abiram -0048 {abiram} , adoniram -0141 {adoniram} , affairs -1697 acts , advice , {affairs} , answer , answered , any , because , book , business , care , case , cause , causes , certain , chronicles , commandment , commandments , commune , communication , counsel , dealings , decree , deed , deeds , disease , done , due , duty , effect , eloquent , errand , groves , hurt , language , manner , matter , matters , message , nothing , oracle , ought , parts , portion , promise , provision , purpose , questions , rate , reason , report , request , said , sake , sakes , say , saying , sayings , sentence , so , some , sort , spakest , speech , spoken , talk , task , tasks , the , thing , things , thought , tidings , was , what , wherewith , whit , word , words , work , works , affairs -5673 {affairs} , service , work , ahira -0299 {ahira} , ahiram -0297 {ahiram} , ahiramites -0298 {ahiramites} , air -7307 {air} , anger , blast , breath , cool , courage , mind , quarters , side , sides , spirit , spirits , spiritual , tempest , vain , wind , winds , windy , air -8064 {air} , city , heaven , heavens , assir -0617 {assir} , athirst -6770 {athirst} , thirst , thirsted , thirsteth , thirsty , attire -2871 {attire} , dyed , attire -7196 at , {attire} , headbands , attire -7897 {attire} , garment , attired -6801 {attired} , turn , beerlahairoi -0883 {beerlahairoi} , lahairoi , well , bestir -2782 {bestir} , decided , decreed , determined , maimed , move , moved , bethbirei -1011 {bethbirei} , bird -5775 {bird} , birds , fleeth , flieth , flying , fowl , fowls , bird -5861 {bird} , birds , fowl , fowls , ravenous , bird -6833 {bird} , birds , fowl , fowls , sparrow , birds -5775 bird , {birds} , fleeth , flieth , flying , fowl , fowls , birds -5861 bird , {birds} , fowl , fowls , ravenous , birds -6833 bird , {birds} , fowl , fowls , sparrow , birds -6853 {birds} , fowls , birsha -1306 {birsha} , birth -3205 bare , bear , bearest , beareth , bearing , begat , beget , begettest , begetteth , begotten , {birth} , born , borne , bring , brought , calved , child , children , come , delivered , delivery , forth , gendered , hatcheth , labour , midwife , midwives , pedigrees , travail , travailed , travaileth , travailing , birth -4351 {birth} , habitation , nativity , birth -4866 {birth} , breaking , forth , birth -5309 {birth} , untimely , birth -7665 {birth} , brake , brakest , break , breakest , breaketh , bring , broken , crush , destroy , destroyed , down , hurt , quench , torn , birth -8435 {birth} , generations , birthright -1062 {birthright} , firstborn , firstlings , birzavith -1269 {birzavith} , camphire -3724 bribe , {camphire} , pitch , ransom , satisfaction , sum , villages , chephirah -3716 {chephirah} , circle -2329 {circle} , circuit , compass , circuit -2329 circle , {circuit} , compass , circuit -5437 about , again , applied , aside , avoided , back , beset , besieged , bring , brought , came , carried , cast , changed , {circuit} , closed , compass , compassed , compasseth , compassing , driven , environ , every , fetch , go , gone , led , occasioned , remove , removed , returned , round , side , sit , turn , turned , turneth , walk , went , winding , circuit -8622 {circuit} , come , end , circuits -5439 about , {circuits} , compass , places , round , side , circumcise -4135 {circumcise} , circumcised , circumcising , cut , circumcise -5243 {circumcise} , cut , down , circumcised -4135 circumcise , {circumcised} , circumcising , cut , circumcising -4135 circumcise , circumcised , {circumcising} , cut , circumcision -4139 {circumcision} , circumspect -8104 beware , {circumspect} , heed , keep , keeper , keepers , keepest , keepeth , keeping , kept , lookest , mark , marked , markest , marketh , narrowly , observe , observed , observest , observeth , preserve , preserved , preserveth , regard , regardeth , reserveth , save , saved , spies , sure , takest , wait , waited , waiteth , waiting , watch , watched , watchman , watchmen , confirm -0553 {confirm} , courage , courageous , established , fortify , hardened , increaseth , obstinate , prevailed , speed , stedfastly , strengthen , strengthened , strengtheneth , strong , stronger , confirm -1396 {confirm} , exceeded , great , man , mighty , prevail , prevailed , put , strengthen , strengtheneth , stronger , valiant , confirm -2388 became , behave , caught , clave , {confirm} , confirmed , constant , constrained , continued , courage , courageous , courageously , encourage , encouraged , established , fasten , fastened , force , fortified , fortify , harden , hardened , harder , held , help , hold , holden , holdeth , leaneth , maintain , men , mend , mighty , obtain , prevail , prevailed , received , recovered , relieve , repair , repaired , retain , retained , retaineth , seized , sore , stout , strength , strengthen , strengthened , strong , stronger , sure , take , taken , taketh , took , urgent , valiantly , withstand , confirm -3559 aright , certain , certainty , {confirm} , confirmed , deed , direct , directed , directeth , establish , established , faithfulness , fashion , fashioned , fastened , firm , fitted , fixed , frame , meet , ordained , order , ordered , perfect , preparation , prepare , prepared , preparest , prepareth , provide , provided , provideth , provision , ready , right , set , setteth , stable , stablish , stablished , stablisheth , standeth , stood , tarry , very , confirm -4390 accomplish , accomplished , become , {confirm} , end , expired , fenced , fill , filled , filledst , fillest , filleth , fulfil , fulfilled , full , fully , fulness , furnish , gather , gathered , overfloweth , overflown , presume , replenish , replenished , satisfied , satisfy , set , space , wholly , confirm -6965 abide , accomplish , against , arise , ariseth , arising , arose , before , clearer , {confirm} , confirmed , confirmeth , continue , decreed , dim , endure , enemies , enjoined , establish , established , establisheth , get , grown , help , hold , lift , newly , ordained , perform , performed , performeth , pitch , raise , raised , raiseth , rear , reared , remain , rise , risen , risest , riseth , rising , rose , rouse , set , stablish , stand , stir , stirred , stood , strengthen , succeed , sure , upholden , uprising , confirmed -2388 became , behave , caught , clave , confirm , {confirmed} , constant , constrained , continued , courage , courageous , courageously , encourage , encouraged , established , fasten , fastened , force , fortified , fortify , harden , hardened , harder , held , help , hold , holden , holdeth , leaneth , maintain , men , mend , mighty , obtain , prevail , prevailed , received , recovered , relieve , repair , repaired , retain , retained , retaineth , seized , sore , stout , strength , strengthen , strengthened , strong , stronger , sure , take , taken , taketh , took , urgent , valiantly , withstand , confirmed -3559 aright , certain , certainty , confirm , {confirmed} , deed , direct , directed , directeth , establish , established , faithfulness , fashion , fashioned , fastened , firm , fitted , fixed , frame , meet , ordained , order , ordered , perfect , preparation , prepare , prepared , preparest , prepareth , provide , provided , provideth , provision , ready , right , set , setteth , stable , stablish , stablished , stablisheth , standeth , stood , tarry , very , confirmed -5975 abide , abideth , able , abode , appoint , appointed , arise , arose , behind , ceased , {confirmed} , continue , continued , continueth , dwell , employed , endure , endureth , enduring , establish , established , establisheth , forth , left , made , ordained , over , placed , present , presented , raised , raiseth , remain , remained , remaineth , repair , serve , served , set , setteth , settle , settled , stablished , stand , standest , standeth , standing , stay , stayed , still , stood , stoodest , tarried , tarry , the , waited , withstand , withstood , confirmed -6965 abide , accomplish , against , arise , ariseth , arising , arose , before , clearer , confirm , {confirmed} , confirmeth , continue , decreed , dim , endure , enemies , enjoined , establish , established , establisheth , get , grown , help , hold , lift , newly , ordained , perform , performed , performeth , pitch , raise , raised , raiseth , rear , reared , remain , rise , risen , risest , riseth , rising , rose , rouse , set , stablish , stand , stir , stirred , stood , strengthen , succeed , sure , upholden , uprising , confirmeth -6965 abide , accomplish , against , arise , ariseth , arising , arose , before , clearer , confirm , confirmed , {confirmeth} , continue , decreed , dim , endure , enemies , enjoined , establish , established , establisheth , get , grown , help , hold , lift , newly , ordained , perform , performed , performeth , pitch , raise , raised , raiseth , rear , reared , remain , rise , risen , risest , riseth , rising , rose , rouse , set , stablish , stand , stir , stirred , stood , strengthen , succeed , sure , upholden , uprising , conspiracy -7195 confederacy , {conspiracy} , treason , conspirators -7194 bind , bound , {conspirators} , conspired , eighteenth , joined , knit , made , stronger , the , wrought , conspired -5320 {conspired} , naphtuhim , conspired -5493 aside , away , back , brought , call , {conspired} , decline , depart , departed , departeth , departing , down , eschewed , escheweth , go , goeth , gone , grievous , laid , lay , left , moved , past , pluck , put , rebel , remove , removed , removeth , removing , sour , still , take , taken , taketh , the , took , turn , turned , turneth , undone , went , withdraw , without , conspired -7194 bind , bound , conspirators , {conspired} , eighteenth , joined , knit , made , stronger , the , wrought , conspired -8002 {conspired} , peace , debir -1688 {debir} , desirable -2531 delight , {desirable} , pleasant , utter , desire -0015 {desire} , desire -0035 {desire} , desire -0183 coveteth , {desire} , desired , desireth , desirous , longed , longeth , lusted , lusteth , desire -1156 ask , asked , {desire} , desired , praying , requested , sought , desire -1245 ask , asked , begging , besought , {desire} , enquired , enquirest , get , inquisition , procureth , request , requested , require , required , requireth , seek , seekest , seeketh , sought , desire -2530 beauty , beloved , covet , coveted , delectable , delight , {desire} , desired , desireth , goodly , lust , pleasant , precious , desire -2532 {desire} , desired , goodly , pleasant , precious , desire -2654 delight , delighted , delighteth , {desire} , desired , desirest , favourest , favoureth , like , moveth , please , pleased , pleaseth , pleasure , well , will , would , desire -2655 delight , {desire} , desireth , favour , please , pleasure , willing , wish , would , desire -2656 acceptable , delight , delightsome , {desire} , desired , desireth , pleasant , pleasure , purpose , willingly , desire -2836 delight , {desire} , desired , filleted , longeth , love , desire -2837 {desire} , pleasure , desire -3700 {desire} , desired , greedy , longedst , longeth , desire -4261 beloved , {desire} , goodly , lovely , pleasant , desire -5315 angry , any , appetite , beast , body , breath , creature , dead , deadly , {desire} , fish , ghost , heart , hearts , hearty , herself , himself , life , lives , lust , man , mind , minds , mortally , myself , one , own , person , persons , pleasure , soul , souls , themselves , thing , thyself , will , would , your , yourselves , desire -7522 acceptable , acceptance , accepted , delight , {desire} , favour , good , own , pleasure , selfwill , voluntary , will , desire -7592 ask , asked , askest , asketh , asking , beg , borrow , borrowed , charge , consulted , consulter , demand , demanded , {desire} , desired , desiredst , desireth , enquire , enquired , leave , lent , obtained , pray , requested , require , required , wished , wishing , desire -7602 {desire} , desireth , devour , hasteth , pant , panted , snuffed , snuffeth , swallow , swallowed , swalloweth , desire -8378 dainty , {desire} , desireth , greedily , lust , lusting , pleasant , desire -8420 {desire} , mark , desire -8669 {desire} , desired -0183 coveteth , desire , {desired} , desireth , desirous , longed , longeth , lusted , lusteth , desired -0559 and , answer , answered , appoint , appointed , as , avouched , bade , bid , bidden , boast , call , called , certified , challengeth , charged , command , commanded , commandeth , commandment , commune , consider , declared , demanded , {desired} , desireth , determined , expressly , intend , intendest , name , named , people , plainly , promised , promisedst , published , purpose , reported , requirest , said , saidst , saith , say , sayest , saying , spake , spakest , speak , speaketh , spoken , strong , suppose , talked , tell , termed , the , think , thinking , thought , told , use , uttereth , verily , yet , desired -1156 ask , asked , desire , {desired} , praying , requested , sought , desired -2530 beauty , beloved , covet , coveted , delectable , delight , desire , {desired} , desireth , goodly , lust , pleasant , precious , desired -2532 desire , {desired} , goodly , pleasant , precious , desired -2654 delight , delighted , delighteth , desire , {desired} , desirest , favourest , favoureth , like , moveth , please , pleased , pleaseth , pleasure , well , will , would , desired -2656 acceptable , delight , delightsome , desire , {desired} , desireth , pleasant , pleasure , purpose , willingly , desired -2836 delight , desire , {desired} , filleted , longeth , love , desired -3700 desire , {desired} , greedy , longedst , longeth , desired -7592 ask , asked , askest , asketh , asking , beg , borrow , borrowed , charge , consulted , consulter , demand , demanded , desire , {desired} , desiredst , desireth , enquire , enquired , leave , lent , obtained , pray , requested , require , required , wished , wishing , desiredst -7592 ask , asked , askest , asketh , asking , beg , borrow , borrowed , charge , consulted , consulter , demand , demanded , desire , desired , {desiredst} , desireth , enquire , enquired , leave , lent , obtained , pray , requested , require , required , wished , wishing , desires -3970 {desires} , desires -4862 {desires} , petitions , desirest -2654 delight , delighted , delighteth , desire , desired , {desirest} , favourest , favoureth , like , moveth , please , pleased , pleaseth , pleasure , well , will , would , desireth -0183 coveteth , desire , desired , {desireth} , desirous , longed , longeth , lusted , lusteth , desireth -0559 and , answer , answered , appoint , appointed , as , avouched , bade , bid , bidden , boast , call , called , certified , challengeth , charged , command , commanded , commandeth , commandment , commune , consider , declared , demanded , desired , {desireth} , determined , expressly , intend , intendest , name , named , people , plainly , promised , promisedst , published , purpose , reported , requirest , said , saidst , saith , say , sayest , saying , spake , spakest , speak , speaketh , spoken , strong , suppose , talked , tell , termed , the , think , thinking , thought , told , use , uttereth , verily , yet , desireth -2530 beauty , beloved , covet , coveted , delectable , delight , desire , desired , {desireth} , goodly , lust , pleasant , precious , desireth -2655 delight , desire , {desireth} , favour , please , pleasure , willing , wish , would , desireth -2656 acceptable , delight , delightsome , desire , desired , {desireth} , pleasant , pleasure , purpose , willingly , desireth -7592 ask , asked , askest , asketh , asking , beg , borrow , borrowed , charge , consulted , consulter , demand , demanded , desire , desired , desiredst , {desireth} , enquire , enquired , leave , lent , obtained , pray , requested , require , required , wished , wishing , desireth -7602 desire , {desireth} , devour , hasteth , pant , panted , snuffed , snuffeth , swallow , swallowed , swalloweth , desireth -8378 dainty , desire , {desireth} , greedily , lust , lusting , pleasant , desirous -0183 coveteth , desire , desired , desireth , {desirous} , longed , longeth , lusted , lusteth , despair -2976 craftsman , {despair} , desperate , hope , direct -5414 add , applied , appoint , appointed , ascribe , ascribed , assigned , bestow , bestowed , bring , bringeth , brought , cast , cause , caused , causeth , charge , charged , cometh , commit , committed , confusion , considered , count , cried , deliver , delivered , deliveredst , delivereth , {direct} , distribute , done , fasten , fastened , forth , frame , gave , gavest , give , given , givest , giveth , giving , gotten , grant , granted , hang , having , laid , lay , layeth , leave , left , lend , let , lift , liftest , made , make , maketh , occupied , offer , ordained , over , oversight , paid , pay , perform , place , placed , plant , pour , presented , print , pulled , put , puttest , putteth , putting , recompense , recompensed , recompensing , requite , restored , send , sendeth , sent , set , setting , shew , shewed , direct -3384 archers , cast , casteth , {direct} , inform , instructed , laid , rain , shewed , shoot , shooters , shot , taught , teach , teacher , teachers , teacheth , teaching , watered , direct -3474 brought , {direct} , directeth , fitted , good , meet , right , straight , upright , uprightly , direct -3559 aright , certain , certainty , confirm , confirmed , deed , {direct} , directed , directeth , establish , established , faithfulness , fashion , fashioned , fastened , firm , fitted , fixed , frame , meet , ordained , order , ordered , perfect , preparation , prepare , prepared , preparest , prepareth , provide , provided , provideth , provision , ready , right , set , setteth , stable , stablish , stablished , stablisheth , standeth , stood , tarry , very , direct -3787 {direct} , prosper , right , direct -6186 array , compare , compared , {direct} , directed , equal , esteem , estimate , expert , furnish , furnished , handle , joined , ordained , order , ordered , prepare , prepared , preparest , put , set , taxed , value , directed -3559 aright , certain , certainty , confirm , confirmed , deed , direct , {directed} , directeth , establish , established , faithfulness , fashion , fashioned , fastened , firm , fitted , fixed , frame , meet , ordained , order , ordered , perfect , preparation , prepare , prepared , preparest , prepareth , provide , provided , provideth , provision , ready , right , set , setteth , stable , stablish , stablished , stablisheth , standeth , stood , tarry , very , directed -6186 array , compare , compared , direct , {directed} , equal , esteem , estimate , expert , furnish , furnished , handle , joined , ordained , order , ordered , prepare , prepared , preparest , put , set , taxed , value , directed -8505 bear , {directed} , equal , meted , pondereth , told , weighed , weigheth , directeth -3474 brought , direct , {directeth} , fitted , good , meet , right , straight , upright , uprightly , directeth -3559 aright , certain , certainty , confirm , confirmed , deed , direct , directed , {directeth} , establish , established , faithfulness , fashion , fashioned , fastened , firm , fitted , fixed , frame , meet , ordained , order , ordered , perfect , preparation , prepare , prepared , preparest , prepareth , provide , provided , provideth , provision , ready , right , set , setteth , stable , stablish , stablished , stablisheth , standeth , stood , tarry , very , directly -1903 {directly} , dirt -2916 clay , {dirt} , mire , dirt -6574 {dirt} , empire -4438 all , {empire} , kingdom , kingdoms , realm , reign , royal , enquire -1158 boil , {enquire} , sought , swelling , enquire -1239 {enquire} , enquiry , search , seek , enquire -1240 {enquire} , search , enquire -1875 ask , cared , careth , {enquire} , enquired , examine , inquisition , questioned , regard , require , required , search , searchest , searcheth , seek , seeketh , seeking , sought , the , enquire -7592 ask , asked , askest , asketh , asking , beg , borrow , borrowed , charge , consulted , consulter , demand , demanded , desire , desired , desiredst , desireth , {enquire} , enquired , leave , lent , obtained , pray , requested , require , required , wished , wishing , enquired -1245 ask , asked , begging , besought , desire , {enquired} , enquirest , get , inquisition , procureth , request , requested , require , required , requireth , seek , seekest , seeketh , sought , enquired -1875 ask , cared , careth , enquire , {enquired} , examine , inquisition , questioned , regard , require , required , search , searchest , searcheth , seek , seeketh , seeking , sought , the , enquired -7592 ask , asked , askest , asketh , asking , beg , borrow , borrowed , charge , consulted , consulter , demand , demanded , desire , desired , desiredst , desireth , enquire , {enquired} , leave , lent , obtained , pray , requested , require , required , wished , wishing , enquired -7836 betimes , diligently , early , {enquired} , morning , rising , seek , seeketh , enquirest -1245 ask , asked , begging , besought , desire , enquired , {enquirest} , get , inquisition , procureth , request , requested , require , required , requireth , seek , seekest , seeketh , sought , enquiry -1239 enquire , {enquiry} , search , seek , environ -5437 about , again , applied , aside , avoided , back , beset , besieged , bring , brought , came , carried , cast , changed , circuit , closed , compass , compassed , compasseth , compassing , driven , {environ} , every , fetch , go , gone , led , occasioned , remove , removed , returned , round , side , sit , turn , turned , turneth , walk , went , winding , expired -3615 accomplish , accomplished , bringeth , cease , ceaseth , consume , consumed , destroy , destroyed , destroyeth , determined , done , end , ended , {expired} , fail , failed , faileth , fainteth , finish , finished , fulfil , fulfilled , fully , left , longed , pass , pluck , quite , riddance , spend , spent , take , utterly , waste , wasted , wholly , expired -4390 accomplish , accomplished , become , confirm , end , {expired} , fenced , fill , filled , filledst , fillest , filleth , fulfil , fulfilled , full , fully , fulness , furnish , gather , gathered , overfloweth , overflown , presume , replenish , replenished , satisfied , satisfy , set , space , wholly , expired -8666 answers , {expired} , return , fair -2091 {fair} , gold , golden , weather , fair -2603 besought , {fair} , favour , favourable , favoured , given , gracious , graciously , intreated , merciful , mercy , pity , pray , supplication , fair -2889 clean , {fair} , pure , purer , fair -2896 beautiful , best , better , bountiful , cheerful , ease , {fair} , fairer , favour , fine , glad , good , goodlier , goodliest , goodly , goodness , goods , graciously , joyful , kind , kindly , kindness , liketh , loving , merry , most , pleasant , please , pleasing , pleasure , precious , prosperity , ready , sweet , wealth , welfare , well , fair -2898 {fair} , gladness , good , goodness , goods , joy , well , fair -3302 deck , {fair} , fairer , fair -3303 beautiful , comely , {fair} , fairest , pleasant , well , fair -3304 {fair} , very , fair -3948 doctrine , {fair} , learning , speech , fair -4758 apparently , appearance , appearances , appeareth , beauty , countenance , countenances , {fair} , favoured , form , goodly , look , pattern , see , seem , sight , soon , visage , vision , fair -6320 colours , esek , {fair} , glistering , painting , fair -8509 {fair} , garment , fair -8597 beautiful , beauty , bravery , comely , {fair} , glorious , glory , honour , fairer -2896 beautiful , best , better , bountiful , cheerful , ease , fair , {fairer} , favour , fine , glad , good , goodlier , goodliest , goodly , goodness , goods , graciously , joyful , kind , kindly , kindness , liketh , loving , merry , most , pleasant , please , pleasing , pleasure , precious , prosperity , ready , sweet , wealth , welfare , well , fairer -3302 deck , fair , {fairer} , fairest -3303 beautiful , comely , fair , {fairest} , pleasant , well , fairs -5801 {fairs} , wares , fir -1265 {fir} , fire -0215 break , day , enlightened , enlightening , {fire} , glorious , kindle , light , lighten , lightened , lighteneth , shine , shined , shineth , fire -0217 {fire} , fires , light , fire -0784 burning , fiery , {fire} , flaming , hot , idol , fire -1200 {fire} , fire -3857 burn , burned , burneth , {fire} , flaming , kindleth , setteth , fire -5135 fiery , {fire} , firebrand -0181 brand , {firebrand} , firebrands , firebrand -3940 brands , burning , {firebrand} , firebrands , lamp , lamps , lightnings , torch , torches , firebrands -0181 brand , firebrand , {firebrands} , firebrands -2131 chains , fetters , {firebrands} , sparks , firebrands -3940 brands , burning , firebrand , {firebrands} , lamp , lamps , lightnings , torch , torches , firepans -4289 censer , censers , {firepans} , snuffdishes , fires -0217 fire , {fires} , light , firm -1277 fat , fatfleshed , fatter , fed , {firm} , plenteous , rank , firm -3332 cast , cleaveth , down , {firm} , groweth , hard , laid , molten , overflown , pour , poured , ran , set , stedfast , firm -3559 aright , certain , certainty , confirm , confirmed , deed , direct , directed , directeth , establish , established , faithfulness , fashion , fashioned , fastened , {firm} , fitted , fixed , frame , meet , ordained , order , ordered , perfect , preparation , prepare , prepared , preparest , prepareth , provide , provided , provideth , provision , ready , right , set , setteth , stable , stablish , stablished , stablisheth , standeth , stood , tarry , very , firm -8631 become , {firm} , hardened , strong , firmament -7549 {firmament} , first -0259 alike , alone , altogether , another , any , apiece , certain , each , every , few , {first} , once , one , only , other , some , the , together , first -1060 eldest , {first} , firstborn , firstling , firstlings , first -1069 bring , bringeth , {first} , firstborn , firstling , new , first -1073 {first} , first -1121 age , and , appointed , arrows , beno , born , bough , branch , branches , breed , calves , child , children , colt , colts , common , corn , daughter , daughters , father , {first} , foal , high , in , man , meet , men , nephews , old , ones , people , soldiers , son , sons , that , the , to , whelps , worthy , young , youths , first -1323 apple , company , daughter , {first} , old , towns , villages , first -2298 {first} , one , together , first -2490 and , began , begin , beginnest , begun , break , broken , cast , common , defile , defiled , defiledst , defileth , eat , eaten , {first} , gather , inheritance , of , piped , players , pollute , polluted , polluting , profane , profaned , profaneth , profaning , prostitute , slain , slayeth , slew , sorrow , stain , wounded , first -3138 again , {first} , former , rain , first -4395 {first} , fruit , fruits , fulness , first -6440 afore , aforetime , against , anger , appease , at , attend , because , before , beforetime , broken , countenance , edge , endure , face , faces , favour , fear , {first} , forefront , forepart , form , former , forth , forward , front , heaviness , him , himself , long , look , looked , looketh , meet , more , nay , old , open , over , overseers , person , persons , presence , prospect , purge , purposed , reason , right , seemeth , shewbread , sight , state , than , themselves , through , till , time , toward , with , within , first -6933 {first} , first -7218 bands , beginning , beginnings , captain , captains , chapiters , chief , chiefest , companies , company , ends , every , excellent , {first} , forefront , head , heads , height , high , highest , lead , principal , rulers , sum , top , tops , first -7223 aforetime , ancestors , before , beforetime , beginning , chief , eldest , {first} , foremost , former , old , past , first -7224 {first} , first -7225 beginning , chief , chiefest , {first} , firstfruit , firstfruits , much , principal , time , first -8462 begin , beginning , {first} , time , firstborn -1060 eldest , first , {firstborn} , firstling , firstlings , firstborn -1062 birthright , {firstborn} , firstlings , firstborn -1067 {firstborn} , firstborn -1069 bring , bringeth , first , {firstborn} , firstling , new , firstfruit -7225 beginning , chief , chiefest , first , {firstfruit} , firstfruits , much , principal , time , firstfruits -1061 came , {firstfruits} , firstripe , fruit , hasty , firstfruits -7225 beginning , chief , chiefest , first , firstfruit , {firstfruits} , much , principal , time , firstling -1060 eldest , first , firstborn , {firstling} , firstlings , firstling -1069 bring , bringeth , first , firstborn , {firstling} , new , firstling -6363 {firstling} , open , openeth , firstlings -1060 eldest , first , firstborn , firstling , {firstlings} , firstlings -1062 birthright , firstborn , {firstlings} , firstripe -1061 came , firstfruits , {firstripe} , fruit , hasty , firstripe -1063 {firstripe} , gird -0247 about , bindeth , compass , {gird} , girded , girdeth , girt , taken , gird -0640 bound , {gird} , gird -2290 aprons , armour , {gird} , girdle , sharp , gird -2296 able , afraid , appointed , {gird} , girded , girdeth , girding , put , restrain , side , girded -0247 about , bindeth , compass , gird , {girded} , girdeth , girt , taken , girded -0631 array , bands , bind , bindeth , bound , {girded} , girdeth , harness , held , kept , order , prepare , prison , prisoners , ready , set , tie , tied , girded -2280 bind , bindeth , bound , {girded} , govern , healer , put , saddle , saddled , wrapped , girded -2289 {girded} , girdles , girded -2296 able , afraid , appointed , gird , {girded} , girdeth , girding , put , restrain , side , girded -8151 {girded} , girdeth -0247 about , bindeth , compass , gird , girded , {girdeth} , girt , taken , girdeth -0631 array , bands , bind , bindeth , bound , girded , {girdeth} , harness , held , kept , order , prepare , prison , prisoners , ready , set , tie , tied , girdeth -2296 able , afraid , appointed , gird , girded , {girdeth} , girding , put , restrain , side , girding -2296 able , afraid , appointed , gird , girded , girdeth , {girding} , put , restrain , side , girding -4228 {girding} , these , girdle -0073 {girdle} , girdles , girdle -0232 {girdle} , girdles , girdle -2290 aprons , armour , gird , {girdle} , sharp , girdle -2805 {girdle} , girdle -4206 {girdle} , strength , girdles -0073 girdle , {girdles} , girdles -0232 girdle , {girdles} , girdles -2289 girded , {girdles} , girgashite -1622 {girgashite} , girgashites , girgasite , girgashites -1622 girgashite , {girgashites} , girgasite , girgasite -1622 girgashite , girgashites , {girgasite} , girl -3207 damsel , {girl} , girls , girls -3207 damsel , girl , {girls} , girt -0247 about , bindeth , compass , gird , girded , girdeth , {girt} , taken , hair -1803 {hair} , pining , poor , poorest , hair -4748 {hair} , hair -4803 bright , fallen , furbished , {hair} , peeled , plucked , hair -5145 consecration , crown , {hair} , separation , hair -8177 {hair} , hairs , hair -8181 {hair} , hairs , hairy , rough , hair -8185 {hair} , hairs , hairs -8177 hair , {hairs} , hairs -8181 hair , {hairs} , hairy , rough , hairs -8185 hair , {hairs} , hairy -8163 devils , goat , goats , {hairy} , kid , kids , rough , satyr , satyrs , hairy -8181 hair , hairs , {hairy} , rough , havothjair -2334 {havothjair} , heir -3423 bound , cast , consume , destroy , disinherit , dispossess , dispossessed , drave , drive , driven , driving , drove , enjoy , expelled , got , {heir} , heirs , inherit , inheritance , inherited , inheritor , poor , possess , possessed , possessest , possesseth , possession , poverty , seize , succeeded , succeedest , take , heirs -3423 bound , cast , consume , destroy , disinherit , dispossess , dispossessed , drave , drive , driven , driving , drove , enjoy , expelled , got , heir , {heirs} , inherit , inheritance , inherited , inheritor , poor , possess , possessed , possessest , possesseth , possession , poverty , seize , succeeded , succeedest , take , hezir -2387 {hezir} , hirah -2437 {hirah} , hiram -2438 {hiram} , huram , war , hire -0868 {hire} , hires , reward , hire -4242 gain , {hire} , price , worth , hire -7936 earneth , {hire} , hired , rewardeth , wages , hire -7937 abide , abundantly , drink , drunk , drunken , {hire} , merry , hire -7939 fare , {hire} , price , reward , rewarded , wages , worth , hired -7916 {hired} , hireling , servant , hired -7917 {hired} , hired -7936 earneth , hire , {hired} , rewardeth , wages , hired -8566 {hired} , hireling -7916 hired , {hireling} , servant , hires -0868 hire , {hires} , reward , hirest -7806 {hirest} , twined , hothir -1956 {hothir} , infirmity -1738 faint , {infirmity} , infirmity -2470 become , besought , carefully , diseased , grief , grieved , grievous , {infirmity} , intreat , intreated , laid , pain , pray , prayer , sick , sore , sorry , suit , travail , weak , when , wounded , infirmity -4245 disease , diseases , {infirmity} , sickness , inspiration -5397 blast , breath , breathe , breathed , breatheth , {inspiration} , souls , spirit , ir -5893 {ir} , ira -5896 {ira} , irad -5897 {irad} , iram -5902 {iram} , iru , iri -5901 {iri} , irijah -3376 {irijah} , irnahash -5904 {irnahash} , iron -1270 ax , head , {iron} , iron -3375 {iron} , iron -6523 {iron} , persian , irons -7905 barbed , {irons} , irpeel -3416 {irpeel} , irshemesh -5905 {irshemesh} , iru -5902 iram , {iru} , jair -2971 {jair} , jairite -2972 {jairite} , jattir -3492 {jattir} , jehovahjireh -3070 {jehovahjireh} , kir -7024 {kir} , kirharaseth -7025 {kirharaseth} , kirhareseth , kirharesh , kirheres , kirhareseth -7025 kirharaseth , {kirhareseth} , kirharesh , kirheres , kirharesh -7025 kirharaseth , kirhareseth , {kirharesh} , kirheres , kirheres -7025 kirharaseth , kirhareseth , kirharesh , {kirheres} , kiriathaim -7156 {kiriathaim} , kirjathaim , kiriathaim -7741 {kiriathaim} , shaveh , kirioth -7152 kerioth , {kirioth} , kirjath -7157 {kirjath} , kirjatharim , kirjathjearim , kirjathaim -7156 kiriathaim , {kirjathaim} , kirjatharba -7153 {kirjatharba} , kirjatharim -7157 kirjath , {kirjatharim} , kirjathjearim , kirjathbaal -7154 {kirjathbaal} , kirjathhuzoth -7155 {kirjathhuzoth} , kirjathjearim -7157 kirjath , kirjatharim , {kirjathjearim} , kirjathsannah -7158 {kirjathsannah} , kirjathsepher , kirjathsepher -7158 kirjathsannah , {kirjathsepher} , lahairoi -0883 beerlahairoi , {lahairoi} , well , machir -4353 {machir} , machirites -4354 {machirites} , malchiram -4443 {malchiram} , mehir -4243 {mehir} , miracle -4159 {miracle} , miracles , sign , wonder , wondered , wonders , miracles -0226 ensign , ensigns , mark , {miracles} , sign , signs , token , tokens , miracles -4159 miracle , {miracles} , sign , wonder , wondered , wonders , miracles -6381 accomplish , hard , hidden , high , make , marvellous , marvellously , marvels , {miracles} , performing , separate , singular , wonderful , wonderfully , wonderously , wonders , wondrous , wondrously , work , mire -1206 {mire} , mire -1207 fens , {mire} , miry , mire -2563 clay , heap , heaps , homer , homers , {mire} , morter , mire -2916 clay , dirt , {mire} , mire -3121 {mire} , miry , mire -7516 {mire} , miriam -4813 {miriam} , mirma -4821 {mirma} , mirth -4885 joy , {mirth} , rejoice , rejoiceth , mirth -7797 glad , {mirth} , rejoice , rejoiced , rejoiceth , mirth -8057 exceeding , exceedingly , gladness , joy , joyfulness , {mirth} , pleasure , rejoice , rejoiced , rejoicing , mirth -8342 enemies , gladness , joy , {mirth} , rejoicing , miry -1207 fens , mire , {miry} , miry -2917 {miry} , miry -3121 mire , {miry} , ophir -0211 {ophir} , pihahiroth -6367 {pihahiroth} , piram -6502 {piram} , pirathon -6552 {pirathon} , pirathonite -6553 {pirathonite} , repair -2318 renew , renewed , renewest , {repair} , repair -2388 became , behave , caught , clave , confirm , confirmed , constant , constrained , continued , courage , courageous , courageously , encourage , encouraged , established , fasten , fastened , force , fortified , fortify , harden , hardened , harder , held , help , hold , holden , holdeth , leaneth , maintain , men , mend , mighty , obtain , prevail , prevailed , received , recovered , relieve , {repair} , repaired , retain , retained , retaineth , seized , sore , stout , strength , strengthen , strengthened , strong , stronger , sure , take , taken , taketh , took , urgent , valiantly , withstand , repair -2393 mightily , {repair} , strong , repair -5975 abide , abideth , able , abode , appoint , appointed , arise , arose , behind , ceased , confirmed , continue , continued , continueth , dwell , employed , endure , endureth , enduring , establish , established , establisheth , forth , left , made , ordained , over , placed , present , presented , raised , raiseth , remain , remained , remaineth , {repair} , serve , served , set , setteth , settle , settled , stablished , stand , standest , standeth , standing , stay , stayed , still , stood , stoodest , tarried , tarry , the , waited , withstand , withstood , repaired -1129 before , build , builded , buildedst , builders , buildest , buildeth , building , built , children , he , his , made , obtain , people , {repaired} , set , this , unto , repaired -2388 became , behave , caught , clave , confirm , confirmed , constant , constrained , continued , courage , courageous , courageously , encourage , encouraged , established , fasten , fastened , force , fortified , fortify , harden , hardened , harder , held , help , hold , holden , holdeth , leaneth , maintain , men , mend , mighty , obtain , prevail , prevailed , received , recovered , relieve , repair , {repaired} , retain , retained , retaineth , seized , sore , stout , strength , strengthen , strengthened , strong , stronger , sure , take , taken , taketh , took , urgent , valiantly , withstand , repaired -2421 alive , life , like , live , lived , lives , liveth , nourish , nourished , preserve , preservest , preserveth , promising , quicken , quickened , recover , recovered , {repaired} , restored , revive , revived , save , saved , saving , whole , repaired -5462 closed , deliver , delivered , gave , given , inclosed , over , pure , {repaired} , shut , shutteth , shutting , stop , repaired -7495 cure , heal , healed , healeth , made , physician , physicians , {repaired} , thoroughly , whole , repaired -7760 appoint , appointed , bring , brought , called , cast , change , charged , commit , consider , convey , determined , disposed , doeth , done , gave , gavest , give , given , had , heap , holdeth , impute , laid , laidst , lay , layest , layeth , look , made , make , makest , maketh , mark , ordain , ordained , ordereth , place , placed , preserve , purposed , put , puttest , putteth , putting , regarding , rehearse , {repaired} , rewarded , set , settest , setteth , shed , shew , shewed , stedfastly , take , took , turn , turned , turneth , wholly , wrought , repairer -1443 close , fenced , hedged , inclosed , made , make , masons , {repairer} , repairing -3247 bottom , foundation , foundations , {repairing} , require -0977 acceptable , appoint , choice , choose , choosest , chooseth , chose , chosen , excellent , joined , rather , {require} , require -1245 ask , asked , begging , besought , desire , enquired , enquirest , get , inquisition , procureth , request , requested , {require} , required , requireth , seek , seekest , seeketh , sought , require -1875 ask , cared , careth , enquire , enquired , examine , inquisition , questioned , regard , {require} , required , search , searchest , searcheth , seek , seeketh , seeking , sought , the , require -3117 age , ago , at , continuance , daily , day , days , full , life , live , livest , liveth , long , now , old , presently , remaineth , {require} , required , season , space , then , time , times , weather , when , while , whole , year , yearly , years , require -7592 ask , asked , askest , asketh , asking , beg , borrow , borrowed , charge , consulted , consulter , demand , demanded , desire , desired , desiredst , desireth , enquire , enquired , leave , lent , obtained , pray , requested , {require} , required , wished , wishing , require -7593 asked , demanded , {require} , requireth , required -1245 ask , asked , begging , besought , desire , enquired , enquirest , get , inquisition , procureth , request , requested , require , {required} , requireth , seek , seekest , seeketh , sought , required -1875 ask , cared , careth , enquire , enquired , examine , inquisition , questioned , regard , require , {required} , search , searchest , searcheth , seek , seeketh , seeking , sought , the , required -1961 abode , accomplished , am , became , becamest , become , been , being , brake , brought , came , cause , caused , come , cometh , committed , continue , continued , count , did , done , endure , endured , enjoy , fainted , fell , follow , go , gone , had , happened , hast , hath , have , keep , lasted , made , pertained , pertaineth , quit , reach , received , remain , remained , {required} , take , wast , wear , went , when , which , required -3117 age , ago , at , continuance , daily , day , days , full , life , live , livest , liveth , long , now , old , presently , remaineth , require , {required} , season , space , then , time , times , weather , when , while , whole , year , yearly , years , required -7592 ask , asked , askest , asketh , asking , beg , borrow , borrowed , charge , consulted , consulter , demand , demanded , desire , desired , desiredst , desireth , enquire , enquired , leave , lent , obtained , pray , requested , require , {required} , wished , wishing , requirest -0559 and , answer , answered , appoint , appointed , as , avouched , bade , bid , bidden , boast , call , called , certified , challengeth , charged , command , commanded , commandeth , commandment , commune , consider , declared , demanded , desired , desireth , determined , expressly , intend , intendest , name , named , people , plainly , promised , promisedst , published , purpose , reported , {requirest} , said , saidst , saith , say , sayest , saying , spake , spakest , speak , speaketh , spoken , strong , suppose , talked , tell , termed , the , think , thinking , thought , told , use , uttereth , verily , yet , requireth -1245 ask , asked , begging , besought , desire , enquired , enquirest , get , inquisition , procureth , request , requested , require , required , {requireth} , seek , seekest , seeketh , sought , requireth -7593 asked , demanded , require , {requireth} , retire -5756 flee , gather , {retire} , retire -7725 again , answer , answered , answereth , averse , back , bring , bringeth , bringing , brought , call , came , camest , carried , carry , case , cease , chief , come , cometh , consider , considereth , convert , converted , converting , converts , deliver , deny , drawn , drew , father , fetch , fro , gave , get , give , go , gone , hinder , home , let , manasseh , more , past , pay , perverted , pull , put , recall , recompense , recompensed , recover , recovered , refresheth , relieve , render , rendered , repent , reported , requite , requited , requiting , rescue , restore , restored , restorer , restoreth , {retire} , return , returned , returneth , reverse , reward , rewardeth , sent , set , slidden , taken , turn , turned , turnest , turneth , turning , was , went , withdraw , withdrawest , withdrawn , withdrew , retired -2015 aside , back , become , came , change , changed , converted , make , overthrew , overthrow , overthrown , overturn , overturned , overturneth , perverse , perverted , {retired} , tumbled , turn , turned , turneth , turning , retired -6327 abroad , breaketh , cast , dasheth , disperse , dispersed , drive , {retired} , scatter , scattered , scattereth , shaken , spread , saphir -8208 {saphir} , sapphire -5601 ass , {sapphire} , sapphires , sapphires -5601 ass , sapphire , {sapphires} , seir -8165 {seir} , seirath -8167 {seirath} , senir -8149 {senir} , shenir , shamir -8069 {shamir} , shemiramoth -8070 {shemiramoth} , shenir -8149 senir , {shenir} , sir -0113 lord , lords , master , masters , owner , {sir} , sirah -5626 {sirah} , sirion -8304 seraiah , {sirion} , skirt -3671 another , borders , corner , corners , ends , feathered , flying , one , other , overspreading , quarters , {skirt} , skirts , sort , uttermost , wing , winged , wings , skirts -3671 another , borders , corner , corners , ends , feathered , flying , one , other , overspreading , quarters , skirt , {skirts} , sort , uttermost , wing , winged , wings , skirts -6310 accord , according , after , appointment , assent , collar , command , commandment , eat , edge , end , entry , go , hole , mind , mouth , mouths , parts , portion , saith , sayings , sentence , {skirts} , sound , speech , spoken , talk , tenor , two , when , wish , word , skirts -7757 hem , hems , {skirts} , train , spirit -0178 bottles , familiar , lord , {spirit} , spirits , spirit -5397 blast , breath , breathe , breathed , breatheth , inspiration , souls , {spirit} , spirit -7307 air , anger , blast , breath , cool , courage , mind , quarters , side , sides , {spirit} , spirits , spiritual , tempest , vain , wind , winds , windy , spirit -7308 {spirit} , wind , winds , spirits -0178 bottles , familiar , lord , spirit , {spirits} , spirits -7307 air , anger , blast , breath , cool , courage , mind , quarters , side , sides , spirit , {spirits} , spiritual , tempest , vain , wind , winds , windy , spiritual -7307 air , anger , blast , breath , cool , courage , mind , quarters , side , sides , spirit , spirits , {spiritual} , tempest , vain , wind , winds , windy , stairs -3883 appointment , if , {stairs} , stairs -4095 {stairs} , steep , stairs -4608 ascent , before , bring , chiefest , cliff , going , high , hill , mounting , {stairs} , stairs -4609 come , degrees , dial , go , goeth , {stairs} , steps , stories , stir -5782 arise , awake , awakest , lifted , lifting , master , raise , raised , {stir} , stirred , stirreth , wake , waked , wakened , wakeneth , waketh , stir -5927 arise , ariseth , arose , ascend , ascended , ascending , began , breaketh , breaking , bring , bringeth , broken , brought , broughtest , burn , burnt , came , carried , carry , cast , chew , cheweth , climb , climbed , come , cometh , cut , dawning , depart , departed , exalted , excellest , fell , fetch , fetched , gat , get , getteth , go , goest , goeth , going , gone , grow , groweth , grown , increased , increaseth , laid , leap , leaped , levy , lifted , lifteth , light , lighted , lightest , lighteth , mentioned , mount , offer , offered , offereth , offering , over , pay , prefer , put , raised , recovered , restore , rise , riseth , rising , rose , scaleth , set , setteth , shooting , shot , spring , {stir} , take , taken , took , vapour , went , wentest , wrought , stir -6965 abide , accomplish , against , arise , ariseth , arising , arose , before , clearer , confirm , confirmed , confirmeth , continue , decreed , dim , endure , enemies , enjoined , establish , established , establisheth , get , grown , help , hold , lift , newly , ordained , perform , performed , performeth , pitch , raise , raised , raiseth , rear , reared , remain , rise , risen , risest , riseth , rising , rose , rouse , set , stablish , stand , {stir} , stirred , stood , strengthen , succeed , sure , upholden , uprising , stirred -1624 contend , meddle , {stirred} , stirreth , striven , stirred -5375 able , accept , accepted , accepteth , advanced , bare , barest , bear , beareth , bearing , borne , bring , bringing , brought , burned , carried , carrieth , carry , carrying , cast , contain , ease , exalt , exalted , extolled , fetch , fetched , forgavest , forgive , forgiven , forgiving , forth , furnished , furthered , given , have , help , helped , high , hold , laded , laden , laid , lift , lifted , liftest , lifteth , lifting , lofty , magnified , married , obtained , offer , pardon , pardoneth , pluck , raise , receive , regard , regardeth , respect , respected , set , setteth , spare , {stirred} , suffer , suffered , sware , swear , sworn , take , taken , takest , taketh , took , wear , wearing , yield , stirred -5496 away , entice , moved , movedst , persuade , persuaded , persuadeth , provoked , set , setteth , {stirred} , take , stirred -5782 arise , awake , awakest , lifted , lifting , master , raise , raised , stir , {stirred} , stirreth , wake , waked , wakened , wakeneth , waketh , stirred -5916 {stirred} , trouble , troubled , troubler , troubleth , troublous , stirred -6965 abide , accomplish , against , arise , ariseth , arising , arose , before , clearer , confirm , confirmed , confirmeth , continue , decreed , dim , endure , enemies , enjoined , establish , established , establisheth , get , grown , help , hold , lift , newly , ordained , perform , performed , performeth , pitch , raise , raised , raiseth , rear , reared , remain , rise , risen , risest , riseth , rising , rose , rouse , set , stablish , stand , stir , {stirred} , stood , strengthen , succeed , sure , upholden , uprising , stirreth -1624 contend , meddle , stirred , {stirreth} , striven , stirreth -5782 arise , awake , awakest , lifted , lifting , master , raise , raised , stir , stirred , {stirreth} , wake , waked , wakened , wakeneth , waketh , stirs -8663 crying , noise , shoutings , {stirs} , their -0001 altars , and , chief , father , fathers , groves , houses , principal , {their} , their -0127 country , earth , ground , husbandry , land , lands , {their} , theirs -1992 same , so , such , {theirs} , themselves , these , this , those , whence , which , who , whom , withal , theirs -2007 such , {theirs} , thence , therein , these , this , those , third -7969 {third} , thirteen , three , third -7992 old , {third} , three , third -8027 old , {third} , three , threefold , years , third -8029 {third} , third -8523 {third} , third -8531 {third} , thirst -6770 athirst , {thirst} , thirsted , thirsteth , thirsty , thirst -6771 {thirst} , thirsteth , thirsty , two , thirst -6772 {thirst} , thirsty , thirst -6773 {thirst} , thirsted -6770 athirst , thirst , {thirsted} , thirsteth , thirsty , thirsteth -6770 athirst , thirst , thirsted , {thirsteth} , thirsty , thirsteth -6771 thirst , {thirsteth} , thirsty , two , thirsty -6770 athirst , thirst , thirsted , thirsteth , {thirsty} , thirsty -6771 thirst , thirsteth , {thirsty} , two , thirsty -6772 thirst , {thirsty} , thirsty -6774 drought , dry , {thirsty} , thirteen -7969 third , {thirteen} , three , thirtieth -7970 of , {thirtieth} , thirty , thirty -7970 of , thirtieth , {thirty} , thirty -8533 {thirty} , tiras -8493 {tiras} , tiria , tirathites -8654 {tirathites} , tire -6287 beauty , bonnets , goodly , ornaments , {tire} , tires , tired -3190 accepted , amend , aright , benefit , best , better , cheer , cheerful , comely , diligent , diligently , do , dresseth , earnestly , favour , give , good , merry , please , pleased , shewed , skilfully , small , sweet , thoroughly , {tired} , trimmest , very , well , tires -6287 beauty , bonnets , goodly , ornaments , tire , {tires} , tires -7720 ornaments , round , {tires} , tirhakah -8640 {tirhakah} , tirhanah -8647 {tirhanah} , tiria -8493 tiras , {tiria} , tirshatha -8660 {tirshatha} , tirzah -8656 {tirzah} , uncircumcised -6189 {uncircumcised} , uncircumcised -6190 foreskin , foreskins , {uncircumcised} , ungirded -6605 break , drawn , engrave , forth , free , grave , graved , graven , loose , loosed , looseth , open , opened , openest , openeth , opening , put , putteth , set , spread , {ungirded} , unstopped , vent , wide , virgin -1330 maid , maiden , maidens , maids , {virgin} , virgins , virgin -5959 damsels , maid , {virgin} , virgins , virginity -1331 maid , {virginity} , virgins -1330 maid , maiden , maidens , maids , virgin , {virgins} , virgins -5959 damsels , maid , virgin , {virgins} , virtuous -2428 able , activity , armies , army , band , company , forces , goods , host , hosts , might , mighty , power , riches , soldiers , strength , strong , substance , train , valiant , valiantly , valour , {virtuous} , virtuously , wealth , worthily , worthy , virtuously -2428 able , activity , armies , army , band , company , forces , goods , host , hosts , might , mighty , power , riches , soldiers , strength , strong , substance , train , valiant , valiantly , valour , virtuous , {virtuously} , wealth , worthily , worthy , whirleth -1980 about , abroad , along , behaved , bring , came , camest , carried , carry , come , cometh , coming , continually , conversant , depart , departed , eased , enter , exercise , forward , get , go , goest , goeth , going , gone , greater , haunt , lead , march , more , moveth , pass , passeth , point , prospered , ran , run , running , sent , speedily , takest , travelleth , walk , walked , walkest , walketh , walking , wandered , waxed , went , wentest , {whirleth} , wont , wrought , whirlwind -5492 red , storm , tempest , {whirlwind} , whirlwinds , whirlwind -5590 driven , tempest , troubled , {whirlwind} , whirlwind -5591 storm , stormy , tempest , {whirlwind} , whirlwinds , whirlwind -8175 afraid , come , feared , horribly , hurleth , take , tempestuous , {whirlwind} , whirlwinds -5492 red , storm , tempest , whirlwind , {whirlwinds} , whirlwinds -5591 storm , stormy , tempest , whirlwind , {whirlwinds} , wires -6616 bound , bracelets , lace , line , ribband , sakes , thread , {wires} ,