because he loveth thee begat loveth him also <1JO5 -:1 > but he loveth him every one loveth gifts father himself loveth you for he loveth our nation friend loveth at all times getteth wisdom loveth his own soul he loveth righteousness he loveth transgression he who loveth god love his brother also <1JO4 -:21 > his father loveth him king's strength also loveth judgment lord loveth he chasteneth lord loveth he correcteth lord loveth judgment loveth abundance with increase loveth another hath fulfilled loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy loveth him chasteneth him betimes loveth his brother abideth <1JO2 -:10 > loveth his life shall lose it loveth his wife loveth himself loveth is born <1JO4 -:7 > loveth little loveth me loveth me not keepeth not my sayings loveth me shall be loved loveth not <1JO3 -:14 > loveth not his brother <1JO3 -:10 > loveth not his brother whom he hath seen <1JO4 -:20 > loveth not knoweth not god <1JO4 -:8 > loveth pleasure loveth pureness loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy loveth strife loveth violence his soul hateth loveth wine righteous lord loveth righteousness scorner loveth not one sought him whom my soul loveth such as he loveth therefore thy servant loveth it which loveth thee who loveth <3JO1 -:9 > whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge whoso loveth wisdom rejoiceth his father whosoever loveth will seek him whom my soul loveth