instant Luk_02_38 /${instant /gave thanks likewise unto the Lord , and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem . instant Jer_18_09 /^{instant /I shall speak concerning a nation , and concerning a kingdom , to build and to plant it; instant Jer_18_07 /^{instant /I shall speak concerning a nation , and concerning a kingdom , to pluck up , and to pull down , and to destroy it; instant Rom_12_12 /${instant /in prayer ; instant 2Ti_04_02 /${instant /in season , out of season ; reprove , rebuke , exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine . instant Isa_29_05 /^{instant /suddenly . instant Luk_23_23 /${instant /with loud voices , requiring that he might be crucified . And the voices of them and of the chief priests prevailed . instantly Luk_07_04 /${instantly /saying , That he was worthy for whom he should do this : instantly Act_26_07 /${instantly /serving God day and night , hope to come . For which hope's sake , king Agrippa , I am accused of the Jews .