Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies

Genesis Chapter 1

ax 1270 ## barzel {bar-zel'}; perhaps from the root of 1269; iron (as cutting); by extension, an iron implement: -- ({ax}) head, iron.

bar 4300 ## m@tiyl {met-eel'}; from 2904 in the sense of hammering out; an iron bar (as forged): -- {bar}.

buckler 7420 ## romach {ro'-makh}; from an unused root meaning to hurl; a lance (as thrown); especially the iron point: -- {buckler}, javelin, lancet, spear.

environ 5437 ## cabab {saw-bab'}; a primitive root; to revolve, surround, or border; used in various applications, literally and figuratively (as follows): -- bring, cast, fetch, lead, make, walk, X whirl, X round about, be about on every side, apply, avoid, beset (about), besiege, bring again, carry (about), change, cause to come about, X circuit, (fetch a) compass (about, round), drive, {environ}, X on every side, beset (close, come, compass, go, stand) round about, inclose, remove, return, set, sit down, turn (self) (about, aside, away, back).

head 1270 ## barzel {bar-zel'}; perhaps from the root of 1269; iron (as cutting); by extension, an iron implement: -- (ax) {head}, iron.

iron 1270 ## barzel {bar-zel'}; perhaps from the root of 1269; iron (as cutting); by extension, an iron implement: -- (ax) head, {iron}.

iron 2743 # kauteriazo {kow-tay-ree-ad'-zo}; from a derivative of 2545; to brand ("cauterize"), i.e. (by implication) to render unsensitive (figuratively): -- sear with a hot {iron}.

Iron 3375 ## Yirown {yir-ohn'}; from 3372; fearfulness; Jiron, a place in Pal: -- {Iron}.

iron 4603 # sidereos {sid-ay'-reh-os}; from 4604; made of iron: -- (of) {iron}.

iron 4604 # sideros {sid'-ay-ros}; of uncertain derivation; iron: -- {iron}.

iron 6523 ## parzel (Aramaic) {par-zel'}; corresponding to 1270; iron: -- {iron}.

iron 7905 ## sukkah {sook-kaw'}; feminine of 7900 in the sense of 7899; a dart (as pointed like a thorn): -- barbed {iron}.

javelin 7420 ## romach {ro'-makh}; from an unused root meaning to hurl; a lance (as thrown); especially the iron point: -- buckler, {javelin}, lancet, spear.

lancet 7420 ## romach {ro'-makh}; from an unused root meaning to hurl; a lance (as thrown); especially the iron point: -- buckler, javelin, {lancet}, spear.

sorer 5501 # cheiron {khi'-rone}; irregular comparative of 2556; from an obsolete equivalent cheres (of uncertain derivation); more evil or aggravated (physically, mentally or morally): -- {sorer}, worse.

spear 7420 ## romach {ro'-makh}; from an unused root meaning to hurl; a lance (as thrown); especially the iron point: -- buckler, javelin, lancet, {spear}.

worse 5501 # cheiron {khi'-rone}; irregular comparative of 2556; from an obsolete equivalent cheres (of uncertain derivation); more evil or aggravated (physically, mentally or morally): -- sorer, {worse}.