iron 4604 # sideros {sid'-ay-ros}; of uncertain derivation; iron: -- {iron}.[ql iron 4603 # sidereos {sid-ay'-reh-os}; from 4604; made of iron: -- (of) {iron}.[ql iron 2743 # kauteriazo {kow-tay-ree-ad'-zo}; from a derivative of 2545; to brand ("cauterize"), i.e. (by implication) to render unsensitive (figuratively): -- sear with a hot {iron}.[ql sorer 5501 # cheiron {khi'-rone}; irregular comparative of 2556; from an obsolete equivalent cheres (of uncertain derivation); more evil or aggravated (physically, mentally or morally): -- {sorer}, worse.[ql worse 5501 # cheiron {khi'-rone}; irregular comparative of 2556; from an obsolete equivalent cheres (of uncertain derivation); more evil or aggravated (physically, mentally or morally): -- sorer, {worse}.[ql