Issachar Eze_48_25 /^{Issachar /a portion. Issachar Jos_19_23 /^{Issachar /according to their families , the cities and their villages . Issachar Jos_19_17 /^{Issachar /according to their families . Issachar Num_26_25 /^{Issachar /according to those that were numbered of them, threescore and four thousand and three hundred . Issachar Num_26_23 /^{Issachar /after their families : of Tola , the family of the Tolaites : of Pua , the family of the Punites : Issachar Jud_05_15 /^{Issachar /and also Barak : he was sent on foot into the valley . For the divisions of Reuben there were great thoughts of heart . Issachar Jud_10_01 /^{Issachar /and he dwelt in Shamir in mount Ephraim . Issachar Jos_17_11 /^{Issachar /and in Asher Bethshean and her towns , and Ibleam and her towns , and the inhabitants of Dor and her towns , and the inhabitants of Endor and her towns , and the inhabitants of Taanach and her towns , and the inhabitants of Megiddo and her towns , even three countries . Issachar Deu_27_12 /^{Issachar /and Joseph , and Benjamin : Issachar Num_02_05 /^{Issachar /and Nethaneel the son of Zuar shall be captain of the children of Issachar . Issachar Jos_21_06 /^{Issachar /and out of the tribe of Asher , and out of the tribe of Naphtali , and out of the half tribe of Manasseh in Bashan , thirteen cities . Issachar 1Ch_06_62 /^{Issachar /and out of the tribe of Asher , and out of the tribe of Naphtali , and out of the tribe of Manasseh in Bashan , thirteen cities . Issachar 1Ch_02_01 /^{Issachar /and Zebulun , Issachar 2Ch_30_18 /^{Issachar /and Zebulun , had not cleansed themselves, yet did they eat the passover otherwise than it was written . But Hezekiah prayed for them, saying , The good LORD pardon every one Issachar Gen_35_23 /^{Issachar /and Zebulun : Issachar 1Ch_12_40 /^{Issachar /and Zebulun and Naphtali , brought bread on asses , and on camels , and on mules , and on oxen , and meat , meal , cakes of figs, and bunches of raisins , and wine , and oil , and oxen , and sheep abundantly : for there was joy in Israel . Issachar Num_01_28 /^{Issachar /by their generations , after their families , by the house of their fathers , according to the number of the names , from twenty years old and upward , all that were able to go forth to war ; Issachar 1Ki_15_27 /^{Issachar /conspired against him; and Baasha smote him at Gibbethon , which belonged to the Philistines ; for Nadab and all Israel laid siege to Gibbethon . Issachar Num_07_18 /^{Issachar /did offer : Issachar Jos_19_17 /^{Issachar /for the children of Issachar according to their families . Issachar Eze_48_26 /^{Issachar /from the east side unto the west side , Zebulun a portion. Issachar Num_13_07 /^{Issachar /Igal the son of Joseph . Issachar Deu_33_18 /^{Issachar /in thy tents . Issachar Gen_49_14 /^{Issachar /is a strong ass couching down between two burdens : Issachar 1Ch_06_72 /^{Issachar /Kedesh with her suburbs , Daberath with her suburbs , Issachar Jos_21_28 /^{Issachar /Kishon with her suburbs , Dabareh with her suburbs , Issachar Num_01_08 /^{Issachar /Nethaneel the son of Zuar . Issachar 1Ch_27_18 /^{Issachar /Omri the son of Michael : Issachar Jos_17_10 /^{Issachar /on the east . Issachar Eze_48_33 /^{Issachar /one gate of Zebulun . Issachar Num_34_26 /^{Issachar /Paltiel the son of Azzan . Issachar 1Ch_26_05 /^{Issachar /the seventh , Peulthai the eighth : for God blessed him. Issachar Gen_46_13 /^{Issachar /Tola , and Phuvah , and Job , and Shimron . Issachar Num_10_15 /^{Issachar /was Nethaneel the son of Zuar . Issachar Num_01_29 /^{Issachar /were fifty and four thousand and four hundred . Issachar Rev_07_07 /${Issachar /were sealed twelve thousand . Issachar 1Ch_07_05 /^{Issachar /were valiant men of might , reckoned in all by their genealogies fourscore and seven thousand . Issachar Jud_05_15 /^{Issachar /were with Deborah ; even Issachar , and also Barak : he was sent on foot into the valley . For the divisions of Reuben there were great thoughts of heart . Issachar 1Ch_07_01 /^{Issachar /were, Tola , and Puah , Jashub , and Shimron , four . Issachar 1Ch_12_32 /^{Issachar /which were men that had understanding of the times , to know what Israel ought to do ; the heads of them were two hundred ; and all their brethren were at their commandment . Issachar Exo_01_03 /^{Issachar /Zebulun , and Benjamin ,