issues , PR , 4:23 issues , PS , 68:20 issues Interlinear Index Study issues PSA 068 020 [ He that is ] our God <00410 +>el > [ is ] the God <00410 +>el > of salvation <04190 +mowsha ; and unto GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > [ belong ] the {issues} <08444 +towtsa>ah > from death <04194 +maveth > . issues PRO 004 023 Keep <05341 +natsar > thy heart <03820 +leb > with all <03605 +kol > diligence<04929 +mishmar > ; for out of it [ are ] the {issues} <08444 +towtsa>ah > of life <02416 +chay > . issues from death - issues , 8444 , issues -8444 borders , forth , going , goings , {issues} , outgoings , issues 8444 -- towtsa/ah -- border(-s), going(-s) forth (out), {issues}, outgoings. issues 8444 ## towtsa>ah {to-tsaw-aw'}; or totsa>ah {to-tsaw- aw'}; from 3318; (only in plural collective) exit, i.e. (geographical) boundary, or (figuratively) deliverance, (actively) source: -- border(-s), going(-s) forth (out), {issues}, outgoings.[ql issues 068 020 Psa /^{issues /from death . issues 004 023 Pro /^{issues /of life . issues 2 - issues He that is] our God [is] the God of salvation; and unto GOD the Lord [belong] the {issues} from death. issues Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it [are] the {issues} of life.