be dead indeed unto sin be it indeed behold an israelite indeed but if thou shalt indeed obey his voice but will god indeed dwell on <1KI8 -:27 > do ye indeed speak righteousness elias is indeed come for indeed he accepted <2CO8 -:17 > for indeed he was sick nigh unto death for they indeed killed them if indeed ye will magnify if thou wilt indeed deliver this people into my hand if thou wilt indeed look on <1SA1 -:11 > indeed baptize you with water indeed baptize you with water unto repentance indeed bear with me <2CO11 -:1 > indeed have baptized you with water indeed ye do it toward all <1TH4 -:10 > john indeed baptized with water lord indeed spoken only by moses man indeed goeth man indeed ought not <1CO11 -:7 > neither indeed can be or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us shalt thou indeed reign over us some indeed preach christ even son indeed spirit indeed this is indeed thou hast indeed smitten edom <2KI14 -:10 > thou wouldest bless me indeed <1CH4 -:10 > thy brethren indeed come we came indeed down at we indeed justly were with me saw indeed whereby indeed he divineth which indeed appear beautiful outward which indeed is which is indeed which things have indeed widow indeed <1TI5 -:5 > ye shall indeed drink ye should indeed have eaten it