kissed 2Sa_14_33 /^{kissed /Absalom . kissed Gen_45_15 /^{kissed /all his brethren , and wept upon them: and after that his brethren talked with him. kissed 2Sa_19_39 /^{kissed /Barzillai , and blessed him; and he returned unto his own place . kissed Psa_85_10 /^{kissed /each other. kissed Rut_01_14 /^{kissed /her mother in law ; but Ruth clave unto her. kissed Act_20_37 /${kissed /him , kissed Luk_15_20 /${kissed /him . kissed Mar_14_45 /${kissed /him . kissed Mat_26_49 /${kissed /him . kissed Gen_33_04 /^{kissed /him : and they wept . kissed Gen_29_13 /^{kissed /him, and brought him to his house . And he told Laban all these things . kissed 1Sa_10_01 /^{kissed /him, and said , Is it not because the LORD hath anointed thee to be captain over his inheritance ? kissed Pro_07_13 /^{kissed /him, and with an impudent face said unto him, kissed 2Sa_15_05 /^{kissed /him. kissed Gen_50_01 /^{kissed /him. kissed Exo_04_27 /^{kissed /him. kissed 1Ki_19_18 /^{kissed /him. kissed Gen_27_27 /^{kissed /him: and he smelled the smell of his raiment , and blessed him, and said , See , the smell of my son is as the smell of a field which the LORD hath blessed : kissed Exo_18_07 /^{kissed /him; and they asked each other of their welfare ; and they came into the tent . kissed Luk_07_38 /${kissed /his feet , and anointed them with the ointment . kissed Gen_31_55 /^{kissed /his sons and his daughters , and blessed them: and Laban departed , and returned unto his place . kissed Job_31_27 /^{kissed /my hand : kissed 1Sa_20_41 /^{kissed /one another , and wept one with another , until David exceeded . kissed Gen_29_11 /^{kissed /Rachel , and lifted up his voice , and wept . kissed Gen_48_10 /^{kissed /them, and embraced them. kissed Rut_01_09 /^{kissed /them; and they lifted up their voice , and wept .