if 1437 -ean->
if ......... him ; if 1437 -ean->
if ......... him if 1487 -ei->
if ......... him up ; and if he have committed 4160 -poieo->
if ......... himself , if 1487 -ei->
if ......... I , if 1487 -ei->
if ......... I not unto thee , that , if 1437 -ean->
if ......... if 1437 -ean->
If ......... If 1437 -ean->
if ......... if 1477 -hedraioma->
If ......... If 1487 -ei->
if ......... if 1487 -ei->
If ......... If 1487 -ei->
If ......... If 1487->
If ......... If 1487->
If ......... If 1489 -eige->
if ......... if 1489 -eige->
if ......... if 1490 -ei de me ( ge )->
if ......... if 1499 -ei kai->
If ......... If 1499 -ei kai->
If ......... If 1512 -ei per->
if ......... if 1512 -ei per->
If ......... If 1513 -ei pos->
if ......... if 1513 -ei pos->
If ......... If 1535 -eite->
If ......... If 2579 -kan->
if ......... if 2579 -kan->
If ......... If a son 5207 -huios->
If ......... If any 1536 -ei tis->
if ......... if he gain 2770 -kerdaino->
if ......... if he lose 0622 -apollumi->
if ......... if it be received 2983 -lambano->
if ......... if it fulfil 5055 -teleo->
If ......... If they shall fall 3895 -parapipto->
if ......... if thou bring 4311 -propempo->
if ......... if thou bring 4374 -prosphero->
if ......... if thou kill 5407 -phoneuo->
If ......... If thou put 5294 -hupotithemi->
if ......... if we believe 4100 -pisteuo->
if ......... if we faint 1590 -ekluo->
if ......... if we neglect 0272 -ameleo->
if ......... if we turn 0654 -apostrepho->
if ......... if ye keep 1301 -diatereo->
if ......... if ye receive 2983 -lambano->
if ......... in him , that , if 1437 -ean->
if ......... is it , if 1487 -ei->
if ......... is unto me , if 1437 -ean->
if ......... it me , if 1487 -ei->
if ......... man , if 1487 -ei->
if ......... me not : if 1437 -ean->
if ......... not , and if he be pleased 4909 -suneudokeo->
if ......... not . And if 1437 -ean->
if ......... not for it : but if 1499 -ei kai->
if ......... not up , if 1512 -ei per->
if ......... of us as if we walked 4043 -peripateo->
if ......... of you , if 1487 -ei->
If ......... on him , If 1437 -ean->
if ......... or if he ask a fish 2486 -ichthus->
if ......... out from us , but they were not of us ; for if 1487 -ei->
if ......... that , if 1437 -ean->
if ......... that , if 1487 -ei->
if ......... that , if I come 2064 -erchomai->
if ......... that if 1437 -ean->
if ......... That if 1437 -ean->
if ......... that if 1487 -ei->
if ......... thee , if 1437 -ean->
if ......... themselves ; if 3379 -mepote->
if ......... they are . For if 1487 -ei->
if ......... thing if 1487 -ei->
if ......... thing if 1499 -ei kai->
If ......... things ? If 1487 -ei->
If ......... unto her , If 1487 -ei->
If ......... unto him , If 1437 -ean->
If ......... unto him , If 1487 -ei->
If ......... unto them , If 1437 -ean->
If ......... unto them , If 1487 -ei->
If ......... unto us , If 1437 -ean->
if ......... unto you , if 1437 -ean->
If ......... unto you , If 1437 -ean->
if ......... unto you , if God 2316 -theos->
if ......... unto you , that if 1437 -ean->
if ......... unto you , That if 1437 -ean->
if ......... unto you ; but if 1437 -ean->
if ......... upon it : but if 1437 -ean->
if ......... upon it : if 1490 -ei de me ( ge )->
if ......... well : and if 1487 -ei->
if ......... What and if 1437 -ean->
if ......... What if 1487 -ei->
if ......... with him : if 1487 -ei->
if ......... with you , if 1437 -ean->
if ......... ye ? if 1437 -ean->
if ......... yet if it be confirmed 2964 -kuroo->
if ......... you , as if 1437 -ean->
if ......... you , if 1437 -ean->
if ......... you , if 1487 -ei->
if ......... you , that , if 1437 -ean->
if ......... you , that if 1487 -ei->
if ......... you ; if 1487 -ei->
if ......... you that , if 1437 -ean->
justification ......... for our justification 1347 -dikaiosis->
justification ......... unto justification 1345 -dikaioma->
justification ......... unto justification 1347 -dikaiosis->
justified ......... are justified 1344 -dikaioo->
justified ......... be justified 1344 -dikaioo->
justified ......... being justified 1344 -dikaioo->
justified ......... Being justified 1344 -dikaioo->
justified ......... but ye are justified 1344 -dikaioo->
justified ......... he justified 1344 -dikaioo->
justified ......... is justified 1344 -dikaioo->
justified ......... is not justified 1344 -dikaioo->
justified ......... justified 1344 -dikaioo->
justified ......... not be justified 1344 -dikaioo->
justified ......... of you are justified 1344 -dikaioo->
justified ......... shall be justified 1344 -dikaioo->
justified ......... That being justified 1344 -dikaioo->
justified ......... That thou mightest be justified 1344 -dikaioo->
justified ......... that we might be justified 1344 -dikaioo->
justified ......... thou shalt be justified 1344 -dikaioo->
justified ......... to be justified 1344 -dikaioo->
justified ......... were justified 1344 -dikaioo->
justifier ......... and the justifier 1344 -dikaioo->
justifieth ......... him that justifieth 1344 -dikaioo->
justifieth ......... that justifieth 1344 -dikaioo->
justify ......... justify 1344 -dikaioo->
justify ......... shall justify 1344 -dikaioo->
justify ......... to justify 1344 -dikaioo->
justify ......... would justify 1344 -dikaioo->
life ......... and the life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... and they are life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... by his life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... down his life 5590 -psuche->
life ......... down my life 5590 -psuche->
life ......... down thy life 5590 -psuche->
life ......... for his life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... For the life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... for the life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... from the life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... giveth life 2227 -zoopoieo->
life ......... have for my life 5590 -psuche->
life ......... him life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... him to life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... his life 5590 -psuche->
life ......... I my life 5590 -psuche->
life ......... In him was life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... in life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... in me : and the life which 3739 -hos->
life ......... in us , but life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... is life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... Is not the life 5590 -psuche->
life ......... it be by life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... it unto life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... life 0895 -apsuchos->
life ......... life 0979 -bios->
life ......... life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... life 2227 -zoopoieo->
life ......... life 4151 -pneuma->
life ......... life 5590 -psuche->
life ......... man s life 5590 -psuche->
life ......... my life 5590 -psuche->
life ......... not life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... not yourselves ; for his life 5590 -psuche->
life ......... of life 0072 -agoge->
life ......... of life 0979 -bios->
life ......... of life 0981 -biosis->
life ......... of life 2198 -zao->
life ......... of life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... of life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... of our life 0979 -bios->
life ......... of our life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... of the life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... of them be , but life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... of things pertaining to this life 0982 -biotikos->
life ......... of this life 0979 -bios->
life ......... of this life 0982 -biotikos->
life ......... sake , that the life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... that the life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... The life 5590 -psuche->
life ......... things that pertain to this life 0982 -biotikos->
life ......... things that pertain unto life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... to life again 0386 -anastasis->
life ......... unto life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... up of life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... was ordained to life 2222 -zoe->
life ......... who is our life 2222 -zoe->
lifetime ......... that thou in thy lifetime 2222 -zoe->
lifetime ......... their lifetime 2198 -zao->
lift ......... and he shall lift 5312 -hupsoo->
lift ......... he lift 1869 -epairo->
lift ......... lift 0352 -anakupto->
lift ......... lift 0461 -anorthoo->
lift ......... not lift 1869 -epairo->
lift ......... on it , and lift 1453 -egeiro->
Lift ......... unto you , Lift 1869 -epairo->
lift ......... up , and lift 1869 -epairo->
lifted ......... and he lifted 1869 -epairo->
lifted ......... And he lifted 1869 -epairo->
lifted ......... and lifted 0450 -anistemi->
lifted ......... and lifted 1453 -egeiro->
lifted ......... and lifted 1869 -epairo->
lifted ......... and then lifted 1869 -epairo->
lifted ......... And they lifted 0142 -airo->
lifted ......... And when they had lifted 1869 -epairo->
lifted ......... be lifted 5312 -hupsoo->
lifted ......... being lifted 5188 -tupho->
lifted ......... had lifted 0352 -anakupto->
lifted ......... him , he lifted 0352 -anakupto->
lifted ......... I be lifted 5312 -hupsoo->
lifted ......... lifted 0142 -airo->
lifted ......... lifted 1869 -epairo->
lifted ......... lifted 5312 -hupsoo->
lifted ......... that , they lifted 0142 -airo->
lifted ......... they lifted 1869 -epairo->
lifted ......... with me hath lifted 1869 -epairo->
lifted ......... ye have lifted 5312 -hupsoo->
lifting ......... lifting 1869 -epairo->
magnificence ......... and her magnificence 3168 -megaleiotes->
magnified ......... magnified 3170 -megaluno->
magnified ......... shall be magnified 3170 -megaluno->
magnified ......... was magnified 3170 -megaluno->
magnify ......... and magnify 3170 -megaluno->
magnify ......... doth magnify 3170 -megaluno->
magnify ......... I magnify 1392 -doxazo->
manifest ......... are manifest 5318 -phaneros->
manifest ......... but was manifest 5319 -phaneroo->
manifest ......... by them is manifest 5319 -phaneroo->
manifest ......... him , and will manifest 1718 -emphanizo->
manifest ......... him , it is manifest 1212 -delos->
manifest ......... is it that thou wilt manifest 1718 -emphanizo->
manifest ......... is manifest 5319 -phaneroo->
manifest ......... it manifest 5319 -phaneroo->
manifest ......... manifest 1717 -emphanes->
manifest ......... manifest 5318 -phaneros->
manifest ......... manifest 5319 -phaneroo->
manifest ......... of some are manifest 4271 -prodelos->
manifest ......... shall be manifest 1552 -ekdelos->
manifest ......... should be made manifest 5319 -phaneroo->
manifest ......... that is not manifest 0852 -aphanes->
manifest ......... was manifest 5319 -phaneroo->
manifest ......... Which is a manifest token 1730 -endeigma->
manifestation ......... but by manifestation 5321 -phanerosis->
manifestation ......... But the manifestation 5321 -phanerosis->
manifestation ......... for the manifestation 0602 -apokalupsis->
manifested ......... and manifested 5319 -phaneroo->
manifested ......... and was manifested 5319 -phaneroo->
manifested ......... I have manifested 5319 -phaneroo->
manifested ......... is manifested 5319 -phaneroo->
manifested ......... manifested 5319 -phaneroo->
manifested ......... shall not be manifested 5319 -phaneroo->
manifested ......... that he was manifested 5319 -phaneroo->
manifested ......... was manifested 5319 -phaneroo->
manifestly ......... Forasmuch as ye are manifestly 5319 -phaneroo->
manifold ......... manifold 4164 -poikilos->
manifold ......... manifold 4179 -pollaplasion->
manifold ......... of the manifold 4164 -poikilos->
manifold ......... the manifold 4182 -polupoikilos->
merciful ......... are the merciful 1655 -eleemon->
merciful ......... be merciful 2433 -hilaskomai->
merciful ......... For I will be merciful 2436 -hileos->
merciful ......... is merciful 3629 -oiktirmon->
merciful ......... merciful 3629 -oiktirmon->
merciful ......... that he might be a merciful 1655 -eleemon->
mortify ......... do mortify 2289 -thanatoo->
Mortify ......... Mortify 3499 -nekroo->
pitiful ......... be pitiful 2155 -eusplagchnos->
pitiful ......... pitiful 4184 -polusplagchnos->
plentifully ......... plentifully 2164 -euphoreo->
purification ......... of her purification 2512 -katharismos->
purification ......... of purification 0049 -hagnismos->
purified ......... me purified 0048 -hagnizo->
purified ......... Seeing ye have purified 0048 -hagnizo->
purified ......... should be purified 2511 -katharizo->
purifieth ......... in him purifieth 0048 -hagnizo->
purify ......... and purify 0048 -hagnizo->
purify ......... and purify 2511 -katharizo->
purify ......... to purify 0048 -hagnizo->
purifying ......... purifying 0048 -hagnizo->
purifying ......... purifying 2512 -katharismos->
purifying ......... the manner of the purifying 2512 -katharismos->
purifying ......... to the purifying 2514 -katharotes->
purifying ......... us and them , purifying 2511 -katharizo->
sacrifice ......... a sacrifice 2378 -thusia->
sacrifice ......... and a sacrifice 2378 -thusia->
sacrifice ......... and not sacrifice 2378 -thusia->
sacrifice ......... by the sacrifice 2378 -thusia->
sacrifice ......... have done sacrifice 2380 -thuo->
sacrifice ......... in sacrifice 1494 -eidolothuton->
Sacrifice ......... Sacrifice 2378 -thusia->
sacrifice ......... sacrifice 2378 -thusia->
sacrifice ......... sacrifice 2380 -thuo->
sacrifice ......... that they had not done sacrifice 2380 -thuo->
sacrifice ......... the sacrifice 2378 -thusia->
sacrifice ......... they sacrifice 2380 -thuo->
sacrifice ......... up sacrifice 2378 -thusia->
sacrifice ......... upon the sacrifice 2378 -thusia->
sacrificed ......... is sacrificed 2380 -thuo->
sacrificed ......... things sacrificed 1494 -eidolothuton->
sacrifices ......... and sacrifices 2378 -thusia->
sacrifices ......... and sacrifices for sin 0266 -hamartia->
sacrifices ......... of the sacrifices 2378 -thusia->
sacrifices ......... sacrifices 2378 -thusia->
sacrifices ......... sacrifices there is a remembrance 0364 -anamnesis->
sacrifices ......... with their sacrifices 2378 -thusia->
sanctification ......... and sanctification 0038 -hagiasmos->
sanctification ......... in sanctification 0038 -hagiasmos->
sanctification ......... sanctification 0038 -hagiasmos->
sanctified ......... and they who are sanctified 0037 -hagiazo->
sanctified ......... being sanctified 0037 -hagiazo->
sanctified ......... but ye are sanctified 0037 -hagiazo->
sanctified ......... For it is sanctified 0037 -hagiazo->
sanctified ......... hath sanctified 0037 -hagiazo->
sanctified ......... he was sanctified 0037 -hagiazo->
sanctified ......... is sanctified 0037 -hagiazo->
sanctified ......... might be sanctified 0037 -hagiazo->
sanctified ......... sanctified 0037 -hagiazo->
sanctified ......... them that are sanctified 0037 -hagiazo->
sanctified ......... them which are sanctified 0037 -hagiazo->
sanctified ......... to them that are sanctified 0037 -hagiazo->
sanctified ......... we are sanctified 0037 -hagiazo->
sanctifieth ......... he that sanctifieth 0037 -hagiazo->
sanctifieth ......... sanctifieth 0037 -hagiazo->
sanctifieth ......... that sanctifieth 0037 -hagiazo->
sanctify ......... And for their sakes I sanctify 0037 -hagiazo->
sanctify ......... But sanctify 0037 -hagiazo->
Sanctify ......... Sanctify 0037 -hagiazo->
sanctify ......... sanctify 0037 -hagiazo->
sanctify ......... that he might sanctify 0037 -hagiazo->
sanctify ......... That he might sanctify 0037 -hagiazo->
sift ......... to have you , that he may sift 4617 -siniazo->
signification ......... signification 0880 -aphonos->
signified ......... and signified 4591 -semaino->
signifieth ......... more , signifieth 1213 -deloo->
signify ......... and not withal to signify 4591 -semaino->
signify ......... signify 1718 -emphanizo->
signify ......... to signify 1229 -diaggello->
signify ......... was in them did signify 1213 -deloo->
signifying ......... he , signifying 4591 -semaino->
signifying ......... signifying 1213 -deloo->
signifying ......... signifying 4591 -semaino->
stiffnecked ......... Ye stiffnecked 4644 -sklerotrachelos->
strife ......... a strife 5379 -philoneikia->
strife ......... and strife 2052 -eritheia->
strife ......... and strife 2054 -eris->
strife ......... not in strife 2054 -eris->
strife ......... strife 0485 -antilogia->
strife ......... strife 2052 -eritheia->
strife ......... strife 2054 -eris->
strifes ......... and strifes 3055 -logomachia->
strifes ......... strifes 2052 -eritheia->
strifes ......... strifes 3163 -mache->
swift ......... are swift 3691 -oxus->
swift ......... be swift 5036 -tachus->
swift ......... swift 5031 -tachinos->
terrified ......... be not terrified 4422 -ptoeo->
terrified ......... But they were terrified 4422 -ptoeo->
terrified ......... terrified 4426 -pturo->
terrify ......... as if I would terrify 1629 -ekphobeo->
testified ......... and testified 1263 -diamarturomai->
testified ......... and testified 3140 -martureo->
testified ......... And they , when they had testified 1263 -diamarturomai->
testified ......... for as thou hast testified 1263 -diamarturomai->
testified ......... he hath testified 3140 -martureo->
testified ......... place testified 1263 -diamarturomai->
testified ......... testified 3140 -martureo->
testified ......... to be testified 3142 -marturion->
testified ......... we have testified 3140 -martureo->
testified ......... when it testified 4303 -promarturomai->
testified ......... which testified 3140 -martureo->
testified ......... you and testified 1263 -diamarturomai->
testifieth ......... For he testifieth 3140 -martureo->
testifieth ......... He which testifieth 3140 -martureo->
testifieth ......... testifieth 3140 -martureo->
testifieth ......... that he testifieth 3140 -martureo->
testify ......... and do testify 3140 -martureo->
testify ......... and testify 3140 -martureo->
testify ......... and testify 3143 -marturomai->
testify ......... and they are they which testify 3140 -martureo->
testify ......... and to testify 1263 -diamarturomai->
testify ......... did he testify 1263 -diamarturomai->
testify ......... For I testify 3143 -marturomai->
testify ......... For I testify 4828 -summartureo->
testify ......... he shall testify 3140 -martureo->
testify ......... I testify 3140 -martureo->
testify ......... should testify 3140 -martureo->
testify ......... testify 3140 -martureo->
testify ......... that he may testify 1263 -diamarturomai->
testify ......... to testify 1263 -diamarturomai->
testify ......... to testify 3140 -martureo->
testifying ......... and testifying 1957 -epimartureo->
Testifying ......... Testifying 1263 -diamarturomai->
testifying ......... testifying 3140 -martureo->
unmerciful ......... unmerciful 0415 -aneleemon->
wife ......... a wife , deceased 5053 -teleutao->
wife ......... a wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... after , when his wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... and his wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... and the wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... and thy wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... and wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... but the wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... by the wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... from a wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... her to wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... his wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... his wife s 3994 -penthera->
wife ......... Let not the wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... Lot s wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... man , and my wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... not a wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... of her that had been the wife of Urias 3774 -Ourias->
wife ......... of the wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... The wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... the wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... the wife of Cleophas 2832 -Klopas->
wife ......... thou , O wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... thy wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... to his wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... unto a wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... unto him his wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... unto his wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... unto the wife 1134 -gunaikeios->
wife ......... unto the wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... wife 1135 -gune->
wife ......... wife s 3994 -penthera->
wife ......... with his wife 1135 -gune->