-acheiropoietos- ......... hands 0886 -acheiropoietos- > -acheiropoietos- ......... made 0886 -acheiropoietos- > -acheiropoietos- ......... not made 0886 -acheiropoietos- > -acheiropoietos- ......... with hands 0886 -acheiropoietos- > -acheiropoietos- ......... without 0886 -acheiropoietos- > -airo- ......... and him that taketh 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... and take 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... and taketh 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... and that they might be taken 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... and there was taken 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... And they lifted 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... and they took 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... And they took 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... and took 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... and was taken 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... Away 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... away 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... be put 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... Be thou removed 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... by , Take 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... dost thou make 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... for thee to carry 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... for to take 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... for ye have taken 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... he taketh 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... him , and I will take 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... him , he taketh 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... him away 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... is taken 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... it up taketh 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... let him take 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... lifted 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... loosing 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... man should take 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... not , from him shall be taken 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... not shall be taken 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... not that thou shouldest take 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... of thee ; and of him that taketh 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... out , Away 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... shall be taken 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... take 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... Take 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... taken 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... taketh 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... taking 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... that , they lifted 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... that he might take 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... them , and took 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... them that they should take 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... therein , to take 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... they have taken 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... they shall bear 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... They shall take 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... they took 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... thou takest 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... to bear 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... to take 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... to us , and took 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... took 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... unto me , Take 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... unto thee , Take 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... unto them , Take 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... unto them , They have taken 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... unto us , he took 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... was taken 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... when they had taken 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... which was borne 0142 -airo- > -airo- ......... with him , away 0142 -airo- > -akaireomai- ......... but ye lacked 0170 -akaireomai- > -akaireomai- ......... opportunity 0170 -akaireomai- > -akairos- ......... out of season 0171 -akairos- > -anaireo- ......... And he killed 0337 -anaireo- > -anaireo- ......... and slain 0337 -anaireo- > -anaireo- ......... and slew 0337 -anaireo- > -anaireo- ......... and when they were put 0337 -anaireo- > -anaireo- ......... away 0337 -anaireo- > -anaireo- ......... have killed 0337 -anaireo- > -anaireo- ......... He taketh 0337 -anaireo- > -anaireo- ......... me , as thou diddest 0337 -anaireo- > -anaireo- ......... of them that slew 0337 -anaireo- > -anaireo- ......... that he should be slain 0337 -anaireo- > -anaireo- ......... they have killed 0337 -anaireo- > -anaireo- ......... they might kill 0337 -anaireo- > -anaireo- ......... they slew 0337 -anaireo- > -anaireo- ......... thou kill 0337 -anaireo- > -anaireo- ......... to death 0337 -anaireo- > -anaireo- ......... to kill 0337 -anaireo- > -anaireo- ......... to slay 0337 -anaireo- > -anaireo- ......... took 0337 -anaireo- > -anaireo- ......... was slain 0337 -anaireo- > -anaireo- ......... with him to be put 0337 -anaireo- > -anairesis- ......... of death 0336 -anairesis- > -anairesis- ......... unto his death 0336 -anairesis- > -anantirrhetos- ......... against 0368 -anantirrhetos- > -anantirrhetos- ......... be spoken 0369 -anantirrhetos- > -anantirrhetos- ......... gainsaying 0369 -anantirrhetos- > -anantirrhetos- ......... I unto you without 0369 -anantirrhetos- > -anantirrhetos- ......... things cannot 0368 -anantirrhetos- > -apairo- ......... away 0522 -apairo- > -apairo- ......... shall be taken 0522 -apairo- > -apeirastos- ......... be tempted 0551 -apeirastos- > -apeirastos- ......... cannot 0551 -apeirastos- > -apeiros- ......... is unskilful 0552 -apeiros- > -aphaireo- ......... and cut 0851 -aphaireo- > -aphaireo- ......... and smote 0851 -aphaireo- > -aphaireo- ......... away 0851 -aphaireo- > -aphaireo- ......... I shall take 0851 -aphaireo- > -aphaireo- ......... man shall take 0851 -aphaireo- > -aphaireo- ......... me , to take 0851 -aphaireo- > -aphaireo- ......... off 0851 -aphaireo- > -aphaireo- ......... shall not be taken 0851 -aphaireo- > -aphaireo- ......... shall take 0851 -aphaireo- > -aphaireo- ......... should take 0851 -aphaireo- > -aphaireo- ......... taketh 0851 -aphaireo- > -authairetos- ......... accord 0830 -authairetos- > -authairetos- ......... of his own 0830 -authairetos- > -authairetos- ......... of themselves 0830 -authairetos- > -authairetos- ......... they were willing 0830 -authairetos- > -autocheir- ......... hands 0849 -autocheir- > -autocheir- ......... out with our own 0849 -autocheir- > -chairo- ......... All hail 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... and be glad 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... And I am glad 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... And they were glad 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... and will rejoice 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... as though they rejoiced 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... But I rejoiced 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... But rejoice 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... do rejoice 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... do ye joy 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... farewell 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... For I rejoiced 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... For we are glad 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... glad 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... greeting 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... Hail 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... him , Hail 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... him , rejoiceth 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... him joyfully 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... I am glad 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... I joy 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... I rejoice 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... it , and was glad 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... it , they were glad 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... joyed 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... joying 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... Let us be glad 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... may rejoice 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... me , ye would rejoice 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... men . I am glad 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... not ; and they that rejoice 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... rejoice 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... Rejoice 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... rejoiced 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... Rejoiceth 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... Rejoicing 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... rejoicing 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... send greeting 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... sendeth greeting 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... shall rejoice 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... that I rejoiced 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... they rejoiced 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... this , they were glad 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... to rejoice 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... unto you , he rejoiceth 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... was glad 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... we joy 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... with them that do rejoice 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... ye may be glad 5463 -chairo- > -chairo- ......... ye may rejoice 5463 -chairo- > -cheir- ......... And by the hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... and from the hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... and his hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... and in his hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... And in their hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... And the hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... be ! And the hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... by his hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... by his hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... by the hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... by the hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... by their hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... from his hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... Hath not my hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... her by the hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... her hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... her his hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... him by the hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... him hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... his hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... his hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... in her hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... in his hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... in his hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... in the hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... in their hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... is in his hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... it out : and his hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... it with mine own hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... man by the hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... me out of the hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... my hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... my hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... not the hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... not their hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... of hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... of my hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... of the hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... of their hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... of their own hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... of thy hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... out his hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... out of our hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... out of the hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... out of their hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... own hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... the hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... the hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... thee : and in their hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... their hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... them by the hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... them his hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... them in their hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... them out of my hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... they their hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... thy hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... thy hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... unto the hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... unto them his hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... unto them with the hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... up his hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... up his hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... up the hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... upon , and our hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... with hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... with his hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... with his hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... with the hand 5495 -cheir- > -cheir- ......... your hands 5495 -cheir- > -cheiragogeo- ......... being led 5496 -cheiragogeo- > -cheiragogeo- ......... but they led 5496 -cheiragogeo- > -cheiragogeo- ......... by the hand 5496 -cheiragogeo- > -cheiragogeo- ......... him by the hand 5496 -cheiragogeo- > -cheiragogos- ......... him by the hand 5497 -cheiragogos- > -cheiragogos- ......... some to lead 5497 -cheiragogos- > -cheirographon- ......... out the handwriting 5498 - cheirographon- > -cheiron- ......... a worse 5501 -cheiron- > -cheiron- ......... and is worse 5501 -cheiron- > -cheiron- ......... and worse 5501 -cheiron- > -cheiron- ......... is worse 5501 -cheiron- > -cheiron- ......... shall be worse 5501 -cheiron- > -cheiron- ......... sorer 5501 -cheiron- > -cheiron- ......... worse 5501 -cheiron- > -cheiropoietos- ......... by hands 5499 -cheiropoietos- > -cheiropoietos- ......... made 5499 -cheiropoietos- > -cheiropoietos- ......... not made 5499 -cheiropoietos- > -cheiropoietos- ......... places made 5499 -cheiropoietos- > -cheiropoietos- ......... that is made 5499 -cheiropoietos- > -cheiropoietos- ......... with hands 5499 -cheiropoietos- > -cheirotoneo- ......... And when they had ordained 5500 - cheirotoneo- > -cheirotoneo- ......... chosen 5500 -cheirotoneo- > -choiros- ......... of swine 5519 -choiros- > -choiros- ......... swine 5519 -choiros- > -choiros- ......... that the swine 5519 -choiros- > -choiros- ......... the swine 5519 -choiros- > -diacheirizomai- ......... to kill 1315 -diacheirizomai- > -diacheirizomai- ......... ye slew 1315 -diacheirizomai- > -diaireo- ......... dividing 1244 -diaireo- > -diaireo- ......... to me . And he divided 1244 -diaireo- > -diairesis- ......... And there are differences 1243 -diairesis- > -diairesis- ......... And there are diversities 1243 -diairesis- > -diairesis- ......... there are diversities 1243 -diairesis- > -diaphtheiro- ......... and shouldest destroy 1311 -diaphtheiro- > -diaphtheiro- ......... corrupteth 1311 -diaphtheiro- > -diaphtheiro- ......... of corrupt 1311 -diaphtheiro- > -diaphtheiro- ......... perish 1311 -diaphtheiro- > -diaphtheiro- ......... them which destroy 1311 -diaphtheiro- > -diaphtheiro- ......... were destroyed 1311 -diaphtheiro- > -diaspeiro- ......... abroad 1289 -diaspeiro- > -diaspeiro- ......... scattered 1289 -diaspeiro- > -diaspeiro- ......... they that were scattered 1289 -diaspeiro- > -diaspeiro- ......... they which were scattered 1289 -diaspeiro- > -diegeiro- ......... And he arose 1326 -diegeiro- > -diegeiro- ......... and they awake 1326 -diegeiro- > -diegeiro- ......... arose 1326 -diegeiro- > -diegeiro- ......... being raised 1326 -diegeiro- > -diegeiro- ......... I stir 1326 -diegeiro- > -diegeiro- ......... to him , and awoke 1326 -diegeiro- > -diegeiro- ......... to stir 1326 -diegeiro- > -egeiro- ......... after that he was risen 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... again 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... and be raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... And hath raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... And he arose 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... and lifted 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... and raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... and rise 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... and that he rose 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... and was raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... and wilt thou rear 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... are raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... Arise 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... arise 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... ariseth 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... arose 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... Awake 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... be not raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... be not risen 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... being raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... but is risen 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... even to him who is raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... for he is risen 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... for them , and rose 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... For there shall arise 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... hath raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... he arose 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... he had raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... he is risen 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... He is risen 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... he raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... He riseth 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... he shall be raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... he was risen 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... he will not rise 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... her : and she arose 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... him , he raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... him after he was risen 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... him that raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... I am risen 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... I will raise 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... I will rise 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... in you , he that raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... is risen 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... it is raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... not risen 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... of him that raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... on it , and lift 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... raise 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... raiseth 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... Rise 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... rise 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... risen 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... shall be raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... shall raise 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... shall rise 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... should raise 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... Stand 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... that , she arose 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... that he is risen 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... that he raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... that he rose 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... that he which raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... that I am risen 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... that is risen 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... that raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... that they rise 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... there hath not risen 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... to awake 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... to him , and awoke 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... to raise 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... took 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... unto him , Rise 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... unto thee , arise 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... unto thee , Arise 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... was raised 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... was risen 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... When he arose 1453 -egeiro- > -egeiro- ......... when he raised 1453 -egeiro- > -eirene- ......... again 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... And let the peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... and peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... And the peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... are in peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... be to you , and peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... be to you and peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... be unto you , and peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... but of peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... For he is our peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... for peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... in peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... of him in peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... of peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... one 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... Peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... quietness 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... rest 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... the things which belong unto thy peace 1515 - eirene- > -eirene- ......... to you , and peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... to you and peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... unto them , Peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... unto you , and peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... us to peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... with peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... with you , my peace 1515 -eirene- > -eirene- ......... you peace 1515 -eirene- > -eireneuo- ......... as lieth in you , live 1514 -eireneuo- > -eireneuo- ......... live 1514 -eireneuo- > -eirenikos- ......... peaceable 1516 -eirenikos- > -eirenikos- ......... the peaceable 1516 -eirenikos- > -eirenopoieo- ......... And , having made 1517 -eirenopoieo- > -eirenopoieo- ......... peace 1517 -eirenopoieo- > -eirenopoios- ......... and have peace 1518 -eirenopoios- > -eirenopoios- ......... are the peacemakers 1518 -eirenopoios- > -eirenopoios- ......... in peace 1518 -eirenopoios- > -eirenopoios- ......... peace 1518 -eirenopoios- > -eirenopoios- ......... peaceably 1518 -eirenopoios- > -ekkathairo- ......... Purge 1571 -ekkathairo- > -ekkathairo- ......... purge 1571 -ekkathairo- > -ekpeirazo- ......... let us tempt 1598 -ekpeirazo- > -ekpeirazo- ......... Thou shalt not tempt 1598 -ekpeirazo- > -ekpeirazo- ......... up , and tempted 1598 -ekpeirazo- > -epairo- ......... and he lifted 1869 -epairo- > -epairo- ......... And he lifted 1869 -epairo- > -epairo- ......... and hoised 1869 -epairo- > -epairo- ......... and lifted 1869 -epairo- > -epairo- ......... and then lifted 1869 -epairo- > -epairo- ......... And when they had lifted 1869 -epairo- > -epairo- ......... exalt 1869 -epairo- > -epairo- ......... he lift 1869 -epairo- > -epairo- ......... he was taken 1869 -epairo- > -epairo- ......... lifted 1869 -epairo- > -epairo- ......... lifting 1869 -epairo- > -epairo- ......... not lift 1869 -epairo- > -epairo- ......... that exalteth 1869 -epairo- > -epairo- ......... they lifted 1869 -epairo- > -epairo- ......... unto you , Lift 1869 -epairo- > -epairo- ......... up , and lift 1869 -epairo- > -epairo- ......... with me hath lifted 1869 -epairo- > -epegeiro- ......... and raised 1892 -epegeiro- > -epegeiro- ......... stirred 1892 -epegeiro- > -epicheireo- ......... about 2021 -epicheireo- > -epicheireo- ......... but they went 2021 -epicheireo- > -epicheireo- ......... have taken 2021 -epicheireo- > -epicheireo- ......... in hand 2021 -epicheireo- > -epicheireo- ......... took 2021 -epicheireo- > -epirrhapto- ......... seweth 1976 -epirrhapto- > -epirrhipto- ......... and they cast 1977 -epirrhipto- > -epirrhipto- ......... Casting 1977 -epirrhipto- > -eukaireo- ......... he shall have convenient 2119 -eukaireo- > -eukaireo- ......... leisure 2119 -eukaireo- > -eukaireo- ......... spent 2119 -eukaireo- > -eukaireo- ......... their time 2119 -eukaireo- > -eukaireo- ......... time 2119 -eukaireo- > -eukairia- ......... opportunity 2120 -eukairia- > -eukairos- ......... And when a convenient 2121 -eukairos- > -eukairos- ......... he might conveniently 2122 -eukairos- > -eukairos- ......... in season 2121 -eukairos- > -eukairos- ......... in time 2121 -eukairos- > -eukairos- ......... of need 2121 -eukairos- > -exaireo- ......... And delivered 1807 -exaireo- > -exaireo- ......... and hath delivered 1807 -exaireo- > -exaireo- ......... and rescued 1807 -exaireo- > -exaireo- ......... Delivering 1807 -exaireo- > -exaireo- ......... that he might deliver 1807 -exaireo- > -exaireo- ......... thee , pluck 1807 -exaireo- > -exaireo- ......... to deliver 1807 -exaireo- > -exairo- ......... away 1808 -exairo- > -exairo- ......... might be taken 1808 -exairo- > -exairo- ......... thee , pluck 1808 -exairo- > -exairo- ......... Therefore put 1808 -exairo- > -exegeiro- ......... purpose have I raised 1825 -exegeiro- > -exegeiro- ......... raise 1825 -exegeiro- > -haireomai- ......... Choosing 0138 -haireomai- > -haireomai- ......... chosen 0138 -haireomai- > -haireomai- ......... I shall choose 0138 -haireomai- > -hairesis- ......... heresies 0139 -hairesis- > -hairesis- ......... heresy 0139 -hairesis- > -hairesis- ......... of the sect 0139 -hairesis- > -hairesis- ......... sect 0139 -hairesis- > -hairesis- ......... they that were with him , ( which is the sect 0139 -hairesis- > -hairetikos- ......... that is an heretick 0141 -hairetikos- > -hairetizo- ......... I have chosen 0140 -hairetizo- > -heirs ......... and joint -heirs 4789 -sugkleronomos-> -hetairos- ......... Friend 2083 -hetairos- > -hetairos- ......... unto him , Friend 2083 -hetairos- > -hetairos- ......... unto their fellows 2083 -hetairos- > -himeiromai- ......... being affectionately 2442 -himeiromai- > -himeiromai- ......... desirous 2442 -himeiromai- > -huperairomai- ......... and exalteth 5229 -huperairomai- > -huperairomai- ......... I should be exalted 5229 -huperairomai- > -Iaeiros- ......... Jairus 2383 -Iaeiros- > -iris- ......... and a rainbow 2463 -iris- > -iris- ......... and there was a rainbow 2463 -iris- > -kairos- ......... a certain season 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... a convenient 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... a time 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... always 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... And at the season 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... and in the time 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... and in time 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... and the seasons 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... and the time 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... and times 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... But of the times 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... Christ ; and the time 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... for a season 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... for a time 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... for a while 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... for my time 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... For the time 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... for the time 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... from him for a season 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... in due season 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... in due time 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... in his time 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... in his times 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... in their season 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... in their seasons 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... My time 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... not the time 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... of the times 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... of time 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... of times 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... opportunity 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... present time 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... season 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... seasons 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... that season 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... that time 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... the season 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... the seasons 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... The time 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... the time 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... the times 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... thee in a time 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... time 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... times 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... unto them , My time 2540 -kairos- > -kairos- ......... you in due time 2540 -kairos- > -kathaireo- ......... And he took 2507 -kathaireo- > -kathaireo- ......... and took 2507 -kathaireo- > -kathaireo- ......... And when he had destroyed 2507 -kathaireo- > -kathaireo- ......... be destroyed 2507 -kathaireo- > -kathaireo- ......... Casting 2507 -kathaireo- > -kathaireo- ......... down 2507 -kathaireo- > -kathaireo- ......... He hath put 2507 -kathaireo- > -kathaireo- ......... him down 2507 -kathaireo- > -kathaireo- ......... I will pull 2507 -kathaireo- > -kathaireo- ......... it down 2507 -kathaireo- > -kathaireo- ......... of him , they took 2507 -kathaireo- > -kathaireo- ......... to take 2507 -kathaireo- > -kathairesis- ......... and not to destruction 2506 -kathairesis- > -kathairesis- ......... destruction 2506 -kathairesis- > -kathairesis- ......... down 2506 -kathairesis- > -kathairesis- ......... to the pulling 2506 -kathairesis- > -kathairo- ......... he purgeth 2508 -kathairo- > -kathairo- ......... purged 2508 -kathairo- > -katphtheiro- ......... not ; and shall utterly 2704 - katphtheiro- > -katphtheiro- ......... of corrupt 2704 -katphtheiro- > -katphtheiro- ......... perish 2704 -katphtheiro- > -keiria- ......... and commanded 2750 -keiria- > -keiria- ......... is good 2750 -keiria- > -keiria- ......... it is good 2750 -keiria- > -keiria- ......... with graveclothes 2750 -keiria- > -keiro- ......... be shorn 2751 -keiro- > -keiro- ......... having shorn 2751 -keiro- > -keiro- ......... his shearer 2751 -keiro- > -keiro- ......... to be shorn 2751 -keiro- > -machaira- ......... a sword 3162 -machaira- > -machaira- ......... and the sword 3162 -machaira- > -machaira- ......... but a sword 3162 -machaira- > -machaira- ......... by a sword 3162 -machaira- > -machaira- ......... his sword 3162 -machaira- > -machaira- ......... not the sword 3162 -machaira- > -machaira- ......... of the sword 3162 -machaira- > -machaira- ......... out his sword 3162 -machaira- > -machaira- ......... sword 3162 -machaira- > -machaira- ......... swords 3162 -machaira- > -machaira- ......... the sword 3162 -machaira- > -machaira- ......... thy sword 3162 -machaira- > -machaira- ......... up thy sword 3162 -machaira- > -machaira- ......... with swords 3162 -machaira- > -machaira- ......... with the sword 3162 -machaira- > -mempsimoiros- ......... complainers 3202 -mempsimoiros- > -metairo- ......... he departed 3332 -metairo- > -oikteiro- ......... and I will have compassion 3627 -oikteiro- > -oikteiro- ......... I will have compassion 3627 -oikteiro- > -oiktirmon- ......... and of tender 3629 -oiktirmon- > -oiktirmon- ......... is merciful 3629 -oiktirmon- > -oiktirmon- ......... merciful 3629 -oiktirmon- > -oiktirmon- ......... mercy 3629 -oiktirmon- > -oiktirmon- ......... world 3629 -oiktirmon- > -oiktirmos- ......... and mercies 3628 -oiktirmos- > -oiktirmos- ......... by the mercies 3628 -oiktirmos- > -oiktirmos- ......... mercy 3628 -oiktirmos- > -oiktirmos- ......... of mercies 3628 -oiktirmos- > -peira- ......... trial 3984 -peira- > -peirao- ......... and went 3987 -peirao- > -peirao- ......... he assayed 3987 -peirao- > -peirasmos- ......... And my temptation 3986 -peirasmos- > -peirasmos- ......... and temptations 3986 -peirasmos- > -peirasmos- ......... but will with the temptation 3986 - peirasmos- > -peirasmos- ......... of temptation 3986 -peirasmos- > -peirasmos- ......... out of temptations 3986 -peirasmos- > -peirasmos- ......... temptation 3986 -peirasmos- > -peirasmos- ......... temptations 3986 -peirasmos- > -peirasmos- ......... the temptation 3986 -peirasmos- > -peirasmos- ......... trial which is to try 3986 -peirasmos- > -peirasmos- ......... with me in my temptations 3986 -peirasmos- > -peirazo- ......... about 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... Abraham 11 > , when he was tried 3985 - peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... Abraham 11> , when he was tried 3985 - peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... and tempting 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... and thou hast tried 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... And when the tempter 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... be tempted 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... being tempted 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... Examine 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... hath gone 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... have tempted 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... him a question , tempting 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... I am tempted 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... man is tempted 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... points tempted 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... tempt 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... tempted 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... tempteth 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... tempting 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... that ye may be tried 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... the tempter 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... them that are tempted 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... they assayed 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... to be tempted 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... to prove 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... to tempt 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... to try 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... unto him , tempting 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... were tempted 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... when he is tempted 3985 -peirazo- > -peirazo- ......... you to be tempted 3985 -peirazo- > -periaireo- ......... And when they had taken 4014 -periaireo- > -periaireo- ......... away 4014 -periaireo- > -periaireo- ......... shall be taken 4014 -periaireo- > -periaireo- ......... take 4014 -periaireo- > -periaireo- ......... taken 4014 -periaireo- > -peripeiro- ......... and pierced 4044 -peripeiro- > -peripeiro- ......... through 4044 -peripeiro- > -perirrhegnumi- ......... off 4048 -perirrhegnumi- > -perirrhegnumi- ......... rent 4048 -perirrhegnumi- > -phtheiro- ......... corrupt 5351 -phtheiro- > -phtheiro- ......... destroy 5351 -phtheiro- > -phtheiro- ......... did corrupt 5351 -phtheiro- > -phtheiro- ......... is corrupt 5351 -phtheiro- > -phtheiro- ......... man defile 5351 -phtheiro- > -phtheiro- ......... should be corrupted 5351 -phtheiro- > -phtheiro- ......... things they corrupt 5351 -phtheiro- > -phtheiro- ......... we have corrupted 5351 -phtheiro- > -proaireomai- ......... as he purposeth 4255 -proaireomai- > -procheirizomai- ......... hath chosen 4400 -procheirizomai- > -procheirizomai- ......... purpose , to make 4400 - procheirizomai- > -procheirotoneo- ......... before 4401 -procheirotoneo- > -procheirotoneo- ......... chosen 4401 -procheirotoneo- > -proskairos- ......... are temporal 4340 -proskairos- > -proskairos- ......... but for a time 4340 -proskairos- > -proskairos- ......... for a while 4340 -proskairos- > -Sappheire- ......... with Sapphira 4551 -Sappheire- > -sappheiros- ......... sapphire 4552 -sappheiros- > -seira- ......... them into chains 4577 -seira- > -skirtao- ......... and leap 4640 -skirtao- > -skirtao- ......... leaped 4640 -skirtao- > -speira- ......... a band 4686 -speira- > -speira- ......... band 4686 -speira- > -speira- ......... of the band 4686 -speira- > -speira- ......... the band 4686 -speira- > -speiro- ......... a sower 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... A sower 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... and as he sowed 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... and he which soweth 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... and sowed 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... are they which are sown 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... But he that received 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... but he that soweth 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... didst not thou sow 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... For he that soweth 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... for they sow 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... he sowed 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... he that soweth 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... I say , He which soweth 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... I sowed 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... is sown 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... It is sown 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... it is sown 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... of the sower 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... out a sower 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... out to sow 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... received 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... seed 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... sow 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... soweth 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... that I did not sow 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... that received 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... that sowed 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... that thou didst not sow 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... that was sown 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... the seed 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... The sower 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... thou hast not sown 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... thou sowest 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... to pass , as he sowed 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... to sow 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... to the sower 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... unto them , He that soweth 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... was sown 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... we have sown 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... which are sown 4687 -speiro- > -speiro- ......... which sowed 4687 -speiro- > -steiros- ......... are the barren 4723 -steiros- > -steiros- ......... barren 4723 -steiros- > -steiros- ......... thou barren 4723 -steiros- > -steiros- ......... was barren 4723 -steiros- > -sugchairo- ......... and rejoice 4796 -sugchairo- > -sugchairo- ......... but rejoiceth 4796 -sugchairo- > -sugchairo- ......... Rejoice 4796 -sugchairo- > -sugchairo- ......... rejoice 4796 -sugchairo- > -sugchairo- ......... unto them , Rejoice 4796 -sugchairo- > -sugchairo- ......... upon her ; and they rejoiced 4796 - sugchairo- > -sunairo- ......... take 4868 -sunairo- > -sunairo- ......... to reckon 4868 -sunairo- > -sunegeiro- ......... And hath raised 4891 -sunegeiro- > -sunegeiro- ......... be risen 4891 -sunegeiro- > -sunegeiro- ......... us up together 4891 -sunegeiro- > -sunegeiro- ......... ye are risen 4891 -sunegeiro- > -Thuateira- ......... and unto Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira- > -Thuateira- ......... and unto Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira- > -Thuateira- ......... in Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira- > -Thuateira- ......... of Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira- > admiration ......... admiration 2295 -thauma-> admiration ......... in admiration 2296 -thaumazo-> admired ......... and to be admired 2296 -thaumazo-> affairs ......... affairs 4012 -peri-> affairs ......... himself with the affairs 4230 -pragmateia-> affairs ......... my affairs 2596 -kata-> affairs ......... our affairs 4012 -peri-> affirm ......... affirm 5346 -phemi-> affirm ......... that thou affirm 1226 -diabebaioomai-> affirm ......... they affirm 1226 -diabebaioomai-> affirmed ......... affirmed 1340 -diischurizomai-> affirmed ......... affirmed 5335 -phasko-> air ......... and the air 0109 -aer-> air ......... in the air 0109 -aer-> air ......... of the air 0109 -aer-> air ......... of the air 3772 -ouranos-> air ......... the air 0109 -aer-> athirst ......... And let him that is athirst 1372 -dipsao-> athirst ......... athirst 1372 -dipsao-> athirst ......... unto him that is athirst 1372 -dipsao-> athirst ......... unto him that is athirst 1372 -dipsao-> bird ......... bird 3732 -orneon-> birds ......... and birds 4071 -peteinon-> birds ......... and of birds 4071 -peteinon-> birds ......... and the birds 4071 -peteinon-> birds ......... and to birds 4071 -peteinon-> birds ......... of birds 4421 -ptenon-> birds ......... that the birds 4071 -peteinon-> birth ......... from his birth 1079 -genete-> birth ......... his birth 1083 -gennesis-> birth ......... in birth 5605 -odino-> birth ......... the birth 1083 -gennesis-> birthday ......... birthday 1077 -genesia-> birthday ......... on his birthday 1077 -genesia-> birthright ......... his birthright 4415 -prototokia-> chairo- ......... chairo- > circumcise ......... day circumcise 4059 -peritemno-> circumcise ......... that they ought not to circumcise 4059 - peritemno-> circumcise ......... to circumcise 4059 -peritemno-> circumcised ......... and circumcised 4059 -peritemno-> circumcised ......... being circumcised 4059 -peritemno-> Circumcised ......... Circumcised 4061 -peritome-> circumcised ......... let him not be circumcised 4059 -peritemno- > circumcised ......... that is circumcised 4059 -peritemno-> circumcised ......... they be not circumcised 0203 -akrobustia-> circumcised ......... to be circumcised 4059 -peritemno-> circumcised ......... to have you circumcised 4059 -peritemno-> circumcised ......... who are circumcised 4059 -peritemno-> circumcised ......... ye are circumcised 4059 -peritemno-> circumcised ......... ye be circumcised 4059 -peritemno-> circumcised ......... Ye must be circumcised 4059 -peritemno-> circumcised ......... you to be circumcised 4059 -peritemno-> circumcising ......... for the circumcising 4059 -peritemno-> circumcision ......... and circumcision 4061 -peritome-> circumcision ......... And they of the circumcision 4061 - peritome-> circumcision ......... and they unto the circumcision 4061 - peritome-> circumcision ......... are not of the circumcision 4061 - peritome-> circumcision ......... are of the circumcision 4061 -peritome-> circumcision ......... by the circumcision 4061 -peritome-> circumcision ......... circumcision 4061 -peritome-> Circumcision ......... Circumcision 4061 -peritome-> circumcision ......... For circumcision 4061 -peritome-> circumcision ......... for circumcision 4061 -peritome-> circumcision ......... For we are the circumcision 4061 - peritome-> circumcision ......... is that circumcision 4061 -peritome-> circumcision ......... is there of circumcision 4061 -peritome-> circumcision ......... Not in circumcision 4061 -peritome-> circumcision ......... of circumcision 4061 -peritome-> circumcision ......... of the circumcision 4061 -peritome-> circumcision ......... the circumcision 4061 -peritome-> Circumcision ......... the Circumcision 4061 -peritome-> circumcision ......... them which were of the circumcision 4061 - peritome-> circumcision ......... they of the circumcision 4061 -peritome-> circumcision ......... they that were of the circumcision 4061 - peritome-> circumcision ......... thy circumcision 4061 -peritome-> circumcision ......... unto me , as the gospel of the circumcision 4061 -peritome-> circumcision ......... unto you circumcision 4061 -peritome-> circumcision ......... upon the circumcision 4061 -peritome-> circumcision ......... when he was in circumcision 4061 - peritome-> circumcision ......... with the circumcision 4061 -peritome-> circumspectly ......... circumspectly 0199 -akribos-> confirm ......... confirm 0950 -bebaioo-> confirm ......... to confirm 0950 -bebaioo-> confirm ......... you that ye would confirm 2964 -kuroo-> confirmation ......... and confirmation 0951 -bebaiosis-> confirmation ......... for confirmation 0951 -bebaiosis-> confirmed ......... and confirmed 1991 -episterizo-> confirmed ......... and was confirmed 0950 -bebaioo-> confirmed ......... confirmed 3315 -mesiteuo-> confirmed ......... that was confirmed 4300 -prokuroo-> confirmed ......... was confirmed 0950 -bebaioo-> confirmed ......... yet if it be confirmed 2964 -kuroo-> confirming ......... confirming 1991 -episterizo-> Confirming ......... Confirming 1991 -episterizo-> confirming ......... with them , and confirming 0950 -bebaioo-> conspiracy ......... conspiracy 4945 -sunomosia-> desire ......... a desire 1939 -epithumia-> desire ......... and desire 2206 -zeloo-> desire ......... And we desire 1937 -epithumeo-> desire ......... as desire 2309 -thelo-> desire ......... but desire 2309 -thelo-> desire ......... but I desire 1934 -epizeteo-> desire ......... But we desire 0515 -axioo-> desire ......... desire 1937 -epithumeo-> desire ......... desire 1939 -epithumia-> desire ......... desire 1971 -epipotheo-> desire ......... desire 1972 -epipothesis-> desire ......... desire 1974 -epipothia-> desire ......... desire 2107 -eudokia-> desire ......... desire 2309 -thelo-> desire ......... desire 3713 -oregomai-> desire ......... for you , and to desire 0154 -aiteo-> desire ......... from them which desire 2309 -thelo-> desire ......... I desire 0154 -aiteo-> desire ......... I desire 1934 -epizeteo-> desire ......... I desire 2309 -thelo-> desire ......... I would desire 2309 -thelo-> desire ......... it ; and shall desire 1937 -epithumeo-> desire ......... man desire 2309 -thelo-> desire ......... me , ye that desire 2309 -thelo-> desire ......... they desire 3713 -oregomai-> desire ......... to desire 0154 -aiteo-> desire ......... to desire 2065 -erotao-> desire ......... unto them , With desire 1939 -epithumia-> desire ......... we shall desire 0154 -aiteo-> desire ......... ye desire 0154 -aiteo-> desire ......... ye desire 2309 -thelo-> desire ......... ye shall desire 1937 -epithumeo-> desired ......... and desired 0154 -aiteo-> desired ......... And desired 0154 -aiteo-> desired ......... and desired 1934 -epizeteo-> desired ......... and desired 2065 -erotao-> desired ......... and were desired 3870 -parakaleo-> desired ......... desired 0154 -aiteo-> desired ......... desired 1905 -eperotao-> desired ......... desired 2065 -erotao-> desired ......... desired 3870 -parakaleo-> desired ......... hath desired 1809 -exaiteomai-> desired ......... have desired 2309 -thelo-> desired ......... I desired 3870 -parakaleo-> desired ......... I have desired 1939 -epithumia-> desired ......... in him , yet desired 0154 -aiteo-> desired ......... me ? And he desired 3870 -parakaleo-> desired ......... men have desired 1939 -epithumia-> desired ......... that we desired 0154 -aiteo-> desired ......... that we desired 3870 -parakaleo-> desired ......... them out , and desired 2065 -erotao-> desired ......... they desired 0154 -aiteo-> desired ......... they had desired 0154 -aiteo-> desired ......... things ? And he desired 2212 -zeteo-> desired ......... When they desired 2065 -erotao-> desiredst ......... thou desiredst 3870 -parakaleo-> desires ......... the desires 2307 -thelema-> desireth ......... and desireth 2065 -erotao-> desireth ......... desireth 2309 -thelo-> desireth ......... he desireth 1937 -epithumeo-> desiring ......... And desiring 1937 -epithumeo-> desiring ......... desiring 1971 -epipotheo-> desiring ......... desiring 2212 -zeteo-> Desiring ......... Desiring 2309 -thelo-> desiring ......... desiring 2309 -thelo-> desiring ......... desiring 3870 -parakaleo-> desiring ......... him , and desiring 0154 -aiteo-> desiring ......... me , desiring 0154 -aiteo-> desiring ......... unto him , desiring 3870 -parakaleo-> desirous ......... desirous 2309 -thelo-> desirous ......... desirous 2442 -himeiromai-> desirous ......... for he was desirous 2309 -thelo-> desirous ......... Let us not be desirous 2755 -kenodoxos-> desirous ......... that they were desirous 2309 -thelo-> despair ......... but not in despair 1820 -exaporeomai-> despaired ......... that we despaired 1820 -exaporeomai-> direct ......... direct 2720 -kateuthuno-> eirene- ......... and peace 1515- eirene- > eirene- ......... eirene- > enquire ......... and enquire 2212 -zeteo-> enquire ......... any do enquire of Titus 5103 -Titos-> enquire ......... enquire 1231 -diaginosko-> enquire ......... enquire 1833 -exetazo-> enquire ......... enquire 4441 -punthanomai-> enquire ......... to enquire 4802 -suzeteo-> enquire ......... unto them , Do ye enquire 2212 -zeteo-> enquire ......... ye enquire 1934 -epizeteo-> enquired ......... be enquired of , they are the messengers 0652 -apostolos-> enquired ......... enquired 4441 -punthanomai-> enquired ......... have enquired 1567 -ekzeteo-> enquired ......... he had diligently enquired 0198 -akriboo-> enquired ......... men , enquired 0198 -akriboo-> enquiry ......... enquiry 1331 -dierotao-> entire ......... and entire 3648 -holokleros-> expired ......... are expired 5055 -teleo-> expired ......... were expired 4137 -pleroo-> fair ......... a fair 2146 -euprosopeo-> fair ......... and fair 2129 -eulogia-> fair ......... fair 0791 -asteios-> fair ......... It will be fair 2105 -eudia-> fair ......... The fair 2568 -Kaloi Limenes-> fellowheirs ......... should be fellowheirs 4789 -sugkleronomos-> fire ......... a fire 4442 -pur-> fire ......... a fire 4443 -pura-> fire ......... a fire of coals 0439 -anthrakia-> fire ......... and fire 4442 -pur-> fire ......... and the fire 4442 -pur-> fire ......... and with fire 4442 -pur-> fire ......... as by fire 4442 -pur-> fire ......... as it were fire 4442 -pur-> fire ......... as of fire 4442 -pur-> fire ......... being on fire 4448 -puroo-> fire ......... by fire 4442 -pur-> fire ......... by the fire 4442 -pur-> fire ......... by the fire 5457 -phos-> fire ......... fire 4442 -pur-> fire ......... her with fire 4442 -pur-> fire ......... in the fire 4442 -pur-> fire ......... is a fire 4442 -pur-> fire ......... it with fire 4442 -pur-> fire ......... not , and the fire 4442 -pur-> fire ......... of fire 4442 -pur-> fire ......... of fire 4447 -purinos-> fire ......... on fire 5394 -phlogizo-> fire ......... the fire 4442 -pur-> fire ......... the fire 4443 -pura-> fire ......... the fire 5457 -phos-> fire ......... them , fire 4442 -pur-> fire ......... them out of the fire 4442 -pur-> fire ......... unto fire 4442 -pur-> fire ......... with fire 4442 -pur-> firkins ......... firkins 3355 -metretes-> firm ......... firm 0949 -bebaios-> first ......... among you , let him first 4413 -protos-> first ......... and that he should be the first 4413 -protos-> first ......... and the first 4413 -protos-> first ......... And the first 4413 -protos-> first ......... and the first 4416 -prototokos-> first ......... and there are first 4413 -protos-> first ......... and they to whom it was first 4386 -proteron-> first ......... And upon the first 3391 -mia-> first ......... at first 4412 -proton-> first ......... at the first 0746 -arche-> first ......... at the first 4412 -proton-> first ......... be first 4295 -prokeimai-> first ......... be first 4413 -protos-> first ......... be the first 0746 -arche-> first ......... being the first 3391 -mia-> first ......... but first 4412 -proton-> first ......... But first 4412 -proton-> first ......... But when the first 4413 -protos-> first ......... by , let the first 4413 -protos-> first ......... first 4276 -proelpizo-> first ......... first 4386 -proteron-> First ......... First 4412 -proton-> first ......... first 4412 -proton-> first ......... first 4413 -protos-> First ......... First 4413 -protos-> first ......... For first 4412 -proton-> first ......... for the first 4413 -protos-> first ......... from the first 4413 -protos-> first ......... had first preached 4296 -prokerusso-> first ......... hath first 4272 -prodidomi-> first ......... he first 4412 -proton-> first ......... he first 4413 -protos-> first ......... He first 4413 -protos-> first ......... he will first 4412 -proton-> first ......... him , The first 4413 -protos-> first ......... in the first 4413 -protos-> first ......... in the morning the first 3391 -mia-> first ......... is first 4412 -proton-> first ......... is the first 4413 -protos-> first ......... it first 4412 -proton-> first ......... me first 4412 -proton-> first ......... my first 4413 -protos-> first ......... not their first 0746 -arche-> first ......... of the first 4413 -protos-> first ......... out first 4412 -proton-> first ......... shall be first 4413 -protos-> first ......... shall first 4412 -proton-> first ......... should first 4412 -proton-> first ......... than the first 4413 -protos-> first ......... that , first 4412 -proton-> first ......... that are first 4413 -protos-> first ......... that first 4413 -protos-> first ......... that he had not first 4412 -proton-> first ......... that in me first 4413 -protos-> first ......... that was not first 4412 -proton-> first ......... the first 0746 -arche-> first ......... the first 1207 -deuteroprotos-> first ......... the first 3391 -mia-> first ......... The first 3391 -mia-> first ......... the first 4412 -proton-> first ......... the first 4413 -protos-> first ......... The first 4413 -protos-> first ......... the first 4413 -protos-> first ......... their first 4413 -protos-> first ......... themselves first 4413 -protos-> first ......... things from the very first 0509 -anothen-> first ......... thy first 4413 -protos-> first ......... thy way ; first 4412 -proton-> first ......... to be first 4413 -protos-> first ......... to the first 4413 -protos-> first ......... unto him , The first 4413 -protos-> first ......... unto the first 4413 -protos-> first ......... unto you at the first 4386 -proteron-> first ......... Unto you first 4412 -proton-> first ......... unto you first 4413 -protos-> first ......... Upon the first 3391 -mia-> first ......... upon the first 3391 -mia-> first ......... was first 4413 -protos-> first ......... while as the first 4413 -protos-> first ......... ye first 4412 -proton-> firstbegotten ......... in the firstbegotten 4416 -prototokos-> firstborn ......... her firstborn 4416 -prototokos-> firstborn ......... of the firstborn 4416 -prototokos-> firstborn ......... that he might be the firstborn 4416 - prototokos-> firstborn ......... the firstborn 4416 -prototokos-> firstfruit ......... the firstfruit 0536 -aparche-> firstfruits ......... being the firstfruits 0536 -aparche-> firstfruits ......... is the firstfruits 0536 -aparche-> firstfruits ......... of firstfruits 0536 -aparche-> firstfruits ......... that it is the firstfruits 0536 -aparche-> firstfruits ......... the firstfruits 0536 -aparche-> gird ......... and gird 4024 -perizonnumi-> gird ......... gird 0328 -anazonnumi-> gird ......... shall gird 2224 -zonnumi-> Gird ......... unto him , Gird 2224 -zonnumi-> gird ......... unto you , that he shall gird 4024 -perizonnumi-> girded ......... and girded 1241 -diazonnumi-> girded ......... be girded 4024 -perizonnumi-> girded ......... girded 4024 -perizonnumi-> girded ......... he was girded 1241 -diazonnumi-> girdedst ......... thou girdedst 2224 -zonnumi-> girdle ......... and with a girdle 2223 -zone-> girdle ......... girdle 2223 -zone-> girdles ......... girdles 2223 -zone-> girt ......... and girt 4024 -perizonnumi-> girt ......... girt 4024 -perizonnumi-> girt ......... he girt 1241 -diazonnumi-> hair ......... as the hair 2359 -thrix-> hair ......... But there shall not an hair 2359 -thrix-> hair ......... for there shall not an hair 2359 -thrix-> hair ......... hair 2359 -thrix-> hair ......... hair 2863 -komao-> hair ......... hair 4117 -plegma-> hair ......... of hair 5155 -trichinos-> hair ......... the hair 2359 -thrix-> hair ......... to her : for her hair 2864 -kome-> hair ......... with her hair 2359 -thrix-> hairs ......... and his hairs 2359 -thrix-> hairs ......... hairs 2359 -thrix-> hairs ......... them with the hairs 2359 -thrix-> heir ......... an heir 2818 -kleronomos-> heir ......... heir 2818 -kleronomos-> heir ......... is the heir 2818 -kleronomos-> heir ......... shall not be heir 2816 -kleronomeo-> heir ......... that he should be the heir 2818 -kleronomos-> heir ......... That the heir 2818 -kleronomos-> heirs ......... and as being heirs 4789 -sugkleronomos-> heirs ......... and heirs 2818 -kleronomos-> heirs ......... be heirs 2818 -kleronomos-> heirs ......... for them who shall be heirs 2816 -kleronomeo-> heirs ......... heirs 2818 -kleronomos-> heirs ......... the heirs 4789 -sugkleronomos-> heirs ......... unto the heirs 2818 -kleronomos-> hire ......... in the morning to hire 3409 -misthoo-> hire ......... of his hire 3408 -misthos-> hire ......... the hire 3408 -misthos-> hire ......... them their hire 3408 -misthos-> hired ......... hath hired 3409 -misthoo-> hired ......... hired 3407 -misthios-> hired ......... hired 3410 -misthoma-> hired ......... of thy hired 3407 -misthios-> hired ......... that were hired about 4012 -peri-> hired ......... with the hired 3411 -misthotos-> hireling ......... But he that is an hireling 3411 -misthotos-> hireling ......... he is an hireling 3411 -misthotos-> hireling ......... The hireling 3411 -misthotos-> infirmities ......... and infirmities 0769 -astheneia-> infirmities ......... by him of their infirmities 0769 - astheneia-> infirmities ......... in infirmities 0769 -astheneia-> infirmities ......... in my infirmities 0769 -astheneia-> infirmities ......... infirmities 0769 -astheneia-> infirmities ......... of our infirmities 0769 -astheneia-> infirmities ......... of their infirmities 3554 -nosos-> infirmities ......... our infirmities 0769 -astheneia-> infirmities ......... the infirmities 0771 -asthenema-> infirmity ......... an infirmity 0769 -astheneia-> infirmity ......... infirmity 0769 -astheneia-> infirmity ......... of infirmity 0769 -astheneia-> infirmity ......... of the infirmity 0769 -astheneia-> infirmity ......... with infirmity 0769 -astheneia-> inspiration ......... is given by inspiration 2315 -theopneustos- > iron ......... and iron 4604 -sideros-> iron ......... iron ; iron ......... of iron 4603 -sidereos-> iron ......... unto the iron 4603 -sidereos-> Jairus ......... Jairus 2383 -Iaeiros-> miracle ......... a miracle 1411 -dunamis-> miracle ......... miracle 4592 -semeion-> miracle ......... not the miracle of the loaves 0740 -artos-> miracle ......... the miracle 4592 -semeion-> miracles ......... and miracles 4592 -semeion-> miracles ......... his miracles 4592 -semeion-> miracles ......... miracles 1411 -dunamis-> miracles ......... miracles 4592 -semeion-> miracles ......... of miracles 1411 -dunamis-> miracles ......... of miracles 4592 -semeion-> miracles ......... that miracles 1411 -dunamis-> miracles ......... the miracles 1411 -dunamis-> miracles ......... the miracles 4592 -semeion-> miracles ......... you by miracles 1411 -dunamis-> mire ......... in the mire 1004 -borboros-> pair ......... A pair 2201 -zeugos-> pair ......... a pair 2218 -zugos-> require ......... require 0154 -aiteo-> require ......... require 1096 -ginomai-> required ......... I might have required 4238 -prasso-> required ......... it is required 2212 -zeteo-> required ......... may be required 1567 -ekzeteo-> required ......... required 2212 -zeteo-> required ......... shall be required 0523 -apaiteo-> required ......... that it should be as they required 0155 - aitema-> required ......... unto you , It shall be required 1567 -ekzeteo- > requiring ......... requiring 0154 -aiteo-> Sapphira ......... with Sapphira 4551 -Sappheire-> sapphire ......... sapphire 4552 -sappheiros-> Sir ......... him , Sir 2962 -kurios-> Sir ......... Sir 2962 -kurios-> sir ......... sir 2962 -kurios-> Sir ......... unto him , Sir 2962 -kurios-> Sirs ......... Sirs 0435 -aner-> sirs ......... sirs 0435 -aner-> Sirs ......... Sirs 2962 -kurios-> Sirs ......... unto them , Sirs 0435 -aner-> spirit ......... a spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... a spirit 5326 -phantasma-> spirit ......... an one in the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... and by the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... And her spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... and in spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... and in the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... And it is the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... and my spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... And my spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... and of the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... and spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... and that the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... and the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... And the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... and the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... And the spirit cried 2896 -krazo-> spirit ......... are ye ; for the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... as the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... be with thy spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... but in the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... but of the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... but the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... but the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... but with the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... by his Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... by spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... by the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... even as by the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... even the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... Even the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... for a spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... for the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... For we through the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... he , the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... he of the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... him ; howbeit in the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... him in spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... him in the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... his spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... I was in the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... I was in the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... I with you in the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... in his spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... in my spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... in spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... in the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... in the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... in us , by the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... is a Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... is spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... is that Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... is that spirit of antichrist 0500 -antichristos- > spirit ......... is the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... It is a spirit 5326 -phantasma-> spirit ......... It is the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... my spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... not the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... not the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... not the things of the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... of my Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... of spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... of the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... of the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... out of my Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... shall of the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... so be that the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... that the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... The Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... The spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... the things of the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... them the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... them unto us by his Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... to the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... to the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... to you the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... unto the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... unto you , they are spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... unto you the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... up of the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... us of his Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... us the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... we the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... with a spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... with my spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... with our spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirit ......... with the spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... with the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... ye the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> Spirit ......... ye through the Spirit 4151 -pneuma-> spirits ......... And the spirits 4151 -pneuma-> spirits ......... and to the spirits 4151 -pneuma-> spirits ......... For they are the spirits 4151 -pneuma-> spirits ......... not , that the spirits 4151 -pneuma-> spirits ......... of spirits 4151 -pneuma-> spirits ......... out the spirits 4151 -pneuma-> spirits ......... spirits 4151 -pneuma-> Spirits ......... Spirits 4151 -pneuma-> spirits ......... the spirits 4151 -pneuma-> spirits ......... unto the spirits 4151 -pneuma-> spiritual ......... a spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos-> spiritual ......... and spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos-> spiritual ......... and there is a spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos-> spiritual ......... are spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos-> spiritual ......... But he that is spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos-> spiritual ......... is spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos-> spiritual ......... of spiritual 4151 -pneuma-> spiritual ......... of that spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos-> spiritual ......... of their spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos-> spiritual ......... spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos-> spiritual ......... that which is spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos-> spiritual ......... things with spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos-> spiritual ......... unto you as unto spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos- > spiritual ......... unto you spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos-> spiritual ......... up a spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos-> spiritual ......... up spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos-> spiritual ......... which is spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos-> spiritually ......... but to be spiritually 4151 -pneuma-> spiritually ......... spiritually 4153 -pneumatikos-> spiritually ......... they are spiritually 4153 -pneumatikos-> stairs ......... the stairs 0304 -anabathmos-> stairs ......... upon the stairs 0304 -anabathmos-> stir ......... I stir 1326 -diegeiro-> stir ......... stir 5017 -tarachos-> stir ......... that thou stir 0329 -anazopureo-> stir ......... to stir 1326 -diegeiro-> stirred ......... and stirred 4531 -saleuo-> stirred ......... And they stirred 4787 -sugkineo-> stirred ......... stirred 1892 -epegeiro-> stirred ......... stirred 3951 -parotruno-> stirred ......... stirred 4797 -sugcheo-> stirred ......... was stirred 3947 -paroxuno-> stirreth ......... He stirreth 0383 -anaseio-> their ......... And by their prayer 1162 -deesis-> their ......... And for their sakes I sanctify 0037 -hagiazo-> their ......... And in their hands 5495 -cheir-> their ......... and in their minds 1271 -dianoia-> their ......... And in their mouth 4750 -stoma-> their ......... and in their tails 3769 -oura-> their ......... and out of their mouths 4750 -stoma-> their ......... and their armies 4753 -strateuma-> their ......... and their brethren 0080 -adephos-> their ......... and their conscience 4893 -suneidesis-> their ......... And their dead 4430 -ptoma-> their ......... and their debtors 3781 -opheiletes-> their ......... and their deep 0899 -bathos-> their ......... and their ears 3775 -ous-> their ......... and their enemies 2190 -echthros-> their ......... and their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos-> their ......... And their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos-> their ......... and their faces 4383 -prosopon-> their ......... and their father 3962 -pater-> their ......... and their foolish 0801 -asunetos-> their ......... and their iniquities 0458 -anomia-> their ......... and their mouth 4750 -stoma-> their ......... and their net 1350 -diktuon-> their ......... and their own 2398 -idios-> their ......... and their power 1849 -exousia-> their ......... and their rulers 0758 -archon-> their ......... and their sins 0265 -hamartema-> their ......... And their sins 0266 -hamartia-> their ......... and their sins 0266 -hamartia-> their ......... and their sores 1668 -helkos-> their ......... and their teeth 3599 -odous-> their ......... and their thoughts 3053 -logismos-> their ......... and their torment 0929 -basanismos-> their ......... And their word 3056 -logos-> their ......... and their words 4487 -rhema-> their ......... And their words 4487 -rhema-> their ......... and their works 2041 -ergon-> their ......... And there was in their synagogue 4864 -sunagoge-> their ......... are in their generation 1074 -genea-> their ......... are in their ways 3598 -hodos-> their ......... are open unto their prayers 1162 -deesis-> their ......... as their own 1438 -heautou-> their ......... be to their own 2398 -idios-> their ......... but rather through their fall 3900 -paraptoma-> their ......... But their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos-> their ......... but their heart 2588 -kardia-> their ......... But their laying 1917 -epiboule-> their ......... But their minds 3540 -noema-> their ......... but their own 1438 -heautou-> their ......... But their scribes 1122 -grammateus-> their ......... by him of their infirmities 0769 -astheneia-> their ......... by their fruits 2590 -karpos-> their ......... by their hands 5495 -cheir-> their ......... by their own conscience 4893 -suneidesis-> their ......... did their witness 3141 -marturia-> their ......... down their clothes 2440 -himation-> their ......... down their faces 4383 -prosopon-> their ......... for by their occupation 5078 -techne-> their ......... for their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos-> their ......... for their folly 0454 -anoia-> their ......... for their heart 2588 -kardia-> their ......... for their journey 3598 -hodos-> their ......... for their lord 2962 -kurios-> their ......... for their much 4180 -polulogia-> their ......... For their power 1849 -exousia-> their ......... for their sin 0266 -hamartia-> their ......... for their tails 3769 -oura-> their ......... for their work s 2041 -ergon-> their ......... For to their power 1411 -dunamis-> their ......... forth their lots 2819 -kleros-> their ......... from their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos-> their ......... from their labours 2873 -kopos-> their ......... from their masters 2962 -kurios-> their ......... from their mother s 3384 -meter-> their ......... from their seats 2362 -thronos-> their ......... from their sins 0266 -hamartia-> their ......... have of their abundance 4052 -perisseuo-> their ......... having their conscience 4893 -suneidesis-> their ......... he their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos-> their ......... he their manners 5159 -tropophoreo-> their ......... he their understanding 3563 -nous-> their ......... him , but their witness 3141 -marturia-> their ......... him from them , and in their hearts 2588 -kardia- > their ......... him of their own 2398 -idios-> their ......... him out of their sight 3788 -ophthalmos-> their ......... him with their hands 4475 -rhapisma-> their ......... him with their teeth 3599 -odous-> their ......... in of their abundance 4052 -perisseuo-> their ......... in their affliction 2347 -thlipsis-> their ......... in their cities 4172 -polis-> their ......... in their foreheads 3359 -metopon-> their ......... in their hands 5495 -cheir-> their ......... in their heart 2588 -kardia-> their ......... in their hearts 2588 -kardia-> their ......... in their imaginations 1261 -dialogismos-> their ......... in their knowledge 1922 -epignosis-> their ......... in their law 3551 -nomos-> their ......... in their lust 3715 -orexis-> their ......... in their own 0848 -hautou-> their ......... in their own craftiness 3834 -panourgia-> their ......... in their proper 2398 -idios-> their ......... in their purse 2223 -zone-> their ......... in their right 1188 -dexios-> their ......... in their season 2540 -kairos-> their ......... in their seasons 2540 -kairos-> their ......... in their synagogues 4864 -sunagoge-> their ......... in their tails 3769 -oura-> their ......... in their vessels 0030 -aggeion-> their ......... in them ; and I will be their God 2316 -theos-> their ......... into their own 2398 -idios-> their ......... is in their mouth 4750 -stoma-> their ......... is in their shame 0152 -aischune-> their ......... is their belly 2836 -koilia-> their ......... is upon their heart 2588 -kardia-> their ......... Let their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos-> their ......... Let their table 5132 -trapeza-> their ......... may be a supply for their want 5303 -husterema-> their ......... me with their lips 5491 -cheilos-> their ......... must their wives 1135 -gune-> their ......... not , and their damnation 0684 -apoleia-> their ......... not of their deeds 2041 -ergon-> their ......... not their first 0746 -arche-> their ......... not their hands 5495 -cheir-> their ......... not their lives 5590 -psuche-> their ......... of their conversation 0391 -anastrophe-> their ......... of their deeds 2041 -ergon-> their ......... of their diseases 3554 -nosos-> their ......... of their error 4106 -plane-> their ......... of their Father 3962 -pater-> their ......... of their feet 4228 -pous-> their ......... of their fornication 4202 -porneia-> their ......... of their gains 2039 -ergasia-> their ......... of their garments 2440 -himation-> their ......... of their habitation 2733 -katoikia-> their ......... of their hands , their ......... of their hands . their ......... of their hands 5495 -cheir-> their ......... of their heart 2588 -kardia-> their ......... of their hearts 2588 -kardia-> their ......... of their infirmities 3554 -nosos-> their ......... of their joy 5479 -chara-> their ......... of their law 3551 -nomos-> their ......... of their liberality 0572 -haplotes-> their ......... of their lying in wait 1747 -enedra-> their ......... of their mind 3563 -nous-> their ......... of their own 2398 -idios-> their ......... of their own children 5207 -huios-> their ......... of their own company to Antioch 0490 -Antiocheia- > their ......... of their own hands 5495 -cheir-> their ......... of their own hearts 2588 -kardia-> their ......... of their own selves 5367 -philautos-> their ......... of their pains 4192 -ponos-> their ......... of their prophecy 4394 -propheteia-> their ......... of their salvation 4991 -soteria-> their ......... of their sins 0266 -hamartia-> their ......... of their sorceries 5331 -pharmakeia-> their ......... of their spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos-> their ......... of their terror 5401 -phobos-> their ......... of their testimony 3141 -marturia-> their ......... of their thefts 2809 -klemma-> their ......... of their torment 0929 -basanismos-> their ......... of their unbelief 0570 -apaistia-> their ......... of their wings 4420 -pterux-> their ......... on their journey 3596 -hodoiporeo-> their ......... on their journey after 0516 -axios-> their ......... on their journey diligently 4709 -spoudaios-> their ......... on their way 4311 -propempo-> their ......... out of their coasts 3725 -horion-> their ......... out of their hand 5495 -cheir-> their ......... out of their hearts 2588 -kardia-> their ......... out of their mouth 4750 -stoma-> their ......... out of their mouths 4750 -stoma-> their ......... out of their places 5117 -topos-> their ......... out of their sight . their ......... out their own 1438 -heautou-> their ......... out their young 1025 -brephos-> their ......... out unto him their disciples 3101 -mathetes-> their ......... over them ; and their great 3173 -megas-> their ......... sake , and for their sakes which 3588 -ho-> their ......... shall be in their foreheads 3359 -metopon-> their ......... shall be with them , and be their God 2316 - theos-> their ......... shall have their part 3313 -meros-> their ......... shall their unbelief 0570 -apaistia-> their ......... that is , of their brethren 0080 -adephos-> their ......... that is in their house 3624 -oikos-> their ......... that their abundance 4051 -perisseuma-> their ......... That their hearts 2588 -kardia-> their ......... that their legs 4628 -skelos-> their ......... that their rulers 0758 -archon-> their ......... the keeping of their souls 5590 -psuche-> their ......... thee : and in their hands 5495 -cheir-> their ......... their angels 0032 -aggelos-> their ......... their back 3577 -notos-> their ......... their books 0976 -biblos-> their ......... their breasts 4738 -stethos-> their ......... their brother 0080 -adephos-> their ......... their children 5043 -teknon-> their ......... their children 5388 -philoteknos-> their ......... their city 4172 -polis-> their ......... their clothes 2440 -himation-> their ......... their conscience 4893 -suneidesis-> their ......... their council 4892 -sunedrion-> their ......... their country 5561 -chora-> their ......... their craftiness 3834 -panourgia-> their ......... their crowns 4735 -stephanos-> their ......... their dead 3498 -nekros-> their ......... their dead 4430 -ptoma-> their ......... their deeds 2041 -ergon-> their ......... their deeds 4234 -praxis-> their ......... their dues 3782 -opheile-> their ......... their ears 0189 -akoe-> their ......... their ears 3775 -ous-> their ......... their enemies 2190 -echthros-> their ......... their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos-> their ......... their eyes : and immediately 2112 -eutheos-> their ......... their face 4383 -prosopon-> their ......... their faces 4383 -prosopon-> their ......... their faith 4102 -pistis-> their ......... their father 3962 -pater-> their ......... their fathers 3962 -pater-> their ......... their feet 4228 -pous-> Their ......... Their feet 4228 -pous-> their ......... their fellowservants 4889 -sundoulos-> their ......... their first 4413 -protos-> their ......... their flock 4167 -poimne-> their ......... their friend 3982 -peitho-> their ......... their fulness 4138 -pleroma-> their ......... their garments 2440 -himation-> their ......... their gifts 1435 -doron-> their ......... their glory 1391 -doxa-> their ......... their God 2316 -theos-> their ......... their groaning 4726 -stenagmos-> their ......... their hands 5495 -cheir-> their ......... their hard 4642 -skleros-> their ......... their heads 2776 -kephale-> their ......... their heart 2588 -kardia-> their ......... their hearts 2588 -kardia-> their ......... their houses 3624 -oikos-> their ......... their husbands 0435 -aner-> their ......... their husbands 5362 -philandros-> their ......... their hypocrisy 5272 -hupokrisis-> their ......... their kingdom 0932 -basileia-> their ......... their kinsfolk 4773 -suggenes-> their ......... their knees 1119 -gonu-> their ......... their labours 2873 -kopos-> their ......... their lamps 2985 -lampas-> their ......... their land 1093 -ge-> their ......... their lifetime 2198 -zao-> their ......... their lips 5491 -cheilos-> their ......... their lives 5590 -psuche-> their ......... their meat 5160 -trophe-> their ......... their merchandise 1117 -gomos-> their ......... their mind 1271 -dianoia-> their ......... their mind 3563 -nous-> their ......... their minds , and said 3004 -lego-> their ......... their minds 5590 -psuche-> their ......... their ministry 1248 -diakonia-> their ......... their nets 1350 -diktuon-> their ......... their own , not the things which are Jesus 2424 - Iesous-> their ......... their own 0848 -hautou-> their ......... their own 1438 -heautou-> their ......... their own 2398 -idios-> their ......... their own bodies 4983 -soma-> their ......... their own country 5561 -chora-> their ......... their own selves 1438 -heautou-> their ......... their parents 1118 -goneus-> their ......... their parents 4269 -progonos-> their ......... their part he is evil 0987 -blasphemeo-> their ......... their peace 2270 -hesuchazo-> their ......... their peace 4601 -sigao-> their ......... their peace 4623 -siopao-> their ......... their pernicious 0684 -apoleia-> their ......... their phylacteries 5440 -phulakterion-> their ......... their possessions 2933 -ktema-> their ......... their power 1411 -dunamis-> their ......... their purpose 4286 -prothesis-> their ......... their reward 3408 -misthos-> their ......... their robes 4749 -stole-> their ......... their seats 2362 -thronos-> their ......... their senses 0145 -aistheterion-> their ......... their sepulchres 3419 -mnemeion-> their ......... their ships 4143 -ploion-> their ......... their sick 0732 -arrhostos-> their ......... their sight 0308 -anablepo-> their ......... their sins 0266 -hamartia-> their ......... their sound 5353 -phthoggos-> their ......... their stripes 4127 -plege-> their ......... their synagogue 4864 -sunagoge-> their ......... their testimony 3141 -marturia-> their ......... their thoughts 1261 -dialogismos-> their ......... their thoughts 1270 -dianoema-> their ......... their thoughts 1761 -enthumesis-> their ......... their threatenings 0547 -apeile-> Their ......... Their throat 2995 -larugx-> their ......... their time 2119 -eukaireo-> their ......... their tongues 1100 -glossa-> their ......... their treasures 2344 -thesauros-> their ......... their trespasses 3900 -paraptoma-> their ......... their ungodly 0763 -asebeia-> their ......... their voices 5456 -phone-> their ......... their way , and found 2147 -heurisko-> their ......... their way . their ......... their way 3598 -hodos-> their ......... their way : their ......... their ways , one 3303 -men-> their ......... their ways into 1519 -eis-> their ......... their ways to the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios-> their ......... their weak 0770 -astheneo-> their ......... their whole 3650 -holos-> their ......... their wickedness 4189 -poneria-> their ......... their widows 5503 -chera-> their ......... their wives 1135 -gune-> their ......... their women 2338 -thelus-> their ......... their word 3056 -logos-> their ......... their works 2041 -ergon-> their ......... their worm 4663 -skolex-> their ......... them by their fruits 2590 -karpos-> their ......... them from their purpose 1013 -boulema-> their ......... them in their hands 5495 -cheir-> their ......... them in their hearts 2588 -kardia-> their ......... them in their synagogue 4864 -sunagoge-> their ......... them out of their coasts 3725 -horion-> their ......... them their clothes 2440 -himation-> their ......... them their hire 3408 -misthos-> their ......... them their portion 4620 -sitometron-> their ......... them up in their hearts 2588 -kardia-> their ......... them with one of their fingers 1147 -daktulos-> their ......... them with their unbelief 0570 -apaistia-> their ......... themselves with their own 0848 -hautou-> their ......... they of their murders 5408 -phonos-> their ......... they their hands 5495 -cheir-> their ......... things , their duty 3784 -opheilo-> their ......... through their unbelief 0543 -apeitheia-> their ......... to be their king 0935 -basileus-> their ......... to their charge 2476 -histemi-> their ......... to their charge 3049 -logizomai-> their ......... to their minister 5257 -huperetes-> their ......... to their own 2398 -idios-> their ......... to their own city 4172 -polis-> their ......... to their own houses 3624 -oikos-> their ......... to their unrighteousness 0093 -adikia-> their ......... to their will 2307 -thelema-> their ......... to their works 2041 -ergon-> their ......... unto him of their substance 5224 -huparchonta-> their ......... unto me with their mouth 4750 -stoma-> their ......... unto their fellows 2083 -hetairos-> their ......... unto their lord 2962 -kurios-> their ......... unto their own 1438 -heautou-> their ......... unto their own 2398 -idios-> their ......... unto their partners 3353 -metochos-> their ......... unto us their children 5043 -teknon-> their ......... up their city 4172 -polis-> their ......... up their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos-> their ......... up their sins 0266 -hamartia-> their ......... up their voice 5456 -phone-> their ......... up their voices 5456 -phone-> their ......... upon their faces 4383 -prosopon-> their ......... upon their feet 4228 -pous-> their ......... upon their foreheads 3359 -metopon-> their ......... was their place 5117 -topos-> their ......... with their dissimulation 5272 -hupokrisis-> their ......... with their ears 3775 -ous-> their ......... with their eyes 3788 -ophthalmos-> their ......... with their fathers 3962 -pater-> their ......... with their flesh 4561 -sarx-> their ......... with their harps 2788 -kithara-> their ......... with their heart 2588 -kardia-> their ......... with their lamps 2985 -lampas-> their ......... with their rulers 0758 -archon-> their ......... with their sacrifices 2378 -thusia-> their ......... with their tongues 1100 -glossa-> their ......... with their unlawful 0459 -anomos-> their ......... you from their company , and shall reproach 3679 -oneidizo-> their ......... you in their synagogues 4864 -sunagoge-> theirs ......... for theirs 0846 -autos-> theirs ......... men , as theirs 1565 -ekeinos-> theirs ......... theirs and ours 2257 -hemon-> third ......... a third 5154 -tritos-> third ......... And it was the third 5154 -tritos-> third ......... And the third 5154 -tritos-> third ......... and the third 5154 -tritos-> third ......... as the third 5154 -tritos-> third ......... down from the third 5152 -tristegon-> third ......... him , and the third 5154 -tritos-> third ......... him : and the third 5154 -tritos-> third ......... in the third 5154 -tritos-> third ......... is the third 5154 -tritos-> third ......... it is but the third 5154 -tritos-> third ......... not for a third 5154 -tritos-> third ......... the third 5154 -tritos-> third ......... unto him the third 5154 -tritos-> third ......... unto them the third 5154 -tritos-> third ......... up the third 5154 -tritos-> third ......... up to the third 5154 -tritos-> third ......... upon the third 5154 -tritos-> third ......... was the third 5154 -tritos-> thirdly ......... thirdly 5154 -tritos-> thirst ......... and thirst 1372 -dipsao-> thirst ......... and thirst 1373 -dipsos-> thirst ......... he thirst 1372 -dipsao-> thirst ......... I thirst 1372 -dipsao-> thirst ......... man thirst 1372 -dipsao-> thirst ......... shall thirst 1372 -dipsao-> thirst ......... that I thirst 1372 -dipsao-> thirst ......... thirst 1372 -dipsao-> thirsty ......... I was thirsty 1372 -dipsao-> thirsty ......... thirsty 1372 -dipsao-> thirty ......... and thirty 5144 -triakonta-> thirty ......... the thirty 5144 -triakonta-> thirty ......... thirty 5144 -triakonta-> thirty ......... with him for thirty 5144 -triakonta-> thirtyfold ......... thirtyfold 5144 -triakonta-> Thyatira ......... and unto Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira-> Thyatira ......... and unto Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira-> Thyatira ......... in Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira-> Thyatira ......... of Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira-> uncircumcised ......... Abraham 11 > , which he had being yet uncircumcised 0203 -akrobustia-> uncircumcised ......... Abraham 11> , which he had being yet uncircumcised 0203 -akrobustia-> uncircumcised ......... and uncircumcised 0564 -aperitmetos-> uncircumcised ......... he had yet being uncircumcised 0203 - akrobustia-> uncircumcised ......... uncircumcised 1986 -epispaomai-> uncircumcised ......... uncircumcised 2192 -echo-> uncircumcision ......... And shall not uncircumcision 0203 - akrobustia-> uncircumcision ......... and the uncircumcision 0203 -akrobustia- > uncircumcision ......... and uncircumcision 0203 -akrobustia-> uncircumcision ......... but in uncircumcision 0203 -akrobustia-> uncircumcision ......... in uncircumcision 0203 -akrobustia-> uncircumcision ......... of the uncircumcision 0203 -akrobustia-> uncircumcision ......... shall not his uncircumcision 0203 - akrobustia-> uncircumcision ......... the uncircumcision 0203 -akrobustia-> uncircumcision ......... uncircumcision 0203 -akrobustia-> Uncircumcision ......... Uncircumcision 0203 -akrobustia-> uncircumcision ......... upon the uncircumcision 0203 - akrobustia-> undergirding ......... undergirding 5269 -hupozonnumi-> virgin ......... a virgin 3933 -parthenos-> virgin ......... and a virgin 3933 -parthenos-> virgin ......... and the virgin s 3933 -parthenos-> virgin ......... his virgin 3933 -parthenos-> virgin ......... To a virgin 3933 -parthenos-> virgin ......... virgin 3933 -parthenos-> virginity ......... from her virginity 3932 -parthenia-> virgins ......... for they are virgins 3933 -parthenos-> virgins ......... virgins 3933 -parthenos-> virtue ......... and to virtue 0703 -arete-> virtue ......... and virtue 0703 -arete-> virtue ......... that virtue 1411 -dunamis-> virtue ......... virtue 0703 -arete-> virtue ......... virtue 1411 -dunamis->