joses , AC , 4:36 joses , MR , 6:3 , MR , 15:40 , MR , 15:47 joses , MT , 13:55 , MT , 27:56 Joses 2500 # Ioses {ee-o-sace'}; perhaps for 2501; Joses, the name of two Israelites: -- {Joses}. Compare 2499.[ql Joses Interlinear Index Study Joses MAT 013 055 Is not this <3778 -houtos -> the carpenter s <5045 -tekton -> son <5207 -huios -> ? is not his mother <3384 - meter -> called <3004 -lego -> Mary <3137 -Maria -> ? and his brethren <0080 -adephos -> , James <2385 -Iakobos -> , and {Joses} <2500 -Ioses -> , and Simon <4613 -Simon -> , and Judas <2455 -Ioudas -> ? Joses MAT 027 056 Among <1722 -en -> which <3739 -hos -> was Mary <3137 -Maria -> Magdalene <3094 -Magdalene -> , and Mary <3137 -Maria -> the mother <3384 -meter -> of James <2385 - Iakobos -> and {Joses} <2500 -Ioses -> , and the mother <3384 - meter -> of Zebedee s <2199 -Zebedaios -> children <5207 -huios - > . Joses MAR 006 003 Is not this <3778 -houtos -> the carpenter <5045 -tekton -> , the son <5207 -huios -> of Mary <3137 -Maria - > , the brother <0080 -adephos -> of James <2385 -Iakobos -> , and {Joses} <2500 -Ioses -> , and of Juda <2455 -Ioudas -> , and Simon <4613 -Simon -> ? and are not his sisters <0079 -adelphe - > here <5602 -hode -> with us ? And they were offended <4624 - skandalizo -> at <1722 -en -> him . Joses MAR 015 040 There were also <2532 -kai -> women <1135 - gune -> looking <2334 -theoreo -> on afar <3113 -makrothen -> off <0575 -apo -> : among <1722 -en -> whom <3739 -hos -> was Mary <3137 -Maria -> Magdalene <3094 -Magdalene -> , and Mary <3137 -Maria -> the mother <3384 -meter -> of James <2385 - Iakobos -> the less <3398 -mikros -> and of {Joses} <2500 -Ioses -> , and Salome <4539 -Salome -> ; Joses MAR 015 047 And Mary <3137 -Maria -> Magdalene <3094 - Magdalene -> and Mary <3137 -Maria -> [ the mother ] of {Joses} <2500 -Ioses -> beheld <2334 -theoreo -> where <4226 -pou -> he was laid <5087 -tithemi -> . Joses ACT 004 036 And {Joses} <2500 -Ioses -> , who <3588 -ho -> by the apostles <0652 -apostolos -> was surnamed <1941 - epikaleomai -> Barnabas <0921 -Barnabas -> , ( which is , being interpreted <3177 -methermeneuo -> , The son <5207 -huios -> of consolation <3874 -paraklesis -> , ) a Levite <3019 -Leuites -> , [ and ] of the country <1085 -genos -> of Cyprus <2954 -Kupros - > , joses beheld where he was laid * joses , 2500 , * joses , 2500 Ioses , joses -2500 {joses}, Joses 2500 ** Ioses ** {Joses}. Joses ......... and Joses 2500 -Ioses-> Joses ......... And Joses 2500 -Ioses-> Joses ......... and of Joses 2500 -Ioses-> Joses ......... the mother of Joses 2500 -Ioses-> Joses 2500 # Ioses {ee-o-sace'}; perhaps for 2501; Joses, the name of two Israelites: -- {Joses}. Compare 2499.[ql Joses 006 003 Mar /${Joses /and of Juda , and Simon ? and are not his sisters here with us ? And they were offended at him . Joses 015 040 Mar /${Joses /and Salome ; Joses 013 055 Mat /${Joses /and Simon , and Judas ? Joses 027 056 Mat /${Joses /and the mother of Zebedee's children . Joses 015 047 Mar /${Joses /beheld where he was laid . Joses 004 036 Act /${Joses /who by the apostles was surnamed Barnabas , , being interpreted , The son of consolation , a Levite , and of the country of Cyprus , joses Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and {Joses}, and Simon, and Judas? joses Among which was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and {Joses}, and the mother of Zebedee's children. joses Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and {Joses}, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him. joses There were also women looking on afar off: among whom was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the less and of {Joses}, and Salome; joses And Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother] of {Joses} beheld where he was laid. joses And {Joses}, who by the apostles was surnamed Barnabas, which is, being interpreted, The son of consolation,) a Levite, and] of the country of Cyprus,