Zimri 2174 ## Zimriy {zim-ree'}; from 2167; musical; Zimri, the name of five Israelites, and of an Arabian tribe: -- {Zimri}. [ql Imri 0566 ## >Imriy {im-ree'}; from 564; wordy; Imri, the name of two Israelites: -- {Imri}. [ql Nimrim 5249 ## Nimriym {nim-reem'}; plural of a masculine corresponding to 5247; clear waters; Nimrim, a place East of the Jordan: -- {Nimrim}. Compare 1039.[ql Shimri 8113 ## Shimriy {shim-ree'}; from 8105 in its original sense; watchful; Shimri, the name of four Israelites: -- {Shimri}.[ql Shimrith 8116 ## Shimriyth {shim-reeth'}; feminine of 8113; female guard; Shimrith, a Moabitess: -- {Shimrith}.[ql