Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

Imri 00566 ## 'Imriy {im-ree'} ; from 00564 ; wordy ; Imri , the name of two Israelites : -- {Imri} .

Imri 00566 ## 'Imriy {im-ree'} ; from 00564 ; wordy ; {Imri} , the name of two Israelites : -- Imri .

Imriy 00566 ## {'Imriy} {im-ree'} ; from 00564 ; wordy ; Imri , the name of two Israelites : -- Imri .

kimriyr 03650 ## {kimriyr} {kim-reer'} ; redupl . from 03648 ; obscuration (as if from shrinkage of light , i . e . an eclipse (only in plural) : -- blackness .

Nimrim 05249 ## Nimriym {nim-reem'} ; plural of a masculine corresponding to 05247 ; clear waters ; {Nimrim} , a place East of the Jordan : -- Nimrim . Compare 01039 .

Nimrim 05249 ## Nimriym {nim-reem'} ; plural of a masculine corresponding to 05247 ; clear waters ; Nimrim , a place East of the Jordan : -- {Nimrim} . Compare 01039 .

Nimriym 05249 ## {Nimriym} {nim-reem'} ; plural of a masculine corresponding to 05247 ; clear waters ; Nimrim , a place East of the Jordan : -- Nimrim . Compare 01039 .

Shimri 08113 ## Shimriy {shim-ree'} ; from 08105 in its original sense ; watchful ; Shimri , the name of four Israelites : -- {Shimri} .

Shimri 08113 ## Shimriy {shim-ree'} ; from 08105 in its original sense ; watchful ; {Shimri} , the name of four Israelites : -- Shimri .

Shimrith 08116 ## Shimriyth {shim-reeth'} ; feminine of 08113 ; female guard ; Shimrith , a Moabitess : -- {Shimrith} .

Shimrith 08116 ## Shimriyth {shim-reeth'} ; feminine of 08113 ; female guard ; {Shimrith} , a Moabitess : -- Shimrith .

Shimriy 08113 ## {Shimriy} {shim-ree'} ; from 08105 in its original sense ; watchful ; Shimri , the name of four Israelites : -- Shimri .

Shimriyth 08116 ## {Shimriyth} {shim-reeth'} ; feminine of 08113 ; female guard ; Shimrith , a Moabitess : -- Shimrith .

Zimri 02174 ## Zimriy {zim-ree'} ; from 02167 ; musical ; Zimri , the name of five Israelites , and of an Arabian tribe : -- {Zimri} .

Zimri 02174 ## Zimriy {zim-ree'} ; from 02167 ; musical ; {Zimri} , the name of five Israelites , and of an Arabian tribe : -- Zimri .

Zimriy 02174 ## {Zimriy} {zim-ree'} ; from 02167 ; musical ; Zimri , the name of five Israelites , and of an Arabian tribe : -- Zimri .