after many days shall they be visited after many days thou shalt be visited apostles were many signs as many as as many as as many as be perfect as many as ca <2SA2 -:23 > as many as came with peter as many as desire as many as had plagues as many as have not seen my face as many as have not this doctrine as many as have sinned as many as have spoken as many as obeyed him as many as obeyed him as many as thou hast given him as many as touched him were made whole as many as touched were made perfectly whole as many as trade by sea as many as walk according as many as wer <2CH29 -:31 > as many as were as many as were ordained as many as were willing hearted as many as would not worship as many as ye shall find as many were astonied at thee bade many be not many masters beat him above these with many stripes because ephraim hath made many altars because he had heard many things because many devils were entered into him because many false prophets are gone out into <1JO4 -:1 > because their transgressions are many because they were exceeding many <1KI7 -:47 > because thou hast spoiled many nations behold how many things they witness against thee being many <1CO12 -:12 > beriah had not many sons <1CH23 -:11 > brethren with many words bringing many sons unto glory but as many as received him but first must he suffer many things but his brethren had not many children <1CH4 -:27 > but is abundant also by many thanksgivings unto god <2CO9 -:12 > but king solomon loved many strange women <1KI11 -:1 > but many <1CO12 -:14 > but many but many but many but many shall cleave but they have sought out many inventions but though he had done so many miracles before them but what are they among so many but when he saw many but with many <1CO10 -:5 > by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many by peace shall destroy many cast out many devils chief rulers also many believed on him covenant with many for one week cut off many persons desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband did turn many away from iniquity digged many wells <2CH26 -:10 > do many things contrary dwellest upon many waters ephraim their father mourned many days <1CH7 -:22 > even now are there many antichrists <1JO2 -:18 > even without great power or many people firstborn among many brethren for as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners for as many as are for as many as are led by for as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law for as many as were possessors for as we have many members for he had many wives for many are called for many bare false witness against him for many be called for many days for many days for many deceivers are entered into <2JO1 -:7 > for many nations for many shall come for many shall come for many shall come for she hath cast down many wounded for there are many unruly for there fell down many slain <1CH5 -:22 > for there were many coming for there were many with me for they had many wives <1CH7 -:4 > for this man doeth many miracles for thou shalt find it after many days forasmuch as many have taken gathered together all as many as they found gave him many great gifts give him as many as he needeth good profession before many witnesses <1TI6 -:12 > great desire these many years had exceeding many flocks <2SA12 -:2 > had many sons <1CH8 -:40 > had many things <3JO1 -:13 > had suffered many things harlot with many lovers hath cast out many nations before thee hath many children is waxed feeble <1SA2 -:5 > hath many members <1CO12 -:12 > have done these so many years have heard many such things have many things have suffered many things this day have ye suffered so many things have yet many things having many things <2JO1 -:12 > he desired many wives <2CH11 -:23 > he did many things he did not many mighty works there because he must suffer many things he shall judge among many people he spake many things unto them he tarried many days he taught them many things by parables he was seen many days heads over many countries hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee her blood many days out his excellent majesty many days his years as many generations holy ghost not many days hence how many baskets full how many baskets full how many baskets ye took up how many baskets ye took up how many hired servants how many loaves have ye how many loaves have ye how many loaves have ye how many soever they be <2SA24 -:3 > how many things he ministered unto me at ephesus <2TI1 -:18 > how many thousands how many times shall <1KI22 -:16 > how many times shall <2CH18 -:15 > israel shall abide many days without jeremiah had remained there many days jerusalem many days <1KI2 -:38 > jews' religion above many my equals judah sent many letters unto tobiah kadesh many days let as many servants as are under <1TI6 -:1 > live many years lord hath given me many sons <1CH28 -:5 > lord make his people an hundred times so many more as they <1CH21 -:3 > make thyself many as make thyself many as making many books man live many years man must suffer many things man must suffer many things many adversaries <1CO16 -:9 > many among them shall stumble many angels round about many are one bread <1CO10 -:17 > many believed many believed many believed on him many believed on him there many bodies many brought gifts unto <2CH32 -:23 > many bulls have compassed me many charged him many cities many crowns many daughters have done virtuously many days <1KI18 -:1 > many days many days appeared many days were fulfilled many dead bodies many devices many evils many false prophets shall rise many feathers many foolish <1TI6 -:9 > many friends many generations many generations many generations many generations many glory after <2CO11 -:18 > many good works have many hearing many hearts may be revealed many horses running many isles many kings shall be raised up from many knew him many lay many lepers were many members <1CO12 -:20 > many men died many more believed because many nations many nations many nations many nations many nations many nations have many nations shall be joined many nations shall come many nations shall pass by this city many offences unto justification many other signs truly did jesus many other such like things ye do many other things many other things blasphemously spake they against him many other things there be many other women which came up with him unto jerusalem many others many others many others many pastors have destroyed my vineyard many people many people many people many people many people many people many people many people as many people as many people shall go many people with thee many people with thee many people with thee many persons thanks may be given by many on our behalf <2CO1 -: 11 > many physicians many prophets many prophets many publicans many publicans many redound <2CO4 -:15 > many resorted unto him many said many seek many shall be purified many shall come from many shall fall down slain many shall follow their pernicious ways <2PE2 -:2 > many shall make suit unto thee many shall rejoice at his birth many shall run many shall see many shall wax cold many shouted aloud for joy many sleep <1CO11 -:30 > many sorrows many spread their garments many strong many such many such like things do ye many swine feeding many swine feeding on many t many taken with palsies many there be which go many therefore many things <2CO8 -:22 > many things many things many things we offend all many thou shalt give many thousands many times did he deliver them many villages many waters <2SA22 -:17 > many waters many waters many waters many waters many waters many waters many waters many waters many waters many waters cannot quench love many went out many were overthrown many wicked many widows were many will entreat many will say many women many women were there beholding afar off many wonders many words many words many ye shall give many many years me among many witnesses <2TI2 -:2 > more value than many sparrows more value than many sparrows mourned for his son many days my father's house are many mansions not many days after not many fathers <1CO4 -:15 > not many mighty <1CO1 -:26 > not many noble <1CO1 -:26 > not many wise men after <1CO1 -:26 > now after many years now also many nations are gathered against thee old prophesied both against many countries one many be dead one shall many be made righteous order many proverbs pass after many days people for many isles pieces many people pierced themselves through with many sorrows <1TI6 -:10 > save by many or by few <1SA14 -:6 > seeing many things seeing there be many things send for many hunters shall bewail many which have sinned already <2CO12 -:21 > shall rebuke many people she hath wrought lewdness with many sing many songs sitteth upon many waters so many so many so many kinds <1CO14 -:10 > so shall he sprinkle many nations suffer many things teach them many things then many then many nations then shall many be offended there are also many other things which jesus did there be many servants now <1SA25 -:10 > there came many there were many lights thereby many be defiled therefore many these many years do they are many they brought unto him many they cast out many devils they continued there not many days they have made her many widows they may continue many days they truly were many priests this did she many days this title then read many those times there shall many stand up against thou filledst many people thou hast instructed many thou hast much goods laid up for many years thou must prophesy again before many peoples thou shalt abide for me many days thou shalt lend unto many nations thou shalt lend unto many nations thou shalt reign over many nations though many false witnesses came though thou givest many gifts thousand times so many more as ye thy house by cutting off many people thy life shall be many thy name done many wonderful works too many for me troubled about many things truth many houses shall be desolate turn many upon as many as heard these things upon many waters vain shalt thou use many medicines very many trees on was builded these many years ago we compassed mount seir many days wealth maketh many friends when many evils when many maidens were gathered together unto shushan when they had been there many days when they had laid many stripes upon them when we had sailed slowly many days when ye make many prayers where many were gathered together praying whether with many <2CH14 -:11 > which are many which is shed for many which is shed for many for which slew many who also honoured us with many honours who had done many acts <1CH11 -:22 > who had done many acts <2SA23 -:20 > whom also he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs whom we have many things will cause many nations will he make many supplications unto thee will make many people amazed at thee will make thee ruler over many things will make thee ruler over many things will send for many fishers with many other words did he testify with many others also with many ships with many such parables spake he with many tears with very many chariots <2CH16 -:8 > wonder unto many wrote unto you with many tears <2CO2 -:4 > ye have not left your brethren these many days unto this day ye may live many days yet among many nations was there no king like him yet making many rich <2CO6 -:10 > yet many years yet many years didst thou forbear them